The next math problem to be asked ....

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.


--Your POV-- 


Kyuhyun took me back to the hotel after what happened. The things that went back in kept flashing on my head. It really happened. But when I try to remember more , nothing. Nothing comes in anymore. My head just hurts because i'm trying to think of too much. Kyuhyun gave me a glass of water and I took my medicine out of my bag. I was about to open it when he held my hand and stopped me.





Kyu: What happened to you? Are you ok?

Me: It was nothing. I'm fine ...

Kyu: Nothing? No one would just react and cry like that for no reason at all. What really happened there? Why did you keep saying you were hit?

Me: I just ...... I just remembered something from the past.

Kyu: Past?

Me: Don't even ask ... I'm ok now. Just think of it like that.

Kyu: Was it that bad?

Me: I don't know if I can tell you. 

Kyu: If you have something on your mind , you can tell me?

Me: I wish I did have something ... Don't worry. I'm ok. Maybe I just need some rest?

Kyu: If its serious , I have to know. It won't make me feel calm if something's wrong.

Me: I just need some rest. Thats all. I'll tell you when everything's clear to me already. I don't know what happened too.

Kyu: Ok ... You promised that ... Do you wanna eat before you rest?

Me: We ate when we went out.

Kyu: Yeah but if you're gonna rest now , you need to eat first. I'll go down and get you something to eat. Wait here ok?







He hurriedly stood up and went out of the room. I drank the water he gave. I'm feeling better now so I don't think I have to drink the medicine. While I was putting the medicine in my bag again , Kyu's phone started to ring. He left it on the couch. The call ended and I took his phone to look at who it was. His mom called. I got curious when I held his phone. I know that its bad going through something that isn't yours but the sudden urge made me wanna do this. I went to the gallery of his phone and looked at the photos. Most of the pictures are Eunsuh's. It feels so awkward looking at her. She looks like me ... But I already know that. I looked at her photos with Kyu and they look so happy together. But there was one photo that hit me. She was covering then I could see a ring she's wearing. It looks very familiar ...... Its looks like the .......







I couldn't sleep. The fact that I just woke up this morning after getting hit and not being able to remember anything , its already hard to take in. Everything around me , I can't remember them. My head still hurts after getting hit. I sat on the side of my bed and just tried to think. I looked down and tried to think harder. The light was reflecting something by my hand. I looked at it and ... It was the ring. I took a closer look at it by placing my hand by my face. Its so pretty. I wanted to take it off my finger but as soon as I held on it , the door opened. It was Donghae.






Hae: Why are you still awake? You need some rest.

Me: I was just looking at something.

Hae: What is it?

Me: *shows him the ring on my finger* This. Its pretty. Did you give it to me?

Hae: *comes closer and takes my hand* Y-yeah ... I did ....

Me: Its really pretty. Why did you give me this?

Hae: That? Its a couple ring. I'm your boyfriend so ...

Me: Ohh .... I get it.

Hae: Sunmi ...

Me: Hmm?

Hae: Can you , can you give it to me for a while?

Me: Wae?

Hae: I just need to take it for a while.

Me: Sure but why? What are you gonna do with it?

Hae: I'm just gonna ............ gonna ........ 






He kept pausing after trying to say something. I wonder what he wants to do with the ring. It seems so suspicious. Should I really trust him? The stuttering makes it so suspicious.






Me: Can't you tell me?

Hae: Ohh .. Its a .... its a surprise. I need it as an reference for something.

Me: Ohh ... Ok then.

Hae: Don't worry. I can get you even more expensive rings than this.

Me: It doesn't matter if its expensive or not. I just liked it. My head is telling me I'm not materialistic.






He took the ring off my hand then looked at it for a while before putting it on his pocket. He said goodnight and tried to kiss my forehead but I backed off so he just left. He looked so serious when he was looking at the ring. He looked like he was observing it like its the first time he saw it. 







It looked like that ring! It really did. But it can't possibly be the same ring. And its a couple ring. When I was in the US , my friend Sam had a couple ring with her boyfriend. Maybe couple rings with those designs were a hit 2 years ago. Yeah. Its just a coincidence. Or maybe it just really looks like it but they're different.



