Min Eunsuh is Hwang Sunmi?!

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.


--Your POV--


I don't know if the only reason Kyuhyun wants to keeps coming to me is because he wants knows my feelings or he just wants to piss me off. I really don't want him here. When my milk teas got here , he was even more excited than I am. I was trying to get them away from him but he still managed to snatch one from me. I was really annoyed. I drank the milk tea I have annoyed.





Kyuhyun: Yah. How are you supposed to enjoy it if you're like that?

Me: You shouldn't be here.

Kyuhyun: Eun.... I mean ... Sunmi , you sh--

Me: There you go again. Just leave me alone.

Kyuhyun: I'm sorry.

Me: I said just leave me alone.

Kyuhyun: I don't want to.

Me: Why not?

Kyuhyun: You get in trouble when i'm not around.

Me: That's not true.

Kyuhyun: That's the truth. I need to be by your side. I'm the only one that can protect you.

Me; I can protect myself perfectly fine without you and it's not like i'm going anywhere. I'll just stay here.

Kyuhyun: If i'm not around , it's either guys hit on you or you get stuck at places. I'm not gonna leave you , if ever something goes wrong I want to be here with you. It's my responsibility to protect you.

Me: Responsibility?

Kyuhyun: I'm the head of this project. You're the most important thing here I have to protect. 

Me: I already said i'm fine.

Kyuhyun: Sunmi , you're not fine.

Me: How did you know?

Kyuhyun: I can feel it. I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to you again , not without me by your side to protect you.






I don't know what he was trying to say , but it felt like those words meant something deep inside relevant to me. Maybe i'm just over thinking things. I do feel safer around him than with anyone else ... but it's not like he can be by my side all the time. 



--Kibum's POV--


The next morning , I got a call from Jiri. She said she's in Daejeon already and she'll wait for me at the hospital. I quickly went to the hospital and saw Jiri outside waiting for me. It was incredibly cold this morning , I saw her kinda shivering and keeping herself warm by hugging herself so I took off my coat and put it on her.





Jiri: *tries to push him away* I-it's ok. I'm fine.

Kibum: I insist.

Jiri: N-no. It's really fine. Let's just go inside , it's warmer there.





I don't know if it's the cold weather or what but her face turned red. Maybe it's just because it's cold. She quickly made her way inside and I just followed her. We quickly went to her father's office. Everyone seemed to know her so she was careless in here. When we got into her father's office , she quickly gave him a hug.





Jiri: Appa! I missed you!

Jiri's father: I missed you too dear.

Jiri: Oh *pulls away* By the way , this is Kim Kibum. He was the friend I told you about.

Jiri's father: Ahh. I see. *walks closer to Kibum* It's nice to meet you *offers his hand*

Kibum: *shakes hands with him* It's nice meeting you too , Mr. In.

Jiri: Appa , we really need those files from 2 years ago.

Jiri's father: What is it about again?

Kibum: The bus accident 2 years ago. When a bus and a old tanker collided and caused an explosion.

Jiri's father: That? That was a really big news. You could search it on the internet. You didn't have to go here and--

Jiri: Appa , we need the list of the victims.

Jiri's father: Well , the hospital has files of the victims but we don't know about those who weren't brought here. You could get that information from the police.

Kibum: Someone I know died in that accident. Her body was brought here. I'm sure she'll have a file here.

Jiri's father: In that case , Jiri-ah , go ask your unnie in the files room for it.

Jiri: Ne! Thank you appa! We'll get going now.






She held my arm and quickly pulled me away. She seems to be rushing and going in a fast pace. I can't help but wonder why. We already got the permission but she still seems so tensed.





Kibum: What's wrong?

Jiri: Nothing. We just need to go this fast. He's in a good mood so he's ok with anything I ask for , but once he gets to think as time passes by , he might stop us.

Kibum: Thanks for helping me , Jiri-ah.

Jiri: It's no problem at al.

Kibum: By the way , you know the way around Daejeon , right?

Jiri: Of course!

Kibum: Can you help me find a place?

Jiri: What place?

Kibum: This relates to Sunmi's case. I need to go to a place I think she used to stay in.

Jiri: Sure. Just tell me the address. Let's go there together tomorrow.

Kibum: Thanks.

Jiri: Where are you staying here again?

Kibum: I'm renting a room in a hotel.

Jiri: Can you help me rent a room there too? I don't have a place to stay here. I usually go home in Seoul after I visit Appa. I can help you find that place tomorrow.

Kibum: Sure.





With that , I got the records from the accident where Eunsuh died. Everything I could get , I took it. Surprisingly , I aslo got a call from the police station about the files from the accident. It seems like i'm lucky today because I asked for it before they threw it out. They just carelessly gave all the files to me , which is good and bad at the same time. I found lots of helpful information from these. I think I can finish Eunsuh's case now very soon.



