Chapter 16

I'm Sorry My Love

“Thank you…” You whispered to Jaejoong. “I’ve missed you.”

Jaejoong hugged you tighter when he heard those words coming from your mouth. God really was listening to his prayers. You could feel his grip get tighten around you. You could sense that he missed you a lot and would not let you go this time.

The night air got chillier and you began to shiver. The coat the concierge had given you was not providing you much warmth now. Jaejoong felt you tremble. *Oh no my baby girl is cold.* He alarmingly thought. *What to do!?* He let go of you, taking off his coat in the process. He pulled the coat tightly over you, making sure it covered every part of your body. You looked up at his face.

You could tell he was really worried to the point he would overreact. Jaejoong bit his lower lip. “Are you warm now?” He urgently asked.

You nodded. “I’m fine..”

When Jaejoong got worried about the smallest things it was so cute. When he bit his bottom lip it was so y. You smiled. Everything bad that happened to you before seemed to disappear by the mere touch of him

Jaejoong looked up at your face. A smile lit it up. He reached up and lightly caressed your cheek. “Your smiling..” You automatically blushed. A bright shade of pink shone on your cheeks. Jaejoong smirked.

“Embarrassed are we?” He teased. You blushed even more. His signature smirk could make any girl faint and right now you could feel your knees giving out. You stumbled on to the ground with a thump. Jaejoong’s eyes widened.  He got down onto the ground.

“Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?” He asked, checking parts of your body for scratches. You pushed his hand away. You shook your head.

 “I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.” You got up and winced in pain a little. The bruise on your ankle seemed to have hit the ground hard. Jaejoong sensed the pain when he saw your face. He got down and gingerly lifted your foot to examine your ankle.

A slightly large, blackish bruise was on your ankle. “How can you be okay with this on your ankle?” You pushed him away a second time. “No I’m fine.” You didn’t want to get too attached to his gentleness. Most of all he couldn’t get too attached to your presence. It would make it harder to leave later.

Jaejoong lifted you bridal style. “Omo!” You said in shock. You unconsciously wrapped your arms around his neck. Jaejoong grinned. The feeling he felt missing in his heart was back. It was overflowing. You could feel his muscular arms around your body. He still had the same figure. Jaejoong carried you out of the park. Not wanting anyone to recognize you, you nestled your face into Jaejoong’s neck and held on tighter. Jaejoong also tightened his grasp.

You guys made it up to Jaejoong’s apartment building. The doorman opened the door and bowed. His eyes widened as he saw you.

“~~~~~~-shii, you’re back!” He gave you a welcoming smile. Jaejoong nodded back and you said hello. Jaejoong proceeded to the elevator and stopped. *Crap how am I suppose to press the button?!!* Jaejoong thought.

A bright idea popped up in his mind. Jaejoong raised his right leg and pressed the button with the tip of his shoe. He has some great balance. You giggled at the sight. Jaejoong smiled. Your laugh was like music to his ears. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Jaejoong walked in. Instead of having to lift his leg you helped press the 12th floor button with your free hand.

You grinned at him. “Now you don’t have to raise your leg.” Jaejoong gawked at you, then softened. *She still remembers what floor we live on.* The elevator stopped on the 12th floor and Jaejoong carried you out to the end of the hall towards his apartment. You unwrapped your arms and let yourself down even though Jaejoong refused to let you go. He opened the door with his key and walked in flicking on the lights.
You looked around. Everything was the same as when you had left. Even the pictures of you and him lined the all. Not even a speck of dust was present. You felt Jaejoong grab your hand and pushed you into the bathroom.

“Go and take a bath. You’ll feel better.” Jaejoong quickly walked off.

You turned around and shut the door. You the water and watched it run. You stripped off your ruined clothing and stepped into the tub. A feeling of warmth surrounded you. You let out a sigh and closed your eyes. So relaxing. After a nice cleansing you got out and dried yourself off. Even your towels were still there. You wrapped yourself in the towel and reached out for some clothing.

