Chapter 25

I'm Sorry My Love

The sun fell. You and Jaejoong walked home, laughing about the things that happened today. You were happy another good memory was made to replace the bad one. However the thought that Jung In hadn’t came after you yet was still worrisome. It had been almost three weeks and there was no sign of any of his men. It was a strange feeling not being surrounded by bodyguards or maids. Maybe he decided to let you go free and enjoy your freedom. If that was the case, you were grateful.

“~~~~~~?” Jaejoong said, waving a hand in front of your face. “Anyone home in there?”

You broke out of your train of thought and looked into his eyes. “I’m here..”

Jaejoong chuckled. “I know that. If you said that and you weren’t in front of me that would be creepy. I would have thought you were a ghost or you had cameras and microphones hidden here.”

“That would make me a creepy stalker!” You pouted. “Do I look like stalker material to you?”

You were a little outraged by his comment, but you actually found his teasing as one of his good charms. Plus you got a kick of teasing him back.

“Yes you do.” Jaejoong said with a serious face.

You glared at him.

He leaned in close to your ear. “But I wouldn’t mind because you’re so y.” He growled. Chills ran down your spine and you shivered. He had just made your heart race like crazy just by complimenting you. *Kim Jaejoong, you’re good.*

He wrapped his arms around your waist and took chance of the moment. “I am good.”

You pulled away from him and gasped. “How did you know what I was thinking?!”

“Secret. That’s just how good I am.” He winked at you.

The two of you arrived home. You skipped ahead of Jaejoong and unlocked the door. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until you the light. You gasped at the sight in front of you. The whole room had been ransacked. Lamps were broken, clothes were everywhere and furniture was flipped. It looked terrible.

The pictures of you and Jaejoong had been thrown on the ground and smashed. Tears fell out of your eyes. Under one of the smashed frames lied a piece of paper. You carefully picked it up and examined.

    ~~~~~~ I hope you had your fun, now it’s time for mine. This is just the tip of the ice berg. Wait until the whole thing unravels. I’ll show you what you deserve for betraying me.
-Jung In

You began shaking. “He’s coming..” You whispered to yourself. Jaejoong came in and gasped. “What happened?”

You immediately shoved the letter in your pocket and picked up the remaining pieces of glass. You couldn’t let Jaejoong see this, no matter what. You didn’t need him to risk his life. You reached down on a piece glass and cut your finger. “Ouch.”

You winced in pain. Jaejoong heard you and ran in. “~~~~~~, are you okay?” He looked at the blood dripping on the carpet. “You’re bleeding!”

He picked you up and set you on the couch, then hurried to grab the first aid kit. “Jaejoong, it’s just a cut. Don’t worry about.”

“How can I not worry about it? You hurt yourself and I care about you. If you’re hurt than I am too.”

Your heart skipped a beat. “Thank you.”

After getting your cut cleaned up, the two of you cleaned the house. You swept up the glass and Jaejoong rearranged the furniture. The thought of Jung In plotting revenge was still haunting you. You tried to ignore it though. In about an hour or so the place looked normal again. The picture were still okay but the glass in the frames had all been broken. It didn’t look too bad.

Jaejoong didn’t dare to ask what happened, in the sense that he might scare you off. The two of you dropped the thought completely. Just as you were about to sit down from all the cleaning the doorbell rang. You cocked your head to the side looking at Jaejoong.

“We have guests?”

He grinned and nodded.

“Is that why you got me new clothes today and went grocery shopping?”

“Yep.” You bit your bottom lip, hoping they weren’t the guests you were thinking of. *Dear God, please don’t be them.* It would be hell if one of them slipped out a word about your whereabouts.

You gulped and played with your fingers as Jaejoong opened the door. “Hey guys!” He greeted his four best friends.

“Hi Jaejoong!” *Junsu. Only he has the dolphin voice.*

“What’s up man? Been getting any lately.” You heard a smack. “Will you shut up.” *Definitely Yoochun. No doubt about it.*

“Hyung!!” *Changmin, of course.*

“How’s it going?” *Yunho…my savior.*

Yunho, Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin scrambled in and took off their shoes.

“Hyung, I heard you have a surprise for us!” Changmin yelled. “Did you get me a cake? If you did it better be that yummy fruit cake that ahjumma makes down the street.”

Yoochun bonked him on the head. “Babo. Why would he get a cake for you to eat? You’d eat the whole thing and not even give us any. Why do you have to be so greedy?”

“Hey I can dream.” Changmin stuck out his tongue at Yoochun. “Stupid Micky Mouse.”


You giggled. Maybe it wasn’t so bad it was them. Better them than anyone else. They brought laughter and joy here.

A squeaky voice began talking. “So what’s the surprise?”

Jaejoong grinned. “She’s back.”

Yunho gave him a look. “Who’s back?” He questioned.

“Come out.” Jaejoong said. You got up and walked into the living room.

“Hello.” You shyly said.

Everyone’s eyes widened minus Jaejoong. “~~~~~~?”

