
Love Will Lead You Back To Me.

--Your POV--


While preparing everything at the Fish Market , here on our stand , someone about my age. Its weird. He's dressed so elegantly and he doesn't look like he even knows a place like this exists. But his looks at me were scary. I have to end this.




Me: Uhh ... Excuse me , Are you lost or something?

??: Me? Lost? No ... I actually came here to ...

Me: To?

??: You're Min Eunsuh , right?

Me: Yes .... How did you know me? Who are you?

??: Oh .. Sorry for being rude. My name is Lee Donghae.

Me: Lee Donghae? I dont suppose you study in KyungHee too?

Hae: No ... But my dad did. I guess.

Me: Then why are you here? Because it doesn't look like you're here to buy fish.




--Donghae's POV--


No one knows im here besides my driver so i cant tell her i came to see her. What to do? What to do? She looks so pretty even if her hair is tied in a hair net like that. No wonder she's called the Goddess. She's really pretty in person. There are so many guys around here just looking at her. My name sounded so y when she said it ...




Hae: Actually , i'm here to buy all your fish ..

Eunsuh: *eyes widen* What?? Really?

Hae: Uhh .. Yeah.

Eunsuh: You're not pranking me , are you?

Hae: No ...

Eunsuh: What are you gonna do with all this fish?

Hae: ............. Just give them to me ..

Eunsuh: Are you really sure?

Hae: *takes out his wallet and hands over the money* Here. Take it.

Eunsuh: How are you gonna take them all?

Hae: Just leave it here and i'll take care of it.

Eunsuh: But i have to clean up the stall. And ... Are you REALLY REALLY sure?

Hae: Dont you wanna make a sale? Just take it!

Eunsuh: O-ok .. *takes the money from his hand*




Our hands touched when she took the money. I should've bought her instead of the fish. Even if she's a goddess i know i can buy her. Aish.. What am i gonna do with this fish? Of all the alibis i could think of , this is the worst. But its better than her staying here with those eyes lurking around. First Kyuhyun and now other guys. I feel so possesive now.




Eunsuh: Wait! This is too much!

Hae: Just take it.

Eunsuh: I cant! My conscience wouldn't let me take all of this.

Hae: Its ok. Thats just 1/4 of my allowance for a month anyways.

Eunsuh: 1/4 of your allowance?? Well .... How are you gonna take this?

Hae: Just leave it all there and go home.

Eunsuh: I cant. The stall . Remember?

Hae: I'll pay someone else to clean up here instead.

Eunsuh: Are you sure??

Hae: Yes.

Eunsuh: Well .. Thank you ..

Hae: By the way ... *hands out a card* Thats my calling card. 

Eunsuh: What do you expect me to do with this?

Hae: Well , you can call me. But if you dont want to , You can give me your number instead.

Eunsuh: I'm sorry .. My boyfriend will get mad.

Hae: *whispers near my ears* He doesn't have to know.

Eunsuh: Uhh .. Well , i'll ask this again before i leave. Are you really sure about this?

Hae: I am ...

Eunsuh: Then .. I'm going home now.

Hae: Do you mind if i drive you home?

Eunsuh: Huh? What about this fish?

Hae: I'll have someone take them all.

Eunsuh: I'm not sure .. My boyfriend will-

Hae: Its the only thing you can do for me to pay back for what i did for you.

Eunsuh: Oh ... O-ok ... I guess.




--Your POV--


I just setted up everything and it all gets sold that fast. But something isn't right. A guy like this Donghae guy wont just come here and buy all the fishes. I went in his car and i did feel weird around him. He left his driver to take care of the fish. He's really rich. Its weird that he didn't ask me which way we should go to reach my house. I didn't say cause i was waiting for him to ask but he didn't. And while looking at the window , i can feel his eyes on me. These are the times that i feel much better and protected with Kyuhyun around. When we got to my house , i went out of the car and so did he.





Me: *bows* Thank you for driving me home , Donghae-sshi.

Hae: You dont have to bow. Its no big deal. And just call me Donghae.

Me: I have to go inside now ...

Hae: *steps closer and whispers* Remember what i said *steps away and goes in his car*





Why do i feel so uneasy with him??? I couldn't feel more relieved when he got in his car and left. I saw my mom and dad approaching me. Did they see him?? Omo. Aish. Whoever that guy is ... He's gonna get me in trouble with my parents and Kyuhyun.




Omma: Eunsuh-ah.. Who was that?

Appa: Dont tell me you replaced Kyuhyun with that boy.

Me: Aniyo .. Appa , Omma .... I love Kyuhyun.

Appa: Then , who was that? And why are you home so early?

Me: Appa ... I sold all the fish already. And that guy .. He was the one who bought them all.




Their eyes widen. I guess they also cant believe it. Well , no one has ever heard of a boy rich boy buying fish at the fish market all by himself. 




Omma: Are you serious??

