Carried Away

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.

--Donghae's POV--

Its been days since i asked the detective to do some searching on Eunsuh... Why am i like this over one girl?? I got a text from the Detective to meet me now. I have to bring money ... That guy doesn't accept cash. But i guess its worth every penny if he got good informations.. We meet in a secret place cause this guy is really full of secrets. It was really dark and he was sitting in a chair infront of a table and another chair which i think where i should sit.




Detective: It took me a while to get these. Boys at her school don't really like outsiders messing with her.

Hae: How much is this gonna cost me?

Detective: Since i know your dad ... 2.5 million won will do it.

Hae: Good thing i brought the exact ammount. Now . Where's the info first?

Detective: *takes out a black file folder* Its all here. There are even pictures there.

Hae: *puts the suitcase on the table* There ... you dont have to count it. Its all there.

Detective: You keep your words ... Here *gives the files* 

Hae: I don't want my dad knowing this .. Arasso??

Detective: I never tell anyone my private transactions ... *takes the case and goes out*





I'm holding the folder that contains everything i have to know about her. I quickly went on my way to my condo unit , to my study room , and quickly analyzed the papers. She really is smart. We almost have the same records of grades and Cho Kyuhyun's records is .... How can he be smarter?? She isn't rich and her parents work in a Fish port selling fish in the market .. How can such a pretty girl have such a poor life? And i hate these picture with Kyuhyun all over her. She works in the Fish market every weekends?? Tommorow's saturday ... Yeah .. Donghae ... You have to be there tomorrow. I dont care about Kyuhyun. I just care about Eunsuh.





--Your POV--


These past few days .. In school .. On my way home .. Hanging out with my friends and Kyu ... I felt like there's always eyes looking at me. I just couldn't tell Kyu because i dont want him to worry and i'll be leaving on Monday. Good thing i dont feel eyes looking at us today. School just ended. Min oppa and I were walking out to the gates until ...






Me: Kyuhyunnie?? What are you doing here?

Kyu: Picking up my lovely girlfriend. I have make up classes tommorow.

Me: I wanna help you but i have to be at the Fish Market tommorow.

Kyu: I know ... Lets go out. 

Me: I thought i said we'll go on a Date on Sunday??

Kyu: But i missed you ...

Sungmin: Kyu , You really have to work your schedules. You look tired. And Eunsuh is tired too. You two should rest and not go on Dates everyday.

Kyu: Well .. Its not easy. But i have to do well in Lee Corp. And ... My BabyEu is tired?? I guess i coud just take her home ......

Me: Why dont you just copy some of my notes..? I'll teach you some of what you need too.

Kyu: That would be great. So .. I can sleep over at your house tonight?? *tries to Aegyo*

Sungmin: Ewww Kyu. You look disgusting.

Me: *giggles* Ask my dad and don't you have make up classes tommorow? How are you gonna get ready for school tommorow?

Kyu: You'll wake up early to go to the market. Wake me up. Then i can go home and get ready.

Me: But you're a deep sleeper. 

Kyu: Give me a Bobo and i'll wake up ..

Sungmin: Eww.. You two aren't gonna do 'IT' tonight , are you?

Me: YAH! Oppa , when it comes to me and Kyu all you can think about is THAT.

Sungmin: It wouldn't surprise me if you two do it.

Me: YAH! Its really getting in my nerves. Stop saying that all the time.

Sungmin: OK .. OK. I have to go now ..

Kyu: Wae?? You have a date??

Sungmin: Not really. My mom wants us to have dinner all together again. My dad just got back from a business trip.

Me: Thats nice... I'm glad your dad is back safe.

Sungmin: Me too. He said he bought something for you and Kyu. Lets just say he said its his eary wedding present for the two of you ...

Me: Really? Thats too much of him ... Don't worry. I'll visit your dad when i get back next week. and Wedding present?

Sungmin: Thats what he said ... *runs off* BYYYYEEEEEEE EUNKYUUUUUUUUU!!





Min oppa is just so funny and cute. My lovey dovey boyfriend has to try and act cute on me while Sungmin is effortless and he barely tries. Ohh .. Kyuhyun. He's staying with us tonight ... I guess he is. My dad never refuses to Kyuhyun and he barely says no. And he already slept in my room a couple of times and we dont do ANYTHING like what Min oppa thinks all the time. But the worst thing of sleeping next to Kyu?? He snores ... REAL LOUD. I told him that a couple of times but he barely listens. Kyu called his parents along the way to out house. When we got there , Kyu and I greeted my parents as the were preparing dinner.





Kyu: Eommonie ... Abeoji .. Anyyeong Haseyo. *bows*

Me: Appa .. Omma ... I'm home .. 

Appa: Yeobo!! My son-in-law is here! *places his arm around Kyu's shoulder* How's Lee Corp?

Me: Aisshh .. You even forget to greet your own daughter. *goes to Omma*

Kyu: Its very tiring ... Uhh .. Abeoji .. Can i stay here for tonight? Eunsuh's gonna leave on Monday and i'm really gonna miss her.

Appa: Of course you can! You're like my son now , Kyuhyunnie.

Omma: Just promise us you wont do anything there ..

Me: Omma!!

Kyu: Don't worry Eommonie. You can trust me.

Appa: I know we can trust Kyu! Why don't you two have dinner now?

Me+Kyu: Ne!