--Sungmin's POV--


I wonder how Kyu is doing? I'm with Jonghyun now and we're eating lunch together. He said he wanted to talk about Kyu with me. Jonghyun is probably one of the last person Eunsuh met before she died. Thats why he means a lot to Kyu too because he's the first obsessed Eunsuh guy that we became friends with.






Jonghyun: Hyung. I'm so worried about Kyu. He's in Thailand with Hwang Sunmi. I don't know what he can do.

Sungmin: Hwang Sunmi?

Jonghyun: Yeah. The girl that looks like Eunsuh. She's Lee Corp's new It Girl.

Sungmin: That must be tough for him.

Jonghyun: Very. You don't understand hyung. She doesn't just looks a little like Eunsuh , she's like an exact copy of Eunsuh!

Sungmin: Are you serious?

Jonghyun: Yes! Its awesome but scary at the same time on how they look so alike.

Sungmin: Are you really serious?

Jonghyun: Hyung , you know I don't joke when its about these things. I have a picture of her in my wallet. Wait i'll go get it *goes through his wallet* 

Sungmin: Why do you have a picture of her?

Jonghyun: I think she's pretty.

Sungmin: This is why you and your ex-girlfriend broke up. You have pictures of other girls in your wallet.

Jonghyun: So what? I just think she's pretty.

Sungmin: You think lots of girls are pretty.

Jonghyun: Having pictures of pretty girls in my wallet motivates me to work harder somehow. Oh! Aha! *takes the photo out* Here it is. *gives it to Sungmin* See hyung?

Sungmin: *eyes widen* Is this Eunsuh?

Jonghyun: No! Its Sunmi! I know all the kinds of photos of Eunsuh that I have so i'm sure thats Sunmi!

Sungmin: I don't know if I should be amazed or weirded out by you.

Jonghyun: But imagine hyung. If I had a photo with Eunsuh in the past , I can make it look like it was a photo with Sunmi! I'll be popular and lots of guys will envy me! Too bad we didn't get to hang out alot.

Sungmin: I have tons of photos with Eunsuh. Here. *takes out his phone* Look at this.





*I just edited a photo of Ming w/ the girl on the poster of this FF because I was bored XD*





I showed Jonghyun a photo of me and Eunsuh a couple of days before she died. This was when we went to Lee Corp to wait for Kyu and ate a cake. Kyuhyun doesn't like it when we have moments like this. He gets jealous quickly. Eunsuh loves editing pictures. She loves doodling , giving effects and other stuffs. Thats why before , Eunsuh gets higher grades because she's more creative when it comes to projects and presentations. When it comes to other things , Kyu wins by a small difference. He was never really good at designing things like Eunsuh.






Sungmin: She made those tear thingys because she's sad Kyu's not there.

Jonghyun: When you put it that way , Kyu always talks about her before that time too.

Sungmin: You wouldn't think they'd end up together if you knew them from the start. Kyu was a joker before. He bullies her until he realized he had feelings for her. She fights back. Eunsuh was very interesting. She's very strong. Thats why its hard to believe that once accident killed her.

Jonghyun: Sorry I brought it up hyung. I don't want us to start crying all of a sudden.

Sungmin: No ... Its ok. Even my father can't help but talk about them all the time. He loves that EunKyu couple. The way they had to let go of each other wasn't really the greatest way to do it. I feel sorry for them because I know their love was pure and real.

Jonghyun: How could you be so close to her if Kyu doesn't like guys around her?

Sungmin: I'm his bestfriend! He has to trust me. At first , he didn't if i'm alone with her , but then Eunsuh talked to him and he learned to really trust me. I even told Eunsuh that maybe Kyu doesn't want me to be with her because he thinks i'm a flirt *laughs*

Jonghyun: He's too protective.

Sungmin: Thats why he blames himself for her death. Because he knows he's too over-protective when she doesn't need to be protected but when Eunsuh needs help , he's not there to save her. Like when she died. He kept blaming himself for not being there. Ever since Eunsuh died , nothing was the same. Kyu's gloomy all the time. Eunsuh's usually the one who brigthens our day. She just has this glowing personality.

