Too Protective

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.


--Your POV--


Its Lunch Time! Yippeee... But my beloved Boyfriend isn't here so he asked me to meet up with his sister who's 4 BUILDINGS away from our building. Do you know how big buidings in KHU are? And i have no choice but to meet up with her cause Kyu told me too. Its not like were not close , its just that , Ahra unnie is always bothered by Kyu because of me. I could always hang out with Sungmin cause he's from the same building but Kyu hates our building because of my FANBASE *as what Kyu calls it* ..



Ahra: So .. Eunsuh .. Hows a day without Kyu?? Do you feel FREE now? Ohh ... I bet not since he asked you to be with me. Its like your still guarded. But hey .. Its been a while since you walked through this school alone.

Me: Yeah .. It has been a while. Its so different. Its like i'm used to Kyu being next to me all the time. Now i can really feel those eyes lurking on me and my savior isn't here to keep them away.

Ahra: You just miss him ..

Me: I really do , Unnie. I'm sorry if he had to bother you again because of me. You know how protective he is.

Ahra: He can be such a pain in the neck. But you know he only loves you , Eunsuh. Thats why he's too protective over you.

Me: I love him too , unnie. Thats why even if i want him not to work in Lee Corp. , i cant say no. Its his happiness.

Ahra: Its only for today. If the company accepts him ... I guess you have to cope up with it. But Kyu only loves you so dont be worried.

Me: What if he meets a girl prettier than me?? What if he leaves me for her? What if he losses time for me?

Ahra: *cuts in* SHHHHS! TRUST KYU! HE LOVES YOU! And dont fool me .. You know no one is prettier than you.

Me: You are Unnie.

Ahra: *smirks* Thats why i love you for Kyu. You're just like him! You know how to get me pleased.




I really hope to see Kyu soon. I miss him .. I hate those eyes lurking at me. Good thing their as scared of unnie as they are of Kyu's threats ... He's way too protective over me that he doesn't even let me hang out with Sungmin alone cause ... He's a little bit of the JEALOUS TYPE.... Uhhh ... Ok .. Maybe not A LITTLE BIT but A LOT. 




--Kyu's POV--


After 4 hours of hell with Lee Corp's heir , he left me with another intern for lunch. He said he has to report to his dad. He looks nice. I haven't actually made a friend since i got here.



Kyu: Annyeong! Cho Kyuhyun imnida.

Jonghyun: Annyeong. Kim Jonghyun imnida. Its nice to meet you , Kyu.

Kyu: What school are you from?

Jonghyun: Seoul Univ. Same as Donghae ... You must be the guy from KHU , right?

Kyu: How did you know?

Jonghyun: You're pretty famous outside KHU too. And i'm a part of Seoul Univ.'s Student Governent with Donghae , who is our president , so i got to hear more about you.

Kyu: Ohh ... Well , Its nice to meet you.

Jonghyun: You too , Kyu. You seem so cool.

Kyu: You seem cool too. Unlike Donghae.

Jonghyun: Donghae? He's cool , but i admit , he is a bit bossy and smarty kind of guy. He's just lonely.

Kyu: Lonely? So , he doesn't have a girlfriend.?

Jonghyun: He had one .. Two months ago .. But she left him.

Kyu: Ouch ... That hurts. No wonder he's like that. Did she break up cause he's a bit arrogant?

Jonghyun: Maybe .. But she also wanted to go to France to study more about Fashion Designing. She doesn't believe in Long Distance Relationships so she broke up. Thats why the Nice Donghae before became too arrogant and too careful over everything.

Kyu: Ohh ... I see. Good thing my girlfriend isn't like that or i would've just killed myself.

Jonghyun: So ... You have a Girlfriend? 

Kyu: Yeah ... Thats why i'm here in Lee Corp. So after we graduate , i can propose to the prettiest girl alive.

Jonghyun: Wow. She must be really pretty. And she's so lucky to have you. I'd ask who she is but i'm sure i dont know.

Kyu: If you know so much about KHU , then you probably know her. She's Min Eunsuh , the second smartest student in KHU , next to me , of course ..

Jonghyun: Really?? *shocked expression* You're Min Eunsuh's boyfriend?? WOAH! *hits his shoulder* You're so lucky , dude! I've seen pictures! She's sooooo PRETTY! I heard all those guy students in Kyunghee are nuts over her!

Kyu: Now you say i'm the lucky one?? Well , i really am. I have the prettiest , smartest and sweetest girl in the whole world. And she's the only one i love. and she doesn't love anyoe else but me too! So , take note ... SHE'S MY GIRL! Don't steal her from me.

Jonghyun: Relax! Relax! I have a girlfriend , you dont have to point it out. Besides , i only think she's pretty. But .. Are you sure she's your girlfriend or you just made an account in Facebook and placed a fake account of hers in a RELATIONSHIP status?

Kyu: Yah! She's my girlfriend .. Ok? Since we're friends now , i'll introduce you to her soon.