I helped Omma prepare dinner while Appa helped Kyu look for some PJ's to wear. Good thing my cousin left his here. A cousin of mine stayed here a few days ago and i guess his clothes fits Kyu since they have the same body type and both tall. We ate dinner first before Kyu wore those things. BTW. Its PINK. My cousin is just like Sungmin oppa whose inlove with Pink even if he's very manly. MY BOYFRIEND. IN PINK PJ'S ... NICE. Ohh .. and another thing i hate about Kyuhyun staying here? My dad always talks about .... MARRIAGE. Its awkward. I dont know if my dad just likes Kyu so much or he's excited to get rid of me in this house. Kyu and I never talked about it before but im sure he wants to get married to me as much as i wanna be his wife. Right??





--Kyu's POV--


I always liked staying at Eunsuh's house.Her dad really likes me a lot. I have to wear PINK PAJAMAS. Great. While eating dinner , Eunsuh's dad talked about marriage. Its not like i dont wanna marry Eunsuh because im dying to be her husband and im working in Lee Corp because of her but .... We never actually talked about getting married. Thats why its awkward. After eating , everyone started doing their own things. I copied some of Eunsuh's notes and she taught me a little about the lesson. After that. It was time to sleep. I wore my pink pajamas courtesy of Eun's cousin and she wore a cute pink pajama too. We look like such a cute couple. I laid down the bed and strecthed my whole body cause im a bit sleepy. Eunsuh laid down on the other side of the bed and placed her head on my arm. Then i started tickling her.




Eunsuh: JAGI--!! *laughs* STOP THAT!! Its tickles!

Kyu: HAHAHA *continues* ANDWAE!

Eunsuh: We have to .. TAAALLLKKKK! *laughs more*

Kyu: *stops tickling* Wae?

Eunsuh: Its just .. *hugs Kyu* This is really awkward to ask but... Have you ever thought about .. MARIAGGE?




WOAH. I wanna ask her the exact same thing. Why would she?? I hugged her back while lying down. I really wanna marry u , Eunsuh. so we can be free to do anything we want. 




Kyu: Why ask that all of a sudden?

Eunsuh: All everybody says when they see us is .... "ONCE YOU GET MARRIED" .. and stuff. Sungmin's dad , Sungmin , Appa .. Everyone but the two of us , We never talked about it.

Kyu: Its weird that everyone arounds us talks about that and we never got to discuss it too.

Eunsuh: I just think that ... I think we really dont talk about it cause we know we'll end up getting married someday.

Kyu: I know we'll get married , Eunsuh. You're the only girl i love.

Eunsuh: *looks at Kyu* Really?

Kyu: *kisses me on the lips* Really. Maybe we just dont talk about it cause we're still young.

Eunsuh: I guess so. I'm really glad you're my boyfriend. 

Kyu: And i'm the happiest guy in the world to be your boyfriend!

Eunsuh: I guess we really will get married someday huh?

Kyu: Of course ... But lets just enjoy each others company now while we're together. 





I kissed Eunsuh passionately on the lips and she kissed back. Maybe we'll be like this once we're a married couple. Our kiss is pure and real and my tummy just feels like it get butterflies when we kiss. The spark never disappears everytime.We we're getting really deep with our kiss and placing all our feelings in it. My hand just crawled inside her shirt and caressed her back and when i was going for the tummy , she held my hand and stopped kissing. I can feel her smirk right on my lips cause she didn't pull away.





Eunsuh: Not so fast , Mr. CHO KYUHYUN. You're hand isn't going anywhere.

Kyu: Mianhae .. I got carried away!

Eunsuh: *distances a little* You're so dead when Appa finds out.

Kyu: Well , we're gonna be like that once we get married!
Eunsuh: Yeah but .. Even so... I'm still a Min ...I'm not a CHO yet!

Kyu: To me ... You already are. Lets just sleep. We both have to be early tommorow. 

Eunsuh: Arasso. *places my head by his chest*

Kyu: *hugs me* Goodnight Mrs. Cho Kyuhyun!! SARANGHAEEEEYYOOOOOOOOO!

Eunsuh: *quickly gives him a peck on the lips and goes back to her position* Nado .. Goodnight My ert BabyKyu ...

Kyu: YAH! 

Me: Kidding ... I love you ...




--Your POV--


What i know is .. I love Kyuhyun. We can control our feelings and we wont just do anything that'll break us. But ... Why do i feel like somethings gonna happen? I just wanna treasure every moment with Kyu. The next day , i had to wake up early to be at the fish market and Kyu has to get home and get ready for Make up classes. I didn't actually get to sleep peacefully because of Kyu's loud snoring and BTW... He drooled on me. Seriously. My pillow smells like someone drolled on them and when i woke up , my hair was frizzy and smells like drool ... We have to put a plastic bag on his mouth next time. But even if he snores and drools .. I still love him more than any guy. When everything was set here at the Market , someone came to my stall. He doesn't look like a fish buyer at all. He dresses with class and he looks like he's not used to places like this at all. What's an elegant person doing here at a fish market??





I can only update during early mornings .. VERY EARLY MORNINGS

about 3AM here in PH time . 

I broke my notebook and i have nothing to use to go online and i can only be online at VERY EARLY MORNING TIMES. This is stressing and i need some sleep. :(

but here is the new chapter! Hope you like it! :)
-ShaiKyu :3 

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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!