What I want for you.

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.


--Your POV--


I practiced the ballet thingy nonstop but it was worth it cause i passed. Now we`re doing figure skating. I dont know why we really have to do this. But its still a part of the balance lesson and flexibility. It was really hard at first but doing this ... i kinda remember something about going to ice skating rinks .. on a .... date? Maybe its with Donghae cause I couldn`t see the guy`s face clearly. While practicing at the Ice skating rink here at school , Sam and Lily came to me and Sam was holding something ... Ohhh .. Its a cake!





Me: Sam! Whats the cake for? Who`s birthday is it?

Sam: Silly .. Its for you!

Me: Me?

Lily: I told Sammy sweets wont be good for you cause i`m sure you`re trying to keep your figure like that.

Sam: But my mom wanted to thank you for what you did for us so she made this especially for you! Your tips were really great and it worked. Thank you so much for everything. Please take this.

Me: Gomawo .. But you didn`t have to.

Sam: I wanted to! Because of your advice , I can continue studying here. Thank you Mimi .. *gives me the cake*

Me: *takes the cake* Thank you.

Lily: Sorry , Sam wont stop at anything.

Sam: I'm just thankful for what she did... Mimi , you should really hang out with us!

Me: I'm sorry , Donghae doesn't like me slacking off.

Lily: He's so weird yet he's so handsome .. I dont know what to think of him! You're so lucky yet you're not at the same time. You have a handsome , smart guy as a boyfriend but he's always like a shield that restrains you from the world.

Sam: Yah! That wasn't nice.

Lily: Sorry , I was just saying what my head was thinking............. Ohh! Henry`s here. *points to henry*





I looked behind and saw Henry coming to us. Sam and Lily said goodbye and left. Henry is always here because his family owns the school and he liked dropping off here sometimes. He even goes in classes he likes even if he`s not enrolled there. How weird is this guy?





Henry: Mimi-ah! How sweet! You didn't have to buy me a cake.

Mimi: Silly , its not for you , its from Sam. She gave it to me. 

Henry: What for? Is it your birthday?

Mimi: Ani! I helped with some of her family business problems. I dont know why I didn't take those things involving business instead. But when I did it , I started to like it. Do I do it before? Do you think I should ask Donghae??




--Henry's POV--


Donghae's gonna get mad at me if i tell her something. Aish .. Henry , shut up. If Donghae finds out he might get mad at her. But im not a very good liar. I cant keep a straight face after lying. What did I get myself into??





Mimi: Henry ... Why so quiet?

Henry: Uhh .. Mimi , i think you should just stick to whatever your doing. The business thingy may seem so easy , but it gets harder once you start doing it. You shouldn't stress yourself.

Mimi: I guess so .. Henry , can I ask you something?

Henry: Make it fast , Donghae will get here soon.

Mimi: Do you know anything about my past? Anything at all? When I ask Donghae , he always says its better if i just forget it because it wasn't a happy life , but you cant blame me for being too curious.

Henry: Uhh .. Maybe you should go home now.. Donghae will be here any second.

Mimi: But , I just wanna know something. Please *puts hands together (praying pose) and pouts*

Henry: Acting cute doesn't work on me ... Mimi , Donghae will tell you if you start remembering something.

Mimi: The problem is , I cant remember anything. Oh! I think I remember something! Does Donghae like skating?

Henry: Skating? That guy doesn't like anything fun especially skating.

Mimi: Really? Thats weird. I remembered something about skating rinks and a guy was with me. I thought it was Donghae because he is my boyfriend but .. if it isn't him , i wonder who it was .......





She's starting to remember now? I'm so dead. I looked by the door and saw Donghae approaching us. Mimi went to the changing room and changed to her normnal attire. I'd rather not tell Donghae about her asking anything or else , he'll have that look on me again. When the two left , I went to the records room to see how or who this Min Eunsuh really is ...




--Kyuhyun's POV--


Sungmin hyung and Ahra noona took me to the mall so that my mind would clear up but its not working. I've been really ok these passed few days. But not happy. We were walking and looking around the mall when we came to the skating rink. Eunsuh loved skating. We have dates here often. I miss her more everytime I see places we used to go to.




Sungmin: Ohh! Kyuhyun-sshi , do you wanna skate?

Ahra: Yah! Sungmin-ah , dont you know that--

Sungmin: What?? Its fun to skate! Eunsuh really liked to ...

Ahra: *signalling Min to shut up and points to Kyu front behind*

Sungmin:Ohh .. Uhh .. I get it. Sorry ...

Kyuhyun: Its ok hyung .. She did love skating even if she frequently falls alot. I just miss her more.

Ahra: Kyuhyunnie , mianhae. We brought you out so you wont be sad and all alone in your room. I guess this didn't help.

Kyuhyun: Dont be sorry noona.. Remembering her isn't bad. She'll be sad if i forget her. After all , she will come back.

Sungmin: Kyu ...

