I wanna understand.

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.


--Kyuhyun's POV--


After Eunjo told us about the guy who gives her parents money every month , we immediately planned out what we should do for the next day. Kibum , unfortunately , ccan't come with us because he has to go back to Daejeon earlier than planned. He was set to talk to some passengers who got off at Eunsuh's stop during the incident but one of them is set to leave the country in 2 days , so he though it'll be better to get to talk to that person as soon as possible. 


Sungmin hyung , Eunjo and I went to the fish market to do the investigating for him ourselves. Sungmin hyung was set to 'secretly' videotape the happening while we hid near Eunjo's parent's stall. They still don't know what we're up to. While waiting at our hiding place , a guy who's too covered to be identified came closer to her parents and had a little small talk with them before handing an envelope. He quickly left as soon as he gave the envelope to them.





Eunjo: That was him oppa!!

Sungmin: Who do you think is that?

Kyuhyun: I don't know but I don't like this feeling at all. Let's go!

Sungmin: Where?

Kyuhyun: To follow him!!

Eunjo: Can we?

Sungmin: Should we?

Kyuhyun: We should!

Sungmin: It's dangerous!

Kyuhyun: We can't just let him get away without getting anything else more! We can't wait another month for a chance like this to come! We're following him!

Eunjo: Oppa.

Kyuhyun: I'll drive. You keep recording everything.

Sungmin: What?! No way! I still wanna live! I'll drive and you videotape!






We ran to where Sungmin hyung's car was parked , and the man was still there , quickly getting on his motorcycle. We all went in the car and followed the motorcycle as soon as we all got settled in. We continued following the guy. After 5 minutes , he seems to have notice and started to try to shake us off. After a few attempts , he was able to escape after running for the red stoplight.





Kyuhyun: Hyung! Why did you stop?!

Sungmin: He ran for the stoplight!

Kyuhyun: So?! We can't let him get away!

Sungmin: Are you mad?! I am not getting a ticket because of you!

Eunjo: Oppa , don't fight. It's dangerous if we continue following him.

Kyuhyun: We have to find out who he works for and why he gives the money to your parents. Now we don't have that chance anymore!!

Eunjo: I think our approach was wrong. Kibum oppa only told us to record what we see happening in the market , not follow him around.

Sungmin: Eunjo's right. Kibum's doing his best. If we rush things , our clues might crumble up.

Kyuhyun: Who knows where Eunsuh?

Eunjo: Oppa , I want eonnie alive too but the only thing we know is Sunmi is a fraud. Expecting too much hurts. We might be on to something or we might be just expecting something that's not really there. All I know is , if my sister really is alive and they somehow took her away from us in exchange of money , I'll never forgive them. No amount of money can ever replace my sister.




As if she was keeping them all in , she started sobbing quietly a little bit. No amount money can replace Eunsuh. Not to her family , not to me. Ever since they told me Eunsuh died , I never felt that she's dead. All I felt was , she was gone. She wasn't next to me. She wasn't next to me but she's there somewhere. She'll come back like she promised. I may sound crazy , but that's what i've always felt. When I saw Sunmi , I felt like Eunsuh finally came back. She may or may not be Eunsuh , but I just feel like I love her like how I love Eunsuh , not just because they look alike. If she's really Eunsuh , i'll be the one to prove it.


--Donghae's POV--


After weeks in Japan , the meetings on the new business venture has finally ended. It's already late. All I have to do was to finalize everything before reporting back to my father in a couple of days , when I get back to Korea. There's still some things I have to attend to. I'm really tired. I was driving back to my hotel when my phone next to me started ringing. I decided to ignore it but 10 minutes after , it's still ringing. I took my phone to check who it was when the stoplight turned red. It was Minho.




Hae: What is it?

Minho: Finally! I got a hold of you!

Hae: What? What do you want?

Minho: Uhh. I just wanna tell you that I already did what you told me to.

Hae: Do you really have to tell me now? Do you know what time it is? It's 11PM!

Minho: You told me to report to you every time I finish that job.

Hae: Why this late? Don't you do that in the morning?

Minho: Errr. Well. I was gonna tell you this morning but then something happened so I hesitated ... for a bit.

Hae: What do you mean something happened? Did you mess up?

