The Dark Secret to a Better Life.

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.

--Kyuhyun's POV--


Eunsuh isn't gone and I have to prove it. But how? Just thinking that she's dead brought me to tears. But everyone's right. I have to stop thinking about it and live. They say I have to let her go. Thats impossible. It'll never happen. But I have to live. She said i shouldn't leave Lee Corp just because of her. I went to Lee Corp today and i saw Jonghyun in the hall. 




Jonghyun: Kyu .. I heard the news. I'm really sorry about Eunsuh. I hope you're alright.

Kyu: I'm not .. But you dont have to feel sorry for me.

Jonghyun: You should've just stayed home. I could just tell Mr. Lee that you need some rest.

Kyu: No. I'll do what needs to be done.

Jonghyun: Are you sure you wanna be here right now?

Kyu: Yeah ... 

Jonghyun: Its really a pity. What happened to her. I mean , how can people be so careless?! They just kiled the Goddess. I bet every boy in KHU is sad. All the boys at our school are.

Kyu: It really doesn't make me feel better talking about that.

Jonghyun: Ohh Sorry. I didn't mean to... By the way. Have you heard about Donghae?

Kyu: Donghae? Wae?

Jonghyun: He went to the US yesterday. He's not in Korea anymore. I heard he was in a rush to leave.

Kyu: Why would he be in a rush to leave?

Jonghyun: I dont know too. Minho just told me that. But you know , there were rumors that he was with a girl.

Kyu: A girl?

Jonghyun: *nods* Its so suspicious cause he doesn't even have a girlfriend , he just went to Daejeon a few days ago and then he decides to leave? It was really weird.

Kyu: Daejeon??!!

Jonghyun: Yeah. Wae?

Kyu: Eunsuh died in Daejeon.

Jonghyun: Ohh .. I forgot. Mianhae if I mentioned it.

Kyu: Its ok. Its just weird. Eunsuh went to Daejeon days ago too before she died.

Jonghyun: Yeah ... Maybe Donghae kidnapped her or something ..... or maybe he put a bomb on that bus which caused the incident.

Kyu: ..........

Jonghyun: *taps his back hard* YAH! I was kidding! *chuckles* I just want to see you smile! You look so stressed and sad.

Kyu: Its not really a funny joke. I have to see Mr. Lee now. 





I left Jonghyun and went to Mr.s Lee's office. I dont wanna feel pitied. I have to live too. I'll do this for Eunsuh. Because in my heart , she's never dead and she's always alive. But .. When Jonghyun said those things about Donghae. It just made me feel so suspicious and uncomfortable in a lt of ways.



--Your POV--


This place feels so new to me. It doesn't even feel like home. My room is so big. This house is very big. Even with Donghae around and all his maids , i still feel so alone in this big house. One morning , when i woke up , they prepared so many food for breakfast in this big dining room. I sat down and just ate. Its so ... quiet. Donghae is on the other side of the table , just looking at me while eating.




Donghae: Mimi-ah , we're going somewhere later.

Me: Where?

Donghae: We're gonna meet my friend who's gonna get you in the modelling school.

Me: Modelling school?

Donghae: Yeah .. You're gonna study there and be a model.

Me: Model? But .. Do i really do that before?

Donghae: This profession fits you a lot. 

Me: But , when i get old and ugly , no one will want me anymore.

Donghae: You'll turn old but never ugly. Just get ready later. Eat your breakfast now. You'll need all the energy you can get.





Modelling? Do I even like modelling before?? Donghae said its a Korean community so i'll get along with the people easily. But , getting along with people is not the problem. The problem is , do i even do modelling? I dont really remember doing that. Infact , ever since i got here , i dont remember anything at all. When the afternoon striked , Donghae and I arrived at this Modelling school and this guy approached us.





Donghae: Mimi , this is Henry Lau. He's a friend of mine here.

Henry: Hi! I'm Henry *puts out bhis hand* Its very nice to meet you.

Me: Annyeong , I'm Sunmi. *shakes hand w/ him*

Henry: I didn't know you have very pretty friend , Donghae.

Donghae: She's my girlfriend.

