The day we said GOODBYE.

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.

--Your POV--


Today , i have to go to Daejeon now. I had a wonder sleep even if Kyu and I spoke on the phone until 3AM in the morning. I even wore the ring he gave me. My parents , are surprisingly here at home on Monday and prepared me breakfast. We all ate together since they have to go back to work tomorrow. Eunjo was in a rush.  She rushingly kissed our cheeks while she was holding a sandwich in her hand and ran out.




Eunjo: See you in 2 days unnie!!!!!!!!!!!!




She's late and for the first time , she cared. I enjoyed a wonderful breakfast with my parents. My mom helped me with my last minute packing after breakfast and downstairs , i bid my farewell.




Omma: Take care of yourself. And explain to them why we cant go. 

Me: I wouldn't let you go if i knew you needed rest anyways. I'll tell your cousins about it. 

Appa:You have to call us when you get there as soon as possible , ok??

Me: *hugs them both*

Omma: Ohh ..

Appa: Why is my daughter so sweet now?

Me: I'm just gonna miss you. Always take care of yourselves. Dont skip meals and rest after work.

Appa: You talk like your gonna leave a long time. Its only 2 days.

Me: I know. *kisses both their cheeks* I love you.

Omma: Aww... Then you better get going.

Me: *lets go* NE! Annyeong. 




I went out on my way to the bus station. Its really cold and a bit rainy today though. The sky looks gray and it looks like its gonna rain hard later. While standing at the bus station , my phone started to ring. When i picked it up , i could hear sounds of huffing like he's running.




Me: Yoboseyo?

Kyuhyun: Jagiya! Where are you???

Me: I'm at the bus stop. Where are you? Why do you sound like you're running?

Kyuhyun: I'm on my way there! Wait for me.

Me: Aren't you supposed to be at Lee Corp?

Kyuhyun: I overslept and i'm just on my way. Wait for me there!

Me: Ok ... Dont run. You're gonna get tired.

Kyuhyun: I'll be there in a minute. I love you.

Me: I love you too *hungs up*




I waited for Kyu for a while. I thought we already bid farewell yesterday. I guess he wont let me go today. I sat down the bench for a while. Then someone hugged me from behind and placed his head on my shoulder. I tried to pull away.




Kyu: *hugs tighter* Stay like that for a while. I'm tired.

Me: Then sit next to me.




He was able to sit down while hugging me. His strategies surprises me sometimes ... When he lets go , i hugged him. I kissed his cheek like .. Hundreds of times then rested my head on his shoulder.



--Kyu's POV--


I'm usually the sweet one demanding for love. Its a surprise thats she the one being like this over me.




Kyu: Are you gonna miss me that much?

Me: *nods*

Kyu: Its only for 2 days ...

Me: You always say "Its only gonna be for 2 days". Its like , me being gone for 2 days doesn't mean that much to you.

Kyu: Of course it means a lot to me. But your coming back for me , right?

Me: Of course , you're my BabyKyu. I'll come back to you.

Kyu: I dont want my baby gone for 2 days!!!

Me: Take care of yourself and Appa and omma and unnie. Be a GoodKyu for 2 days while i'm gone or else , if you replace me with a pretty girl in Lee Corp , you're gonna get it.

Kyu:You know i'm not like that! I'm never like that. I love this girl too much to even try and betray her.

Me: And that girl loves you too much to even do the same............................. Oh! *lets go* You have to get to Lee Corp!!

Kyu: I like being here.

Me: I'll call you when i arrived. You're already late and a few buses passed already.

Kyu: Ok .. 





When she bus to Daejeon arrived , we both stood up and while she was gonna enter i just looked at her. Why do i feel weird about this?? Why did my heart suddenly beat faster like its saying "Stop her from leaving!!". She turned back to me and hugged me again.





Me: I'm gonna miss you. *pecks on his lips a couple of time* *looks and smiles* I love you.

Kyu: I love you more *kisses her* You have to go now.

Me: I know .. *lets go* Bye!





She rode on the bus and waved goodbye to me from the side. I dont really feel so well after that. When i got Lee Corp , i was arranging some papers and such when i bumped into Eunsuh's photo and it broke to pieces. Jonghyun , who was at the next station , saw what happened.




Jonghyun: Dude .. Thats bad luck.

Kyu: Aish! Don't scare me like that. 

Jonghyun: I'm just saying , Thats what happens in dramas.

Kyu: And what happens in dramas , stays in dramas. Help me pick the pieces up.

Jonghyun: I will if i can have the picture.

Kyu: No way .. go to your stall.





