Breakdowns of the heart.

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.

--Your POV--

Before we got out of the car, Hae gave me these big shades to wear. I dont know why though. Its not that sunny. When we got out , I looked at myself at the side mirror. I just realized how much I changed. My straight hair before when I first met Hae , or remembered , is now curled. The clothes I wear looks so expensive and with these shades , I look like a very different person. But ... Without all these , and even if I keep the hair , i still look the same as before. I actually liked myself before when I dont have to always worry about what I look like. Donghae held my hand and we walked to the building .. I'm so nervous. When we got to the front , he walked straight inside but I cant feel my legs so I was stuck in my position which made him stop walking .. 





Hae: Whats wrong?

Me: Donghae, i'm nervous .. I dont think I can do this ....

Hae: You dont have to be nervous. Its gonna be fine , now lets go *pulls me in*

Me: *doesn't move* But i'm really nervous!! 

Hae: Stop acting like that!! You're not a kid anymore! Dont act like you're a kid being forced to go to school! Models don't act like kids! And especially models who will be Lee Corp's next endorser! 

Me: Mianhae ... 

Hae: Just follow me and shut up.

Me: Arrasso.





He sounded so mad... But i'm really nervous. I felt like crying when he yelled at me. I dont even remember doing things like these before ... We were walking down the hall and everyone kept looking at us. Why do I feel like everyone used to look at me before too? Donghae just went inside the president's office straight when we got there , he didn't even listen when the secretary said his father is talking to someone on the phone. We went inside and his father was on his desk , he looked shocked that Donghae was there. He hunged up his phone and stood up to us.






Mr. Lee: Donghae! My son is back! *hugs Hae*

Hae: Ahh .. Ne appa .. *pulls him away* Its nice to see you too. Anyways , lets talk about business now.

Mr. Lee: My son doesn'T really know how to greet his father. You just got back in Korea and you wanna talk about work already.

Hae: Since its so important to you , who am I to be lazy? Anyhow , this is Hwang Sunmi. The girl I told you about.

Mr. Lee: Ahh .. Sunmi-sshi ... I'm the President of Lee Corp and Donghae's Father. His mom already told me so much about you and you really are a pretty lady.

Me: Ahh .. Kamsahamnida. My name is Hwang Sunmi. Its very nice to meet you Mr. Lee.

Mr. Lee: Its very nice to meet you too. What do you think of the place?

Me: Ohh .. Its very big ..

Mr. Lee: Lee Corp will be happy to have you as the next endorser. In a day or two , our staffs will give you a briefing on what you have to do. Lee Corp is a manufacturer of many products and real estates and you're fit to endorse a company like this. 

Me: Kamsahamnida. I'll do my best. I'll try to be the best for your company....

Hae: Appa , I want to be updated to whatever Sunmi does and every person she's working with.

Mr. Lee: Thats not necessary , the staffs will take care of it.

Hae: Its either that or you wont get her as an endorser.

Me: Donghae-ah .....

Mr. Lee: Ok ok .. You win. But , we need to talk about some matters for a while.

Hae: Appa ...

Mr. Lee: Look Donghae , its company matters and its private.

Hae: Arasso.





Donghae held my hand and pulled me out. His dad is nice. So is his mom .. I wonder why he's .... That. He pulled me to face him and held both my shoulders with his hands. He faced me and looked so serious.





Hae: Mimi , listen ... I'll be talking to my dad but i'll make it fast. 

Me: Its ok. I can wait.

Hae: I want you to go to the car and wait there. Dont ever come out unless I tell you to.

Me: Arasso. I'll be waiting in car.

Hae: I'll follow you. I promise to make it fast.

Me: I told you , you don't have to.

Hae: Just dont go near anybody who tries to talk to you. Remember , they'll only manipulate you once you tell them about your condition.

Me: I understand. 





He went back in the office and I went to the elevator ... When I was walking along the hall , everyone kept looking at me. They keep saying Hi and Hello and I just bow my head. I dont want hae to get mad at me. At the elevator , i can feel eyes on me as all the guys in there we're looking at and every girl was whispering. When I got down , I walked on my way to the entrance ... When I got out , I saw a vending machine and .. I'm really thirsty. I know Hae doesn't want me drinking sodas but i'm so thirsty so I just went for it.



--Kyuhyun's POV--


Jonghyun and I went out have a snack and ate ramen. We ate fast since we still have work to go to. On our way back , Jonghyun went in first before me , since he had some other things to do. I was a bit thirsty so I went to the vending machine and while walking there .. I saw a girl having problems with the machine. She suddenly said " Ottoke? Why isn't coming out?" ... I went next to her and fixed the problem till her drink came out. She took her drink from the machine.





