I hope he's not crazy.

Love Will Lead You Back To Me.


--Your POV--


I woke up , only to find myself sleeping on the floor by my room's door. I must've fell asleep after what happened last night. I woke up because of the constant knocking on the door. I stood up and opened the door. It was Kyuhyun knocking outside. I don't know what to say. I suddenly foroze in my position. After what happened last night .. What should I say?! I'm sure he barely remembers , but still! You don't know how awkward this is for me.







Kyu: Are you ok? Is something wrong?

Me: N-no! I'm fine!

Kyu: I've been knocking for 15 minutes now. Why did it take you so long to open the door?

Me: Wow , you actually timed that? Uhh! I mean ... N-nothing!

Kyu: Look , I just wanted to apologize for what happened last night. I didn't mean to drink and get drunk.

Me: Its ok. I forgot all about it. But , don't you remember anything?

Kyu: After I drank , no. Not at all. I'm sorry. Did I cause trouble for you? Did I do something stupid?

Me: N-not at all. But ... Are you really sure?

Kyu: I had a dream. It's gonna be awkward to say this but i'm really happy because of it. I dreamt that Eunsuh came back! I wish it was all true. It felt so real.

Me: Kyuhyun ... Last night ...

Kyu: What?

Me: F-forget about it. I have one last shoot to do right? I'm gonna get ready.

Kyu: I'll tell the stylists to come here then.

Me: Ok ...






I quickly closed the door. Apparently , he remembered what happened last night as a 'dream'. I don't know why I feel so bummed about it. Ugghh! Hwang Sunmi! You have to forget about it! Its nothing! You shouldn't take it too seriously!!



--Donghae's POV--


I can't let this happen. Everyone is slowly starting to suspect. I'm not gonna let them take her away from me but i can't leave Japan right now. I can't even contact Sunmi. What if Henry decides to talk after he found out I was giving Sunmi those medicine? He can't do that ... I know he won't but Minho ... Aish. I have to go to Thailand and take Sunmi but if my father finds out I left Japan , he's not gonna forgive me.







Henry: Donghae hyung... It wasn't my fault Minho was asking things.

Hae: I wanted to keep this secret longer than this.

Henry: You do know that every bubble has to pop. Same as your secret.

Hae: Before that happens , I have to make sure I already took her away from South Korea.

Henry: Hyung ... Eunsuh never did anything to you. The girl barely knew you before but here you are , ruined her life for years and still wanna ruin it.

Hae: I'm not ruining her life.

Henry: You are if she's not happy about what she's doing.

Hae: I told you to never lecture me about this again.

Henry: Well , it is tiring to lecture you all the time because you never listen. Hyung , just stay put here. Uncle will get mad at you if you leave.

Hae: You think I don't know that?? Would I be having a problem about it if I didn't know that?

Henry: I'm sorry hyung. I'm sorry. Don't get all mad at me.

Hae: Can you help me settle our papers so we can back in America soon?

Henry: Sure hyung ... But what will happen after you return in America?

Hae: We're never going to back to Korea until we get married.

Henry: Maybe you should tell her something about her family. She doesn't have to remember Kyuhyun but she needs to see her parents again.

Hae: I can't ... If we're not gonna tell her about Kyuhyun , what makes you think her parents won't?

Henry: I'm just saying ... You're gonna make her marry you. Thats big hyung. You should at least give her something she really wants. Its not a thing , its her family.

Hae: I'm the one who'll decide about what i'm gonna do with Sunmi.. Don't ever call her Eunsuh again.

Henry: Hyung ...

Hae: You're never gonna change my mind. Now do something for Minho to not find out. I'm going back to Korea next week.






I stood up and walked out ... We're always gonna argue if we talk about Sunmi. I'm not gonna tell her she's Eunsuh. I'm not giving her back. I won't let them take her away from me. No one will take anyone away from me every again ... Never.