Minho: N-no! Well , k-kinda. 

Hae: What happened?!
Minho: This morning , I gave Eunsuh's parents the money but then someone started following me. I was really surprised. I didn't know what to do so I shook them off!

Hae: Following? Why would someone follow you?!

Minho: I don't know! 

Hae: *sighs* It's finally starting.

Minho: What's starting? Aren't you only doing this to help Eunsuh's parents?

Hae: You know that.

Minho: You don't have to do that secretly. I don't see why--

Hae: Shut up. You're not gonna tell anyone about this. I told you before. No one can find out. I trust you , Minho.

Minho: I know you do. It's not like i'm telling anyone. No one knows it's me , but it's hard to keep doing this without knowing why. You're saying you trust me but I can't feel that. I don't know the truth. What's going on?

Hae: *sighs* Ok. I'll tell Henry to explain the situation to you. But if you betray me , i'll forget that you're one of the few people I trust.

Minho: I'll never betray you , hyung.

Hae: About the money , You should be careful next time. Let's talk about this when I get back to Korea. I need to rest.

Minho: But hyung , there's more.

Hae: What more?

Minho: There's been someone who keeps calling your office. I think he was Dr. In? He said he's your doctor from Daejeon. He said he needs to talk to you as soon as possible.

Hae: Dr. In? 

Minho: Are you sick?

Hae: No. I'll call you back.





I quickly hung up and dialed Dr. In's number. I told him to never call me at work! If my father finds out , i'll get in trouble! 





Dr In: Hello?

Hae: Dr. In , this is Lee Donghae.

Dr. In: Donghae? I finally got to you!

Hae: I told you not to call me in the office!

Dr. In: I couldn't reach your phone , it seems like you're not in Korea now. This is very urgent. I needed to tell you as soon as I can before it's too late.

Hae: Why? What's wrong?
Dr. In: My daughter ...
Hae: Your family matters don't concern me. I'm paying you well enough. Now , if that's all you called me for--
Dr. In: My daughter met this detective and apparently , this detective is looking up on Min Eunsuh and Hwang Sunmi.
Hae: What?!
Dr. In: Someone wants to find out if Min Eunsuh really did die. How Hwang Sunmi really is! You said you'd have everything under control! What if this comes out?
Hae: Who would want to find out about that?!
Dr. In: My daughter told me it was for her old boyfriend.
Hae: Kyuhyun ...
Dr. In: My daughter's trying to get the detective off track as much as she can but i'm not so sure how long it'll take her. She's very kind. She can't take lying for too long. They already found out the real Hwang Sunmi is dead. They're getting too suspicious.
Hae: What?! 
Dr. In: She met the detective when he was investigating on Hwang Sunmi. They found out she was dead. 
Hae: This is all getting out of control.
Dr. In: What do you plan on doing?
Hae: Don't worry. I'll think of something. In the meantime , tell your daughter to get the detective off track as much as she can. I'll meet you as soon as I get back
to Seoul.
Dr. In: I don't want my name to get involved , Donghae.
Hae: I understand but if your daughter messes up , I can't promise you anything.




I hang up and quickly called Henry. He's bound to be in Korea by now. This is all going wrong. He has to look for Sunmi while i'm still here. I can't let anything happen. I worked so hard to keep this a secret for years , I don't plan on losing Sunmi now. Not now or ever.


--Your POV--


I didn't wanna tell Lily anything else. I tried to keep my mouth shut until we went our separate ways. The day after that , Donghae's father told me come to Lee Corp. I went there at around 5PM. He said he wants to congratulate me on a job well done personally. I went to his office and saw Kyuhyun there too. Why is he even here?!




Mr. Lee: Sunmi , you're finally here. Sit down next to Kyuhyun.
Me: *nods* Yes. Thank you.
Mr. Lee: Now that you two are here , I wanna congratulate you. You did a really good job. Our partners in Thailand were very happy and we got very good feedbacks from other companies who are interested to work with us after seeing Sunmi's ads.
Me: It was because of the staff and crew that you hired , Mr. Lee. We were able to do a good job because of them.
Mr. Lee: I told you to call me father , you're my son's girlfriend.
Me: O-oh ... Sorry , father.
Kyuhyun: I'm really glad that te job was a success.
Mr. Lee: I wouldn't expect anything else from you , Kyuhyun. You worked so hard as soon as you got back to get the ads ready. I'm really glad. I knew you'd get this job done perfectly.
Kyuhyun: It was all because you trusted me , Sir. I always thought I had to do well because you were always there trusting and believing me.
Mr. Lee: Well , That's all I wanted to say. You can leave.
Me+Kyu: *bows* Thank you.
Mr. Lee: If Sunmi wasn't my future daughter-in-law , i'd want you two together. You look so perfect together.





