When they meet again.

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.


--Your POV--


After doing random poses , the staffs and I checked out the photos at a device there and they keep saying nothing but praises about me. I seriously dont like people praising me too much because when they do , they treat me like i'm someone very high and unreachable when i'm just as normal as everyone else. After the shoot was done , Minho approached me with Seyeon. I was smiling a lot at the shot but I cant smile anymore right after it and I dont know why. I keep getting compliments that I did really amazing but , what so amazing? I just smiled and do random poses .. I really don't get it yet.




Seyeon: Sunmi-sshi. You were amazing!

Me: Ohh .. Gomawo. 

Seyeon: But , why do you look so sad and gloomy?

Me: Me?? Nothing .. I'm not. I'm fine. *fake smile*

Minho: Well , she's right. You did great. You worked hard and the outcomes were good.

Me: Ohh . Gomawo.

Minho: I heard that the marketing head is here so I think you should meet him now.

Me: Arasso. But , isn't Donghae coming with me?

Minho: Donghae? He's in a meeting but he said he'll call me when he's gonna meet up with you.

Me: Ok.

Minho: Seyeon. Tell Jonghyun that i'm taking Sunmi to the marketing office now.

Seyeon: Ne. Arasso Mr. Choi.




Seyeon left to look for Jonghyun while Minho talked to some of the staffs first before introducing me to the marketing head. I guess its really necessary to meet him? I dont see why though but ... Yeah. I guess I have to. Donghae told me he'll meet me right after the shoot though but .. Maybe he's too busy.



--Jonghyun's POV--


Kyuhyun called me and asked me to get some papers from an the office just below ours. I was infront of the elevator and on my way up. When it opened , I saw Seyeon inside. Shouldn't she be with Sunmi? Is the shot over?




Jonghyun: Seyeon-ah , what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Sunmi?

Seyeon: Oh! Sir Jonghyun! There you are! Sir Minho told me to tell you that he's taking Ms. Sunmi to meet the marketing head. I didn't know Sir Kyuhyun came in today.

Jonghyun: Mwo?! Minho will take Sunmi to him?

Seyeon: Yeah .. Whats wrong?

Jonghyun: We have to get there.

Seyeon: Wae? I dont see whats wrong.

Jonghyun: You dont understand. I'll explain it later. Lets go!




The elevator already left so we went through the emergency stairs. I know this is gonna happen soon but ... I'm not sure if Kyuhyun's ready to see a girl. A GIRL who looks exactly like Min Eunsuh , who is his girlfriend before. Minho should know this... But I dont blame him. 80% of guys who know Min Eunsuh before tends to forget she has a boyfriend or wants to forget she has one. I was running and Seyeon kept asking why but I couldn't answer under pressure. We're almost there and I see Minho with Sunmi making their way to the door. I ran as fast as I could and blocked the door before Minho could reach for the handle.




Minho: Y-yah! Jonghyun! Whats wrong?

Jonghyun: *heavy breathing* N-nothing. S-sunmi just finished shooting , right? I think we should take her out for a snack first.

Me: Its ok. I'm not that hungry yet. Plus i'll eat with Donghae at their house.

Minho: You just want to rest again , dont you? Stop goofing off. When this is over , thats when you ask for those things.

Jonghyun: B-but Minho! Didn't I tell you before about--?

Minho: Lets chat later. I'm really busy you know. Lets just get this over with.




Minho pushed me out of the way and they went inside. Ottoke?? I guess I should've known this would happen sooner or later. Kyuhyun was busy looking at some papers so while he was looking down on his papers. Minho was talking to him.




Minho: Kyuhyun ... 

Kyu: What? *still not looking*

Minho: Lets make this quick. I'm gonna introduce Hwang Sunmi to you since you're gonna work with her more than I am ... *looks at Sunmi* Sunmi-sshi , introduce yourself. Don't worry , he's always like that.

