I'm the mission??

Fairy Blessed


There was this man standing in front of you, telling that he was your fairy. You stared blankly at him.

“Do you believe me now?”

You thought for a minute before you nodded. “Yes. I believe you. You definitely a fairy even though I’m not quite sure you’re lying or not. But, I’m sure too that nobody can levitate me just like you did.”

“Good then.” He nodded and crossed his arm. He invisible backed his wings.

With a surprised expression you gazed at him. “Wow! You really a fairy. Wait a sec; you said I’m your mission. What is that mean??”

“I can’t tell you my mission”

You choked. “okay. If you say so.”

“A minute ago, you screamed me and didn’t believe me even a bit. I’m a burglar? Hey, that scarred my image!” he walked to you.

“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.” You look down to your feet.

“Well, I’m really looking forward with the greeting but you ruined it. I want a payback”.

You stared at him. “what do you want me to do?”

“Good question.” He ruffled your hair and smiled. But suddenly the sweet smile you saw a second ago turned into an evil smile. You can felt it was not going to be a good thing. Omo…

“I want you to respect me. Urmmm… How about you my foot?” he glared at you with a smirk.

Your eyes pooped out. “L-li- y-your f-foot?”

You quickly shook your head. “There’s no way I’m going to do that!”

“You were denying me. Well, I’m not that cruel. How about my finger?” He continuously showed his evil smile.

He held his hand to your mouth “ it”

Your eyes started watering. He isn’t a fairy! He was sadistic! In fairy tales story, I never crossed any fairy like this. Fairy wouldn’t do this kind of thing.

“You’re cruel!!!” you cried loud to him.

“Don’t waste any time, my hand faster.” His hand came even closer to your mouth.

Suddenly a lightning came from nowhere strike his hand. He pulled back his hand and grieving for the pain.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! That was hurt!!” He kneeled in front of you and holding his hand. The magic that he chanted to you immediately gone and you fall to the floor.

“omo… My hand hurt so much…”

You saw his hand was in a bad condition. His skin totally burned and looked really bad. He quickly chanted something and held his other hand to his injured hand. Something blue coming out from his hand and surrounded his hand.

“Omma!! I know it was you who did this! Come out now, you evil witch!!” His eyes were watery.

Was he crying? You slowly crawled near him. “Are… Are you alright??”

You look at him with a worry.

“You just shut your mouth! Get away from me” he talked harshly to you but you didn’t take it to your heart. You truly understand that he was just feeling so hurt.

The blue smoke slowly gone and his hand was no longer burn. It back to normal. You were so surprise with it and amazed for what had you seen. “Wow! You’re cool”

“SHUT.UP” he gave you a glare.

“You old woman!!You really strike me!!” He screamed to the ceiling.

“You idiot son! Don’t make she do such a thing. hand is so offended and you as the prince can’t do such a bad deed! You’re the one who should follow her word. Not her” A middle age of woman voice echoed in the room.

You look around your bedroom like a stupid girl. “What is that? Where did it come from? Is it a ghost?”

You showered him with many question.

“A ghost?” said him and suddenly nodded. “Hehe…  Yeah. It’s a ghost, a creepy old lady. She will eat you if you’re not going to my hand”

“YOUNGMIN-SHI!! Omma didn’t teach you to be like this!!!” The queen screamed in anger.

“Okay. Okay. I will not forcing her to my hand again. Could you just mind your own kingdom and let me finish my mission peacefully? This really crossed my privacy, you know.” He talked to the ceiling with such a calm expression but his word was harsh.

“A son can’t talk like this to his mother and I have the reason to watch over you.”

“Ahh… It not like I’m going to hurt her or something. It’s just , that all. Nothing bad about that” He scratched his head.

“Nothing bad about that?? Who inherit you this kind of genes? I never remembered teaching you to be such an ill-manner, young prince!!!”

You thought to yourself “Inherit him with that kind of behaviour? I guess it was her mother where he got that evil mind. Striking her son and talked with harsh word. I’m definitely sure, it was her mom.”

“You better do this in your best way! I’ll kill you if you screwed this up!!”

Another harsh word from the mother and that proved it was her mom where he got the genes. Omo…

You stared at him. A glow suddenly came out from his face. Your face turned a little red.

“He looks so… handsome”

Your eyes sparkle while staring at him.

He suddenly turned back and caught your mesmerizing look on him.

“What are you looking at, dumb?”

You blinked and quickly looked down to the floor. You feel so embarrassed for staring him too much.

“Oh yeah… I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Youngmin. I’m the prince of the fairy kingdom and will soon takes over the kingdom after finishes my mission, that it you. I will help you in your life and be a good fairy to you. I mean will trying to be a good fairy to you. You can wish for anything you want. Don’t wish something dumb even though you’re a dumb. Treat me nicely or I will screw you up.” He showed off his flare to you.

“ohh…” You hesitated for second and continued with yours introduction.

“My n-name is IU. I live alone w-with my Fat-”

“You don’t need to introduce yourself. I already knew about you. Well, that’s how we getting to know each other. All is done and goodnight” He tapped your head and smile vigorously to you. Your heart flustered by his charming smile and your cheek start to become red.

“Why are you suddenly getting red?” He frowned and stopped tapping your head.

“No, I’m not!” You were denying his word. He just raised his brow.

“Well, I’m off now. Bye!” He vanished in slightest air and you couldn’t find him anywhere in your room.

“Where did he go?” asked yourself.

“Omo… Is this really a dream or not?” You thought for yourself.



Another chap. will coming tomorrow!! Please comment if you found this interesting,boring or cliche. I love to read your comments, dear readers!! Don't be scared with me^^


Thanks for reading it!! hope you enjoyed it! * his hand?? haha..*

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This story will have a co-author soon. :)


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Yendi_Heart #1
Chapter 32: They both are cute. And the kiss :3
Chapter 30: Wow i was wondering what will happend next? What will jiyeon do if she see iu!? U have to answering my question so Update soon unnie :D!! And hope u did ur exams well!!
Chapter 30: aww, they so cute~~
can't wait fo next chap...
Yendi_Heart #4
Chapter 25: Cute chapter ^^ and don't worry we'll wait till you can update ;)
clyne22 #5
Chapter 24: please update soon
Yendi_Heart #6
Chapter 24: Oh! Chunji is in the story now :o
Chapter 24: hi new reader's here!!! ur story was sooo cool youngmin reminds me of Tingkerbel in peter pan heheheh!!! i hope chunji just made a joke for replacing! but it sound serious. :'(
Chapter 24: What's the meaning of replaced? He'll replaced youngmin as jieun fairy or maybe as a king? Kekekeke it make me confused . Update soon :)
Yendi_Heart #9
Chapter 23: Just read the whole story and I really like it. It's very interesting :D waiting for the next chapter. Fighting!