--Your POV--


The stylist gave me a stripped polo shirt , a black coat and shorts. We just did a shoot around the hotel. They said they're gonna use the photos we took for ads and other whatevers. We were still taking a few photos. We're at the pool area this time. They closed out one pool for us to shoot around in. I'm confused. They're telling to look cute but not too cute and to look mature but not too mature and I don't get it. I just do what I think is right.




I wonder where that Kyuhyun is though. I tried to look around for him while doing the shoot and I saw him by the other pool , talking to those girls who he was flirting with before. That guy. Uggh. I don't know why i'm mad ... He's really just a flirt. I can't even concentrate anymore that the photographer told us to take a break for a while. Aish that guy ... I'm getting really mad. I quickly approached him and wrapped my arms around his arms. I gave him and the girl a cocky smile.







Me: Oh .. Did I interrupt you? I'm sorry. My boyfriend and I have to go.

Nana: Boyfriend? Tsk. He just told me you weren't really his girlfriend.

Me: M-mwo? *faces Kyuhyun* How could you?! How could you say that?!

Kyu: I ... Why are you--?

Me: If you don't wanna be my boyfriend anymore , then fine! Don't be my boyfriend anymore! Let's break up!!






I was just acting so he'll follow me and leave her but I felt something weird at that moment. I walked away really fast without minding where I was going. I didn't realize I'm already at the far side of the hotel. I should go back. I don't think he's following. Maybe he likes that girl. I turned around and as soon as I faced the other side , someone hugged me. I looked up and it was Kyuhyun. He's hugging me very tight. Very very tight. I can't get a good look on his face but he seems serious. My heart is going insane again ...







Me: K-kyuhyun ... What's wrong? W-why are you hugging me?

Kyu: Don't break up with me ... Eunsuh-ah ... Don't leave me.







His voice was shaking. I can't look at his face and I don't know what he's feeling. Did he take that things I said seriously? Honestly , his words are hurting me and I don't know why ... I kept trying to push away but he's not letting me go. Is he drunk again?










Me: W-what are you talking about? Kyuhyun. I was just acting.

Kyu: Even as a joke , it wasn't funny at all. Don't leave me. What can I do without you?

Me: Kyuhyun .. I'm not Eunsuh. Can you please just---?

Kyu: No! You're Eunsuh! Please ... Don't let go. Don't leave me. I'm nothing without you.

Me: I said i'm not Eunsuh! What's wrong with you? Kyuhyun-ah! Let go of me!

Kyu: I'll never let you go!

Me: Why can't you accept the fact that Eunsuh is dead and i'm Sunmi!?

Kyu: Because you're not dead! You're right infront of me!!








I don't know why but after his words , I stopped. I don't know why it hurts. I don't know anything. Tears escaped from my eyes. He kept hugging me tight. I don't why it hurts so much but deep inside , I know I want it too. I feel like its something I missed for a long time but I can't want it. I can't miss it. After everything Donghae did for me , i'm gonna repay him this way? I can't do that ....








Me: How do you know i'm Eunsuh?! How could you say i'm Eunsuh?!

Kyu: Because I can feel it! When you said those 3 words ... The 3 words I didn't wanna hear come out from your mouth. You said it.  It came out of your mouth. The words "Let's break up". I hate it. It hurts. Even if you're just a girl that looks like Eunsuh to everyone else , those words would only hurt me if they came out of Eunsuh's mouth. How can you not be Eunsuh if i'm hurting so much? Eunsuh , don't leave me.

Me: Eunsuh's dead.

Kyu: Don't say that.

Me: Eunsuh's dead! Just accept it! I'm not Eunsuh. She's dead! She's never going back to you again!

Kyu: But you did! You came back for me.

Me: You're crazy again Kyuhyun! I thought you wanted to be my friend not because of Eunsuh. But you're gonna be like this in the end? You're gonna keep saying those things again? Eunsuh's never gonna be happy wherever she is if you don't let her go! She's never gonna be happy if she's always seeing you like this and not moving on! Now let me go because i'm not gonna be Eunsuh for you!








