Just stay away from me so I wouldn't fall in love with you.

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.


--Jiri's POV--


I called Appa as soon as I got home yesterday after going to Kibum's office but he was busy at the hospital so he couldn't talk to me. I've been so used to Appa being busy in the hospital. Of course he has to fulfil his duties and help those sick people in need. That's why I took up Nursing because I wanted to help people like him ... I really look up to Appa. I know how hard he worked just to make sure I can continue pursuing my studies. I sent him a text saying if it is possible for him to do so , he should call me when he's already free as soon as possible.


The next day , I heard my phone ringing which woke me up. It's 3AM and Appa was calling. I guess he's finally free. I stretched my arms before picking up the phone.





Jiri: *yawns* Good morning Appa.

Jiri's father: Oh. Did I wake you up? I'm sorry honey , Appa just finished work right now.

Jiri: Kwenchana Appa. Besides , it's important so it's ok. Did you already rest?

Jiri's father: Didn't Appa just say he just finished working? Appa is just resting now.

Jiri: Appa , stop talking to me in third person. I'm not a kid anymore *pouts*

Jiri's father: But you're still Appa's baby girl so Appa will talk to you in a way he likes. So , what's the important thing you have to tell Appa?

Jiri: Well , I have this friend and--

Jiri's father: Is it a guy?!!

Jiri: Uhh .. Yeah ...

Jiri's father: You're too young to have a boyfriend and aren't you still having an OJT at the hospital you're working in now?! You won't have time for boyf--

Jiri: Appa! It's not like that! He's just a friend , sorta. It's just ... He wants to know something about a friend. He said his friend was brought in the hospital you're woking in now before.

Jiri: Really? But honey , appa has tons of patients everyday. There's no way i'd remember them all ...

Jiri: Ohh .. But still , my friend needs to know something very important. Can you help them? They're planning on going there tomorrow.

Jiri's father: What do they need to find out anyways?

Jiri: They wanna find out what happened to their friend , like 2 years ago. I know you won't remember her easily but have you ever encountered a girl named Hwang Sunmi there? She's really pretty and hard to miss.

Jiri's father: H-hwang Sunmi?






Appa sounded like he kinda stuttered and the turned quiet. Weird. He can't possibly know who Hwang Sunmi is. There are lots of doctors in their hospital ...Maybe he's just sleepy .... But ... I can't help but think I actually know her somewhere ...






Jiri: Appa ....

Jiri's father: O-oh .. Sorry honey.

Jiri: Are you sleepy?

Jiri's father: Uhh ne. Honey , appa is a little bit tried due to work. That's why he can't talk and think properly now.

Jiri: So , will you help my friends?

Jiri's father: You see honey , Appa just remembered that he has to do a surgery tomorrow so he can't.

Jiri: Oh ... Ok. Then i'll just tell them to go there and ask the nurses.

Jiri's father: Appa is really tired. You should continue getting some rest too.

Jiri: Neh. Take care Appa.

Jiri's father: You too dear. Take care of your mother.

Jiri: Neh. Call us again tomorrow after the surgery. Bye.






I hung up the phone after saying goodbye. It's so weird that he suddenly had to go but ... Maybe he's just tired. He never gets enough sleeps because he always has tons of patients who visit him everyday. I told Kibum I'd get Appa to help them though. Aigoo. I'll just text him now and hope he reads it in the morning before he leaves. I can't skip the OJT tomorrow so I can't go to Daejeon with them ... Oh! I just remembered. I forgot to ask about that Eunsuh person ...



--Your POV--


We had to wake up at 5AM for our flight today. I really had a hard time waking up , maybe because I didn't wanna leave. Our flight back to Korea was at 8AM. The hotel is just near the airport but considering all the stuffs the staff brought here in Thailand , we really have to rush to the airport to get them checked in on time. 6AM , that's when I was actually awake already. I decided to take a bath first before cleaning up my things. Only the staffs bringing our stuffs back to Korea are the ones who are rushing with the whole check in luggage thingy anyways.


But there was something weird ... After I finished fixing myself , I realised that I haven't seen Kyuhyun since I woke up. I wonder where he is? Why would I bother looking for him? I should get used to not being around him starting from now. I went to the balcony our suite and just looked at the wonderful vierw. The weather looked good and there was no clouds at the sky at all. It's the perfect weather to go around even more , I wish we didn't have to leave. I was immersed with the scenery that I didn't even realize someone was already calling out my name until I got a tap at the back. It was Kyuhyun ....