Jonghyun: She's really kind. We don't know each other that much but she didn't make me feel out of place when we met , even if I acted all fanboy~ish around her.

Sungmin: Yeah. Eunsuh is pretty cool. But Kyu needs to move on. I know he was worse before when Eunsuh just died ... But he's still miserable now. He needs to move on and find someone else so he can stop blaming himself and go back to his old ways before. That Sunmi girl isn't gonna help.

Jonghyun: I know that hyung but what can we do?

Sungmin: I don't know. You know Kyuhyun was in denial when Eunsuh died. He kept saying she's not dead and that she'll comeback. I'm just scared that might come back again. He might go crazy again. And to tell you the truth , I miss the old Kyu. Ahra misses the old Kyu. We all do. I'm worried that maybe Sunmi will trigger that indenial part of Kyu into waking up again.

Jonghyun: He knows Sunmi isn't Eunsuh. I'm sure he can handle himself. Sunmi is Donghae's girlfriend. I'm sure he'll control himself. After all , Donghae is the son of his boss.

Sungmin: Its just weird how a girl comes that looks exactly like Eunsuh. Did she get plastic surgery or something?

Jonghyun: Possible but she doesn't look fake. I asked Minho that before but he said she didn't get plastic surgery.

Sungmin: If those guys who liked Eunsuh before sees Sunmi once her endorsements for Lee Corp comes out , they'll probably start comparing.

Jonghyun: I know ... But they only difference is the hair , how they dress .... Not much of a difference else where. Oh! Hyung. I remembered something, Kyu asked me to look up at something but I forgot what it is.

Sungmin: What is it?

Jonghyun: Weird medicine. I forgot the name. Its too long and weird.

Sungmin: What for?

Jonghyun: He didn't exactly tell me. He just said I should look up on it. I think it has something to do with Sunmi since he said 'her' in his text but maybe not too.

Sungmin: Give the name to me next time. My uncle's a doctor.

Jonghyun: Sure hyung , i'll text it to you. But you know ... How cool would it be if Eunsuh and Sunmi are just the same person? 

Sungmin: Thats impossible.

Jonghyun: Yes but .. somehow , it isn't. Eunsuh died 2 years ago , there was a rumor around Lee Corp that Donghae went to the US 2 years ago with a girl. He left a few days after Eunsuh died. *chuckles* Then he comes here with Sunmi so they think he's the girl Donghae took to the US. It'll be so funny if she is Eunsuh. Can you imagine? I'm actually thinking like this? I must be going crazy *laughs*






He just kept laughing. I was chuckling a little too. Its crazy. Those things only happens in dramas. But if you think about it , he's making a point too. But that can't be right at all. There's no way. Because I don't how Donghae and Eunsuh would have a connection somehow. There's just no way. If she did have a connection with Donghae , I don't see why we wouldn't even know anything about it. When she meets someone new , she always tells Kyu or Me.



--Your POV--


No matter how much I think , nothing comes back. Nothing. Even if I try. But I remembered what happened to me before I woke up and saw Donghae at the house in Daejeon ... Its already late at night. I told Kyu i'd go to sleep but I couldn't even sleep. I was just at the balcony of my room when I heard my phone in my pocket ringing. It was Donghae.






Me: Donghae oppa. Its late.

Hae: Exactly , why aren't you sleeping yet?

Me: I just needed some fresh air before I sleep.

Hae: Why? Whats on your mind?

Me: Does something always have to be on my mind when I want some fresh air?

Hae: We've been living together for 2 years. I already know how you act.

Me: Donghae , I remembered.

Hae: M-mwo?! Remembered?! You remember everything from your past?!

Me: No ... Why do you sound so worried?

Hae: Nothing ... What do you remember? Tell me!

Me: It was just about the accident you told me. Thats all I remembered.

Hae: When you got hit? Did you see who hit you?

Me: No ...

Hae: Did your head hurt again?

Me: Not really *tears up* Donghae , I can't take this anymore. I'm tired of not remembering anything. No matter how much the past hurts , I wanna remember. Not remembering hurts more. Donghae , if you can just tell me everything then i'll be---

Hae: Why? Aren't you happy? Aren't you happy i'm taking care of you and giving you a good life? You're lucky you forgot everything. While me , all the pain I experienced before ... I had to live with them. It hurts remembering the past and of all the people , I know that it does the most.

