Mianhe, Yi Joon-ah


Luhan's POV:

          "Yeobeoseyo? Yeh. Abeoji"

          "Where are you now?"

           "I'm in an amusement park... with my friends."

           "Good. Just stay there. Minhee is probably looking for you there already.""

           "Wait, abeoji. I can't understand what you're saying."

          "Just wait for your fiance. She said she's inside the amusement park already. YOur location is perfect. Excuse yourself from your friends. Go on a date with Minhee, arasso?"

        "But~" Then he ended the call. What? A date? With Minhee? My father has already gone crazy with his business. He's even telling me to marry the daughter of his business partner. Tsk~ what do i do with him? Oh well, I better not think about that. I should go back to Yi Joon.


Yi Joon's POV:

          I chuckled, but when I saw the girl's face darken, so i tried to control myself from laughing.

         "Excuse me? I don't find anything funny in what I just said."

         "Ohhh... sorry. Uhm... not to disappoin tyou but, Luhan CANNOT have a girlfriend. Much more a fiance."

          "And why can't he?"

         I moved closer to her and whispered. "His fans are going to kill the girl." I think she had goosebumps. She froze for a moment before she was able to speak again. 

          "I... I don't care. I'm marrying Luhan. My father told me I'm marrying him." THen she stood up and walked away.

           Tss~ That fan was really die-hard. Well, if I were in her place, I would also think of marrying Luhan. I mean, who wouldn't want to?

          Just then, Luhan arrived. "Oh, Luhan, who was that call from?"

            "Mm? Oh, it was . . . from manager hyung. He asked me if I am being careful with my disguise" WHy was he stutttering?

           "Did you tell him you're doing fine?"

            "Yes. Were you bored waiting for me?"

           "Nope. I had a chat with a fan of yours."


           "Mm... Haha. She was really cute. She said she's marrying you." I contiued laughing but Luhan just stood there. "Is there any problem Luhan?"

            "Mm? Nothing. I just remembered something. Are you done with your ice cream? I'm sorry but I need to go back to the dorm already."


         "Mm. Mianhe YI Joon-ah. DOn't worry, we'll have another date next time. We just need to get out of here now- I mean, we need to go back to the dorm already."

          "Awh. So sad :( "

          "I'm really sorry. Mm... don't worry, I'll make it up to you today.  We just need to go to the dorm already."

            "I had a feeling Luhan had something he was not telling me. But I also had this feeling what he's doing now is for something good. So I tried to keep the thought away  and agreed to go back to the dorm. I had a good time with Luhan today anyway ^___^


Minhee's POV:

                 What? Kill me? Why would fans kill me if I marry Luhan? Huh. That girl's crazy. Making up stories. I'm still marrying Luhan no matter what. I can't let appa freeze my cards and all.

                  "Hyun Jung-ssi? Where are you? Pick me up. I'm in tje gate. Bring meto appa. I need to talk to him about my fiance. Faster, got it?"

               I need to meet Luhan.


Yi Joon's/ YOUR POV:

               Today, EXO had a photoshoot. All 12 of them. Ofcourse I came. I acted as the coordi since fangirls' eyes were always on the boys including Luhan. And somehow I hate it. Knowing that my boyfriend is actually doing 'cute' things for other girls. I know I'll sound so immature if I tell Luhan about this but I just can't stop myself from getting jealous sometimes. But as we all know, since I love Luhan that much, I can't do anything but support him in the things that he does and love him more.

             Anyway, back to the photoshoot. So, I basically watched them throughout the whole shooting. Luhan and the rest were very focused during the photoshoot, like really focused. Luhan didn't even give me a glance.

             I'm having this feeling of jealousy again. See? Sometimes, I just can't help thinking Luhan loves his woek more than me. Well, I can't do anything. And that is the worst part. I have to understand and pay the price of being Luhan's girlfriend. I'm not complaining, I just want more time with him, that's all. Just more time with him. Is it really that hard? Hai~

          After the shoot, after the members have already changed shirts, I saw Luhan coming towards me. I was thinking like 'FINALLY!'. I was just sitting there, with one of the make up kits on my lap, waiting for Luhan who was walking towards me.He was smiling and he locked eyes with me. He was about to speak when AGAIN, his ever loyal phone rang.

           And that was it. He got his phone, excused himself and answered the call. I didn't wait for him to finish the call, I stood up and walked towards the van. I wanted to go back to the dorm as soon as possible. I didn't really know what I felt  back then. I just didn't feel like seeing Luhan today.


Luhan's POV:

          Finally! THe shoot was over. I changed and immediately headed to Yi Joon. SHe was sitting on a couch. I was thinking 'FINALLY!' I can spend time with YI Joon but suddenly, my phone rang. Yi Joon looked at me. I excused myself and answered the call. I tried to finish the call ASAP so I could get back to YI Joon but when I turned back, she wasn't already there.

          I felt so guilty. I have been very busy with projects for the past few days and I didn't have much time with Yi Joon. Plus, my father kept bothering me about MInhee. And I just can't help but feel frustrated. I'm giving lesser and lesser time for Yi Joon.

         Now, my father just called to tell me I need to see Minhee. I decided I should go  so that I could end the deal already. Tsk. I just hope YI Joon's not yet tired of understanding.




Yow yow yow! How have y'all been doing? I'm back finally! Ughh... EXAMS really kill me. I haven't had the time to update since I had to study. Hehe. Anyways... here you go. CHAPTER 28 for you guys!



 srsly guys. WHo can ever resist the charm of this overflowingly lovely deer? Just imagine. EXO is coming to the Philippines. They're gonna step on my country! And we'll be breathing the same air O.O Unfortunately, They'll be having their performace in Manila (the capital city of the Philippines) and I, your humble writer lives a few hundred miles south of this very fortunate city. This is just one of the SADDEST LOVE STORY EVER.  Why can't I just meet my husband? Huh? 

my feels right now are just...

when I first knew that they'll be performing here in the Philippines I was like...




and when the news had finally sinked in I was like....






Anyway, you guys, if you have the heart, you can... you know... just .... help me ... a bit. you  know what I mean. 

Annyeong for now! School tomorrow! 



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Chapter 33: sequel please
Sara_Scarlett #2
Chapter 33: Omg...O.O..that's all authornim??...O.O..u definitely need to make sequel!!!^.^!!i'll be waiting for u~~^.^
jenniferwu20 #3
Chapter 33: Hi author-nim can you do a sequel pls I really love this story~~
nerdyviv #4
Chapter 33: omg omg omg omg omg sequellLL!!!! authornimmmm omg good job!! :D
HaibaraShery #5
Annyeong haseyo author nim, sorry for taking a small amount of your time, I'm just going to advertise my review shop just in case you are in need of a review.

don't be shy and please visit us here -> http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/708094

gamsahamnida :D Keurigo, Fighting for your story ^^
SehunFangirl #6
Chapter 14: Wae? Why can't I control my fangirl feels T^T? You had to put the HunHan picture up there.
SF5_ParkHyuRa #7
Chapter 30: I'm waiting to know whose the 3rd guy! Hope it's from EXO-M :D Update soon!!
helloangel123 #8
Chapter 30: WAHHHHHHH! yay a sequel!!! YAH! BOISHISO! hehe, sorry if i spelt wrong.
helloangel123 #9
Chapter 30: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?~ I'M ALREADY AT THE LAST CHAPTER?THIS CANT BE!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE SOON~ IM LOVIN IT! this is one of the most interesting stories ive read!
SeKai94 #10
For me, I would choose Sehunnie :)