Henry: Ohh .. Well , Mrs. Sunmi , i'll help you get in. You just have to go in that room *points to a room* And go for an interview.

Me: Ne? Interview?

Donghae: Henry , you said you'll get her in.

Henry: They are just gonna ask some simple questions but i assure you , no matter what she says , she'll get in. Its even weird you're enrolling her. If she goes to any modelling agencies , she'll get in with no problem at all.

Donghae: I still think she needs to be educated on it.

Henry: Thats what you want , no one can go against your decisions. Sunmi , just go in that room. I need to talk to Donghae.

Me: *nods*




I went to that room he was talking about. That Henry guy was looking at me like he's observing me or something. Is it really this weird in Modelling schools?



--Donghae's POV--


When Sunmi got in the room , Henry just took me to the corner and looks so serious. I'm worried that Sunmi has to go through an interview. What if they ask her questions that she doesn't know yet? I wanted to be in there but i cant. I wonder what Henry wants now.




Donghae: Why do you look so--

Henry: Who is she?

Donghae: Didn't i say she's Hwang Sunmi?

Henry: You did. But is that who she really is?

Donghae: Why are you asking things like that?

Henry: Tell me the truth Hae. Who is she? 

Donghae: Do you think i'm lying?

Henry: I think you're not telling the truth. If you are , Why is she with you? Why did you suddenly wanna be here in the US? Didn't you say before that you don't wanna study here cause you wanna stay in Seoul?

Donghae: You'll never understand what i'm doing. This is for her.

Henry: Really? Donghae , i'm one of your bestfriends. You have to trust me. I dont wanna look like a fool and be fooled like how you fooled everyone else. I want the truth before i help you.

Donghae: Fine! I'll tell you the truth. But if you tell anyone , anyone at all , i'll forget what you just said about being one of my bestfriends.




I told Henry everything from top to bottom. He didn't look so happy about me telling the truth. But this is for her. She's Eunsuh before but she'll live better if she becomes Sunmi.




Henry: You think you can pull this off?

Donghae: As long as she's with me , I can.

Henry: Should I really help you?

Donghae: You promised. You cant turn your back on me now.

Henry: I just dont think taking her away from everything will make her happier. If she wanted what your giving her , she would've done something about it before.

Donghae: its gonna be easier for her now. Henry , i'm willing to give up our friendship and go against you if you decide to turn your back on me. Dont even try me Henry. You know what I can do.

Henry: Ok! You dont have to threaten me. I keep my promises! But what about your father?

Donghae: You're not gonna tell him , are you?

Henry: No but you're gonna pay for her education and expenses and everything else. Dont you think he'll wonder where his money is going to?

Donghae: Thats no issue. I just dont want this coming out. She's Sunmi now. Min Eunsuh doesn't exist anymore.

Henry: You're only getting yourself in trouble. I'm worried Hae. This doesn't seem right no matter how much you wanna help her. In the end , it'll only look like you did this out of desire.





It doesn't matter what i look like. I know what i'm doing. She's gonna forget everything and be happier. When I looked at the office Sunmi got into , she was already out and approaching us.





Sunmi: Donghae! I mean , Aiden. My interview is finished! It was ok.

Donghae: Really? Thats great. And i told you , call me with what you're comfortable with.

Sunmi: Ok. 

Donghae: Lets go out and eat. Henry , do you wanna come with?

Henry: No .. I'll stay here. Sunmi. It was nice meeting you.

Sunmi: You too. Thank you. *bows* I hope we get to talk more next time.

Henry: *Smiles* Ohh .. Hae , I have to go.

Donghae: Ok. *whispers* Remember what i said.

Henry: Yeah yeah .. I get it.

Sunmi: Get what?

Donghae: Nothing. Lets go.