Me: Donghae ...

Hae: I'm trying my best. I'm giving you everything to make you happy. I don't want you to get hurt. Thats why i'm keeping everything from you. If you ever ask me about your past again , i'm gonna get really mad.

Me: I'm sorry.

Hae: *sighs* I'm sorry too. I just got carried away. Sunmi , i'm doing this for you. I'm sorry.

Me: I'm gonna rest now.

Hae: Lets talk when I get back , ok?

Me: Ok ...

Hae: I love you.

Me: Goodnight. Go to sleep.





He hunged up. I guess he'll never tell me anything and I have to remember everything all by myself. I wanted to say I have the right to know and he has the right to tell me but I can't. I tell him that all the time and he still gives excuses. Sometimes , it's too suspicious but still , I owe him so much. Who knows where i'll be right now if he wasn't there for me. 





The next morning , I woke up and saw Kyuhyun in the living room , sitting on the couch while looking at papers and a laptop. Lots of papers around the coffee table and next to him on the couch. He looks so busy. I don't even wanna bother him. He looks so busy. I walked behind him but he suddenly , angrily threw some papers on the floor which shocked me a little. He looked serious again.






Me: What's with you? Why are you throwing papers from here to there?

Kyu: Sorry. Its all just too complicated.

Me: Throwing things around isn't gonna make things any easier for you and the maids who cleans this room. *picks up the papers* What's this about again?

Kyu: Its not something you'll know.

Me: *looks angrily at him* What do you think of me? Stupid?






I looked at the papers and examined what's written on them. It looked like records of the company from the passed months. I sat next to him and looked at what he's working on the laptop. He was making a chart about sales and profits. Weird enough , i'm getting some of what he's working on. I looked at the papers and the chart he's making. Its all right. What's his problem then?






Me: Everything here is right! Why are you angrily throwing things when nothing's wrong?

Kyu: Its not the contents! I already know its all right! I'm gonna use this for a presentation and its too simple.  

Me: Aish. Thats your problem? You know , you could've just told me if that was your problem.

Kyu: What do you mean?

Me: I'll make this presentation more presentable for you!

Kyu: Are you sure about that? What if you ruin it? It took me a lot of time to get those datas together.

Me: I'm sure about this! Trust me! I won't ruin it!

Kyu: Do you know what you're doing?

Me: I think so ...

Kyu: You think so?! What if it comes out horrible?!!

Me: Just shut up and let me do it. You blab too much for a guy!

Kyu: What if it turns out too girly?

Me: Don't blame me. I'm just the stylist!





 --Kyu's POV--


She smiled at me after saying she's just the stylist and pushed me to the side of the couch as she faced the laptop. How did she know everything I put in there is right? No girl like her would be able to say that with ease and confidence unless they know what they're talking about. When it comes to what she's doing right now , she's really just like Eunsuh too. She loves doing things like this. Even before , when we became a couple and started doing projects together , she'll see how horrible mine would look so she'd insist on fixing everything but I won't let her because I wanna be fair to her. If I let her do my school work , its cheating on her because we're frenemies when it came to school and study.



I just looked at her while she was editing the presentation. The serious look on her face , the concentration on her eyes .... Its exactly like Eunsuh's when she's working on her presentations. My heart is starting to beat like crazy again ... I can't control it anymore ... Sunmi will always do something that'll remind me of Eunsuh. It always gets me confused but I should know this feeling isn't right. It'll never be right because she's not Eunsuh. I called out her name but she didn't look at me. She's too focused but she answers back when I tell her something. Just like Eunsuh before ...............






Kyu: Sunmi ...

Sunmi: Hmm?

Kyu: Since when did you know how to edit things like these?

Sunmi: Just now? I don't know. I just felt that its in me. It seems easy now. Its like i've been doing this for a long time already.

Kyu: So you never did something like this until now?

Sunmi: Not that I can remember ... Just shut up and let me focus.

Kyu: You're really weird.

Sunmi: Is that an insult?!

Kyu: No! I meant it in a good way!

