meet the boys

Super Junior & SHINee Romance Part 1 ^_^

"Oh hey!" he grinned his one dimple showing. God! Why is he so beautiful?

"Hey, urm... why aren't you downstairs with the other boys?" I asked and closed my door behind me. I walked over to him just as he fiddled with his door knob.

"I just needed to get something, that's all." he replied back. I looked at his door and saw panda stickers around his big blue name, with plastic bamboo stuck on either side of the name. I looked at him and pointed at his door.

"Err... You like pandas?" I smiled and touched the plastic bamboo. He nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes and there is a perfectly good reason why I like it." he answered back. "You see, I dressed up as a panda in school because the guys said that it was non-uniform day and it was animal theme so I dressed up as my favourite animal. But once I got there, everyone else was in their uniforms and I was the only person looking like a dummy. The boys pulled a prank on me and they always pick on me about it." I pulled a sad face and rubbed his arm feeling sorry for him but he seemed quite happy.

"Aww, they're just mean." I laughed. I can imagine him in a panda suit and walking around school. Bless him. He shrugged back and just grinned.

"Ready to meet the boys?" he asked, clapping his hands together. I nodded back, still abit unsure as he led me downstairs to Shindong’s door. He had stickers of doughnuts and ice creams, again around his name which was a yellow. I hesitated at the door as Leeteuk looked at me with a confused expression.

"Are you okay??" he laughed. I nodded silently as he sighed and went in first, telling me to wait for one minute. I listened closely to what he was saying. There was loads of shouting and talking and wrappers being crinkled and pillows being thrown.

"Yah! I'm warning you, Yumi will be coming in any minute and please, don't stare at her!" Leeteuk warned, his voice sounding sinister.

"Fine, but I'm not making any promises! If she's fit, I call dibs first!" I heard the deep y voice say, no sarcasm in her voice.

"Wait! Is she German?" someone asked. Leeteuk pulled me inside as I crept slowly inside and all other 10 heads turned to look at me.

"DIBS!!" I heard y voice say.

"No!! I call dibs!" the throaty deep voice argued back.

"Too late!" y voice said. I followed that voice and saw a boy giving me a flirty grin. He had small eyes which was outline with black kohl eyeliner, his hair a light brown, perfect skin and dressed in black. He looked dang hot I say!

"Hi, my name is Yesung." he grinned wider. I smiled back, my cheeks burning up.

"She doesn’t look German...” a voice said from behind me. I looked back and saw a boy with dark brown hair, a confused expression but cute eyes and a cute smile for me. He makes me think of a fish or some reason.

"That's because she's not German, Donghae! She's from England! London!" Yesung argued with him.

"Oh." Donghae blushed but not as much as me. Leeteuk faked a cough and my attention was brought back to him.

"You've met Yesung and Donghae now. You know Shindong and Kyuhyun," he pointed at Shindong and Kyuhyun who waved at me from the corner picking up sweet wrappers, "Eunhyuk," he pointed at a boy with a hat on and a monkey like face, his chest bare and phwoaarr! What a y body!

"Hiya Yumi. Welcome to Korea." he grinned, his accent was heavy but English was good.

"That's Heechul and Siwon." Leeteuk carried on and pointed at a gangly boy in a light blue hoody and black hair that compliments his face. He had that celebrity star face and he is just so pretty! He can be a girl!!! The other boy next to him was big brother like with such a mature face, mesmerising eyes and dark hair which was brushed back. He looked intimidating...

"Hey there. The names Heechul." The boy in the hood grinned ily. Corr!

"And I'm Siwon." mature face boy said, his voice throaty but still y. I grinned back at them all as Heechul winked, making me blush even more. By the time I get out of this room, I would faint and my cheeks would be cherry red!

"That's Ryeowook." Leeteuk showed me to a boy a tad bit taller than me, lean and skinny. He had that feminine look in him and I nearly mistaken him for a girl. But he looks really hot as well!! Wow!!

"Hi Yumi. It's so nice to meet you." he smiled; his voice was high and gentle. I smiled back as Leeteuk cleared his throat again.

"Sungmin and Henry." I looked to where he was pointing and my breath was cut short. My eyes darted first to a boy with seriously cute face with really small eyes which turned to lines when he smiled at me and his hair was lovely that I just wanted to ruffle it. He's so god damn good-looking! I looked over to the person next to him. He had such a baby face like the one next to him and such a cute smile and wide eyes when he looked at me. He was resting chin on his small fists and rocked side to side. He was adorable! I couldn’t take my eyes off him at all!

"I'm Henry..." The first boy I saw smiled and waved at me.

"Sungmin." Wide eyes said. I'm living with such good-looking boys! Argghh!!!! But I got to say, Donghae and Sungmin is the cutest and Henry is just wow! Absolutely wow! I was speechless. I stared back at Henry. I seem to be attracted to him more than the others. I finally smiled.

"It's nice to meet you all." I smiled while blushing again and again, my voice getting shaky with every word.

"I like your accent." Donghae grinned while Siwon rolled his eyes at him. "So, do you any Korean?" I shook my head foolishly and looked at Leeteuk for help.

"I'm not fluent in Korean to be honest...” I murmured.

"So how come you moved here?" Donghae asked. Yesung hit him around the head.

"What he means is it that what made you want to move here?" Leeteuk chipped in.

"Oh, I heard that Korea has great education and I want to live with my god mother. I think that's all." I explained. How I hate being the centre of attention. Especially in front of 11 boys! Argghh!!!! I kept looking over at Henry who looks down blushing as well as Sungmin who was hiding his face in his hands like a little kid. Shindong was now eating more sweets and throwing the wrappers by his feet much to Ryeowook's annoyance who looked like he would explode.

