I command you to go!

Fairy Blessed

The Queen of Fairy kingdom, Queen Yeonsoo was waiting patiently for his son arrival. She had waited for hour but the prince crown was nowhere to find. A knight walked through the door and made a 90 degree bow “Your Highness, we had found Prince Youngmin.”

“Where is he?” Queen Yeonsoo asked abruptly with a raised in her tone. she feel very irritated with his stubborn son who was always trying to boil her. 

“He was taking a nap at the royal lake, your majesty”

“Why on earth that stupid prince sleeping at the time like this? Bring him here. NOW!!” the queen exclaimed to her knight.

“Yes, your highness!” The knight quickly stood up and ran to the door.


“What a wonderful weather today!” Prince Youngmin smiled. He landed his body to one of the shady tree and folded his hand to the back of his head. He remembered about her mother wanted him to meet her this noon but he didn't felt like wanted to be a good son right now. 

“I think I’m going to take a nap now” He told himself.


Not too long after he dozed off, Youngmin heard someone walking to his place. He opened his eyes and frowned to see her mother's knight face. That slave is here...

“My prince, the queen wanted to meet you.” The knight informed the prince while bowing.

“Huh?? Omma wanna see me? Okay.” Prince Youngmin closed his eyes. "after i took a nap." he added more. He makes the ‘go away’ gesture to the knight and was ready to fall asleep.

“Forgive for my action, young prince” the knight stepped forward and forcely pulled his hand up.

“Come with me now.”

“I said I’ll come right after this. Don’t you hear me?” Prince Youngmin glared at him. "Let me go!"

“You leave me no choice.” The knight ordered his soldiers to carry him to the castle. They nodded and come closer to Youngmin.

“Hey! Hey! Let go of me!”

 They hold both Youngmin’s wrist and dragged him. He tried to fight back but no use. They were much stronger than him who had slender body.

“Okay. I’ll go, could you please release me? I had feet to walk” said him.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. We both know that you’ll escape from us with magic if we let you go” the knight said with his deep voice.

“Oh! Come on! I never done that” Youngmin tried to provoke the knight but he just ignored the young prince.

“Dammit…” Youngmin was pissed off.

He was carried away like prisoner to the castle. In the way home to castle, all the people was looking at the unsual view of a knight arresting someone with a good look. “isn’t that the prince?” asked some of the female girls.

“Back off!! Prince Youngmin was not a show for you. Please clear the line!”

“Omo… The prince is truly a PRINCE! Look at his pretty face. I can die for staring him too much.” The girl squealed.     

Youngmin was turning red when everyone was staring at him. He felt so awkward seeing all the people eyes on him.

“Why are we walking to the castle? Can we just fly?” the prince asked while trying to hide his face. he feel very uncomfortable in this kind of place.

“You want to fly? But…”The knight stopped and look intensively at him. he was unsure to accept the suggestion or not since the crown prince had a very high potential to run away. 

The clear skin of the crown prince's face had turned very red and he wasn't dare to chin his face up like he always do.

“Just fly already!!” He exclaimed to the knight angrily.

“All right then.” They started to expand their wings including the prince.

“Oh my gosh!! His wings are really beautiful!! Blue colour suited him well!!” The prince’s wings started to attract more attention from the people. He doesn't wanted to look at them or greet them as a humble royal blood should do. what was in his mind is to get away from the attention he get for his appearance. He spread his wings and take off from the people eyes.

"I'm sorry for all I have let your Highness go through" the knight apologized but the crown prince didn't have any change on his porcelain face. He was too embarrassed.



The trumpet was blown when the young prince reached the castle. Queen Yeonsoo smiled when she heard it. “Finally, you come here.” Queen was grinning when her son walked into her throne.

“Release the prince.” told the Queen to the soldier. “Yes, your highness!”

Prince Youngmin fixed his jacket while gazing to his omma.

“Okay. What’s the matter?” asked the prince coldly.

“Didn’t I tell you earlier? Today you will be going to the human world.”

Prince Youngmin was frowned. “But I already told you, I don’t want to go there! I don’t want to do that stupid mission!”