Kyu: I've been calling out your name but you seem to be ignoring me.

Me: No. Sorry. I just didn't realize someone was here.

Kyu: I didn't wanna wake you up a while ago when I saw you sleeping so I just let you sleep ... I just came back to tell you to get ready now but I guess that's taken care of.

Me: Are we leaving now?

Kyu: In a couple of minutes , so you better get everything packed before we leave.

Me: Ohh .... Ok.

Kyu: Are you excited to go back?

Me: I don't know ... I wanna stay a couple of days more.

Kyu: Me too ... Just at least to get to spend some more time with you ....  I don't wanna say this now but I think there's a possibilty that--

Me: I should go and make sure I have all my things packed before we leave.






I quickly ran out of the balcony back to my room. I was afraid ... I was afraid because I was thinking he's mention Eunsuh again ... Something's just weird. Whenever I hear her name , I just get hurt deep inside. The thoughts of having to go back to Donghae and never seeing Kyuhyun again soon really hurts me. I feel like i'm cheating on Donghae , which is bad because I can feel my feelings for Kyuhyun building up more and more inside. I don't wanna cheat on Donghae after all that he's done for me.




--Kyuhyun's POV--


She left. I wanted to pull her back but I didn't. My feelings around her are really the same feelings I have when I'm around Eunsuh. It hurts too much. I wanna embrace her like how I used to with Eunsuh. It was an automatic reaction before , to embrace Eunsuh , and I didn't know it's this hard for me to stop myself from embracing Sunmi. Honestly , I didn't wanna wake her up today because I thought she'll wake up early and the two of us could stay one more day here together. I wanted to know her more , without everyone else looking , and see if she's really Eunsuh or not. I believe that she is ..... But what if she isn't Eunsuh? Am I just hurting my self again over my obsession or am I actually making sense here.





--Kibum's POV--


Jiri told us her father was busy today so he couldn't help us but it's ok. We went to the hospital in Daejeon where Eunsuh's corpse was brought to after the incident. I was with Sungmin hyung and we asked a couple of nurses about the accident but most of them would either answer 'We're just new here. Sorry' or 'I don't know that much about it.' ... Sungmin hyung suddenly recognized a nurse he saw 2 years ago who was helping the others with the victims of the acccident. He immediately ran to him and blocked his way.






Nurse: Uhh .. Sir , can I help you?

Sungmin: You were a nurse here 2 years ago , right?

Nurse: Uhh .. Ne. I was on my OJT here at that time. Why are you asking? Do I know you?

Sungmin: Do you remember the accident 2 years ago where a fuel truck hit a bus and it exploded and most of the passengers died?

Nurse: Yes but--

Sungmin: Can you help us with something? Please?

Nurse: Sir , I have work right now and--

Sungmin: I just need to find out something. My friend died in tha accident.

Nurse: I'm not sure if--

Sungmin: Please. The boyfriend of my friend who died still hasn't gotten over her yet. I need your help with just one thing. This wouldn't take long. He just needs my help now.

Kibum: *shows his detective license* Don't worry , this is official business. We'll just need a couple of minutes to ask you a question.

Nurse: Ok but let's make it quick. If the head nurse catches me , i'll get in trouble.






We interrogated him for a short time but while doing so , he himself isn't sure of everything that happened. They probably don't tell OJT workers about the serious details. He did tell us the police came a few days after talking to the other families. Now I remembered , at Eunsuh's funeral , some police did visit their home and talked to her parents. I can't ask them though. Eunsuh's family is already ok. I don't want them to have thoughts like Kyuhyun and let them expect of things until we get solid proof. The nurse told us to ask the police. It's been 2 years , they probablythrew the papers about it but it wouldn't hurt to try.



--Your POV--


A few minutes more and we're off back to Korea. I'm sitting next to the window of the airplane. I'm gonna miss Thailand so badly. After a few more minutes , we got off. Kyuhyun was sitting next to me , like how we were when we got here. I've been ignoring him a lot after our last encounter at the hotel and it's probably so obvious. He's really mischievous when he's in a plane though. I feel like he's always looking for something and he just can't stop moving around before the plan takes off. It's kinda annoying but very cute at the same time.



A few hours passed , he kept calling my name a couple of times but I keep pretended like I didn't hear anything until he tapped me at the back and made me look at him.





Me: What is it?

Kyu: Are you ignoring me?

