Chapter 26

I'm Sorry My Love

Yunho lead you out to the balcony. The awaited question was finally to be asked. “How did you get here?” He asked, shaking you slightly. “Not that I’m not happy to see you back with him, but how in the love of  god did you escape from that rotten bastard, Jung In?”

“It’s a long story.” You said. “Sit down.” Yunho sat down on the chair and you sat on the one next to him.
“Remember the night we met at the party.”

“Yes, go on.” He crossed his legs.

You looked inside to see if Jaejoong was preoccupied with the others so he wouldn’t come out. You gulped and continued. “Well that night….Jung In brought me into the room and forced himself on me.” You let out small whisper.

“Wait what did you say?” Yunho said, wide eyed.

Tears streamed down your face. “He almost me… I was so scared. It was like he was trying to kill me for being with another man. I was so scared.” You started shaking.

Yunho patted your back. “That bastard.” He hissed. “Of course you would have been scared, but how did you get here.” Gesturing to the current area you were in.

“I was so scared of him that my self defense kicked in so I kicked him in the crotch as hard as I could.” Yunho winced at that statement. As a man he knew how much it hurt to be punched or kicked on that body part. “Because of the pain I inflicted he rolled onto the ground and I ran for it. I ran as fast as I could and didn’t even look back.”

“Why didn’t you call me?”

“I really wanted to.” You assured him. “But I couldn’t trouble you anymore. You already was willing to help me escape.”

“~~~~~~…” He said.

“As soon as I ran for it I found myself at the park. I kept on reminiscing about my past. I knew no one would be around at that time of night so no one would hear my crying. I was wrong though. It happened so sudden. Jaejoong suddenly appeared in the same area.” You gave a teary eyed smile. “I was immensely happy. He welcomed me back with open arms. I knew it was dangerous but my heart took over. I wanted this so bad. Do you understand? I wanted to be back with him.”

Yunho nodded.  “Go on.” He calmly said.

You took a deep breath. “I don’t think we’re safe anymore though.”


“Today Jaejoong and I went out for a date.” You smiled at the memory. “But when we came home everything was trashed.” Yunho looked inside the apartment through the glass door.

“It looks perfect though..”

You closed your eyes. “That was because we cleaned up so well. It was a mess before. Under one of the broken pictures though I found a note. Jung In is out to get me now. He said my play is over and now he wants revenge.”

You gazed at your hands. “I don’t know what to do.”
Yunho grasped your hands into his own. “Don’t worry. I promised I’d help you. I won’t break that promise.”

You nodded through a teary eyed smile. “Thank you..” You whispered.

“I’m curious though.” Yunho said. “I still don’t understand how you two ended up in the same park.”

“I’m not really sure of the reason.” You answered back.

“So basically are you saying it was fate?”

You shook your head. “I think god brought me here because of our love for each other.”

Yunho grimly looked at the night sky. “God huh?” *God helped her but why won’t he help me..*

The subject was dropped and the night continued on. Yunho went back into celebrate. You just sat out on the balcony staring at the sky. A bad feeling washed over you. Even though Yunho had promised you protection you couldn’t help but worry.

Jung In had more power than anyone you had ever known. He was selfish and arrogant. You didn’t understand why he had to have you. He could have any model or idol, yet he wanted you.

Behind a light post, Mr. X secretly watched you. *She’s so pretty.* He thought. He loved how the light shined on your hair and the color of your rosy cheeks. He took out his camera and zoomed in to take a picture. *1,2.…!* He cursed in his head.

Jaejoong came out and wrapped a blanket on your shoulders. “I don’t want you to freeze out here.” He whispered in your ear. You giggled and gave him a peck on the lips. “Thank you.”

“Why don’t you come in and play games with me and the guys?”

You shook your head. “I think I’d rather stay out here. The moon looks pretty tonight.”

Jaejoong sighed. “I guess I’ll have to stay out here with you too!” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you down in to one of the lounge chairs.

“Jaejoong!” You yelped in surprise.

“I like hugging you. I can’t help it.” He grinned and kissed you on the cheek.

You pouted, but inside you really liked it. You unraveled the blanket under you and wrapped it around you and Jaejoong. You cuddled into his warm chest and laid your head against it. He automatically wrapped his arms around.

“I really like this.” You murmured.

“Me too.” He whispered. “But you know there’s something else I like that involves you laying down too.”

Jaejoong wriggled his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes and socked him in the arm. “ert.”

He chuckled. “You know you like it.”

“Yeah, yeah.” You said before falling asleep.

Mr. X watched Jaejoong pull you down and kiss you. *ing bastard.* He thought. *He ruined the picture. He ing ruins everything.* He crushed his disposable camera and threw it to the ground. Not looking back he turned around and walked into the darkness.




Thanks for being patient with me too ^^ I <3 you guys ;_;


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Chapter 30: Really hope she'll be fine & Jaejoong with DBSK will be able to save her from that evil Jung In since they already had a clue on who kidnap her. will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)
Nariko7star #2
Chapter 29: I'm on the edge of my seat here. Please update soon! Lol
Chapter 29: Damn Jung In!! He's worse than the Devil!! Jaejoong better seek help from the gang to save her fast
Jung In so evil!! Really wanted him to suffer after what he had done!!!! hope Jaejoong will find a way to get her so that they'll be together without Jung In always hunting for her! update soon :)
Jung In won't get tired!!!!!!! I HATE HIM please Jae find her and kill that guy
please update soon^^
thank you for the update!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy^^ and the chapter is nice but Jung In *sigh* Jae has to kill him
please update soon^^
please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New reader. :') The title of your story make me want to cry badly. ! sob sob
it's such a sad story
and I'm curious who's mr.x and also
hope jung In don't show himself
when they're having fun and
when they're happy
hope they're safe.
update soon :)