My eyes widen at his statement. I looked over at Kyuhyun , and he had the same reaction. I felt my face getting hotter but I should jut ignore it. If only he knew. I bowed once again and quickly went out of the room. I can't take being in the same room as him. It just hurts me more when i'm with knowing , knowing we can't really be together. I finally reached the entrance of the building when I bumped into Lily.





Me: Lily?! What are you doing here?
Lily: I wanted to see you! I couldn't rest well after what happened yesterday. 
Me: I'm sorry if I caused you to worry but i'm fine now.
Lily: No , you're not. You need to talk about your feelings.
Me: We really shouldn't talk here.
Lily: Wanna talk somewhere then? You can always open up to me.
Me: I wanna open up to you. You know that. I just really wanna find myself first.





As we were talking , soemone kept calling my name out from behind. Lily and I turned to see who it was , it was Kyuhyun! He just doesn't stop , doesn't he?





Me: What do you want?!
Kyuhyun: Let's talk.
Me: I don't want to! I'm with my friend.
Kyuhyun: Friend?
Lily: Hello. My name is Lily. It's nice to meet you.
Kyuhyun: Oh. It's nice to meet you too. I'm Kyuhyun.
Lily: You must the lucky boy then!
Kyuhyun: Huh?

Me: Lily!!!
Lily: Nothing. You two should talk.
Me: Lily!
Lily: You said you need to find yourself , right? You two need to talk. You can't run away forever. You'll never find yourself if you keep running away.





In the end , she's actually right. I can't keep running away. I have to talk to Kyuhyun. I have to tell him what I wanna say. I don't know how this'll all end for me but it's not like I have any other choice.


--Lily's POV--


Kyuhyun and Sunmi went out , more like pushed out of the building by me. I stayed in place , infront of the entrance , as I see them walking off together. As they were getting away , I turned to my side and saw someone running to me from the parking lot.




Henry: Lily!
Lily: Henry? What are you doing here?

Henry: I was looking for Sunmi. Do you know where she is?

Lily: Why are you looking for her?

Henry: Donghae ...

Lily: What about him?

Henry: He wanted me to keep an eye on her.

Lily: She doesn't need someone to keep an eye on her all the time. She's a grown woman. Why did he ask you to do that?

Henry: I don't have to tell you.

Lily: Tsk. Well , she's not here. I don't know where she is.
Henry: Really? I was at her house and I got told that Mr. Lee called her over here.
Lily: Maybe she left?
Henry: Where would she go?
Lily: I don't know. Mall? Maybe she went shopping. You know , we should just let her be. She never gets some alone time.
Henry: I can't do that! Donghae will get mad!
Lily: Come on! She'll be fine! *clings on his arm* Let's eat dinner together! 
Henry: But I have to look for--
Lily: You're not Donghae's staff or anything. You don't boss friends around. She'll be fine. I promise.
Henry: You know where she is , don't you?
Lily: Maybe? I did but I'm not exactly sure where she is now.

Henry: Well , either way , I can't leave. I need to talk to someone here.

Lily: Tsk. We barely hang out.




Henry went inside the building. Pfft. I'm glad I was able to make sure he doesn't find Sunmi. I hate lying to friends but I hate my friends hurting even more. She doesn't wanna open up yet but I can feel her hurting. That Kyuhyun guy doesn't seem so bad. I'm sure she wouldn't fall in love with someone bad. 


--Your POV--


Lily forced me to go with Kyuhyun. She dragged me out , he dragged me somewhere with him. I have no idea where we're going and we're already somewhere I don't even know. He wouldn't stop walking so I stopped letting him drag me around and pulled my arm away from his grip woth all my strength.




