Chapter 23

I'm Sorry My Love

My exams are coming up soon so my chapters may be somewhat delayed. Mianhae >.< 미안합니다!

The server came back and asked what you desired to eat. You ordered a cup of hot chocolate with whip cream and a piece of strawberry shortcake. Jaejoong ordered a cup of black coffee and a muffin. The server took your order and came back 10 minutes later with the food.

He laid it neatly in front of you and said, “Please enjoy your food.” You gave him a dazzling smile.

“Thank you.” You said. The server blushed and bowed. Jaejoong noticed the flushed waiter and chuckled. *Even people who don’t know her get amazed by her smile.* There wasn’t an ounce of envy in him when he saw this, rather he was fascinated by how easily you could charm others.

The server left you and Jaejoong to enjoy the meal. You picked up your cup of hot chocolate and put it to your lips. You took a sip and sighed in relief. The warmth from the hot cocoa spread throughout your body and you smiled. Jaejoong gazed with happiness.

Picking up the fork, you took a bite of the cake. It was so good! You squealed in delight. “Omo! This is so good!” You looked up at Jaejoong with shining eyes. “Try some!”

You lifted a fork of cake to Jaejoong’s mouth. He gracefully took and chewed, thinking about the flavor. He had to admit this was the best cake he had ever had. “Wow this is good.” Astonished by the flavor he took the fork from you and took another bite.

“Mmmm, so good.” He said, closing his eyes and savoring the taste. You glared at him and pouted. “Hey that cake is mine!” You took the fork from him and chomped on your cake making sure Jaejoong wouldn’t eat it all.

“Yah!” He growled. “Why’d you take my fork!?”

You stared at him with hard eyes. “My cake. I let you try it not devour it on your own. You have your muffin.” You pointed to the cold muffin on Jaejoong’s plate. Jaejoong looked down at it and took a tiny bite. The flavor of the muffin was good but it couldn’t compare to the cake you had eaten.

“This muffin doesn’t taste as good as the cake though.” He whined. You stuck out your tongue.

“Well next time order cake.” When it came to good food, it needs to be shared. Jaejoong and you took it to a whole new level. When there’s good food, you guys exchange one bite but after more than one the both of you get antsy and begin to fight for food. Who would let something that good go to waste?

“Fine.” Jaejoong said. “If you want to play that way, I can get cake another way.” He got up and leaned close to your face. You wanted to say something but you had shoved too much cake in your mouth making yourself resemble a cute little chipmunk. “This is how I’m going to get cake.” He murmured, gazing into your eyes.

He leaned in and covered your lips with his. You could feel Jaejoong the cream off your lips. He pulled back and you blushed madly. Taking his thumb, he swiped the excess cream off his bottom lip. “Thanks for the meal.” He chuckled. You touched your lips. *Another kiss today.* You thought. *Makes me wonder how many more we have before I’m found.*

The other diners around them watched in amazement. “That boy sure has the guts to do that to his girlfriend.” You heard one girl said.

“I know right!” Another girl said. “I wish I had a boyfriend like that. That girl is so lucky.” You smiled and looked up at the chuckling Jaejoong. *I’m happy I haave a bofriend like you. I hope you stay the way you are forever………..if I’m there or not.*

From a far away table a young man watched you and Jaejoong. *I found you.* He took out his phone and pretended to text when in truth he started to take pictures of you. The girls around him swooned at his good looks. He was such a handsome man but he didn’t want any of those girls. He stared intently at you afar. He wished he could be in Jaejoong’s place.

Jaejoong got up and helped you out of your seat. “Where should we go next?” He asked. You put a finger to your lips and thought of the possibilities.

*You should leave that boyfriend of yours and come to me.* The young man thought. *I saw the pain you went through when you left him. I saw you with that damned Jung In. And I saw you when you were alone. Now you find your way back to Kim Jaejoong.*

You felt chills travel down your spine as you got up. “Are you cold?” Jaejoong asked. You shook your head. It felt like someone was watching you…….again. The chills you thought had left when you were with Jung In were back again. You despised them. It felt like someone was after you and it made you self conscious of your surroundings. You turned around and stared looking for the person who was giving you this feeling. Everyone looked normal.

Jaejoong put the money on the table and took your hand. You broke from your trance and looked at your intertwined fingers. You smiled as he held your hand and walked out.

The young man watched with rage. He had been waiting years to hold your hand. The closest he had come to you was when you grazed his hand when you walked by him. *I’ve been waiting for you since the first year of high school, but you were taken away from me twice. I will get you.* He thought smirking to himself.

*Just you wait.*

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You guys are absolutely awesome! I really appreciate your patience with me :)


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Chapter 30: Really hope she'll be fine & Jaejoong with DBSK will be able to save her from that evil Jung In since they already had a clue on who kidnap her. will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)
Nariko7star #2
Chapter 29: I'm on the edge of my seat here. Please update soon! Lol
Chapter 29: Damn Jung In!! He's worse than the Devil!! Jaejoong better seek help from the gang to save her fast
Jung In so evil!! Really wanted him to suffer after what he had done!!!! hope Jaejoong will find a way to get her so that they'll be together without Jung In always hunting for her! update soon :)
Jung In won't get tired!!!!!!! I HATE HIM please Jae find her and kill that guy
please update soon^^
thank you for the update!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy^^ and the chapter is nice but Jung In *sigh* Jae has to kill him
please update soon^^
please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New reader. :') The title of your story make me want to cry badly. ! sob sob
it's such a sad story
and I'm curious who's mr.x and also
hope jung In don't show himself
when they're having fun and
when they're happy
hope they're safe.
update soon :)