"You do know you can sit down, Yumi." Eunhyuk laughed, pushing a large pillow out the way from next to him so there was a free space. "You live here now. With us guys." I shuffled nervously and sat down on the chair silently.

"Pass us the sweets, Shindong!" Ryeowook's high voice asks. "And please pick up those wrappers. I don't really want to clean up your mess."

"As you can see, Wookie is a bit OCD." Eunhyuk winked at me.

"I am so not OCD!" Ryeowook argued back throwing a pillow. They continued they're banter while the others striked up a conversation. Kyuhyun and Leeteuk was speaking in fast Korean and glances at me once in a while.

"Do you like your room?" I heard someone ask. I looked over to Henry who was smiling.

"Yes. Very, it's really wonderful. Thank you for actually spending like nearly a month trying to get it ready for me." I blushed.

"Hey, no worries." Henry grinned, "Hope you like the colours I picked. Sungmin wanted it pink because you were a girl." I looked at Sungmin who blushed back and kept silent at the corner, picking on some sweets.

"Minnie is quite obsessed with pink." Shindong smirked with his mouth full.

"Wookie? Minnie?" I chuckled. Pet names? Or just nicknames.

"You haven't told Yumi about all our nicknames?" Shindong asked Kyuhyun. He shook his head and smirked back at me.

"Sungmin is called Minnie because he just so mini." So true. Sungmin scrunched up his face and I just can't help but go 'aww'. "Ryeowook is called Wookie. Ryeowookie. Leeteuk is called Teukie, pretty much shortened to be honest. Or Peter Pan because he doesn't want to grow old." I looked over at Leeteuk who gave me a warm smile and continued talking to Kyuhyun in such fast Korean that I hardly know what they are even saying.

"Kyuhyun is Magnae as he is the youngest out of all of us. Evil Magnae that is."

"Really? I thought Sungmin is the youngest." I bit my lip as Sungmin nodded politely at me.

"Narhh... Donghae is Fishie." Shindong grinned. I couldn't help but laugh out loud as Donghae glared over at Shindong who hid himself behind Siwon.

"Why Fishie??" I asked, trying to stifle my laughing.

"Because I like seafood." Donghae said.

"And because he smells like a fish too." Yesung added. Donghae came up to him and started play fighting on the ground, sweet wrappers flying everywhere.

"Don't worry about them... We are always like this." Kyuhyun smiled sweetly.

"Just them." Heechul pointed out to me. If they smile one more time at me, I'm going to faint and lose my head. I'm really surprised by how great their English are. Thank god! I started to panic that I'm really boring to talk to. I decided to just look down on my hands and tap my foot on the carpet because of how much I'm nervous.

"Shindong, what's for dinner?" Donghae asked.

"Fish." Shindong replied back to him. Donghae clapped enthusiastically and sat back down, turning the telly on to SpongeBob. He and Yesung had stopped play-fighting and now Yesung was yawning loudly, making me yawn as well.

"I think you should go get some sleep, as we all have school and plus you're plane-lagged." Sungmin finally spoke, getting up from his seat.

"It's jet-lagged Minnie." Yesung rolled his eyes at him.

"Come, I'll take you up." Leeteuk offered. I got up lazily, my body giving in and I feel like jelly. Where did all this sleepiness come from?

"Na junge ebwae yo!" All of the others said in chorus. Corr. They could be a boy-band with y voices and sweet voices like that! It's just unreal! Leeteuk wrapped his arm around my waist, guiding me out of the living room and up the stairs.

"They really like you. All of them" Leeteuk said, walking me inside my room.


"Ne!" he replied, 'Ne' meaning yes in Korean.

"But I'm boring to talk to! A few questions and all answered and it turned awkward because I didn't know what else to say..." I mumbled.

"You're not boring. You're just shy. Trust me; by the end of this week, you will come out of your shell. We're really easy to talk to you know." Leeteuk explained, "Just act you. We all like you." I smiled back as he tucked me in bed like a big brother would do.

"Thanks Teukie." I paused when he laughed.

"It's okay and call me Teukie. It don't really matter." he smiled. "How about a bedroom raid tomorrow after school?"

"Sure. But wait... How can I get to school? And what time???" I panicked, getting flustered.

"Don't worry! I'll drive you to school. You'll just have to sit in Kyuhyun's lap." he laughed, "Oh and I'll wake you before anyone else wakes up. Especially before Eunhyuk as he takes up the hot water in the morning all the time. Night, sweet dreams." he patted my knee and left the room, closing the door for me. I stared at the ceiling and imagined the sheep to make me fall asleep. I even imagined the boys' faces clearly in my head like they were tattooed permanently there. I imagined Henry and Sungmin. But I can't tell whose better looking! Soon enough, I fell asleep.

Author' note: heyy guyyssss! still no subscibers? +___+ hmm.... hopefully i will have some soon. do comment! <3

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750 streak #1
Great story
shinee3 #3
this is an awesome stry!
cherry203 #4
love love this ur the best..oh & i also have other ideas for more story dramas for u people and u'll love it but i'm new here and idk how to make a story...oh and if u guys want more type in love or war seraphim terror if ur a big fan of korea's boyfriend band
KpopAndKdramaLover #5
yeepee ! can't wait for the part 2 <3 , i'll read this all over again !
KpopAndKdramaLover #6
hoho , i read this story everyday! actually i came here because of shinee but after that , i like suju more than shinee xD
KpopAndKdramaLover #7
hey , thanks for the update , i love it <3 ,
KpopAndKdramaLover #8
Please update this more ! i fell in love with this story xD
please update hate you love you and super junior & shinee romance part 1 i've been waiting for the longest time and i'm still waiting for at least 1 update plllllleeeeeaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeee update you will bring peace to me<br />
Let Donghee sit on them :3 LOL I love this <3