Me: Oh! Here it is! Kamsahamnida! 

Kyu: Its nothing .. Miss ??

Me: *stands up and faces him* *bows* Gomawo. Thanks for helping me.

Kyu: E-e-eun-eunsuh-ah??!





When she looked at me , my heart almost skipped a beat. She looks exactly like Eunsuh. She even bought the same soda she always buys ... Is she really Eunsuh?? But ..... She .. in Daejeon .. How?? I couldn't help myself. My heart kept beating faster and faster. I can feel tears forming in my eyes. I quickly hugged her. Even when I hug her , its like its really Eunsuh. She's back? She came back for me? So .. She's not really dead.





Me: *panics* S-sir .. or whatever you are .. L-let go of me ...

Kyu: Eunsuh-ah .. Bogoshipo.. I really miss you a lot. Where have you been? Why did you leave me? They all thought you died!

Me: Let go! I dont know you! I'm not Eunsuh!

Kyu: Dont say that. I know its you. I can feel it .... I'm so happy you came back for me! I knew you would keep up to your promise!

Me: I said let go! *pulls him away* I'm sorry mister... I dont know who you are. My name isn't Eunsuh! Its Sunmi! I have no idea of what you're talking about ... Dont ever go near me again. 

Kyu: What are you saying? Eunsuh-ah! What happened to you? Where were you? Where did you go?

Me: I dont know you ... Sorry ... *walks away*

Kyu: *holds my wrist* Jakkaman! Eunsuh-ah! Y-you cant leave me again ... *tears falling* Eunsuh-ah ... You dont know how hard things were for me. Bogoshipo.

Me: *pulls my wrist away* I-im sorry .. Whoever that Eu-Eunsuh girl is , its not me. I have to go *runs away*

Kyu: Eunsuh-ah!!





I wanna chase her off but ... Am I just seeing things? I know she's real. I looked at my hands and teardrops were falling on them. My tears just started to burst out and it just wont stop. My heart almost did. I cant be seeing things .... But if she's Eunsuh ... This cant be a dream. I'm so sure i'm awake.



--Your POV--


I ran all the way to Donghae's car and quickly got in .. Who was that? And why did my eyes start tearing up? That guy ... He looks familiar. I dont really remember but my heart started to beat faster. I cant control my tears anymore , i started to cry out loud. Who was that? Why is my head starting to hurt so much? Its happening again?! Shiro ... Who was that guy?? The cars door suddenly opened. Its Donghae.





Hae: What happened?! Whats wrong?!

Me: *hugs Hae* Donghae-ah .. Donghae-ah ...

Hae: Did something happen? Did someone hurt you?!

Me: Oppa .. My head is hurting again .. Oppa , i'm so confused.

Hae: *pulls away and wipes my tears* Its ok. We're going to the hospital. Arasso? 

Me: *nods*





I know Donghae will get mad if he finds out what that guy did. But .. Its so confusing. As we drove along , my head is really hurting but I dont know why. I cant help but cry too. I dont knwo whats happening.



--Donghae's POV--


Its happening again? I took her to the doctor , good thing the doctor who knows her situation is currently here in Seoul. We went to their office and he gave her some sedatives and gave prescriptions on some medicines she had to drink. As she was resting inside , I talked to the Doctor. 





Hae: Dr. In .. Why do you think she suddenly had a breakdown?

Dr. In: There are many reasons to why she possibly had a breakdown. It could be that her brain is adjusting for her to remember things or .....

Hae: Or?

Dr. In: Or she could've encountered something that is a part of her past ..... But you said so yourself , she doesn't have any relatives. So maybethats not it.

Hae: R-right ...

Dr. In: But , has this ever happened before? Anything like this breakdown?

Hae: Actually .. I'll be real honest with you Dr. In ... After a year of staying in the US before ... She suddenly had a breakdown one day. I was out with my friend , Henry , and we were arranging things in school. When I got back to our house , I saw Sunmi in my home office. All the papers I was working on were on the floor , she even had some in her hands. I dont know why but she crying on one side. She said her head was hurting so much.

Dr. In: And what were those papers about?

Hae: Some company business files.

Dr. In: Maybe it has a connection with her past. Thats why she's having breakdowns.

Hae: Does it mean , she's gonna remember things?

Dr. In: It actually depends. There are some cases like hers where they get the sudden breakdowns like her but no memories back. You cant really tell how long amnesias last. Some last for days , weeks , years in her case ... Some even last forever. But in her case , you should really just be with her incase this happens again. I have other appointments to go to. Just tell your father I said Hi and hope to have a nice chat with him again soon.

Hae: Ok. I will. Thanks. You know what we talked about. My father cant find out.





