Chapter 27

I'm Sorry My Love

The night went on. Everyone felt merry and were all hyped up from the load of beer Yoochun had bought from the nearby 24/7 store. The apartment felt like a summer camp where teenage boys smuggled in beer and talked about girls & other junk. In one word, they were pretty much W.A.S.T.E.D.

“Squeaky voice-hyung~” Changmin slurred. “Your looks funny.” Changmin stared at Junsu’s and poked it. Junsu yelped. Changmin giggled and did it again.

Junsu turned around and grabbed the young ones wrist. “Stop it.” Junsu growled. “What is you didn’t poke my cheek!? You could have given me the ‘Thousand Years of Pain.’”  Changmin’s and your eyes widened.

“What’s that?” You guys asked in wonderment. Jaejoong chuckled at your innocence. *She’s so cute.* Jaejoong reached out and patted your head. “Oh how innocent.”

Yunho shook his head and Yoochun just cocked his head to the side and shrugged. They went back to drinking more beer and munching on the shrimp chips. Junsu grinned, ready to tell them what it was.

“The Thousand Years of Pain is when you make a gun with your fingers than shove it up a persons….” Jaejoong covered your ears. You watched as Changmin made a twisted face.

“Hyung that sounds painful.”

“Well it is. Take it from a person who knows the experience. Now you know…Don’t ever do that to anyone. They’ll get you back one day!”

You looked up at Jaejoong. “Why did you cover my ears? What did Junsu say?” You asked.

“Nothing important. It’s a fact of life that doesn’t need to be known.” He shrugged and hugged you from behind. “Now stay still so I can hug you.”

You watched all the boys in content. Jaejoong rested his chin on the top of your head. One by one they all passed out due to the excessive celebrating and alcoholic beverages. Jaejoong sighed and got up. “Aish. They could have gone home and passed out, but no. They have to pass out here.” He lifted up Yoochun onto the couch next to Junsu. “Ugh this heavy lug. What have you been eating lately?”

You walked over to Yoochun and poked his tummy. You giggled. “Jaejoong-ah. Watch this! Yoochunnie’s tummy jiggles when you poke it.”

With an amused look on his face, Jaejoong walked over and poked Yoochun. He chuckled. “You’re right.”
As Jaejoong placed his friends onto the floor one by one, you went into the closet and took out some extra blankets and pillows. You carefully laid one on each person. You glanced at the last blanket you had and bit your bottom lip. Should you give the blanket to Changmin or Junsu? You glanced at both of them again. “I guess I’ll make them share one. You laid the blanket on both men.

“Aww they’re so cute!” You bent down and tried taking they’re picture. All of a sudden Changmin reached out and pulled you down with him. He wrapped his arms around you. “Mmmm….noona.”

You struggled to get out, but it was no use. Changmin’s grip around you was too strong. You poked Changmin to wake him loosen his grip for you to escape, but it was no use. Suddenly Junsu wrapped his  arms around you from behind. They were both a little to close to you for comfort.

You were in a MinSu sandwich. Blushing madly and scared out of your mind you called out for Jaejoong.
“Jaejoong!” You wailed out. “Save me!”

Jaejoong came rushing into the living room to see you in a MinSu sandwich.
“How the hell did this happen?” He growled, glaring at the two sleeping boys.

“Does it matter right now?” You whined. “Just get me out! Something’s poking me!”

Jaejoong pulled the two boys arms off of you and pulled you out. You sighed. “Thank you! I thought I was going to die.” You exclaimed.

“Yah! Why were you in between them!” He hissed.

You blushed. “They looked really cute together, so I wanted to take a picture. See?” You showed him the picture on your phone. He had to admit. It was cute. Junsu and Changmin hugging each other with they’re sleepy faces. “Send me this picture.”

You nodded and sent it to him. *This will make some good blackmail later in life.* He devishly thought.

You let out a yawn. “Guess my baby girl is getting sleepy.” Jaejoong smirked. “Can’t stay up late?”

You pouted and glared at him. “I so can! Let’s stay up and watch the sun then!”

“Deal.” Jaejoong grabbed a blanket off of Yoochun and led you outside. You guys stayed up together and watched the sun rise.



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Chapter 30: Really hope she'll be fine & Jaejoong with DBSK will be able to save her from that evil Jung In since they already had a clue on who kidnap her. will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)
Nariko7star #2
Chapter 29: I'm on the edge of my seat here. Please update soon! Lol
Chapter 29: Damn Jung In!! He's worse than the Devil!! Jaejoong better seek help from the gang to save her fast
Jung In so evil!! Really wanted him to suffer after what he had done!!!! hope Jaejoong will find a way to get her so that they'll be together without Jung In always hunting for her! update soon :)
Jung In won't get tired!!!!!!! I HATE HIM please Jae find her and kill that guy
please update soon^^
thank you for the update!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy^^ and the chapter is nice but Jung In *sigh* Jae has to kill him
please update soon^^
please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New reader. :') The title of your story make me want to cry badly. ! sob sob
it's such a sad story
and I'm curious who's mr.x and also
hope jung In don't show himself
when they're having fun and
when they're happy
hope they're safe.
update soon :)