His arms around my waist started releasing me a little so I pulled his arms away and walked off. Why am I like this? As I walked away , more tears burst out of my eyes. I feel like hurting him is hurting me more. I wiped away my tears because i'm going back to the shoot. I'm sure they're gonna notice I cried because my make-up is probably a mess already.



--Kyu's POV--


I can't be wrong. I know what i'm feeling is right. I was drunk last night , but i'm the type of person who remembers every stupid thing he did while he's in a drunk state. I know we kissed. From that moment , up to the moment she told me those words .... I know she's Eunsuh. But why is she denying? I could be crazy but I know what i'm feeling is real. But I really don't get why she would leave her family and me ... Aish. Maybe I am crazy but this is gonna bug me forever. I took out my phone and made a call in Korea.







??: Who's this?

Kyu: Hyung ... I-its me.

??: Kyuhyun? Kyuhyunnie?! Oh! Its you! I was waiting for you to call. Are you ok? Why do you sound like that?

Kyu: I'm sorry I just called now. I'm ok. Min hyung , how's my parents? How's noona?

Min: Them? They're ok. But Ahra said they miss you a lot.

Kyu: Listen hyung ... I need you to do something for me.

Min: What? 

Kyu: You have Kibum's number , right?

Min: Yeah. Why?

Kyu: I'm going back to Korea the day after tomorrow so I need your help. And Kibum's help.

Min: With what?

Kyu: You know Hwang Sunmi?

Min: Of course! Jonghyun told me all about her!

Kyu: Hyung , I need Kibum to do a background check on her.

Min: Why? Did you suddenly become a creepy stalker?

Kyu: No hyung! This is important!

Min: Why? What's going on?!

Kyu: I can't tell you!

Min: If you don't tell me , what am I supposed to tell Kibum?! Unless you tell me what he has to look up on , i'm not gonna help you talk to him!!!








I was hesitant of telling. He might think i'm crazy. He might think this will have no point. But our friend Kibum , his dad is actually a private detective and so is he. He's the one that can help me ... But .. Sungmin hyung might think i'm just crazy. Aish ... I know i'm not crazy and whatever i'm thinking of has a point!



--Sungmin's POV--


Is Kyuhyun being crazy again? Because everything he told me is kinda crazy. I knew this trip was gonna have an effect on him. But he's my friend. I guess doing a background check on Sunmi won't hurt. Unless Kyu is doing this to be stalkish. I called Kibum and asked him to meet up with me. I went to Jonghyun first and asked him to give me infos about Sunmi , even photos. He made me wait in Kyuhyun's office in their company for a while. After about 15 minutes , he came back.







Jonghyun: Hyung , sorry I took long. It was hard to find files about her.

Sungmin: You don't have files about the it girl of your company?

Jonghyun: I'm not the one incharge of the files so I have no idea. The only file I got was a birth certificate copy and the photo you asked for. What is this about hyung?

Sungmin: Ask Kyuhyun. Not me. Are you sure its ok if you give me this?

Jonghyun: Yeah. I guess. Its not like you're planning on murdering Sunmi or giving this to the press , right?

Sungmin: Again , ask Kyuhyun. He only asked me to do this.

Jonghyun: Ok. But , is this somehow about Eunsuh?

Sungmin: You have no clue. Ask Kyuhyun because I don't think he's gonna be happy if it comes out from me. Anyways , I have to meet up with a friend now. Thanks for these Jonghyun/

Jonghyun: You're welcome hyung. Don't tell anyone I gave you those. I'm gonna be dead if Mr. Lee or Donghae finds out.