Me: Me? No. I was just tired. I wanna go back home so badly.

Kyu: Where is your home , by the way? Maybe I could drop you off when we get back.

Me: No. You can't.

Kyu: Why not? I wanna make sure you get home saf--

Me: I said no , ok?

Kyu: If you think I wanna do this because of other intentions , then you're wrong.

Me: That's not what I was thinking. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself.

Kyu: If you say so ... I just want you to know .. I'm gonna unveil the truth. When that happens , you'll realize everything soon.

Me: What truth?

Kyu: You'll see.

Me: Well , I'm really tired. I'm gonna sleep.

Kyu: Ok ... Oh , I forgot to tell you. The plane will have a stop in Taiwan first then we have to wait for about 12-14 hours more before we can get on another plan to Korea so we already rented a hotel room for us to stay in while we let time pass by. We'll probably get to Korea tomorrow morning.

Me; Whatever. Wake me when we're there.






I didn't know how to answer him so I just turned around , not facing him , and pretended to sleep... I can't even have him drop me off at home , because it's Donghae's home. He'll go crazy if he finds out a guy took me home. I have this strange feeling he isn't gonna like Kyuhyun being around me too , well not as much as I like being around Kyuhyun. And we're going to Taiwan. I only figured that out now. I have to spedn 12-14 hours more with him. I can't I think i'll go crazy because the longer I stay with him , the longer I don't want to leave his side.




--Kibum's POV--


That nurse guy from the hospital was kind enough to tell us everything he knew. He wasn't the biggest help on earth but he did tell us to visit the police and ask them more about the more detailed things. I doubt they still have records about it though. We went to the police station and asked about the accident 2 years ago. No one knew anything but the chief officer who has been incharge here even before the accident happened. He said it was very tragic , especially seeing families cry over their dead loved ones.


We asked if he still had files or anything else involving the case , he told us he'll have his staff look through it and call us when they find something very soon , though I doubt that being very soon , i'm still very thankful. Hyung and I walked out of the station together , thinking og what else to do.






Sungmin: So ... What now?

Kibum: I guess we should go back to Seoul now.

Sungmin: Why do I feel like we're leaving empty handed?

Kibum: That's because you're not a detective and you don't know the difference between feeling like you're leaving a place empty handed or not.

Sungmin: Even with all these whatevers , I don't see how it'll help.

Kibum: Hyung should go back to Seoul. Jiri promised to be here first thing in the morning. Since she knows Daejeon better , she'll really help out a lot for me to investigate on Eunsuh's case.

Sungmin: Ahh. I see what you're trying to say ...

Kibum: What do you mean?

Sungmin: You wanna be alone with Jiri , right?

Kibum: M-mwoh? Hyung! That's not true!

Sungmin: Oh come on! You don't have to be shy about it! Jiri is pretty and it's been a while since you've been interested in a girl!

Kibum: I'm not interested with her the way you're trying to say I am. I'm interested because she can actually help in solving this case.

Sungmin: If you really wanna solve this case and get more information easier , maybe you should talk to Eunjo.

Kibum: Eunjo?

Sungmin: Eunjo. Eunsuh's sister. Duh? I know we don't wanna bother them anymore but Eunjo can help us. She can keep it from her parents. I'm sure she'd want to know the truth about Eunsuh too.

Kibum: But isn't Eunjo studying?

Sungmin: She flunked out when Eunsuh died because she lost hope in herself but after she realized Eunsuh wouldn't be happy seeing her like that , she got herself together and she's doing pretty well now.

Kibum: Which is why we can't bother Eunjo anymore.

Sungmin: Trust me. I'll take care of Eunjo. I'll talk to her.

Kibum: Are you sure about this?

Sungmin: Kibum , no one else could help us better than Eunjo. She knows everything about the discussion her family had with the police. When her parents were still mourning for Eunsuh and couldn't get themselves together , Eunjo was the only one tough enough to take in every single detail. We need Eunjo.

Kibum: Fine. Call me when you get her to help us. Kyuhyun will be back tomorrow morning right?

Sungmin: Neh , i'll just tell him you're still working on it. Should I still call Jonghyun to ask more info about Sunmi or do you wanna focus on Eunsuh?

Kibum: I wanna focus on Eunsuh's but i'm curious about Sunmi too so you should keep in touch. Don't tell Kyuhyun i'm investigating on Eunsuh.

Sungmin: I know. I know .... Take care of yourself Kibum.