Kyu: Cho Kyunhyun imnida *without looking*

Me: Uh .. ohh ... Ok. * faces Kyu* *bows* Annyeong Haseyo. Hwang Sunmi imnida. I'm looking forward to work with you ...




--Kyu's POV--


I have to just focus. If I keep thinking about what happened , i'll never get to work properly. I heard the door opening but its probably just Jonghyun or Minho or the secretary. I didn't really care at first but when I heard her voice ......... It rings a bell. It sounds like ..... Eunsuh. I looked up at them and stood up. When she stood up properlyt after bowing ..... 




Kyu: E-eunsuh-ah?

Me: Y-you?




I was about to go out of my place to her but she moved and hid behind Minho.  Jonghyun went next to me and held my shoulder. She kept looking away. I dont know what to do anymore cause my feet are frozen on my position. All I can do is look at her. But ... Eunsuh ...




Jonghyun: Kyuhyun .. She's not Eunsuh , ok?

Me: I-im not the girl your thinking I am... If you're gonna do something again , i'm leaving.

Minho: W-what happened? Do you know each other? I know she looks like Eunsuh. Thats what I thought of too. I guess girls who come from America are just really pretty.

Me: M-minho. Where's Donghae?

Minho: He's still in a meeting. But i'll go and check. *goes to the door* 

Me: *holds his wrist* Kajima. Don't leave me alone.

Minho: Its ok. Seyeon and Jonghyun are here. I'll be back real quick. *goes out*




She looks so worried and a bit scared. Am I a bit creepy before? But .... Why is my heart beating faster when its only like this for Eunsuh? But .. she cant be just someone who looks like her. But still. She looked at me seriously but walked away a little. If she was Eunsuh ..... This isn't the proffession she'd want.



--Your POV--


He was so rude when he introduced himself without even looking at me .. But worse , he looked like he was about to hug me again when he saw me but Jonghyun went next to him. Thank god. I looked at him again when Minho left but walked away a little. But my head keeps getting weird thoughts around him and starts to hurt a bit. He kept staring at me though so I looked away.




Me: Y-yah! Stop staring at me.

Kyu: E-eunsuh-ah ....

Me: I'm not Eunsuh , ok? So .. don't do what you did before again or else i'm leaving this company because of you!

Kyu: But .. You look so much a like ...

Me: Look! I dont know why we look a like! But i'm not her! ok? .. If its true that we're gonna work together , you should learn not to be creepy. I'll forget what you did but ... Don't call me Eunsuh anymore and don't do those weird things again.

Kyu: But .. How can you-- Why do you--?? Where did you come from?

Me: You dont care about that. Its none of your business! Is knowing where I live related to your work? Or don't you know nothing but to slack off and flirt with every girl you see!?

Kyu: F-flirt? Me?! 

Me: Yeah! You! Who hugs a girl they never met before when they first see each other!?

Jonghyun: You met before?

Kyu: *looks at Jjong* Shut up. *looks back at me* Look here Miss Sunmi. I'm sorry ok? But let me tell you , you thought wrong about me. I'm not a flirt. I only did that because ....

Me: Because? What? ............... See! You cant say why because you have no other reason to why you did that!

Jonghyun: S-sunmi-sshi .. Kyuhyun-ah. I think we have to leave now. Sunmi-ah , Kaja?





I walked out of the room before them. I dont wanna be around him cause I feel really weird. I didn't even wait for Jonghyun , I tried to go back to the pictorial room and look for Donghae or Minho. Both of them weren't there. I went to Donghae's office and as I was about to enter , the door opened. It was Donghae.




Hae: What are you doing here?

Me: Oppa ... I wanna go home.

Hae: Home? I'm not finished yet. Stay inside for a while. I need to go somewhere first.

Me: Can't I just go home?

Hae: Why are in such a rush to go home? Did something happen?

Me: ..................... *looks away*

Hae: Well?