Me: Where are you taking me?

Kyuhyun: I don't know.

Me: You don't know? You're really crazy.

Kyuhyun: I just wanna talk to you. Away from them.

Me: Are you really not gonna leave me alone? Can't you just leave me alone?

Kyuhyun: No.

Me: *sighs* Why do I even ask? You're too stubborn. I already told you , i'm not Eunsuh.

Kyuhyun: Are you sure?

Me: I don't know. But if I really was her , I wouldn't leave you.

Kyuhyun: ...

Me: We need to stop. I already told you , I love you. That's what you wanna hear , right? I love you but we can't be together. We can't do this. Think about Mr. Lee. He trusts you so much. I'm his son's girlfriend. In his mind , i'm already his daughter-in-law.

Kyuhyun: Do you wanna be his daughter-in-law?

Me: ... 

Kyuhyun: See?

Me: We can't keep doing this. We're just going to hurt each other. I already told you , I can't be Eunsuh for you.

Kyuhyun: I'm not asking you to be Eunsuh for me. I just wanna tell you that i'm going to find out the truth.

Me: What truth?

Kyuhyun: I can't tell you now , but you have to promise to wait. 

Me: I can't.

Kyuhyun: *holds my hand* I'm going to find out the truth that Donghae's been hiding from you.





Truth that Donghae's hiding from me? Does he know about my past?! Did he find out that I lost my memories? He held onto my hand tighter. I felt safer , holding his hand. I never want to let go. I just wanna tell him the truth , that I did lose my memories of the past. That I can't remember anything but Donghae said people will only manipulate my mind if I do that. I can't but I wanna find out the truth. Kyuhyun's hand. His touch. His presence infront of me. It makes me feel like it's the only way I can find out the truth. I have to do this , before it's too late. Lily is right , I can't keep hiding.





Me: Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun: What?

Me: Can you do something for me?

Kyuhyun: What?

Me: If you really think i'm Eunsuh , can you help me get to know Eunsuh?

Kyuhyun: Why would you wanna do that?

Me: I wanna know why you keep thinking i'm Eunsuh. I just wanna know. That's all. I don't have enough time left. If I get to know Eunsuh better , I might understand how you're feeling. I wanna understand.

Kyuhyun: Are you serious?!

Me: *nods* But if I really don't remember anything , you have to promise to stop this whole thing. Leave me alone , once and for all.





His face lightened up and he pulled me into a hug. I can't bring myself to pull away from his embrace , it's like I longed for this so much. The bittersweet truth is , this is only temporary. What if he does prove that i'm Eunsuh? It's not like I can leave Donghae. I don't know. I don't wanna think about it anymore.


--Kibum's POV--


I drove back to Daejeon with Jiri. I asked her if she could take me to the house of that passenger from the accident. She's been acting really uneasy lately. When she was telling where this or that is , she seems so hesitant.




Kibum: Are you ok? Maybe I shouldn't have asked you to come along.

Jiri: No. I'm fine. I'm the one who asked you to tag me along every time you come here.

Kibum: This'll only take a short while.

Jiri: You know , maybe there's a reason why they gave Hwang Sunmi a fake identity?

Kibum: What do you mean?

Jiri: Maybe she looks like your friend because she's plastic.

Kibum: Plastic?

Jiri: Plastic surgery. Surgeons are really good these days. You can never tell when someone went under the knife.

Kibum: That is true. But I don't see why they have to us a dead person's identity for it. Everything can be faked. If they wanted a new identity , a fake birth certificate would do the trick.

Jiri: A real one would be better. Not to mention , Hwang Sunmi's birth certificate was perfect since it was never registered for her death.

Kibum: You're smart for thinking like that.

Jiri: It's easier since that certificate is already there , waiting for an owner.

Kibum: Well , I have no other leads for Sunmi's case since her parents are no where to be found. I can't prove who she is because her identity was made up. The farthest information I could get on Hwang Sunmi is that she's dead.

Jiri: ...

Kibum: I'll do anything to solve Eunsuh's case. I don't want my friend hunting for her soul forever if she's not really alive. It hurts to lose someone you love.

Jiri: Have you ever felt that?

Kibum: Felt what?

Jiri: Losing someone you love?

Kibum: *smiles* No. Not really. It's always been just me.