--Kyuhyun's POV--


She's really trying to avoid me btu I won't leave her. She kept walking to almost every place she could in this hotel , trying to get away from me. She explored the whole place , even staying in the girl's bathroom for hours just to get me off her track but I still stayed. I could see how annoyed she looks. Instead of using the elevator , she walked to the rooftop using the stairs. It was very tiring. She kinda succeeded a little , trying to stop me , but I still followed her. When I got up to the rooftop , she was on the ground with her hands on her head. She looked like she was hurting so I immediately went to her side. I held her tight.






Kyuhyun: Yah! Sunmi-ah! Are you alright? Sunmi-ah!

Me: *pushes him away* Go away! Stop it! Why can't you understand?! Just leave me alone!!

Kyuhyun: I don't want to!

Me: Just do it!!! It hurts already! *crouches back down* I can't think right. It hurts. It hurts a lot.





Tears started falling from her eyes like crazy. She looked really troubled. I hugged her side and this time , she didn't do anything but just let me hug her. Her breathing became heavier. I got really worried. I don't know what to do. This doesn't seem normal. I tried to stand her up but she refused to and just hugged me. She started sobbing more. My heart just started pounding like crazy. I thought I was gonna go insane. This hug ... it felt like something I missed. A few teardrops were escaping from my eyes already. I know this feeling isn't normal.





Me: Don't go ... If you don't wanna leave me alone then just stay here ... like this.

Kyuhyun: Sunmi...

Me: I'm scared. Kyuhyun , i'm scared. I don't know what to do ...

Kyuhyun: You don't have to be scared. I'm here. I'll always be here. I won't leave you.

Me: That's what i'm afraid of ... you have to leave me. I'm scared. I'm scared of losing you.

Kyuhyun: Sunmi ....

Me: Kyuhyun ... I know it's wrong but I think I love you and i'm really scared.

Kyuhyun: You ... you love--

Me: I love you. I love you but I know you'll only love me for one reason. Eunsuh. She's the only reason but you know what , I don't care. I'm fine with that. But i'm scared because ... I'm gonna lose you soon.

Kyuhyun: You won't lose me.

Me: I can't love you , Kyuhyun. I can't love you and that hurts me the most.

Kyuhyun: I love you ............ Eunsuh-ah .............. I love you.






She started sobbing more. She pulled away from the hug and her eyes just couldn't hold her tears anymore. She stood up and started walking back to the staircase but I chased after her and backhugged her. Her body just started shaking more , I could feel her tears. She tried pulling away but I just hugged her tighter. Eunsuh or not , I love her too. I don't want her to leave me. I'm scared of losing the one I love again her. She tried pulling away from the hug again. I let her go now but this time , instead of walking away from me , she faced me and pulle dme into a kiss. It was something I felt like I longed for. I kissed her with full passion , like how I do with Eunsuh ... It felt the same. The amount of love , which is infinity times more than I know whenever I share precious moments with Eunsuh , it felt the same with her ... As our kiss got deeper , she suddenly pulled away and rested her forehead on mine while sobbing.






Me; I'm sorry ... I'm sorry Kyuhyun. I can't. We can't. We shouldn't be doinhg this. I can't do this to Donghae. I can't leave Donghae for you. I'm sorry. Promise me that you'll never talk about this with anyone. When we get back in Korea , please just act like we're total strangers.

Kyuhyun: I'm not gonna do that.

Me: *backs off a little* I'm sorry. I can't be Eunsuh for you. I already have Donghae. I can't leave Donghae. He already gave so much to me. I can't ... This is cheating on Donghae. This isn't right.

Kyuhyun: Eun.............

Me: I don't know if this right. I can't love you like this. This is wrong. I'm not the girl for you. I'm sorry.







She quickly ran off. No matter what I do , I have this tendency of calling her Eunsuh most of the time. But I really can't be blamed , everytime I feel her , I feel Eunsuh. I know I can't be wrong. I need to know the truth because this is killing me inside too. Now that I know that she loves me , there is a chance. I can't let her go. I can't just let her go ... I need to know the truth.


I didn't see her again , until it was time to leave. This time , she really was avoiding me. She was with one of our staff and wouldn't leave her side. She just avoided me throughout our whole trip back to Korea. I can't bare us being like this , it feels like there's an empty space inside that couldn't be filled ever since Eunsuh left. 



--Kibum's POV--


The next day , Jiri accompanied me to the address of Donghae's town house here in Daejeon. I heard Kyuhyun is coming back , he's have lots of questions so I want to have answers. The townhouse was really big and the community looks so quiet. This place is about in the middle where the accident happened and where the hospital. We kept ringing the doorbell but no one was answering.