Jonghyun walked with me till we got to the exit. I have to meet up with Kibum at a coffee shop. I went to our meet-up place and he wasn't here yet. Sheez. That guy is always late. I took out the papers Jonghyun gave and I checked Sunmi's birth certificate. She's born in the same year as Sunmi. Anyone could mistake them for twins. i don't get Kyuhyun. Sunmi has a birth certificate. If she was Eunsuh , why would she go through all these trouble just to make us believe Eunsuh is dead? She'll never want to leave her parents. Someone suddenly tapped me and I kinda jumped down. I looked at him and it was Kibum. He was smiling because of my action. Tsk. He just pops out of nowhere all the time. No wonder he's a detective. You'll never realize he's there until he wants you too. He sat on the seat infront of me.







Kibum: Hyung , you called. And you called because you want me to check on someone. Are you stalking a girl now?

Sungmin: Not me. Trust me.

Kibum: I've never seen Kyuhyun so obsessed with a girl after Eunsuh. Then again , you said this girl looks like Eunsuh so its not a surprise anymore.

Sungmin: I know. I knew that business trip would end up like this after Jonghyun told me the girl looks Sunmi.

Kibum: Who knows? He might be on to something. A girl who looks exactly like Eunsuh just pops out from nowhere.

Sungmin: They found her body. Its impossible for her to be alive.

Kibum: Well , since Kyuhyun asked and you're saying he's just crazy , i'm gonna investigate this to prove Sunmi isn't Eunsuh.

Sungmin: Thanks Kibum ...

Kibum: I'll call you when there are details I need to know.

Sungmin: Sure but i'm not so sure myself if I can give you the details you'd want.

Kibum: Any additional details would help. A birth certificate and photo isn't gonna help at all.

Sungmin: The only thing Jonghyun told me about her before is , she lived and studied in the US in a modelling school.

Kibum: Do you know what school it is?

Sungmin: I'll text when I ask Kyu's friend.

Kibum: Then i'm gonna pay a little visit to the hospital where this birth certificate was issued. Same with finding her parents.

Sungmin: Thanks Kibum. This really means a lot. Kyuhyun needs to stop once and for all.

Kibum: You know , Eunsuh's death is pretty interesting to. I never thought about this after I graduated. Now that i'm an official detective ... It seems like an interesting case.

Sungmin: You'll investigate it?

Kibum: Who knows? I might. I don't have much work since I solved my last 3 cases for the month already. But i'll check this one out first.

Sungmin: Still , thank you. If ever you do plan on investigating Eunsuh's case , don't tell Kyuhyun. He'll go crazy even more , if you know what I mean.








If Kyuhyun keeps wanting to look for Eunsuh like this , he's only gonna end up breaking his own heart , in the hard way. He has to get hurt again for us to be sure he'll never want to get hurt again. Kibum is right when he said there's a possibilty. But i'm not sure why Eunsuh would want to leave her parents intentionally. Thats why I doubt she's Eunsuh. Kyuhyun .......... I just hope you're not crazy.






KiMin ♥ Personally , i'm a KyuMin biased but I think KiMin is cute too =))

Anyways , here's an update! =D

And hello to Kim Kibum! The guy who will help reveal everything! (Maybe) =D

Its like a little revealing chapter but not that revealing yet.

I hope you enjoy it and wait for my next update! =D


-MsShaiKyu :3

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Naeunlove #1
Miss this story! Hope you'll continue this soon :)
Chapter 37: Re-reading this fic again because I'm getting excited for SJ7 comeback <3

the feeeelssss.
vanessalee13 #3
Chapter 36: im really looking forward to the next chapter :) update soon please
sapphirepearl_22 #4
updates please :) BTW i love reading your fanfic .your a great writer
Chapter 35: Ahhhh!! PLEASE FIND IT OUT SOON KIBUM!!!!
Chapter 34: omggggggggggg. this is getting better and better!!!!!!! update soon please!
Chapter 28: another awesome chapter again!
Chapter 18: awesome story!
Chapter 8: nice one !!!
Yuukirin #10
I can't wait for the new chapter! Please update!!!!