Chapter 11

I'm Sorry My Love

“Hello?” Jaejoong replied into the phone. “Are you there?” He sighed and slightly lowered the phone. Where were his friends when he needed them? He felt like right now and he needed someone to talk to.

He pressed his ear against the phone again and heard a quiet little voice whisper his name. “Jaejoong….” He felt his heart race. He could recognize that voice from anywhere.

His voice quivered as he questioned the speaker to make sure. “~~~~~~?”

“Oh my God…“ The phone fell out of your hands and landed on the ground. Jaejoong was positive that was you. Your tears stung your face as you tried to blink them away only causing them to drop faster.

He yelled into the phone, “~~~~~~! Are you there? Answer me! Baby please come back!”  Jaejoong gripped the phone tightly. It looked like it was going to crush under his grip.

He tried yelling into the phone again, “~~~~~~!”

Junsu picked up his cell phone and quietly answered his cell like nothing had happened. “What’s up hyung? What do you need?”

Angered by Junsu’s words, he spat out, “What do you mean?!? I just heard ~~~~~~’s voice!”

Changmin wrapped his arm around you. “Don’t worry noona. Everything will be better soon.” He lightly patted you on the shoulder. You just nodded, it didn’t stop your tears though.

“Jaejoong-hyung that was just….um….my girlfriend.” He tried to act natural so that Jaejoong wouldn’t catch on.

“JUNSU THAT WAS NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND! THAT WAS ~~~~~~! I’M POSITIVE! I KNOW MY BABY GIRL’S VOICE!” Jaejoong was outraged at how his friend could lie to him like that.

“Where are you now?” Jaejoong asked. He desperately needed to know. He wanted to see you with his own eyes, touch you, hug you, kiss you. He just needed you now. It had been too long.

Junsu desperately looked at Yoochun and Yunho for help. Like the quick thinker Yoochun was he grabbed the phone out of Junsu’s hand.

“Hey hyung. Sorry, but that isn’t ~~~~~~’s voice. It really was Junsu’s new girlfriend. I guess she just happens to have the same voice as ~~~~~~~.”

“I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!” Jaejoong screamed into the phone.

“Fine I’ll prove it to you then.” Yoochun sighed and pushed the mute button to speak to you quickly.

“I need you to pretend to be Junsu’s girlfriend so we can end this conversation without Jaejoong being suspicious. I just need you to say ‘Hello, I’m Ri In, Junsu’s girlfriend.’ Say it confidently. Arasso?”

You just nodded. Betraying Jaejoong made you feel bad but you needed to do this. You needed to get back together with him and if this was the plan, then you would go with it.

Taking in a deep breath you cautiously took the phone from Yoochun. In your cutest, girlfriend like material voice you said, “Hi, I’m Ri In Junsu’s new girlfriend! Nice to meet you!”

On the other line Jaejoong heard your voice, but it didn’t feel right. This wasn’t his baby girl, the feeling wasn’t right at all. He felt himself get depressed again. Junsu had a girlfriend who sounded like you, he was alone and now he was going through denial.

“Arasso. I believe you. Nice to meet you, Ri In-ah.” He said is a slight cheerful voice.

Your heart stung when you heard him. Half of you wanted him know it was you right now and the other half wanted to run away. You lightly replied, “Yea.”

You handed the phone back to Yoochun. He took it from you and gave you a small smile. He knew that hurt you greatly.

“So hyung, do you believe us now?”

“Yea…” Jaejoong said quietly. There was sadness in his voice and Yoochun could hear it. *Oh man I feel bad now..*

“Well the guys and I will come over in 15 minutes to accompany you, okay?” He needed to make Jaejoong feel a little better.

“Mhmm.” Jaejoong let out. “I’ll be home. Bring a pack of beer too.” He needed something to make him feel better and beer seemed like the answer.

“Okay. Bye.” They exchanged farewells and hung up. Yoochun threw the phone to Junsu. “Here!” Junsu caught it swiftly with one hand.

“So what do we do now?” Changmin asked.

“Well first we have to go and help Jaejoong right now.” Yoochun sighed. “He sounds like crap.”
They all nodded. You just looked away.

“I’ll take ~~~~~~ back down to Jung In. Even though I don’t want too.” Yunho said, pissed off. You didn’t want to go back. You felt free up here with them. The first time in a long time you felt like a normal person.

“To keep in contact with you just in case anything happens, I’ll give you my secret cell phone.” Yunho said. “Keep it in a safe place and don’t let Jung In touch it. If he does say I have the thing bugged and I’ll kick his if he dares take it.”

You gawked at him. That sounded very strange. “Okay.” You simply replied.

“The plan has started then.” Junsu chuckled.

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Chapter 30: Really hope she'll be fine & Jaejoong with DBSK will be able to save her from that evil Jung In since they already had a clue on who kidnap her. will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)
Nariko7star #2
Chapter 29: I'm on the edge of my seat here. Please update soon! Lol
Chapter 29: Damn Jung In!! He's worse than the Devil!! Jaejoong better seek help from the gang to save her fast
Jung In so evil!! Really wanted him to suffer after what he had done!!!! hope Jaejoong will find a way to get her so that they'll be together without Jung In always hunting for her! update soon :)
Jung In won't get tired!!!!!!! I HATE HIM please Jae find her and kill that guy
please update soon^^
thank you for the update!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy^^ and the chapter is nice but Jung In *sigh* Jae has to kill him
please update soon^^
please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New reader. :') The title of your story make me want to cry badly. ! sob sob
it's such a sad story
and I'm curious who's mr.x and also
hope jung In don't show himself
when they're having fun and
when they're happy
hope they're safe.
update soon :)