I fell ...

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.


--Your POV--


I tried to keep myself composed since I got back. Donghae's parents have been really ncie and they treat me so well. As soon as I got back , Mrs. Lee asked how the activities in Thailand have been for me. Mr. Lee kept complimenting me and my works. They would ask me if I want something or not. They've been so nice. I feel a little guilty , knowing I had an affair with someone while I was away ... but i'm gonna forget it now. The Lee's have been very nice to me. I can't ignore what they've done for me.


A day after I got back , I finally got a phonecall from Donghae.





Hae: Sunmi!

Sunmi: Donghae , how have you b--

Hae: Did something happen?

Sunmi: Huh? What do you mean?

Hae: We haven't talked for days. I was worried that something might've happened.

Sunmi: I'm fine.

Hae: Did your head hurt? Did you bring medicines?

Sunmi: It did hurt a couple of times but I'm fine.

Hae: Did you remember something?

Sunmi: I'm not really sure. I don't recall.

Hae: I'm going back in a couple of days. My work here is almost done. You just have to wait for a bit , ok? Then after your business there is done , we can go back to the US.

Sunmi: Hmm. Ok. Oh ... Lily is in Korea so i'm gonna meet up with her.

Hae: Lily? From school?

Sunmi: Yeah.

Hae: You should only talk to people you know already. Don't talk to strangers there , ok? Is she gonna visit you there?

Sunmi: No. She told me she wanted to take me to--

Hae: Sunmi , you can't go out while i'm gone. Not in Korea.

Sunmi: But .. why?

Hae: It doesn't matter. You're not supposed to go out.

Sunmi: Why?

Hae: Don't ask too much questions. This is for your own good.

Sunmi: Donghae , can I got to Mrs. Min in Daejeon when you get back?

Hae: Daejeon? Yeah. I guess. I'm sure she misses you.

Sunmi: Thank you.

Hae: Don't go out and don't go talking to strangers. Also , never talk about your condition. If someone talks to you or even tries , just run away. Don't go to places like ... Kyunghee or--

Sunmi: Kyunghee? What's that?

Hae: W-what? Did I say that?

Sunmi: Yeah. What is it? Is it a mall?

Hae: No. N-nevermind that. Promise me , you won't go out.

Sunmi: Donghae ... 

Hae: I said promise!!!

Sunmi: O-okay.

Hae: I need to go to a meeting now.






He just hang up after that ... Kyunghee? What is that? What do I do? I was gonna meet up with Lily and i'm already dressed. I thought i could go sight seeing with her , i've never seen places here in Korea. After I texted Lily that I cant go , I didn't notice Mrs. Lee has entered the living , where I was supposed to wait for Lily.






Mrs. Lee: What's wrong? You look a little problematic.

Sunmi: Oh. Mrs. Lee *stands up and bows*

Mrs. Lee: No need to do that sweetie. What happened? Weren't you talking to Donghae?

Sunmi: *nods* I was but then he hang up because he had to go.

Mrs. Lee: Then didn't you say a friend of yours is coming and taking you around?

Sunmi: Yes , but Donghae just told me that i'm not allowed to go out.

Mrs. Lee: What?! That kid. He's protecting you too much. Don't worry. You can go.

Sunmi: What?

Mrs. Lee: I'll talk to Donghae myself about this. You can go out and meet with your friend.

Sunmi: But , Donghae might get mad.

Mrs. Lee: I'll get mad at him for telling you not to go out and i'll get mad at you for not following me. Do you want that?

Sunmi: *shakes my head*

Mrs. Lee: Then don't worry. You can go out.

Sunmi: N-no. It's ok. I already texted my friend and told her I'm not allowed to go out so she already turned back from her way here and headed off to where we were supposed to go by herself.

Mrs. Lee: Is that so? Then maybe you should catch up to her.

Sunmi: I don't know how to take public transportation here in Korea.

Mrs. Lee: You can take the car.

Sunmi: I-i can't drive.

Mrs. Lee: I'll call someone from the company to take you. I'll be back ok? Wait for me here. Don't worry about Donghae. I'll handle him.






Mrs. Lee stood up and went to her room , maybe to get her phone? I didn't wanna cause trouble. Donghae just told me not to go. I don't want her having problems with his mother for letting me off but I don't want his mother to be mad at us. When her driver came to the front of their house with the car , I left and headed off to my meeting place with Lily. She said she was gonna take me to Simone Handbag Museum in the Gangnam district. The exterior is amazing. It looks like a giant bag! Lily rushed over to hug me when she saw me making my way towards her.