Sungmin hyung made his way back to his car and I made my way up to the room I rented for a while here. Honestly , I have no idea where i'm going with this. So far , if the police doesn't have anything , I'd lose my lead on Eunsuh's case. On Sunim's case , she's basically unknown. Besides the fact that she's not really Sunmi , I have nothing else. If I could get more information about her , this case might actually go somewhere. 



--Your POV--


I was awaken by someone tapping my shoulder. Of course it was Kyuhyun. I looked around and everyone was sitting firmly , like waiting for something. I then realized the plane was getting ready to land. We're in Taiwan. I wanted to just go back to Korea so bad so I can finish this thing about being with him faster. I really wanted to end this because it's getting harder for me to let him go as the time I'm with him keeps passing by.


We left the airport as soon as we got off and went straight to the hotel. About 1/4 of us who went to Thailand were left here in the Taiwan. The rest had to go back to Korea fast because they had work and some brought the equipments back that can't be left waiting. This time , we all had separate room , so Kyuhyun and I aren't staying in one room together anymore. I kinda felt sad about it because I wanted to be with him even if we're not actually talking or what. I feel protected when he's next to me. I was quietly staying in my room when I heard the door knocking and I immediately ran to it , thinking it was Kyuhyun ... But it turns out , it was another female staff.







Me: Ohh .. Can I help you?

Staff: Miss , we were all deciding on going out to eat and we were wondering if you wanted to come along ...

Me: Ohh ... I really want to but i'm a little tired and I need to rest so maybe i'll pass. I'm really sorry.

Staff: It's ok Miss Sunmi. We were gonna tell you we're gonna leave anyway in case you'd be looking for us. We'll be back real soon before we have to leave for the airport. I hope you rest well.

Me: Ne. Thank you.






I closed the door and left out a big sigh. I wanted to go but Donghae strictly told me not to hang out with anyone , even if I know them or not. It was his #1 golden rule. I couldn't just ignore but I think I did a couple of times with Kyuhyun. He makes me feel like I shouldn't be ruled like that ... Again , I had nothing to do. Everyone left and i'm with no one. I decided to call room service. In the US , i'd see Bubble Milk Tea stands and even tried it out when Donghae wasn't around. It tasted good but they told me that Bubble Milk Tea from Taiwan tastes the best so I called room service and told them to bring me 2 Bubble Milk Teas since they had 2 flavors on their menu. About minutes later , someone knocked on the door again. I stood up from the couch I was sitting on with a bright smile on my face since it's probably the milk teas already. I opened the door with great anticipation ... but ...






Kyu: Wow. For the first time you actually looked happy to see me.

Me: W-what are you doing here?

Kyu: Oh , so that smile wasn't for me? *sighs* Well , I thought you left with the others too. I was  just making sure but it looks like you weren't.

Me: I thought you were with them too.

Kyu: So , what were you so happy about?

Me: Nothing.

Kyu: Oh come on. You probably ordered food , right?

Me: H-how did you know?! Were you wire tapping on the phone here?

Kyu: Maybe?!Me: Mwoh?

Kyu: I was kidding. You opened the door as soon as I knocked with great anticipation. Of course you'd be waiting for food. Let's share , ok?





He just went straight in to my room without me even saying anything or inviting him in. I was a bit dumbfounded. I had no idea what to say to him and I didn't even know he'd be here cause I thought he'd leave with the others. I can't bare being with him. I wanna tell him to go away because the longer I stay with him , the more I want to stay with him even longer. I want him to leave but I can't say it ... It can't say any of these thoughts aloud. I wanna stay away from him but he just keeps coming like he knows i'm falling for him already and the more he pesters to be with me , the more I fall for me. Please just leave me , Cho Kyuhyun. You're just hurting me even more.






A/N: I may have over updated with this one but since it took me years again to update ... This will be my 'I'm sorry' gift to all my lovely readers for not updating for months! I'm really sorry! :( I will write again soon! Please bare with me as my final exams will be starting soon! I have tons of projects and others , but after this , i'll be in break from school for 2-3 weeks! Hopefully I can update more at that time!






I haven't forgotten this fic yet (if you think I have for not updating). I think about what to write next every single day but I just can't because i'm too busy!


Anyways , story related ... You should know who In Jiri is based on this chapter already ... But if you don't , I'll specify if in maybe the next one or 2 chapters ..

I'll see when I can update but I promise to do it as soon as I can!!!






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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!