Chapter 9: Breakfast

YG Auditions

* This is still in Jiyong's point of view. I was watching one of 2ne1 tv's episode where Seungri baby was teaching Dara about how to act in a talk show. Although he might appear all serious and professional - going on teacher mode - I just can't help but coo at him. I know weird O.o so this chapter will have him, Jiyong and Norah as the main focus. ENJOY! :) 

- Rexiefauliks


I rolled on my side and slowly opened my eyes to glimpse at the digital clock at my bedside. 7:00 am, it read. I smiled wistfully willing the time to go back to 4 am when I was actually peacefully asleep. However as much as I wanted to stay in bed, I'm well aware that I can't afford to be anymore late seeing as the orientation of the newly accepted trainees was today, and being a trainer/ team leader (*I'll explain about the trainer/ team leader thing at the bottom of the chapter - Rexie) I had to be there to welcome them along with the others. I got up from my warm, cozy bed and padded across my room, then opening the door leading outside and finally heading to my first stop, my closet. 

Ok, maybe more of like a walk - in closet. No, actually make that room for my clothes. *cough* 

I went inside and grabbed a Givenchy sleeveless hoodie, then a pair of Louboutin sneakers as well as a pair of slim black pants with white paint splattered across it. 

(    -> hoodie      -> shoes)

Making sure I got everything with me, accessories included, I went out and headed to the bathroom where I spent the remaining 20 minutes of my morning, bathing and dressing myself up. After that I went back to my room, hair dripping on my shoulders and all, and took hold of my MCM backpack while checking the messages on my phone. 

(    -> backpack)

Oddly enough, throughout the entire morning that I was actually awake to the world, I barely heard anything from my roommate. Well, it's more like he's just here to amuse me - which he doesn't do - since I OWN the place and not him nor sajangnim. So technically he's my slave just living with me for now.

I glanced at the door leading to the maknae's room and saw a hastily written note taped to it. 

Dear Jiyong Hyung,

I went ahead of you. I can't be late again.

Your Most Amazing Maknae

I raised an eyebrow at the ridiculous note made by the punk and flicked it to some place I couldn't be bothered knowing where. "Hang on -" I murmured realization dawning on me as I figured out why he hastily departed from my apartment. I walked briskly to our kitchen and threw open the pantry door that should have contained the newly bought grocery items that Seungri should have gotten for us for the rest of the week after he finished off everything I bought in just two days. 


Nothing, that bastard didn't buy a ing thing for us. Nothing. 

I quickly hit speed dial, ringing the only person I know who would make Seungri and piss at the same time. 

"Noona, is maknae at the office already?" I asked Bom noona, knowing that she would already be there, eager to meet the new trainees. "No Ji, he isn't here. Why?" she asked me, boredom lacing her voice. "That punk kid needs to meet his fate of dying a slow and painful death, that's all." I replied gritting my teeth. "Ah, Jiyong - ah, don't be like that. Seungri - ah is a good -" her voice died out and I heard someone talking to her on the other line.

"YAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE FINISHED OFF ALL THE CORN?!?!?!?!?! WHAT BREAKFAST?!?!?! THAT'S MINE. MINEMINEMINEMINE. I BOUGHT THEM!!!!!!" I heard Bom screech at the other line. "YOUALIENYOUBETTERBUYMEMO- *cough* I mean please have some more Seunghyun oppa, corn will only slow me down in my work out." Bom gritted bitterly and then out of nowhere I heard the other line being abruptly put down. I stared at my phone oddly before stuffing it in my hoodie's pocket. Bom noona must've been spotted by Trainer Hwang Ssabu or hyung must've threatened her through blackmailing her to shut her up. Sighing at my failed attempt to get Bom on my side, I decided on heading out of my apartment to go to the YG Building before I become more late than I already am. I was just about to lock up my door when I heard Seungri's voice inside the apartment across from mine.


I knocked three times and smiled charmingly at the girl who opened her door to see who it is. "Good morning Norah."

"Jiyong ssshhh~" she was stuttering at the last part as I gave her a warning stare on using something as formal as that in addressing me. " . I meant oppa!" I gave her my nod of approval and was about to comment on Seungri being frustratingly stupid enough to hide in here when I heard a girlish whimper out of nowhere. Was that him? It better be. I was laughing manically at my head and wasn't able to fully comprehend what Norah was saying. "Sorry, what were you saying?"

"Oh, I was just telling you that I was just about to eat breakfast. Would you like to come in?" As she said this to me, I finally understood why he hid here. 

1. Norah is a nice girl and him being him, he'll take advantage of that for his own benefit.

2. She can cook meaning good food.


4. FOOOD which is something we lack at home and she has plenty of.

Norah directed me to her kitchen where various plates, filled to the brim with food were aligned in the middle of her kitchen island. It was quite obvious that it was meant for more than one person, with her rice having more than one bowl and most of her meals double in size in their servings. 

Hook, line, and sinker.

"Norah this smells amazing." I took a sniff of the combined aroma of the food filling the small atmosphere inside her apartment. "Would you mind if I ate with you? I'm in a rush so I can't afford to go to the store and buy food for me. Seungri ate all our food already." She shook her head and indicated to me that it was fine but then out of nowhere I heard someone scoff at my words at first which turned into grumbling as I took my first bite of Norah's cooking which she obviously did from scratch, judging by the mess her kitchen sink was in. Norah tried her best to pretend that nothing was amiss and we resumed our small talk until out of my peripheral view I saw a familiar hand come out from some unknown place trying to grab one of the plates containing our breakfast. I hastily took hold of its wrist in an iron hold and tugged the owner of the arm I was clutching tightly.

"Yo." I greeted maknae smugly, catching him red handed in his act of being a liar, an irresponsible , and a food stealer. 

"Good morning hyung." he replied frustration evident in the tone of his voice.

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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*