Lily: Sunmi! I'm glad you were able to come after all!

Sunmi: Yeah. Thanks to Donghae's mother.

Lily: I don't know why Donghae is being extremely protective towards you here. He would usually allow us to go out once in a while when we were at the States!

Sunmi: I don't know why too. Maybe because he thinks being here isn't good for me.

Lily: Why is that?

Sunmi: I'm not really sure too.

Lily: Well , this place is amazing! They have tons of bags displayed here! I can't wait to see them all! Then maybe we can go to the mall after this and actually buy some bags! Let's go!





She , then , pulled me in with her. She really has a strong liking for bags. After their business has been going pretty well , she started collecting bags again. I'm sure she has more than a hundred bags already. Then again , she was right about Donghae being too over protective over me here. Maybe he predicted something like what happened between me and Kyuhyun would happen. I can't tell him anything about me and Kyu because I can never leave him after everything he's done for me.



--Jiri's POV--


What do I do?! What do I do?! I'm really confused. Kibum. I feel sorry that he trusts me , especially because he treats me so nicely. I had no choice but to help my father anyways. I went to my father and told him about Kibum getting documents on Eunsuh's case. I know it's wrong but if Kibum finds out the truth , my family will get ruined. 





Dr. In: I have to talk to Donghae soon about this when he gets back.

Jiri: Appa. Please. Let's just not interfere. I'm not gonna tell Kibum anything. You just have to keep quiet.

Dr. In: You know I can't do that because i'm involved in this.

Jiri: I don't know how long I can keep this up. I don't think I can keep this up.

Dr. In: Is her life more important to you than our family?

Jiri: We ruined a lives for this family. How can I live with that?

Dr. In: I'm the only one who ruined lives here.

Jiri: No! I'm involved now too! I always have! You did this for my studies! You're known here for a wrong reason!

Dr. In: Don't you dare talk to me like that , young lady! I'm still your father!!

Jiri: I'm going crazy here! What do you expect me to do?! I have no idea how on earth I should deal with this!

Dr. In: If you don't wanna get involved then don't meet with that Kibum again!

Jiri: Appa ....

Dr. In: Do you like him?

Jiri: What?

Dr. In: Do you like that Kibum? Is that why you can't just stay away?

Jiri: It's none of your business.

Dr. In: I'm your father so it's my business.

Jiri: If my feelings were a part of your 'business' then you wouldn't have provoked me into helping you hide the truth from a family you helped destroy. If that's what happens when you take part in my business then I don't want you involved in it.





I stood up and walked out of his office. So what if I like Kibum? Even if I do or not , because of what he did , whatever relation we have is already broken as is. It's no use talking to him. He mentioned Donghae is still in Japan. I have to talk to that guy himself when he gets back


--Kyuhyun's POV--


I went to Kibum to talk to him about Eunsuh , I know he's back in Seoul. When I got to his office , Sungmin kept trying to stop me and blocks my way. He even called Jonghyun just so someone would help him stop me.





Sungmin: Can you relax?!

Kyuhyun: Hyung! I'm going insane! I need to know something!

Jonghyun: Hold up! Can't you just keep calm for one second?

Kyuhyun: I AM CALM! Now bring Kibum out!

Sungmin: Kyu! You can't rush Kibum! He's a busy guy! He's not only caring about your case you know!

Kyuhyun: I know Kibum and I know that he already knows something!

Jonghyun: Ok. Maybe he does. But you can't just rush in there and disturb him while he's working.

Kyuhyun: Yah! KIM KIBUM! You need to tell me something! NOW!

Sungmin: Cho Kyuhyun! There are other people here too and you're disturbing their work!

Kyuhyun: I'll go insane if I don't find out anything! Don't you get it?!

Sungmin: We know but--






Our conversation was interrupted when the door to Kibum's office opened. He opened the door and asked us to come in his office. Sungmin hyung and Jonghyun let go of their grips on me as we headed inside. He sat on his desk and started acting like a real detective. 





Kyu: Enough with the drama. What did you find out?

Kibum: I was at Daejeon for a couple of days to do minor investagation. 

Kyu: Minor? Couldn't you have just did everything all at once.

Kibum: First , it's not easy.

Sungmin: Are you sure you're gonna tell him?

Kyu: Heck yeah he's gonna tell me!

Kibum: It's no use in hiding. He's gonna find out anyways. Hwang Sunmi is dead.

Kyu: W-what?! WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!!! I was just with her yesterday! WHAT HAPPENED?!

Jonghyun: Relax! He's talking about the real Hwang Sunmi.