Me: Ne. And here's the money. *takes out the money*

Appa: Omo ... This is too much.

Me: Appa ... Omma ... Dont tell this to Kyuhyun. He might get mad.

Appa: Do you have any relationships with that boy?

Me: No! I'm with Kyuhyun.

Omma: Honey , you should be careful. The way that guy looked at you , i thought my heart was gonna burst because of the nerves i feel. Its really weird.

Appa: Your Omma is right. I saw it too. He may have given you this much but they way he looked at you.... Eunsuh-ah. Kyuhyun is still the guy i want as a son-in-law even if he's not as rich as that kid.

Me: Kyuhyunnie is still the guy i love too Appa. I have to go too.

Omma: Where?

Me: I'm going to school. Kyuhyunnie is there having a Make-up class and i wanna be with him.

Appa: Ok , but be careful. 

Me: Ne... 




I think i'll surprise Kyu. I need him by my side today. I feel so uneasy since that Donghae person bought those fish. Also , i have to settle something with the teacher before i leave for Daejeon. I went to school and ... I guess i felt more at ease knowing that Kyu and I will be with each other in a while. I walked to the room he's studying in. My boyfriend looks so handsome while studying. Just by looking at him makes me smile already. Then his head turned to the door and so did the teacher. Omo! I turned around and went to the side of the door. They saw me. I just ruined their class. Then the door opened. I looked at who opened and it was Kyu.




Kyu: Jagi .. What are you doing here?

Me: Uh .... Well ..

Kyu: Weren't you supposed to be in the market? 

Me: I had to settle things down here before i leave.

Kyu: Ohh ... Why were you smiling while looking at me? Was i that handsome?

Me: Yeah. Wait. You have to go back inside!

Kyu: Its ok. The teacher said we can go for a snack break now. I've been in there for 3 straight hours now.

Me: Ohh .. Lets eat lunch together.




--Kyu's POV--


She packed some snakcs for me , which was really sweet. We ate at the Garden of the school together under a big tree. She looks a bit uneasy though. It looks like something happened but i dont know if i should ask. What am i saying?? I'm her boyfriend! I should ask and make her feel better.




Kyu: Is something wrong?

Me: Huh? What?

Kyu: You seem so uneasy.

Me: Nothing ... I'm not.

Kyu: Come on. You cant lie to me. What happened?

Me: Well... This morning. At the Fish Market-

Kyu: Who was the bastard flirting with you???!!!

Me: WAIT! Let me finish... A guy came to my stall and he bought everything.

Kyu: Really??? Why are you so puzzled then?

Me: He's just acting weird. And he looks so rich. He's just our age , i guess. Its strange that someone like him would go there.

Kyu: You're not Inlove with him , are you?

Me: I love you silly baby! He's just .. He made me feel so uneasy and i feel scared. 

Kyu: Did he flirt with you??




--Your POV--


We just looked at each other that time. I dont know what to feel or to say. If i tell him he flirted with me , He'll get mad for sure. That guy even gave me a calling card. I wanna tell Kyuhyun ... I cant hide this. But i cant tell him about him taking me home. He might end up getting mad at me.




Me: Yes .. 

Kyu: What did he say?

Me: He was asking for my number but i said you'll get mad.

Kyu: What did he say?

Me: He said you dont have to know. But .. Jagiya , I settled it ... Its ok. He isn't gonna bother us.




He didn't say anything but his fist was really clunched together. He really gets mad when guys flirt with me... I held his hand and hugged him ... Kyuhyun is the only guy i love. I cant lie to him but i dont want him to get in trouble too. I just have to stay away from that guy.




Kyu: You didn't do anything wrong ... Dont feel bad.

Me: Dont get mad. I love you ... Only you ... 

Kyu: Till death do us apart?

Me: Not even death can separate us Kyuhyun.

Kyu: If i see that guy , i'm gonna kill him.

Me: We'll never see him again ok? Lets just think about us. And we have to visit Sungmin's dad ... Remember he wanted to see us?

Kyu: Yeah ... You're right.

Me: Even if you drooled all over my bed last night and all over my hair , i still love you more than anyone else. Next time , we'll put a plastic bag all over your face , ok?

Kyu: Just kiss me so my drool wont come out! *laughs*

Me: *playfully hits him* EWWWWWWW! Thats gross!!!! 



I wanna be honest to Kyu because i dont want us having secrets but ... I didn't tell him about the calling card and when he took me home. I just dont want any trouble. I dont know where i put that card when i got home ... But that guy was really weird and he really makes me feel uneasy when he looks at me. I'm just glad Kyuhyunnie is here. I had to wait for him again after his snack break cause he has another make up class. He has to keep his Rank #1 position in class. Even if we are fighting for it , The best one wins. I guess it Kyu. Still ,he doesn't make me feel like a sore loser for being Rank #2. I just dont know what to feel right now. I should really just forget that guy. Its not like i'll see him again.


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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!