She's mine now.

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.


--Your POV--



I thought that if i sleep , I'll get my memory back. But all I did was to sleep and i still dont have my memory back. I went all around the house , but it isn't familiar to me too. I'm not allowed to go outside and i dont really know why. Donghae isn't even home today. I went out and walked outside ...




??: Miss!! Come back!! The Young Master will get mad! Miss!! *approaches me*

Me: Ahjumma. Do you know me?

??: Yes. I know you. You're the girl with young master Donghae , right?

Me: Uhh .. Ne but I dont know you.

??: I'm Mrs. Min , the Caretaker of the Lee's rest house here in Daejeon.

Me: Ohh ... Annyeong.

Mrs. Min: We should head back to the house or else the young master will get mad at me.

Me: I just wanna go out for a walk , if you want to come with me , we can walk together.

Mrs. Min: I'm sorry Miss. I'm just following orders.

Me: Ok. I dont want you to get in trouble so i'll go with you.

Mrs. Min: Thank you miss. But next time , we can ask the young master for permission to go for a walk.

Me: Jinjja??

Mrs. Min: *nods* Now , lets go.

Me: Ne!




Mrs. Min and I went back to the house. She was holding me by the side like i cant walk. Its like i have a mother with me. But I wanted to go for a walk now. At least i get to go for a walk soon. But i wonder where Donghae is ..?



--Kyuhyun's POV--


She cant be dead. Its impossible that she is ... After arranging everything in the hospital , we went back to Uncle Lee's van. They bought some food at a near fast food chain so we can all eat in the van. Eunsuh's family didn't come because they had to do arrangements for the funeral. When we were driving , they all started to eat. Our parents were with us as well. We haven't eaten since yesterday.   





Kyu's Mom: Kyuhyunnie ... I know what happened is hard for you, but you have to eat.

Kyu: I dont wanna eat. How could you all even eat with whats happened?

Kyu's Dad: Kyu .. It isn't a good situation but if we dont eat , then we might all die. Do you think Eunsuh will be happy about that?

Kyu: No but she isn't dead.

Kyu's Mom: Kyuhyunnie.

Ahra: Kyu , i understand how you feel.

Kyu: No you dont.

Ahra: Fine. then just stay quiet there , dont eat and starve yourself. If thats what you want , i wont stop you.




But .. It isn't true. Ahh! Its impossible. Is that why she was being extra sweet before? No. She'll just miss me but it doesn't mean that she's saying goodbye to me. She cant be dead. I dont feel that she is. I looked out the window of the van as we were heading back. It looks so refreshing outside. I bet Eunsuh will want to go for a walk here. I saw a old lady holding a girl down the road. I didn't really see their faces. She must be sick or something. But , its like Eunsuhfrom behind. Aissh.. Thats impossible. Ahh ... I'm going crazy. 




--Donghae's POV--


I met one of our families connections after leaving Eunsuh or should i say Sunmi to Mrs. Min. I asked one of my father's friends to settle all of Sunmi's documents. I have to take her away before anyone finds out. I met Mr. Kim at a branch of our company here in Daejeon.




Hae: Is this all of it?

Mr. Kim: Yes. Her Passport and US Visa are there. Her name will be Hwang Sunmi. 21 years old. We got her a driver's license a well as an Identification I.D. And her school grades , we were able to us our connections in KHU to get Min Eunsuh's grades and transfer them to a Hwang Sunmi.

Hae: Impressive. I thought it'll take you a while. I dont want any of these to come out. Arasso? Not even to my father.

Mr. Kim: I keep all my transactions between me and my client. None of these will be known by him.

Hae: I want you to arrange our plane tickes to Los Angeles immediately. Also , our house in LA , i want it cleaned when we get there.

Mr. Kim: When will you plan to leave sir?

Hae: After I talk to my dad about it later , In about a week.

Mr. Kim: Ne ...

Hae: I need to go to my father now. You get your work done in silence and i might raise the pay.

Mr. Kim: I will sir.




You'll never experience a life of misery again. You'll live like a queen by my side. You'll never have to go through hardships again. You'll only experience peace and serenity with me. And more importantly , Cho Kyuhyun will be out of your life and he'll never be in it again. You're mine now , Hwang Sunmi.



--Your POV--


Mrs. Min and I cooked something to eat. She didn't want me to help but i insisted. I feel like i knew how to cook so i wanted to help. We were able to talk about her past life and mine as well. She was shocked when she found out my name was Sunmi.




Mrs. Min: My daughter had the same name as you.

Me: Ohh , Jinjja?

Mrs. Min: *nods* She's probably the same age as you by now too. 

Me: Where is she? I'd love to meet her!

Mrs. Min: Sadly , she died due to her heart disease. We couldn't do anything because we dont have the money to get her surgery fees and medicines. *tears up* She's a great daughter and we really miss her a lot.

Me: *hugs her* Ahjumma , since your daughter isn't here , i'll be your daughter for a while! Donghae said i had no family and i'm all alone. So i can be your daughter.

Mrs. Min: *tries to pull away* Miss , I'm dirty right now , you might get dirty too.

Me: Ah! Its ok. I wanted to hug my mom when i woke up , but when i heard that i dont have a mom , it disappointed me. I always wanted a mom to hug since then.

Mrs. Min: Miss , Donghae promised to give you a great life. And i know he will. And i wanna help too .. So i'll be your mom for a while.