Me: N-no ... I'll just wait for you in here.




He went out of his office and I went in and sat down at the couch there. I can't tell him about that Kyuhyun guy , he'll get mad and react for sure. Why do I wanna protect that guy? I should just tell Donghae! but .. I cant .. 



--Kyuhyun's POV--


So , she's Hwang Sunmi? How? How can she even look like Eunsuh? She's like Eunsuh before when we weren't close yet. When I always bullied her before. She's like her when I was starting to like her but she hated me.





I cant help it. I wanna see Eunsuh again. But she really hates me. Aish Cho Kyuhyun , why did you have to bully her before? I looked for her in the library but she wasn't there. Aish. She must've went home already. I'll just go home. While walking on my way home , I saw Eunsuh walking all by herself.  This is my chance. I was walking behind her , just looking at her walk. She looked back at me but looked away so fast with an irritated face. Not a good sign. I kept following her and she kept looking behind me and looking away. Then she stopped and looked behind me with an irritated face.




Eunsuh: What?

Kyu: What do you mean WHAT?

Eunsuh: What are you doing? Why are you following me? School's over. Can you just stay away from me?

Kyu: This is the way to my house too.

Eunsuh: Then don't follow me. Its irritating and scary.

Kyu: How can I not follow you when this is really the way to my house?

Eunsuh: Take another way home then.

Kyu: You do that. I don't have to listen to you.

Eunsuh: Fine. If I see you following me , you're dead. 




She walked away to a dark alley to get to the other street , but its dangerous there. Lots of strange guys hang out there. Aish , I didn't think she'd take me seriously. I ran to her and stopped her from walking in further more. I held her arm and she irritatingly pushed it away.




Kyu: Yah!

Eunsuh: Leave me alone! 

Kyu: Are you really going in there? Wont you fight for your human rights?

Eunsuh: Why do you care? And fighting with you is a waste of time!

Kyu: Do you know lots of strange guys hang out there? What if something happens to you?

Eunsuh: Wae? Aren't you a strange guy too? If I can handle you , I can surely handle them.

Kyu: Look , just take the way you were going through. Not here. 

Eunsuh: Why are you so concerned about me? Don't you hate me?

Kyu: I do. Because everyone likes you so much for being too pretty while I don't ... I don't even know what i'm feeling right now.

Eunsuh: Huh? You're being weird again. I don't understand! Say it!

Kyu: Eunsuh-ah ... I like you.

Eunsuh: You must be joking. Its not funny though.

Kyu: Eunsuh-ah! I don't know why! Its not because you're pretty. Its because you're the only girl I know who hates me this much. You're not like them. Liking you because you're pretty is not a reason for liking you. 

Eunsuh: I-i have to go.




She walked away to the road she was originally going to. Did I just confess? But she looked like she smiled a bit before she left. Or is it just me? Am i seeing right or what? 





Then , Eunsuh told me before that she did smile. Because I said that being pretty is not a reason of liking her. She was happy because all of the guys who confessed , she said that the first reason they would give on why they like her is because she's beautiful , and thats what she hates the most. I'm missing Eunsuh more. After seeing Sunmi , I cant help but feel that Eunsuh is just infront of me.



--Your POV--


Donghae finished his meeting and we went on our way to his house. I was just at my room , sitting on my bed and thinking until he entered my room.




Hae: Sunmi-ah .. We have to talk.

Me: About?

Hae: My father already set everything up. I have to go to Japan tomorrow. I have to stay there for 2 weeks for business purposes. I don't wanna leave you behind but you have to stay here because they need you for their projects and stuff.

Me: I understand. Its ok with me.

Hae: I dont think I can leave you behind. I don't wanna go with out you. How can I look after you?

Me: I'll be ok. Just finish your work. I'm gonna be fine. You're father wont like me if I pull you away from your responsibilities.

