Betting on your whole life?

Fairy Blessed

“what are you girls planning on?” Youngmin’s question startled them. Jiyeon turned to face him and shook her head.

“We didn’t plan anything” she frowned. “and why are you here?” she folded her arm to her chest.

“Nothing. I’m just visiting you all.” Youngmin raised his brow and smiled cheekily. Hwayoung turned red and squealed delightedly.

“Youngmin oppa is so cute!” Hwayoung screamed inside her mind.

“You just pulling our leg. What do you want, scum?” Ji yeon scoffed. Youngmin rubbed his nose before start talking.

“Can you all stop bully IU?” He said.

Jiyeon smirked then laughed her head off. “Oh my… are you falling in love with the bug- face?” She teased Youngmin.

“I believed IU never done something wrong with you all. She was here to study. I bet she didn’t cause any trouble with her face either.” Youngmin ignored Jiyeon’s teased.

Jiyeon furrowed her brow. “She did!!”

Youngmin eyes became big, surprised to hear her answer.


“She took Q-ri man right in front of our eyes. She made a mistake by entering this school. She wasn’t belongs here. Our school do not accept such a mere poor people here. Her existence here ruined this school image with her low quality appearance. That’s what had she done wrong to us.”  Jiyeon snapped Youngmin.

“So, what made you all perfect to enter here? The school shouldn’t have such a shallow rule. Rich people are dumb.” Youngmin replied with his tone full with dissatisfaction.

“Poor people live because of our richness and business. They get a job because we, rich people gave them. They should respect the barrier between us!” Jiyeon’s explained with a smug on her face.

She suddenly looked straight to Youngmin. “And you was deserved to be here was just because of your achievement.” She paused and come over me. She Youngmin cheek seductively. “and we accepted you because of your good-looking appearance.” Jiyeon grinned to him.

Youngmin ducked off from her touch and step backward. He dusted his jacket while talking to her.

“I’m sorry but I was here because of IU. I don’t have any interested to stay here.” He blurted out.

“Instead of troubling yourself, why don’t you leave this school? The school is so much fun when there’s no you and IU too.” Q-ri butted in.

“I won’t either. Because, I want to prove to your very eyes that everyone deserved to be here no matter how low his/her status is.” Youngmin shot his piercing eyes. Before he leaves, he looked at her over his shoulder. “I’ll make that bug face turned into a pretty one. You wait!” He gave them a warning.

Jiyeon’s and her gang laughed. “Please don’t make us laughed, dear Youngmin! I bet my whole life on it. If you can get her 1K fans on this school then I will stop bully her.”

Youngmin smiled meaningfully with a burning spirit. “Wait and see, Jiyeon. The queenka who will fall down.”





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This story will have a co-author soon. :)


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Yendi_Heart #1
Chapter 32: They both are cute. And the kiss :3
Chapter 30: Wow i was wondering what will happend next? What will jiyeon do if she see iu!? U have to answering my question so Update soon unnie :D!! And hope u did ur exams well!!
Chapter 30: aww, they so cute~~
can't wait fo next chap...
Yendi_Heart #4
Chapter 25: Cute chapter ^^ and don't worry we'll wait till you can update ;)
clyne22 #5
Chapter 24: please update soon
Yendi_Heart #6
Chapter 24: Oh! Chunji is in the story now :o
Chapter 24: hi new reader's here!!! ur story was sooo cool youngmin reminds me of Tingkerbel in peter pan heheheh!!! i hope chunji just made a joke for replacing! but it sound serious. :'(
Chapter 24: What's the meaning of replaced? He'll replaced youngmin as jieun fairy or maybe as a king? Kekekeke it make me confused . Update soon :)
Yendi_Heart #9
Chapter 23: Just read the whole story and I really like it. It's very interesting :D waiting for the next chapter. Fighting!