Jiri: What about your parents?

Kibum: In America with my sister.

Jiri: Mmn. You never had a girlfriend?

Kibum: I have no time for that. I'm always busy working. People are scared of cops for a reason.

Jiri: Then you don't know how your friend feels. If you really know , you wouldn't be digging into this more. He can't move on if people keep digging things about that girl.

Kibum: Huh? What are you saying?

Jiri: I-i'm sorry. It's nothing. I didn't mean to say that.

Kibum: Hmm. Really? That sounded like something to me. 

Jiri: Are you gonna do the DNA test?

Kibum: Yeah. We're planning on doing it after Kyuhyun gets some samples from Sunmi.

Jiri: I could do that for you. The DNA test.

Kibum: You would?

Jiri: My father's the head in their hospital. He's really busy but i'm sure if I make a request , he'd do it himself.

Kibum: Thanks. I can really count on you.





I smiled at her , and she smiled back before I looked back at the road. She really makes me feel at ease , but I kinda feel all tensed up now. She looks so tensed. I can't help but wonder what she's thinking of. She's acting strange , not like I know her that much yet , but she's not acting like her normal self.


--Jiri's POV--


I feel so guilty. Kibum trusts me so much. First , I wanted to help him but now i'm only here to help avoid him from finding out the truth. Why am I even doing this? I should've just stayed away from him! Kibum's smart. Sooner or later , if I don't lead him towards the wrong path , he'll find out my father had something to do with what happened to Eunsuh. Blood is thicker than water. Though I have to admit that i'm starting to like him , I can't betray my own family. He must be noticing how uneasy I am. The car suddenly stop. We're still far from the meeting place though. I looked over at Kibum and he was looking over at me with a concerned look.




Jiri: What's wrong?

Kibum: Are you really sure you're all right?

Jiri: Y-yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

Kibum: You're awfully quiet.

Jiri: Uhh ... Well ... I was just thinking.

Kibum: About?

Jiri: Uhh ........ It's been years since the accident. Do you think those passengers who managed to get off the bus still remember who got off of it?

Kibum: Who knows? That's why we're going over to meet one of them to ask.

Jiri: Trying to remember an accident you witnessed isn't really a good memory.

Kibum: Yeah , but if remembering it means you'll somehow help one of the passengers who died there , then I don't see what's wrong with it. You were blessed with a second life. A second chance to live. That bus could've exploded in an earlier stop. Rather than whining about it , they should be thankful they survived.

Jiri: That's a bit harsh.

Kibum: What's so harsh about it? It's the truth.

Jiri: It is nice to think that you survived , but looking back on memories where other people suffered , it would be hard.

Kibum: I'm a detective , I already handled many cases where I had to find out why someone died. I already encountered moments where witnesses would be too scared to tell , even to think about what happened in a crime. It'll be hard but in the end , telling the truth is all that matters. You'll never feel better inside unless you tell the truth. It'll bug you inside for a long time.

Jiri: ...

Kibum: If you find something wrong about this then say it. 

Jiri: Don't have to. You're not gonna listen anyways.

Kibum: That is true.

Jiri: See?

Kibum: I don't see anything wrong with asking simple questions. No one ever looked into this , i'm sure Eunsuh would be happy if we found out the truth.

Jiri: You have no idea.

Kibum: Huh?

Jiri: Nothing. Don't mind me. Let's just go before we're too late.




He started the car again and went off . I should just keep my mouth shut. I can't help but want to tell him the truth whenever I try to say things that might convince him to change his mind. This is turning into a disaster! I can't keep doing this!!!




It's been a while , right?

I'm really really sorry! I had a long long vacation from writing this.

I had lots of things in mind so I really didn't wanna write unless my mind was clear.


Thank you to those who are still reading this!

I'm sorry for letting you down and making you wait for so long.

I'll try my best next time.

Also , i'm going back to the Philippines in a week.

I don't us the PC that much here in Japan , I barely open it actually , so I can't exactly write.

When I get back in the Philippines , i'll have lots of time going online (since it's basically the only thing I do there).

I'll be sure to update again soon!


Thank you again , to those who are still reading and subscribing to this!

I really appreciate it!


-dorobbongie :3



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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!