Jonghyun: Really? I'll meet KHU's Goddess? *excited*

Kyu: Goddess?

Jonghyun: Yeah! Have you looked at her closely? Perfect face , Perfect grades , Perfect complection , Perfect curves , Perfect--

Kyu: *cuts in* You sound stalkish if you describe her like that. I know she's too perfect for me , ok? But ..Come on! I am Handsome and Smart. And we look good together.

Jonghyun: Hmm *thinks* .. Yeah .. I guess ... You do look good together.

Kyu: *puts his arm around his shoulder* No wonder i like you as a friend. You get me. Good thing i found the BEST FRIEND i could have here in Lee Corp.

Jonghyun: Same goes to you.



ATLAST! I Found a friend in this company ... And i found the best one. Ony Donghae makes this place scary for me.  If thats what breaking up does to someone , I hope Eunsuh doesn't leave me cause i love her so much.




--Donghae's POV--


I guess Kyuhyun is ok. But there's something about him that i just cant take. Is it just because he's new or maybe because Appa likes him so much. Well , its not like he can take away my place as his son and heir. Or maybe because i'm still not over her. Its been two months but only one question is in my head. How can she just leave me? I just have to forget her. I have to report to appa now. I went in his office and sat on a couch infronr of his table.



Hae: Abeoji ..

Mr. Lee: *looks at Hae* Ohh .. Donghae. I didn't notice you there. So , how's Kyuhyun?

Hae: He's ok .. I guess ..But , Are you sure you wanna hire another student here? Don't you think Lee Corp. is turning amateur because of that?

Mr. Lee: If thats the case then i should fire you and all your schoolmates working here , right?

Hae: Appa ..

Mr. Lee: I hired Kyu because i think he has potential. You must feel different over him cause all of the student workers here are from Seoul Univ. and he's the only one from Kyunghee. I came from KHU. And i know that the teachers and students there are well taught.

Hae: But , he's studying? What about his schedules in school? Its not right to hire someone just because he's from the same alma mater.Mr. Lee: We'll do the same thing we did with you and your other schoolmates. We'll settle his schedues with Kyunghee. And i'm not hiring him because of that. I believe in him.

Hae: You're really planning on hiring him?

Mr. Lee: It would be a mistake if i dont , Donghae.

Donghae: Fine ... Do whatever you want. I have to go too Seoul University now. I have projects there to do.

Mr. Lee: Tell Kyuhyun to come here before you leave.

Donghae: Ok ..



Why does he like Kyu so much ? He talks like he's known him for years. Doesn't he know hiring Kyu is a risk? Wait .. Why am i so worried? Its not like he can take away the Heir part of me in Lee Corp. I just cant stand it . Appa wants him because he's from KHU. He wanted me to study in KHU but i didn't want to. Uggh. Why does that school matter so much to him?




--Kyu's POV--


Ok .. I got the chills down my spine when Donghae told me Mr. Lee wants to see me. But i'm sure he's nicer than Hae. He's one of the most successful students of KHU and he's really an inspiration of a great success story. I wonder what i'll do. I knocked at the door and opened it a little , enough to peek my head in .



Kyu: Uhh ... Mr. Lee?? Sir?? Donghae said you called for me.

Mr. Lee: Kyuhyun! Come in!

Kyu: Ne *comes in and stands infront of him*

Mr. Lee: Sit down ... Dont be shy.

Kyu: Thank you *bows and sits down*

Mr. Lee: How are you doing? Do you like it here?

Kyu: Ne .. Everyone is so nice , sir.

Mr. Lee: Kyu ... Will you accept it if i hire you? Because a part of me really wants to. I've only known you for a short time , but your presence makes me feel like a son is infront of me. And i can see myself in you .. You're like me when i was just starting a life once i entered KHU.

Kyu: Ohh .. Thank You Mr. Lee. You're like a Sonsaengnim and your a real inspiration. Its an honor that you think of me that way ...

Mr. Lee: Well ... I have good news. Cause i'm gonna hire you. and we're gonna settle everything with your school. I hope you do your best once its all settled. And i want you to visit when you arrive and leave .. Ok?

Kyu: I will! Thank you , sonsaengnim .. I mean ... Mr. Lee , Sir.

Mr. Lee: Call me whatever you want. I feel this celebratory mode because i accepted you. Why dont we call Donghae and eat together?

Kyu: Uhh ... I'm sorry , Mr. Lee. But i cant. I still have to go to KHU and i have to catch up with the bus if i wanna get there early. I have to pick up my girlfriend from school.

Mr. Lee: Girlfriend?? You have a girlfriend?? Then , she's so lucky to have you. You should go to her now and talk to e some other tie.

Kyu: Thank you ... Annyeong.




Mr. Lee is really nice. I feel like he's a real dad. Donghae's so lucky to have him and i hope he sees that. Now .. I'm happy! I can go to Eunsuh! I hope Ahra noona took care of her. I would hate it if other guys lurk all over her. Their so dead.














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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!