Kyu: Real? Hwang Sunmi?

Kibum: The Hwang Sunmi you know isn't Hwang Sunmi and the real Hwang Sunmi is alive.

Kyu: What?

Kibum: We traced Hwang Sunmi's birth certificate and found out that the real Hwang Sunmi is dead. Also , I found out that Donghae was living with a girl in Daejeon before he went to the States.

Kyu: So Sunmi can be Eunsuh?

Kibum: I'm not saying it's a fact but there is a chance. I got papers from the police investigation about Eunsuh's accident 2 years ago. According to a CCTV video , 4 passengers went off the bus but unfortunately , we can't get a hold of that CCTV. 

Sungmin: Wait ... What do you mean?

Kyu: You don't know anything about this?

Sungmin: No. We just heard it now.

Kibum: After reviewing the report from the police , I wanted all of you to hear this together. According to the report , the bus stop where the accident happened is--

Kyu: On Eunsuh's stop. That's where she was about to get off.

Kibum: Exactly. It was Eunsuh's stop and according to the report , 4 passengers got off that stop and when the accident happened , the bus was already leaving the stop. It means that--

Sungmin: Eunsuh got off the bus before the accident happened?!

Kibum: We can't be sure but it should be what happened. 3 of the 4 passengers that got off were able to give their statements and according to the report , one passenger in the bus is missing.

Jonghyun: Missing?

Kibum: There were some reports claiming that one passenger rode the bus and was gonna stop at the next stop but she was never found.

Kyu: That means Eunsuh is alive!

Kibum: We're not sure of it! There's a possibility that she fell asleep on the bus! Her wallet was found with the corpse , remember?!

Kyu: I know her more than anybody and I know she's not the type of person who just falls asleep anywhere! Plus , what about her other things? If they found her wallet what about the others? Her bag? Her phone?

Kibum: She hid the wallet inside her clothes , that's probably why it didn't get burnt badly like the others. Remember , the bus exploded. Everything was burnt. I'm going back to Daejeon in a week and try to get to have a talk with the 3 passengers who got off the bus.

Kyu: I know Eunsuh more than anything and now i'm sure that Eunsuh is Sunmi.






But if she is Eunsuh ... Why is she pretending to be Sunmi? I still can't help but have doubts. I know i'm stating a fact but some circumstances are contradicting with the conclusion. Why is she pretending to be Sunmi and is pushing me away? Doesn't she love me anymore? We made a promise. How can she easily forget?


--Lily's POV--


It's so nice to be in Korea. This country is great and I always felt that I belonged here. I know taking Sunmi to this bag museum isn't really fit with her liking ... but she and I actually don't have things in common. We're too different people. I could go here with someone else or just by myself but I always felt how she felt so lonely. I didn't like it. She's helped my family with our business and she's really the type of person i'd want to take care of but she always felt incomplete.


I tried my best to keep her entertained by showing and telling her descriptions about these different types of bags here. Though she smiles at me when i'm looking , i'm sure she's not that amused. The bags here were really awesome though. I got so carried away for a sec and I totally forgot about Sunmi. I looked back to her and called her name out but she didn't seem to hear me. I approached her and tried to wake her up , you could see her thinking deeply from her eyes , she looked really problematic. She jumped a little when I tapped her.





Lily: Is something wrong?

Sunmi: N-no. I'm fine.

Lily: You don't have to lie.

Sunmi: I'm really fine.

Lily: If something's wrong , you can talk to me about it. It's better to let it out than to keep it to yourself. Are you scared that I might tell Donghae?

Sunmi: Lily ...

Lily: Don't worry. I wouldn't tell Donghae. I'm your friend.

Sunmi: Lily ...

Lily: I'm on your side. Though Donghae is a friend , you're my friend more than Donghae. I came here because of you. If you're scared I might tell Donghae then don't be. I'm not gonna tell him or Henry or anyone anything. I'm here as your friend. Someone you can talk about your problems with no worries.

Sunmi: Can we talk somewhere else?

Lily: Sure.






Sunmi and I went out of the museum and I drove us to a nearby cafe. She was very quiet throughout the car ride. She didn't even say a word. I ordered coffee for us when we arrived in the cafe and when I got back to her at the table , as usual , she was staring deeply at a blank space again. For 2 years , I've been with her as her friend. I'm sure enough that she has a problem.





Lily: So ...

Sunmi: Lily , i'm messed up.

Lily: What do you mean?

Sunmi: I'm confused. My head is going insane. I feel like my head and my heart will explode. I can't keep it in anymore *cries*

Lily: Sunmi!