Me: I thought you were insulting me. I'll hit you with a laptop if you were .... 

Kyu: Pfftt .... By the way , I went out last night and I saw you at the balcony of your room ... You said you wanted to rest but you were just looking at the sky for a long time.

Sunmi: I just wanted some fresh air.

Kyu: You know , I found a perfect spot where we could look at the moon together. Thailand is such a beautiful place. We don't get to stay here that long so we should enjoy all the time we have together.

Sunmi: So , you're basically asking me if I wanna go there with you , right?

Kyu: Uh .. Y-yeah ...

Sunmi: Ok. Sure. I'll go with you.

Kyu: Jinjja? You'll really go with me?

Sunmi: Yes. Its not like I have that much things to do here. Its kinda boring here too so going out again wouldn't be so bad. You're right that weren't not staying here for a long time so why not enjoy the place , right?






I just asked her out , right? Aish .. No! Thats different. But my heart kept beating faster when she said yes. No. This wrong ... Ahh. My heart is really going crazy. Eunsuh , why is she so like you? Did you want me to meet her or are you coming back to me now? Is she your promise 2 years ago? That you'll come back? I must be going crazy again .. I miss you so much Eunsuh ... I don't wanna love again because I only promised to love you. I don't wanna lose the one I love again ... I just want you back , even if I know that's impossible.



--Minho's POV--


I went in Jonghyun's office to ask him for something but he wasn't there. Where is he? He always slacks off. I need the files now so I sat on his chair and just waited for him. I had nothing else to do but sigh around until he gets here. I closed my eyes and just tried to hold back the impatient feeling i'm starting to have. Something started to beep from the side. I opened my eyes and it was his phone. It was a message. Some parts already popped out like ...



"You said this had something to do with Sunmi , right?"




So I got really curious since its about Sunmi so I took his phone , since I don't see him coming back anytime soon , and opened the text from someone named 'Sungmin'.




From: Sungmin Hyung


You said this had something to do with Sunmi , right?  Or maybe it didn't? Whatever. This is just weird. I told my uncle about the medicine you were talking about ... It was Benzodiazepines , right?


He said they use those as sedatives for patients who have seizures and stuffs. They also use it on some patients before their operation to relieve them and make them forget the pain. But he said anyone can't just use that medicine unless they really need to. Misuse of it could lead to worse problems. It may cause depression or worst , he said it can cause Anterograde or Retrograde Amnesia.


Anterograde Amnesia means it'll make it hard for someone to remember things or create new memories while Retrograde makes someone forget something. So basically if someone with a memory loss problem drinks this , it'll make it hard for them to remember what happened in the past and if they ever remember something , the Anterograde will just make them forget what they remembered.


Kyu is weird. Why is he asking about things like this? Is he taking drugs or something? Anyways , just tell him everything I said here.  Tell me when Kyu gets back!






Benzodiazepines? Didn't Donghae ask me to buy a medicine like that before Sunmi left for Thailand? Something isn't right here ... Looking through someone's phone is wrong but the next thing I did was even worse. I just think I had to erase it so I did. He asked me to buy that same medicine for Sunmi. Something really isn't right ........ I left Jonghyun's office and made my way to mine as soon as I could. Something keeps bugging my head now and I won't stop till I find out what this is.




Even I wanted to update but I just got the chance now. Finally.
I was supposed this days ago but I always end up sleeping.
I'm sorry. Distraction isn't my only problem now.
Now I fall asleep too early so I can't even go online sometimes.
But forget about me and my personal problems.
I'm leaving you in a Cliff Hanger guys! (I love ruining people's excitement XD Joke)
Looks like Minho is smelling something FISHY.
(Its not exactly Hae for sure but you all know this has something to do with Hae so I say , it counts in the Fishy smell XD)
Thanks for the LOVE guys!
Comments , Subscriptions , Reading this fic , everything! Its all LOVE and I really appreciate it all.
I will try to control my distraction and sleeping problem so I can update more!
Oh! And I ALMOST forgot. 
Gamers here say YEAH! on the comment box! =D
I'm not really good in talking so i'll leave it all there.
Take care guys! Have a great weekend! =)
-MsShaiKyu :3
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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!