EunKyu's (Eunsuh and Kyuhyun's) Date.

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.


--Your POV--


-After I Changed into normal clothes , Kyu Oppa and I left. Its not everyday that we get to go out on a date but i cherish every moment we do. Were going to Namsan , in N Seoul Tower to be exact. We always go there all the time but it never gets old. It has too many memories that we both cherish so much. We always go to the exacts same spot where we locked letters for each other at that tower. We love this place so much that always reminds us of how we loved each other then until now..



Kyu: Eunsuh-ah! Over there! *pulls e to our spot*

Me: Wait!



I remember how hard it was for the two of us to place our messages for each other there... why?? They were too long. Since we're both business administration students , We thought of how we could place our long messages for each other and lock it there. Good thing we thought of those plastic bag tags to use for it. Now , we always come here to read each other our letters. Kyu gets excited everyday. He held his lock and looked at me witha big wide smile on.



Me: What?

Kyu: Read your letter to me!!

Me: Again?? You First! I Always read my letter first. Maybe that means i love you more than you love me. *pouts*

Kyu: Ohh .. My Girl is upset?? *pecks on the lips* Ok .. Oppa will go first because i love you more.

Me: Aigoo! I Love You More! But Ok .. Go first!



There were so many people around us , minding their own business , when Kyuhyun started to cough.


Me: Are you ok??

Kyu: Of course ... Wait a sec.



He faced the people and yelled a loud LOUD "YAH!" to everyone .. They all looked at us. What is he trying to do??



Kyu: Yah! Listen up everyone! My girlfriend thinks i don't love her as much as she loves me. But i wanna prove that i do. Maybe even more. I wrote her a letter here 4 years ago. I never get tired of hearing her message for me and i never get tired of reading mine. But i want her to know that i still love her very much *faces me* And i love her more each and everyday.

Me: Jagiya , what are you trying to do??

Kyu: Proving that i Love you more than what you think ... 



Proving that he loves me more than what i think?? I know he loves me... But this is actually .. Sweet of him ... I heard his letter for a million times now .. But .. this is the first time he told everyone to stop and listen.



Kyu: Min Eunsuh is the Girl I LOVE. We may not get along well before  but im glad that i met her. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me and she'll always be the best. Eunsuh-ah, Lets last forever .. ok?? Please?? I Love You and I'll never hurt you. Kyu only belongs to Eunsuh .. I may be known as Game Kyu but i can stop gaming for you. Just promise me you only belong to me ... Ok?? I WILL LOVE MIN EUNSUH FOREVER! Her name is the only name my heart screams for! Saranghae <3



Thats so touching. He didn't even read the letter. He just held it. He memorized it?? Thats so sweet. Not every guy would memorize a letter ,with complete details. Tears kept falling down fro my eyes .. Maybe because i was so touched by the words my boyfriend threw on me ... Everyone kept saying "Awwww" and stuff ... Then , Kyu hugged me tight and whispered to me ears..


Kyu: I love you Eunsuh-ah ... Don't you dare leave me ... ok?? promise??

Me: I love you too Kyuhyun-ah ... I'll never leave you ..



--Kyu's POV--


You did it again GameKyu! I didn't wanna make her cry but im sure she's just happy. When everyone started to go bck to their own lives , Eunsuh and I Stayed to where we are and just stared at each other. 



Kyu: I'm sooooooo Handsome , aren't i??

Eunsuh: *giggles* Of course you are! *inches his cheeks* Your my boyfriend! My very confident boyfriend! 

Kyu: and very handsome ....... Yah! You should read your letter to me ...

Eunsuh: You know where it is .. You red it.

Kyu: You dont love me??

Eunsuh: Stop that! *pecks on his cheek* I LOVE YOU SILLY BABY! But my letter isn't as good as yours ...

Kyu: To me , Yours is the best .. Because it says you love me.

Eunsuh: Aww.. Thats sweet. Thats why i have a gift for you. *gets something from her bag*



A gift?? How can she have a gift for me now?? Why didn' i think of that?? I DONT HAVE ANYTHING!!



Eunsuh: Here! *hands a bookmark* See. Its our selca from our 4th year anniversary celebration! I had a smaller version of it and placed it there. I know you liked my letter for you here from when we first went here so i placed it all there! Its not too much though. Do you like it??

Kyu: You did this??

Eunsuh: Dud? Didn't you hear me? Its not like anyone would want a selca of you kissing me on the cheeks , right?? Thats all i can afford to give you , Jagiya .. Mianhae.

Kyu: No! This is the best gift i ever got! Next to having you as a girlfriend .. I'll cherish this forever. I'm the one who should be sorry for not getting you anything.

Eunsuh: Aigoo! Don't be sorry! You gave me LOVE. A love that'll last FOREVER!

Kyu: But , you gave me that too. iT DOESN'T COUNT FOR TODAY.

Eunsuh: Just promise e you'll never leave me and you wont try to make up to me for this gift , arasso?

Kyu: Ne ... Lets go and eat!

Eunsuh: Eat where?


Eunsuh: Your not taking me to a fancy restaurant???



Fancy restaurant?? Now she asks me to take her to a fancy restaurant? But .. Eunsuh doesn't even like places like those.. What happened to her?? I dont know what to do .. My money isn't even enough to buy the both of us a meal on places like those.



Kyu: N-ne-neh??
Eunsuh: I said , your not taking me to a fancy restaurant??

Kyu: You ... uhh ... You wanna .. go to uhh .... a ... uhh ...



Before i could even finish my statement , she started to laugh at my shocked expression ... Huh??


Kyu: Why are you laughing??
Eunsuh: Because * laughs louder almost ROLFing* You should've seen your face when i told you i wanted you to take me to a fancy restaurant! HAAHAHAHAHAHHA.

Kyu: WHAT?? You were joking??

Eunsuh: Yeah! You know i hate places like that! HAHAHAHAH!



Wow .. That really scared me ... I took a deep breath. Ugh.. she was joking ... I knew she hated places like those.For a second there , i thought my girlfriend was taken away by an alien.


Kyu: Your mean .. and i was about to tell you something important.

Eunsuh: Really?? 




--Your POV--


He's gonna tell me something?? I wonder what it is ... Is it about school? his parents>? Maybe he's gonna break up with me! No! he wont .. I was joking ... maybe he took my joke as if i'm a rich snobby girl .. or maybe im just over reacting here ... yeah! thats it!









I'M ABOUT 2-3 WEEKS FROM NOW is our SCHOOL'S FOUNDATION DAY. We're always busy practicing dances and also we have aschool play ... Practicing for 2 events ... Its hard but .... I'll try my best. The thing is .. I LACK OF SLEEP. When i get home , im super tired from all the DANCE PRACTICE plus SCHOOL WORK plus REPORTS plus EXAMS NEXT WEEK. Its all killing my mind that i'm always asleep when i get home , i even fall asleep in school. 


But I promise after all these events ,


I'LL BE BACK!! Mianhae :(



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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!