Dr. In left and I went to Sunmi , she looks ok now. What if she saw someone she knew? But thats not possible. I changed her. She may look like herself before , but she's changed. I changed her already. How could she .... Forget about it. I'm sure she wont remember anything. She was sitting down on the chair , looking at me as I approached her.





Hae: Sunmi-ah .. Are you ok?

Sunmi: *nods and faint smiles* Ne ...

Hae: *sits next to Sunmi* Can you tell me what happened?

Sunmi: I-I dont wanna .... Its just so hard to t-think about it. Lets talk about it .. Next time. I wanna rest.

Hae: I understand. 

Sunmi: Are .. Are you sure I dont know anybody here? From Korea? Besides you and your parents?

Hae: Did you see someone? I told you. You dont know them! Whoever that is!

Sunmi: D-donghae! Thats not what I meant. I just wanna make sure .... 

Hae: You still dont trust me? Do you have to ask that everyday?

Sunmi: I'm just confused. I cant explain what happened to me .. Why it was like that?





--Ahra's POV--


Where's that Kyuhyun? I called his friend Jonghyun but he said he didn't go back to work. I called Sungmin but he said he doesn't know and he's currently looking for him now. Where could he be ..? I keep calling his cellphone but he wont answer. I'm getting very worried. I looked around our neighborhood , thinking he might be somewhere here .. My phone started to ring , I quickly took it out , must be Kyu .. But no. Its Sungmin.





Sungmin: Noona! I found Kyu ...

Ahra: Jinjja? Where? Where did you find him? I'll be on my way!

Sungmin: Uhh ... He's in a Soju street tent and he's drunk now. He isn't talking to me , instead , he wants me out of here and leave him alone.

Ahra: What happened? Why is he drinking again?! Didn't we solve that issue years ago?

Sungmin: I dont know! But it'll be best if you come here as soon as you can noona.

Ahra: I know that! Dont leave him! I'll be on my way ...

Sungmin: I'll text you where I am.

Ahra: Gomapda. Annyeong.





What happened to him again? last time he drunk , it was years ago. I dont get why Kyu would do this again. I went straight to the Soju tent Kyu was in ... When I got there , I saw him almost shoving his head on the table while Sungmin was sitting infront of him ... He raised his head to drink again and looks so red. He must be really drunk. He was offering Sungmin a drink but Min refused. He sounds like a kid whining. I quickly approached him and stood his head up before he could place it down again. 






Ahra: Yah! Cho Kyuhyun!

Kyu: *tries widening his eyes* Oh! Noonaaa ... Mwoya?? Cant you see i'm drinking! Would the prettiest noona on earth care for a drink?!

Ahra: You're going home!

Kyu: Shiro! I still have many bottles left!

Ahra: So , you spent your money on Soju? Kyu , how can you be so careless?

Sungmin: Noona , i'll pay for it. Dont be so hard on him.

Ahra: Arayo! He's the one who drunk , so he should pay!

Kyu: That was what i was planning to do in the first place!

Ahra: Why are you drinking?! Huh?!

Sungmin: Noona .. He told me why.

Ahra: Ehh?

Sungmin: He said that he saw Eu--

Kyu: Noona!! I saw Eunsuh again!

Ahra: Eu-eunsuh? Eunsuh-ah? Min Eunsuh?

Kyu: *laughs* Noona! Why do sound so scared?! I saw her ... *smiles* She's still so pretty .. But she changed a bit *laughs* She said she doesn't know me .. Haha .. Can you believe that noona? She said she doesn't ... Hahahah .. *tears up* Why is it like that noona?!! Waeyo?!!

Ahra: K-kyu ...

Kyu: She was there! I saw her!! *cries* But she said she doesn't know me .... Noona ... S-she ran away from me ... Noona , ottoke??! She was so different. She doesn't act like who she was before.

Ahra: Kyu , lets go home.

Kyu: Shiro! I'm ordering more drinks until I finish every bottle here! *takes one more shot* I wasn't day dreaming noona .... It was Eunsuh ...*sobs* It was Eunsuh .....





I couldn't even talk to him anymore. Even until now , he still has Eunsuh in his head. As he was crying on the table , I was crying too. I cant help it. After a few minutes , he fell asleep which gave me and Min a chance to take him home. When will he move on and realize that Eunsuh isn't coming back? It hurts to see him like this ... I bet he wont be like this if Eunsuh never left ....  



Yes! Here it is! They meet again! Well , the next chapters , i'll make it a lot more interesting! :)

It's really gonna be more interesting.

But , they met again ....

Comments are LOVED ♥

Will try to reply to all of them. I promise , in the next chapters ,

i will try to reply to ALL the comments for this chapter :)

Gomawoyo readers ~~~







-ShaiKyu :3

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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!