“You must do it to complete your fairy training.”

“But, it just a mission arranged by fairy school for the student. It doesn’t have any relation in ruling this kingdom”

“Everyone who was a fairy is required to accomplish this final mission! Including the Prince himself!” The queen enraged seeing her own son disobeyed her.

“I always ranked at the top of the class or even Kingdom. Every teacher had declared me as the strongest and skillful fairy had ever existed. That proved I’m a 5 stars fairy. I don’t want to go.” Youngmin crossed his arm at his chest. He pouted.

“You can’t!”

“But… That mission is burdensome. Why must we help the human being and offer our magic to them? I bet they will forget me when I’m done with the mission”

“Don’t worry! Omma had chosen your human being for the mission.” Queen Yeonsoo smile sheepishly.

“Even you pick it for me. I’m not going to the human world” The prince furrowed his brow in disagree.

“Are you trying to disobey the queen??” The queen exclaimed to him.

“I’m betraying my mother order not the queen Yeonsoo” Youngmin stuck his tongue.

Without a warning, Queen Yeonsoo strikes a thunder in front of him. Youngmin fall to the ground due to the flash of the lightning. He was too shock with the incident that he just experienced.

“What… were… you… doing… a… minute… ago??” He was stuttered.

 “Success the mission or I will strike the thunder again?” The queen glared at him.

“Did you try to kill your own son for the mission?!?!” Youngmin stared his mother in disbelieved.

“I might do it if you still disobey me, my young prince” The queen smirked and walked near him.

Youngmin was terrified with his own mother and step backward.

“Well… what’s your choice?”

“I don’t want to go! You witch!! ” Youngmin turned his back and run as fast as he could to the door of the throne.

“Get him!” shouted the knight. Every soldier who was standing like a statue suddenly moved and started to catch him.


His plan ---> FAIL ==”


Youngmin was back to his mother again. “You’re cruel!” He shouted to his mother.

“I just want you to help this poor girl. That’s all! Didn’t you claim yourself as the skilful and powerful fairy in this kingdom?”

“Hell yeah… But…” Youngmin look at his feet.

“Don’t tell me this skilful, powerful and brainy fairy in front of me is a coward?” Queen Yeonsoo pointing at him with an egoistic looked.

“No, I’m not!!” The prince shot his mother a glare.

“Then, accomplish your mission if you’re not a coward!” Queen Yeonsoo smirked.

The prince hesitated before start spoke. “Your words is my command, your highness”

He crossed his left arm to his chest and bow in front of the queen.

“Good boy!”

 The queen came down from his seat and hugged her son tightly.

“I knew you would, my sweatheart”

The queen heard a long sigh from his beloved son after accepted the mission.


HI!! Thanks for reading and subscribing it^^

sorry if chapter one was boring. hehe..

I've done the posterXD, but IT SOOO amateur work ^^" 

Feel free to comment, okayXD It'll improve me:D


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This story will have a co-author soon. :)


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Yendi_Heart #1
Chapter 32: They both are cute. And the kiss :3
Chapter 30: Wow i was wondering what will happend next? What will jiyeon do if she see iu!? U have to answering my question so Update soon unnie :D!! And hope u did ur exams well!!
Chapter 30: aww, they so cute~~
can't wait fo next chap...
Yendi_Heart #4
Chapter 25: Cute chapter ^^ and don't worry we'll wait till you can update ;)
clyne22 #5
Chapter 24: please update soon
Yendi_Heart #6
Chapter 24: Oh! Chunji is in the story now :o
Chapter 24: hi new reader's here!!! ur story was sooo cool youngmin reminds me of Tingkerbel in peter pan heheheh!!! i hope chunji just made a joke for replacing! but it sound serious. :'(
Chapter 24: What's the meaning of replaced? He'll replaced youngmin as jieun fairy or maybe as a king? Kekekeke it make me confused . Update soon :)
Yendi_Heart #9
Chapter 23: Just read the whole story and I really like it. It's very interesting :D waiting for the next chapter. Fighting!