Kyuhyun: She promised me she'll come back ... She said its only gonna be for a while. She said she'll come back to me. Eunsuh keeps her promises. We promised to only love each other and im not gonna ruin that just because she's not here right now. I have to keep it until she comes back to me. *tears falling*

Ahra: Kyuhyunnie .. Noona and Sungmin will always be here for you ... Uljima ...




Tears started falling from my eyes and I didn't even notice it until i felt them running down my cheeks. Ahra noona hugged me by the side while Min hyung was tapping my back. She'll be back cause she promised. Its not 2 days but if she promised , she'll do whatever it takes to fulfil it.



--Your POV--


When we got back to the house , Donghae kept looking at the box I was holding , when I placed it on the dining table and he saw the cake , he approached me.




Donghae: Where did you get that?

Me: Ohh .. My classmate Sam gave it to me.

Donghae: Why? You're not supposed to eat sweets.

Me: Well , it'll be rude if I dont accept it. She gave it to me because I helped solve some family business problems of hers. Donghae , I think i'll have a good shot if I take business administration!

Donghae: *holds my arms tight* Who told you about that???!  

Me: Donghae-sshi , my classmates just reccomended it. They said I can be a model even if I dont go to the modelling school.

Donghae: Forget about it ... Ok? Dont ever do things invovling it.

Me: Why??

Donghae: *holds tighter* Wont you just stop asking and just listen to me??!! You only do things I tell you to do! Nothing else! 

Me: Y-yah .. Its hurts.

Donghae: Focus on modelling , dont ask anything else , dont eat that cake and dont ever do things I tell you not to do. Arasso?

Me: N-ne .. Let go , it hurts.

Donghae: *lets go* Im sorry ... But please .. Just stop asking questions and stop doing things I didn't tell you. You only have to believe me to live a better life .. Ok ...

Me: You cant blame me if I wanna know something about me. I dont know why you cant tell me but I know you're hiding something ...

Donghae: You dont have to remember your painful past because you're mine now. I'm the only one who can make you happier. No one else can give you a better life but me.




He went to his office/room.  I dont know why he got mad like that ... It isn't so bad. I can help him with his work things if he lets me. I just dont get why he's restraining me from the world.



--Donghae's POV--


I went to my room and called Henry. She cant find out anything or else. I worked so hard to keep her living better. It cant be ruined just like this ....




Hae: Yah .. Henry!

Henry: What??

Hae: What happened in school today? You're so dead. I told you to look after her.

Henry: I'm sorry! I dont even study there. I study somewhere else. When I came by , I just saw Sam and Lily giving her that cake.

Hae: What if she remembers anything?

Henry: Why cant you just tell her the truth? We're all gonna get in trouble.

Hae: Henry ... She's my girlfriend now. I'm not gonna let her go and i'm gonna give her a better life.

Henry: Well , if you keep restraining her from things , she'll be more curious to find out something.

Hae: Then what should I do?

Henry: Just .. dont get all Donghae~ish infront of her. Try to be more of an .. open person and when she asks something , answer her nicely. You tend to make everything sound like a death threat.

Hae: Ok but .. If she asks you anything ..

Henry: I know .. I know .. But she's starting to remember things. Just remember ... dont be too harsh on her. And dont restrain her from her friends.




--Your POV--


After a few months , My studies in the Modelling school have been successful. I already did many ads on newspapers , billboards and TV commercials here in the US. But why am I still not happy? And after 2 years , i've been really successful with it. Im really just not happy yet. Its like I want something more than this. Way different from this. After a pictorial , Donghae went to my dressing room and gave me roses.




Me: Gomawo ...

Donghae: Mimi , I have a gift for you.

Me: What?

Donghae: *gives me a envelope*

Me: Whats this?? 




I opened the envelope and .. It was .. Plane tickets to Korea. Wait .. does that mean that ...




Me: Donghae ..

Hae: My dad wanted to meet you. He said that you'd be perfect to be the next endorser for Lee Corp. He wants you to go to Korea.

Me: *hugs Hae* Thank you! I always wanted to go back to Korea! Will I see Mrs. Min again?

Hae: Yeah .. We'll be staying in Daejeon just to be safe.

Me: *pulls away* Safe?? From what?

Hae: Nothing .. But , remember , when someone tries to talk to you and tell you they know you , dont listen to them. Dont tell them you lost your memory or else , they'll try to manipulate your mind and tell you things that aren't true. And besides , you'll be my future wife. My family in Korea has to meet you.

Me: Wife ......

Hae: Sunmi ... Remember. You have no one else but me. I'm your boyfriend.

Me: I'll remember that. Gomawo Donghae-yah. I'm really happy. Thank you ...




--Donghae's POV--


I didn't wanna take her back but my dad kept telling me to after he found out Mimi and I are living together. I'm sure Kyuhyun isn't there anymore. Why else would he stay there? If i ask anyone , i'll be too suspicious. I just have to make her stay in Daejeon. And its been 2 years. Im sure they forgot her already.






Mianhae if it took me a long time to update.

Im currently in Japan right now.

I thought it'll be way easier for me to type fics here but its harder because were always busy and going to places.

Mianhae .. I'll update again soon :)

-ShaiKyu :3

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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!