Darkest Hour : A Dark Love ((COMPLETED))
Yun-Ho was sittign by the glass where no one coudl see and he saw as everybody had their dances.

Mi Mi and Victoria hid somewhere where they won't be seen, right underneath them, they were right where the fruit punch was. Victoria walked around and she looked up at where the glass shoudl be and smirked at Yun-Ho who was pretty surprised. She danced.

"Oh, that girl in the red...didn't she come with someone?" asked a human.

"Yeah...I've danced with her but I did not ask her name...she was a very beautiful girl." The vampire said as he looked at Yun-Ho was just stared back emotionlessly.

"Why don't you ask her for a night together at the club?"

"I guess I should right?"

"The club?" Yun-Ho asked.

"Oh, I guess you haven't received word, aroudn 5 years ago, we started to go to the clubs after this party, a lot of people did it even before it was instigated, so we might as well add it to the agenda."

"I see. Well, I hope that girl goes with you," Yun-Ho said and he got up and excused himself.

Yun-Ho leaned against teh wall and sighed. his heart wanted somethign and yet his head said that he couldn't, it was the debate that had been lasting for so long. What was it that he had to choose. For a long time, his mind controlled everythign adn this was the first time his heart ever interfered.

Mi mi was a little stubborn, her heart said to walk out and let Yun-Ho see her while her head said that it was not a good idea. She was also having that intereference and for the two lovers, that was the only thing that was leading them apart.

Many men had offered for her dance but she had refused it all once more.

At that moment, Yun-Ho came downstairs and Victoria came to the rescue adn grabbed his arm and led him to a different direction. Mi MI sat down somewhere hidden so that she didn't have to see anything. SHe crossed her legs and let the dress fall down to her thighs.

"Mi Mi..." Yoo-Chun said coming to her.


Yoo-Chun looked down at her legs. She quickly fixed it and stood up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare." He apologized.

"It's fine."

"We're goign to a club, would like to come wiht us?"


"Yun-Ho is also coming, come on everybody loves him!"

"Maybe a later time...I'll go with my friends maybe."

"Okay, it's a club." Yoo Chun winked and he left.

Victoria came right back and she dragged Mi Mi.

"Come on, we're goign to the club."

Victoria had her car and so did her boyfriend and they went their own seperate ways. They were going somewhere far away. At that time in teh car, Mi MI borrowed Victoria's phone and called Hae-Won who was very worried but she said that she was fien adn that she was over a friend's house. Hae-Won knew it was some sort of lie but let it go, if she was fine, it's fine.

They reached teh club and Victoria made sure that they were the first so that they could find a seat somewhere far away. They were lucky and they found a seat in teh corner. Victoria felt pathetic but she wanted to do it for Yun-Ho's sake, he was going to get hurt around her after all.

"Sit down and relax...are you underage?"


"Damn, I thought you were one of those baby-faced girls."


"How old are you exactly?"


"When are you turning 18?"


"Okay, well then, have some beer."

"I know how to drink!" Mi MI said.

"Oh you do, well then, let's have some and get soem party rocking!" Victoria said excitedly. She went over to Yun-Ho whose back was to Mi Mi. Mi Mi didn't look and kept on drinking until her fourth bottle, she wasn't as drunk as a normal teeanger should be.

She was sort of angry and now she was goign to get really into this.

Yun-Ho saw Victoria but imagined Mi Mi there, he was pretty angry that he had to leave her behind. He wanted to keep her and have her as his own. But now, seh was gone and he was a lonely guy once more.

"So, Yun-Ho, how did things turn out with Mi Mi?" Victoria asked when everybody was otu of earshot.

"Well, it was okay."

"I see...do you miss her?" she asked drunk.


"Hm...I guess you do. You know, she was wearing this really y dress...I wish you could have seen it," Victoria said smirking. "She was with another man too."

That perked up Yun-Ho but he couldn't do anything.

"Oh really?" he said.

"Come on, get angry, get jealous, no?" Victoria asked making her two fingers crawl up his arm to his neck.

"Stop it. leave alone."

Finally, he left Victoria there who went back to Mi Mi. Her eyes were almost tearing.

"What's wrong Victoria?" Mi Mi asked.

"I can't take it...I loved Yun-Ho so much and when he was gone I missed him, I thoguth I forgot about him...I don't think I did...I'm sorry." She was hiccupping and Mi Mi hugged Victoria tightly. "But I love my boyfriend better!" she said loudly but the music was louder.

"Fine, Okay," Mi MI said. Victoria still hugged Mi Mi. Mi Mi saw Yun-Ho who got up onto the small stage and started to dance his heart out. He was sweating and he got so much attention and finally, he met it, the eyes of Mi Mi. Yun-Ho made a turn and Mi MI ran off. Yun-Ho spun and she was gone.

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hae-gi33 #1
thank you carly! :)
hi there. ^^<br />
i have tagged your story under the "yunho" tag. tagging merely helps more users to find your story, which gives you a better chance of getting featured on the front page of this site. ^^<br />
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