Your eyes widened. “Oh no I don’t have any clothing!” You whispered to yourself. You thought for a second. When you left Jaejoong you had left most of your clothes here because you couldn’t come back. If he still had your towels, pictures and miscellaneous things he might still have your clothing.

You opened the bathroom door and poked your head out. No one was in the hall. You could hear Jaejoong humming from the kitchen. You quickly scurried into the room where you and Jaejoong placed your things. Opening the closet you saw all of your old clothing. You clapped in glee.

You walked over and shut the door. Pulling out a pair of pajamas and underwear, you slowly put them on. As you did you hummed a tune.

Jaejoong was chopping away in the kitchen. This was the first time he had cooked in awhile. He was nervous that the food he was making was going to be horrible because of his rusty skills. He shrugged off the thought and continued cooking. After everything was all ready and plated he looked it over once. “Perfect.” He looked, with satisfaction.

Jaejoong heard the water stop running in the bathroom. “She must be done. “ He said to himself, grinning. It wasn’t a erted grin or anything. He was just really happy that you were back. Jaejoong walked upstairs and heard you humming in the bedroom.

“Awe she sounds so cute!” He whispered. He walked up to the bedroom door and turned the knob. “~~~~~~, it’s time fo…….” Jaejoong’s eyes widened. There you were half in your , getting dressed.

“Kyaaaaa!” You screamed. Jaejoong madly blushed and turned around. “Mianhe!!” He yelled, covering his eyes. You quickly dressed and walked to Jaejoong. “You can turn around now.” You said.

Jaejoong uncovered his eyes and turned around. “I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t mean to.” He quickly said, lowering his head. His ears were really red and his cheeks still remained a slight pink. You giggled at his flustered sight. The truth was you didn’t mind him seeing you half . It wouldn’t have been the first time but it still made you embarrassed.

Jaejoong looked up. “You aren’t mad?”

“How can I be mad? It isn’t the first time.” Jaejoong bit his bottom lip. “Oh yeah…” It was just so embarrassing seeing your body accidentally. It made him kind of excited and nervous.

“Well um….It’s time to eat.” He said turning around. He glanced at your hand and took it in his own. Your eyes widened in surprise. Your stomach began to flutter. It felt like it was your first date. Jaejoong walked you down into the kitchen and pulled out the chair for you like a gentleman.

“Thank you.” You politely said. Jaejoong grinned. The both of you began to eat the food Jaejoong had cooked. When the first bite had touched your tongue, you squealed in happiness. Jaejoong’s cooking was the best. Jaejoong watched you eat quickly. “Aigoo!”

He felt so content right now. You took another bite of chicken and began coughing. It was stuck in your throat. Jaejoong ran over to you and hit your back. The piece of chicken came out and you slightly sputtered. He handed you a glass of water and gently patted your back.

“Slow down. There’s plenty of food. I can cook for you whenever, forever.” He said, smiling. Your smile dropped in sadness.

Will there even be a forever or will Jung In come and find us?

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Chapter 30: Really hope she'll be fine & Jaejoong with DBSK will be able to save her from that evil Jung In since they already had a clue on who kidnap her. will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)
Nariko7star #2
Chapter 29: I'm on the edge of my seat here. Please update soon! Lol
Chapter 29: Damn Jung In!! He's worse than the Devil!! Jaejoong better seek help from the gang to save her fast
Jung In so evil!! Really wanted him to suffer after what he had done!!!! hope Jaejoong will find a way to get her so that they'll be together without Jung In always hunting for her! update soon :)
Jung In won't get tired!!!!!!! I HATE HIM please Jae find her and kill that guy
please update soon^^
thank you for the update!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy^^ and the chapter is nice but Jung In *sigh* Jae has to kill him
please update soon^^
please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New reader. :') The title of your story make me want to cry badly. ! sob sob
it's such a sad story
and I'm curious who's mr.x and also
hope jung In don't show himself
when they're having fun and
when they're happy
hope they're safe.
update soon :)