Hae: Here *gives me a phone* My number in Japan is set there already. Call me when anything comes up. I'll also call my dad everyday to ask about you. Sunmi ... *holds my cheek* I want you to tell me everything. And remember , you're mine.

Me: *nods* Arasso.

Hae: If guys are lurking around you , tell me who they are. They don't know what Lee Donghae can do yet. You're the prettiest thing on earth and I love you ...

Me: You should rest now if your gonna leave soon.

Hae: *hugs me* I'll just stay here with you. I'll miss you. If I could , I would take you with me. But , i guess we can go there when i'm not busy after we get married. *kisses my forehead* I love you.




He's so different right now. But I dont know what i'll do without Donghae with me. Especially now that i'll work with that Kyuhyun guy. I have to forget about that. Donghae's my boyfriend. Like he said , we'll get married. He hasn't formally asked me about it but because he says so , I don't think i have the right to complain. He's helped me live for 2 years. I can't leave him now. Even if he wont tell me everything about my past life , I still trust him because no one would take in someone they don't know ...



--Donghae's POV--


I wanted to take her to Japan with me. But my father specifically told me not to because she's needed here. 



--Hae talking to his father--


Hae: I'm not gonna leave without Sunmi ...

Hae's Appa: I'm sorry. Everything is all set up. And its just for 2 weeks. Its not forever Donghae.

Hae: You don't understand! I need to protect her!

Hae's Appa: From what? Will something hurt her here?

Hae: You don't understand ...

Hae's Appa: I perfectly understand. You're scared that she'll leave you? Is that it?

Hae: I wont leave if she's not going with me.

Hae's Appa: Donghae ... Listen to me. When your Omma and I we're just in a relationship , I could leave her for business trips your grandfather sets for me and nothing happens. We got married and had you , now , what could happen if you leave her for 2 weeks? She'll be staying in our house anyways. And remember , she's gonna work here. I know everything that happens around here. You're the heir and you have to give good impressions to our business partners or else , they wont accept you to be the next one incharger. This is very important to me Donghae. To you and to our company. This is a very important. You have to do this.

Hae: I don't care. I just wont leave her.

Hae's Appa: You're going whether you like it or not! Its already set. Do it or you'll lose your inheritance!



--End of conversation--



He always uses the inheritance threat on me. But if this is really that important. I don't have a choice. I stayed at Sunmi's room until she fell asleep. I can't leave her. I was next to her when she was sleeping. No matter what I made her become , she still looks the same as before. Still the innocent girl whom I fell in love with at first sight. Even when I changed her completely already , she still has that Min Eunsuh aura. I wont let her leave me. Never. She doesn't need anybody else but me. I really love her and I cant let her go. I took off the hair covering her face and touched her cheek.




Hae: Sunmi ... Don't ever want the life that you had before. Just stay with me. You're mine and no one else can own you but me ... They have to go through me before they can take you away. But i'll make sure none of that happens. After we get married , I'll take you away again. Away where they can never find out that you're Sunmi ... Once I settle everything here , even Korea will never see Hwang Sunmi again. Hwang Sunmi or Min Eunsuh ... No one of them will see her again. No one. 




After a while. I left her room and went to my own. I just laid on my bed because I coulnd't sleep at all. Henry's right that what i'm doing is wrong. Bringing her back to Korea wasn't a good thing too because chances are , I might get caught , but I cant do anything because this is what my father wants. But ... Wrong or not , I don't care. As long as she's here and mine. I gave her a good life in return anyways. As long as I can , she stays with me.










Annyeong Yeorobeun!

How are you all? 

I finally got to update again :)

Sorry for making you wait for sooooo long!

I've been so busy because I watched SMTOWN LIVE IN TOKYO SPECIAL EDITION *the last day.*

Thats why i've been a little busy and after that , I got busy with a lot of things too.

But here it is! I swear the next happenings will be good! Hope you like it! =)


-MsShaiKyu :3

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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!