Jiri: Aish. I think no one's here.

Kibum: This is a townhouse. Usually , no one is here. Rich people usually buy town houses just to say they have a house here and there.

Jiri: What are we gonna do? Aigoo. *presses the doorbell like crazy* YAAAAAH!!! HELLO!!!!!!

Kibum: *pulls her away from the doorbell* Y-yah! You'll get us in trouble. Maybe we should just go back some other time or--

??: Can I help you two?






A voice , that sounded like an old lady's voice , suddenly came out of nowhere. Jiri and I turned around and this nice looking old lady was curiously looking at us. 





??: Hello? Can I help you two? What do you want?

Jiri: Uhh. Who are you?

??: I'm the care taker of this town house , Mrs Min. Who are you again?

Jiri: Uhh ... We were just wondering if the owner of this house is here.

Mrs. Min: Why is that? They never come here unless it's for a special occasion.

Kibum: We were just gonna ask questions about Hwang Sunmi.

Mrs. Min: Do you know Ms. Sunmi?

Jiri: We .... we're friends of hers. She ... uhh ... She's back in Korea but we couldn't find her .... so we .... uhh .... *elbows Kibum* *whispers* Back me up here!

Kibum: Uhh .. We thought she could probably be here so ...

Mrs. Min: Ahh. I see. Well , she's not here. She hasn't even visited me. Aigoo. That kid. I used to take care of her. I really miss her.

Jiri: Y-you know Hwang Sunmi? You took care of her?

Mrs. Min: She wasn't in a great condition when she first got here. That kid was really nice.

Jiri: First got here? When was that?

Mrs. Min; About 2 years ago. She was really injured badly when she was brought here. Good thing the Lee's family doctor would always visit and take care of her.

Jiri: Lee's ... Are you talking about the owners of Lee Corp?

Mrs. Min: Yes. Them. They're the onwer of this townhouse. Their family doctor from Chungnam National University Hospital would always go here to treat her. That poor girl , she got in an accident when she first got here. Good thing Sir Donghae really took care of her. He was such a caring boyfriend.

Jiri: Chungnam? ................ *whispers to herself* It can't be ........

Kibum: So ............... you first met Sunmi 2 years ago?

Mrs. Min: Yes. Then after a couple of weeks , she headed off to America with Sir Donghae.

Kibum: Do you know where she was from before you met her? How long has she dated Donghae?

Mrs. Min: I'm sorry but , who were you again? I'll call Mr. Lee and--

Jiri: N-no thanks. We have to go now. Thank you for your time. We'll visit again when Sunmi is here. *faces Kibum* Let's go. *pulls him away*






Jiri pulled my arm again and tried to flee away fast. Why do I feel like something's not right here? So the issue of Donghae living with a girl here before going to America was true. But why was she injured when she was first brought here? A couple of weeks before going to America ........ from what I know , Donghae left a couple of weeks after Eunsuh died ... It can't be. There's no way Donghae would know Eunsuh ... Maybe it's just a coincidence. She said the Lee's doctor is from Chungnam hospital. Jiri seemed to have reacted weirdly after hearing that.



--Jiri's POV--


There's no way. The Lee's private doctor in Chungnam Hospital is my Appa. There's no way ... I told him Sunmi's name before , is that why he reacted weirdly when i mentioned her name? There's no way. After separating wasy with Kibum , I went back to the hospital. I went to Appa's office but he wasn't there , the nurses said he's been in the middle of a surgery for about 4 hours now. I quickly searched all the file cases in his office. I looked at the private file case from the Lee's ... and there ... I found Hwang Sunmi's file. I slowly observed it and ...






Jiri: Car accident? Hit by a car? .............. Amnesia? ... What the ... What is this? Appa , don't tell me that---





The date from the first treatment she received from appa , it was the same day of that bus colliding with a old tanker accident Kibum was talking about ... No .. it can't be ... Min Eunsuh is Hwang Sunmi?! Is she? But Eunsuh died from the bus accident , it says here that Sunmi was hit by a car. I don't get it .... I observed the files more and more when the door suddenly opened. I looked over the door and Appa was there looking at me with a shocked face. Something isn't right here. I plan on figuring out everything.






I think by now you should probably know who Jiri is , or who her father is. :)

Anyways , that's it for now!! 

I got really thrilled at this chapter for some reason so please wait for the next ones!!

I will update very soon , because i'm excited and I don't care how busy I am , I just wanna update. Haha.


Anyways ....... again ..... That's it!

Take care and Advance Merry Christmas!!! :)


-dorobbongie :3


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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!