I suddenly got all nervous again. My heart is trembling and its weird. I hope she's ok and this doesn't mean anything. But i'm worried she's not calling yet. I should call her.



--No One's POV--


While Eunsuh was in the bus , A Mysterious lady sat next to her , who kept looking at her every move. Her phone started to ring and she answered it as soon as possible.




Me: Jagi .. I'm still in the bus.

Kyu: I know .. I just got worried and i wanted to check on you.

Me: I'm ok. I'll call you later. I said dont worry .. I'm coming back to you. I love you.

Kyu: Ok .. Take care. I love you too.




Eunsuh continued to rest for a while afterwards. she placed her phone in her bag , carelessly closing her bag , the zipper was still a bit opened at the wallet is peeking out. When she arrived at Daejeon's bus stop , she got off , not knowing that the lady already got her wallet from her bag. She doesn't realized it and the lady just placed it in her pocket as soon as she could. She's going to walk all the way to their relatives house. When she got off , there was a speeding truck coming over to the bus. When she sat foot on the pedestrian lane , she heard a loud explosion and could still feel the impact. Feeling it , she turned around to see the explosion which shocked and scared her. She was standing in the middle of the pedestrian lane , not noticing the car approaching. She got hit , a very strong impact , her head hits the car hard and she falls off to the ground. She was still awake with blood all over her , her things all over the place. The guy came out from the car , she knew it was Eunsuh. It was Donghae. Eunsuh could still see him. She called out to him "K-K-Kyu-Kyuhy-Kyuhyun-ah ....." And then she turns unconcious.




--Donghae's POV--


I dont even know why i have to go to Daejeon. I was holding some papers that feel all over the car. I tried picking them up since i looked at the stop light and it was red. Then i felt like i hit something. I stepped on the breas as fast as i could. Her face hits the car. Wat .. I know her! I got out of the car fast and ... Min Eunsuh?? I just hit her. No one's around. I dont know what to do. I carried her as fast as i could into my car and drove off to our rest house here. It started to rain heavily .. I dont know what to do. I called our doctor in Daejeon immediately to come. I took her in as i cross through the rain to get inside. She wiped her face and some of the blood. The doctor got here fast .... Is it just destiny? Is this destiny showing its path on me??





Doctor: She had severe fractures on her head. We're just glad that the skull or brain didn't have any damage. But as i see it , she might feel bad or hurt due to some reasons but she'll be ok with rest. I'll come back to give her medicines but i a while , observe her behavior. If somethings wrong , just tell me.




--Kyuhyun's POV--


Its already night time but i didn't get a call yet. She probably arrived there by now. But she wont answer my calls as i kept calling. I'm getting more nervous. I went to her house and saw her parents walking around the living room , looking worried.




Kyu: Abeoji. Eommonie.

Appa: Kyuhyun! Has Eunsuh called you yet?

Kyu: I came here to ask the same question.

Omma: We called our relatives in Daejeon but they said she's not there yet. I'm getting very worried.

Kyu: I kept calling her numorous times Omma but she wont pick up.

Omma: *Cries and hugs my dad* No ... Do you think something bad happened to her??

Appa: Lets just pray for her safety.




I got so nervous. Did all those feelings i had before she left meant something?? No .. Please dont tell me Eunsuh's in trouble. Their homephone rang .. As Abeoji talked to the one on the phone he suddenly yelled a loud "What??!". At that moment , i knew something was up. Eunsuh-ah ... Please be safe.





--Your POV--


Ouch .. My head hurts .. I opened my eyes and .. I'm in ths big room. I touched my head and there's a bandage all over it .. Wait .. Why am i here?? What am i doing here?? The door suddenly opened. It was a guy holding food in his hands. I dont know who he is ...




??: You're up now?? You shouldn't stand up. You'll hurt yourself.

Me: Who are you?

??: I'm .. Lee Donghae .. Dont you ... remember me??

Me: No ... I dont remember anything ...

Hae: What do you mean??

Me: I dont know who I am .. Do you know who i am?? TELL ME WHO I AM!!! *Cries*

Hae: Calm down..

Me: I cant! TELL ME WHO I AM!!! Why cant i remember who you are and who i am??!!!!

Hae: Dont cry ... You just need some rest. Eat these first and then sleep. After you wake up .. I'll tell you everything ..




He started feeding me.. But i dont feel comfortable around him. I dont know who he is. He insisted in not telling me unless i rest ... I dont really remember anything. I dont know this place. I feel so weird right now. 




Woohoooooooo! Well , I thought it was time to do the accident chapter so i did. Its a bit saddening , there wont be EunKyu moments for about 2-4 chapters but i'll make the time of them being apart short :)  





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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!