Jaejoong nodded. “My baby girl is back.” He proudly announced.

You looked at the four of them with pleading eyes. “Please don’t tell him..” You mouthed.

Yunho nodded and the others followed.

“Let me introduce you to my friends. Since this is your first time seeing them.” Jaejoong said.

*This isn’t actually my first..* You thought. “Okay.” You smiled.

“This is Yunho. He has a fatherly figure and is a genius. Then there’s Yoochun. He’s a playboy but he’s really nice, just don’t show any cleavage around him or he’ll go crazy and attack you.” You covered your top part. Yoochun winked at you. “Stay away you dog. She’s mine.” Jaejoong proclaimed, hiding you behind him, protectively. You giggled.

“Hey just being a gentleman for the ladies.”

“Yeah, right” The dolphin muttered.

Jaejoong continue on with the introductions. “This is Junsu. He has a squeaky dolphin voice that’s so unique you can pick him out from a crowd. He’s a hair dresser by the way. Maybe we should go over there and get your hair cut and he’ll give you a discount.” Jaejoong joked.

“Last but not least is the youngest one, Changmin. He’s younger than you too so he’ll be calling you ‘noona.’ He’s an obsessive eater. That’s literally all he does other than sleep. Oh and he’s a computer whiz. Make sure he doesn’t get near because it’s tragic.”

The boys snickered. “Don’t laugh!” Changmin pouted, sticking out his bottom lip. You couldn’t help yourself and pinched his cheeks. “AW YOU ARE SO ADORABLE!” You squealed.

Changmin looked at you then at the other boys. He could tell they were jealous. Maybe he’ll tease them a bit more. Especially Jaejoong. *Oh hyung, how I love teasing you.*

“Fwank you, noona!” He said. “You’re very pretty.”

You pulled him into a hug. He was a much shorter than you but you didn’t mind. His face was pressed against your chest and he grinned at Jaejoong, who by now was raging with jealousy.
[A/N: Making Changmin shorter than you because whenever I picture him, I picture a cute little boy >.< Sorry if you wanted him tall!]

“Ugh his aegyo side is out.” Yoochun murmured in disgust and jealousy. “Wish that were me though. I‘d love to be between those two.”

Jaejoong hit Yoochun on the head. “Shut up.” He walked up to Changmin and pulled him away. “Stay away from her.” He hissed in his ear. “Especially from the s. They’re mine.”

“Hyung you’re too possessive.” Changmin whined, quietly.

Jaejoong turned around and faced the rest of them. He grabbed you and hugged you in front of them. “Mine.” He said, childishly.

“Noona, hyung was being mean to me. He said I can’t go anywhere near you anymore.” Changmin began tearing up.

You pulled away from Jaejoong. “Aigoo. How can you be mean to a little boy, Jaejoong?”

Jaejoong looked at you speechless, then at the guys for help. Junsu patted his back. “Sorry but we can’t go against Changmin. He‘s a demon when we do.”

You pulled Changmin in to another hug. “There, there. You can come see me whenever you want.” You said.

“Thank you, noona.” Changmin sniffled, smirking at the rest of the guys.

*Damn he’s good. He could win an Academy Award.* The four of them thought.

“Jaejoong apologize. He’s your dongsaeng. He looks up to you.”

Jaejoong shifted uncomfortably. “Fine. Mianhe, Changmin.”

Changmin nodded and accepted his apology. He got up and hugged his hyung. “Thank you.” Before letting go he whispered something else in Jaejoong’s ear. “Hehe, noona has fallen for my aegyo. Jealous? My face touched her ies.”

He pulled away from Jaejoong just before he was about to strangle him. “Let’s go eat!”

All of them cheered. They were famished. Jaejoong stood there. “Dammit, Shim Changmin.”

“Jaejoong are you coming?” You asked standing at the door way.

“Oh yeah. I’m coming.” He said looking up. “If I don’t Changmin or Yoochun will attack you.” He muttered.

“What did you say?” Looking back at him.

“Let’s go!” He cheered. He took your hand and guided you to the kitchen.


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Chapter 30: Really hope she'll be fine & Jaejoong with DBSK will be able to save her from that evil Jung In since they already had a clue on who kidnap her. will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)
Nariko7star #2
Chapter 29: I'm on the edge of my seat here. Please update soon! Lol
Chapter 29: Damn Jung In!! He's worse than the Devil!! Jaejoong better seek help from the gang to save her fast
Jung In so evil!! Really wanted him to suffer after what he had done!!!! hope Jaejoong will find a way to get her so that they'll be together without Jung In always hunting for her! update soon :)
Jung In won't get tired!!!!!!! I HATE HIM please Jae find her and kill that guy
please update soon^^
thank you for the update!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy^^ and the chapter is nice but Jung In *sigh* Jae has to kill him
please update soon^^
please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New reader. :') The title of your story make me want to cry badly. ! sob sob
it's such a sad story
and I'm curious who's mr.x and also
hope jung In don't show himself
when they're having fun and
when they're happy
hope they're safe.
update soon :)