Me: Gomawoyo.




Mrs. Min has been really nice to me. I wish my mom was like her. I really dont know if i have a family or not. I feel so lonely here even with Donghae sometimes. Its like i'm trapped and i cant get out. I wanna go outside , even just to walk. This is how Sunmin lived? My life must be boring.




--Donghae's POV--


As soon as I got the documents , i went to my father in Lee Corp. I'm sure Kyuhyun isn't here but even if he is , i dont care. He'll never be able to give Eunsuh the things that i can. I'm the only one that can make her happy.




Hae: Appa , I'll study in the US again.

Mr. Lee: Mwo?

Hae: You wanted me to go back there so badly before , didn't you? Now , i wanna go back. Are you gonna stop me?

Mr. Lee: It just shocked me. I thought you didn't like it there?

Hae: I wanna like it there again now. I also asked someone to contact the caretaker there to clean the house from top to bottom. Will you go against it?

Mr. Lee: But , are you sure you wanna leave?

Hae: Ne , i'll study there and come back after i study. I'll work in your LA branch if you want.

Mr. Lee: You have to say goodbye to your mother.

Hae: I will. I'll leave in a week.

Mr. Lee: Mwo? Why so soon?

Hae: There's no time like the present , right? Its better to go there as soon as I can and start studying. 

Mr. Lee: If thats what you want , i dont think i can stop you. I'll contact the bank to re-activate your caredit card in the US. But , why did you wanna go so sudden?

Hae: There are reasons that i cant tell you Appa. But after i study , you'll figure it out.

Mr. Lee: If you've made up your mind , then ok. But you should atleast have dinner with us. You didn't go home last night.

Hae: Ani~ I have to leave and go to Daejeon.

Mr. Lee: Why in Daejeon?

Hae: I have some matters i'm taking care off there. I'll be there till I leave. So , if you need me , just call me and dont bother visiting.

Mr. Lee: Ohh ... and by the way .. Before you leave , I want you to contact Kyuhyun. He didn't come by today.

Hae: I think its not the right time to ask for him , now that he still needs to forget things and recover.

Mr. Lee: Did something bad happen to him?

Hae: I have to go Dad. Talk to your favorite employee when he gets back *walks out*




You can have my father's trust in exchange of Eunsuh. Taking her out of the country and giving her a better life is easy. But if i stay here with her , Kyuhyun will just be a problem. No one needs to find this out. No one knows she's Min Eunsuh. She's Sunmi and she doesn't have any connections with Cho Kyuhyun.




--Ahra's POV--


The body was cremated at Daejeon and brought here in Seoul. They set the funeral as the night is nearing.  Her parents wore traditional korean clothing that you wear when there is a dead family member. Eunjo stayed strong in order to greet the guests coming and her parents just kept sobbing and sobbing infront of the altar. Sungmin and Kyuhyun  were next to me. I know how sad Kyuhyun is .. He hasn't said a single word or nibbled on a single piece of rice.  




Eunsuh's mom: *hugs her husband and cries* Ottoke? Why did they take her away from us so early? She's still so young and she still has many dreams for us and herself. I just cant accept it. *sobs* 




Her father couldn't say anything. But you can see the sadness in his eyes as he hugged his wife. Eunjo came inside and went to her parents.





Eunjo: Appa , Omma. We haven't eaten a nibble. Lets go and eat first.

Eunsuh's Mom: Ani. I'll stay here with my daughter. You can go eat with your father.

Eunjo: Omma .. Unnie wont like it if you starve yourself. Remember what you told me she said to you before she left? "Dont skip meals" *tears falling* Omma ... I have to take care of you and Appa. I didn't pay attention to unnie before i left... I feel so sad about it. And i can only get back at her if i take care of you. She wont like seeing you sob like that. And i dont like it that i cant do anything about it.

Eunsuh's Mom: Eunjo-ah ... Uljima. Omma will be ok here. No one will look after your unnie if i leave.

Eunjo: Omma .....

Kyu: Eommonie. I'll look after her for you.

Eunsuh's Mom: You'll do that for me , Kyuhyunnie?

Kyu: She's my girlfriend. I have to ... 

Ahra: Kyu , you haven't ate too.

Kyu: I'm ok. I want to be alone , if its ok ...

Eunjo: Oppa , we'll leave you now , Arraso?

Kyu: *nods*

Ahra: But .. Kyuhyun 




Sungmin stood me up and took me outside. I didn't know why but i wanted to go back. I tried releasing myself but he wouldn't let me go.




Ahra: Sungmin-ah!

Sungmin: Noona .. Kyuhyun needs to alone. To you , she's just a friend and your brother's girlfriend. But to Kyu , she's more than a girlfriend. He needs time to heal.

Ahra: I supposed so but he hasn't eaten too.

Sungmin: He'll eat soon. Trust me.




Its so painful for Kyuhyun. He must be so hurt. I know how much he loves Eunsuh. He did everything for her. I dont know why this happened. It all seems so impossible. Kyuhyun doesn't deserve this and so does Eunsuh .. I looked back at Kyu and he started to cry. I guess he doesn't wanna show infront of us how sad he is. I couldn't help but cry too.





Here finally! I updated this FF! :)

Finally! But , this FF is a bit easy for me cause i already have the outline in my head 

But since i have other fics , i cant update this regularly.

When i get to Japan , I'll try to always update when i can :)

-ShaiKyu :3

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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!