--Your POV--


They looked so serious while talking when they haven't seem me yet but when they saw me , they started to act all happy and smiled. I dont know what it was they're talking about but somehow , i think its about me. Donghae took me to a fancy restaurant to eat that day. When i started attending the modelling school after a week or two , it was so different. Its really out of my comfort zone. But the good thig is , everyone here is nice to me. I have no enemies , not that i can remember. But what we have to do everyday , its really hard. I wanted to tell Hae that i dont feel like this is the right thing for me , but i cant cause i know he'll probably just encourage me more to take it. One day , we had to show our ballet presentation for our balance class. I really couldn't get this class. In this modelling school , the students are all nice to me but the teachers are just terror teachers. I tried doing the routine but i ended up falling down.





Teacher: How many times do I have to show you that one simple turning step just for you to get it??

Me: I'm sorry mam. I'll get it soon.

Teacher: Soon??? Soon??! You always say you'll get it soon! When will that happen??!

Me: I'm really sorry. It was just so hard. I'll redo it again if you like.

Teacher: Redo?! No! Class is now dismissed! Until you get that move done , you're not leaving this place! Get that? I just cant take lazy students!

Me: *tears up* I'm sorry ... I'll get it right mam.

Teacher: You better get it right if you still wanna continue this!





The teacher left the training room while i'm staying here practicing over and over again. I cant help but cry when she told me about how lazy I am. Its not my fault i'm not used to this. I dont even get why we have to do this. I kept practicing and falling a lot of times. I saw some of my classmates passing by and she looks like she has a problem.





Sam: Lily , What am I gonna do? My parents are relying on me.

Lily: I dont know what to do too ....

Me: *appoarches them* Sam!

Sam: Ohh .. Mimi. Whats up?

Me: Whats wrong?

Sam: Ohh .. Its nothing. My parents bake shop is having a problem. I have to think of a way to help them or else , i wont have enough money for my tuition fee.

Me: I'm sorry I had to asj .. If I can do something to help , just ask me.

Sam: Well , my parents gave me a chart and some profiles about the business but i just dont get it.

Me: Really? Let me see *looks at the files* .... Ahh! I see the problem.

Sam: You do?? What? What?!

Me: Well , your bakeshop lacks advertisment. Maybe a few posters around the community. As i can see in the picture , it looks so small next to the two buildings next to it. Its so simple , you have to make it pop to attract people. And the prices are so high. Maybe decreasing it since the ingredients aren't that expensive. The less the price , the more quantity you'll get to sell plus lots of people will come back for more.

Sam: Really?? Wow Mimi! You're so smart with these things. Why didn't you take Business administration instead?

Lily: Yeah Mimi! You're so smart. You dont even need to study here to be a model because you'll get in easily.

Me: Business Administration? Whats that?

Sam: You dont know any other thing but Modelling? Business Administration is where they do things just like what you did with helping me right now!

Me: Really?? Does Donghae .... I mean Aiden know that?

Lily: Ofcourse he does! He took that course when he was still in Seoul University. I'm not sure if thats what he's taking today but I better ask Henry next time just to be sure.

Sam: For a girlfriend , you dont know so much about Aiden. Where and when did you exactly meet?

Lili: Sam , Mimi needs to practice. She already helped you , lets chat later when she's finished.

Sam: Ohh .. right... Sorry. Thanks so much for the advice! I'll tell my parents right away! Ohh! And goodluck with your practicing! I'm sure you can do it. 

Me: Thank you. I'll try.

Sam: Thanks Mimi! *walks off*

Lily: *Waves* Bye Mimi!




I dont know how I came up with that. Why didn't I take up Business Administration instead?? I actually liked giving advices about those things. Better get back to practicing. That made me feel weirdly good. Modelling , i dont think its something I do before. When Sam showed me those papers , its what I wanted to do. But Donghae cant be lying to me. Why would he do that for????? Sam is also right when she said that I dont know much about my own boyfriend. He specifically told me not to tell anybody i got amnesia because they'll take advantage of my condition. But I cant help but wonder myself everytime if Donghae is doing the same thing.




I was sick for quiet a while. I'm glad i'm finally able to update.

I did miss updating a lot :) I hope you didn't mind the long wait.

I was sick for a couple of days. But now .. I'm back! :)


BTW. Isn't the title so EPIC? :) I thought about it a lot XD I just wanted a dramatic title. Did It work?? :)

-MsShaiKyu :3

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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!