Sunmi: I did something wrong ... I know I shouldn't have but my feelings , I couldn't hold it back.

Lily: What? Can you tell me what happened? I'm kinda confused.

Sunmi: I fell.

Lily: Fell?

Sunmi: I fell for another guy.

Lily: W-what?

Sunmi: I fell in love with another guy but the thing is , that feeling felt like it was always there. It felt like I always loved him. I never felt this for Donghae. Just him .... I'm confused and I don't know what to do.

Lily: *sits next to me and hugs me*

Sunmi: I'm really confused. I know that I love him but I can't because of Donghae and it hurts a lot.

Lily: I didn't know you were going through something like this.

Sunmi: I'm sorry.

Lily: No. I'm sorry. I can't do anything and we both know that but you can. You can do something. Donghae isn't the one who chooses for you , you do.

Sunmi: But .. isn't he the one who chooses for me?

Lily: What?

Sunmi: Everything I do , Donghae always has to have a say on it. If Donghae says I have to do it , then I have to. If he says I don't , then I don't.

Lily: What are you saying? Who told you that?

Sunmi: He did.

Lily: ...

Sunmi: I have to do everything he says. He said I always have and always will. I owe him so much , too much for me to count. I can't turn my back on him just like that. It's wrong to fall in love with someone else.

Lily: Sunmi ... I ...

Sunmi: *pushes away from the hug* *wipes tears* It's ok. It was my fault. I'm sorry if I brought it up. You told me to. But can you promise not to tell Donghae that?

Lily: Of course!

Sunmi: Thanks.

Lily: Sunmi ... You should follow your heart.

Sunmi: *shakes head* I can't.

Lily: The only one who's happy when you follow Donghae is Donghae. It's your life.

Sunmi: That's not true. All I know is I have to follow Donghae.

Lily: Are you happy when you follow what Donghae says?

Sunmi: Lily ...

Lily: You're not , aren't you? Do you love that guy you're saying you fell for?

Sunmi: I do.

Lily: Do you love Donghae?

Sunmi: What?

Lily: Do you love Donghae? More than that guy?





She couldn't answer. I waited but , no response. She never cried over a guy infront of me. She never showed emotional problems over a guy , not even over Donghae. But now she's opening up to me for the first time. I can't believe she'd fall in love with someone else. No wonder Donghae has always been eyeing her , because feelings between them aren't mutual She answered 'I do' as soon as I asked her if she loved the other guy but when I asked her if she loved Donghae , she couldn't say anything. She never talked about her feelings for Donghae yet she's here telling me she's in love with someone else. I feel like i'm meeting the true her for the first time. I hugged her back again and she started crying again while hugging me tighter , as if this has been something she's been keeping all to herself for a while. It must really hurt.






It's been a while , hasn't it? I'm sorry for not updating for SO LONG.

I just had my midterm exams in College. It wasn't easy.

I'm still busy with lots of school things so I hope you still keep your patience for me. I'll try my best! Thank for still supporting this fic!



A preview for the NEXT CHAPTER! 

I'll start writing it soon. But here's a sneak peak of what's to come! I hope you wait for it!


xoxo , dorobbongie! 




While waiting at my hiding place with Eunjo , a guy who's too covered to be identified came closer to her parents and had a little small talk with them before handing an envelope. He quickly left as soon as he finished what he had to do.


Eunjo: That was him oppa!!

Sungmin: Who do you think is that?

Kyuhyun: I don't know but I don't like this feeling at all.

Sungmin: Do you wanna follow him?





Lily: Henry? What are you doing here?

Henry: Do you know where Sunmi is?

Lily: Why are you looking for her?

Henry: Donghae ...

Lily: What?

Henry: He wanted me to keep an eye on her.

Lily: She doesn't need someone to keep an eye on her. Why did he ask you too?

Henry: I don't have to tell you.




Sunmi: Are you really not gonna leave me alone?

Kyuhyun: No.

Sunmi: *sighs* Why do I even ask? You're too stubborn. I already told you , i'm not Eunsuh.

Kyuhyun: Are you sure?

Sunmi: I don't know. But if I really was her , I wouldn't leave you.

Kyuhyun: That is true but--

Sunmi: Can you do something for me though?

Kyuhyun: What?

Sunmi: If you really think i'm Eunsuh , can you help me get to know Eunsuh?

Kyuhyun: Why would you wanna do that?

Sunmi: I wanna know why you keep thinking i'm Eunsuh. I just wanna know. That's all. I don't have enough time left. If I get to know Eunsuh better , I might understand how you're feeling. I wanna understand.




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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!