Star-Crossed Lovers


There is one rule that vampires have to follow: never get too involved with humans. And there is one thing that vampires seek in their lives: to find their perfect partner who will make them into mortal and who will let them peacefully age and die together. For years, Jun Hyung has been trying to find his match. He was tired of seeing all of his friends die before him, pass away with a smile, and live their lives to the fullest because of that one special someone. One thing led to another, and he became the rapper and dancer in B2ST and he, for once, somewhat enjoyed it. But he thought that he would just accidentally 'die' and get away from the music industry. But he meets this girls, this human girl makes me want to stay, not 'die', and find his true meaning in life. But they were never fated to be with one another, so will he really break the one taboo that he always obeyed all his life?


We will always be seperated by fate
Our stars will never cross
And our stars will never meet
And therefore, our destinies were sealed just like that
We weren't supposed to meet but we did
We weren't supposed to fall in love but we might
And one thing I know for sure...
I really love you...

If you were meant to never fall in love with the one person you really started to like, what would you do? What would you do if that love could simply ruin you, kill that other special person, and leave the world in chaos? And what would you do if you knew that your heart only loved that person, hurt for that person, and cried for that person? And what just couldn't control yourself?

Jun Hyung is a vampire, a supernatural being that nobody notices in life. They are everywhere, living amongst us humans, enduring the long heat and basking in the cold winters. They are talented, beautiful and full of power, and some don't use it at all. Yeong Won is just a young girl whose family is messed up and she has to make her own living. She has no other way to escape her lonely life besides through work and her one friend, Da Kyung.

These two encounter one another when one thing leads to another. But these two weren't meant for each other no matter how loving they were. And there will always be many people to make sure that their relationship doesn't work.

The poster and background are amazing! <3 Thank you!!!
Poster credits to Changminxmc @


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