YG Auditions

* :D HAI, I suddenly felt like switching POV's and thought of writing this in Jiyong's. I hope you like it!  Enjoy reading it :) sorry it took so long, school kept me from writing booohhooo :{*

- Rexiefauliks


I rolled my neck clockwise and rubbed the back of my neck to get rid off the stiff neck I acquired after sleeping on my computer chair for the nth time in the wee hours of the morning. I groaned at the slight relief the action gave me and wearily got inside the elevator and pressed my floor number, however as the elevator doors were about to close, a shriek of, "STOP! PLEASE HOLD THE  DOOR!!!!!!" came out of nowhere which prompted me to hurriedly press the hold button on my right side. 

"Thank you. Oh, we're in the same floor." breathed a girl's voice behind a stack of brown paper bags filled to the brim with what seemed to be grocery items which were safely tucked in her embrace. As she faced the closing elevator doors, recognition dawned on me. "Norah - ssi?" I called out to her hesitantly. She glanced my way and widened her eyes comically at finally realizing who she was with inside the elevator. "Jiyong - ssi, uhhhmmmm." she coughed awkwardly as she stepped away from me slightly as if suddenly feeling claustraphobic inside the elevators. "Good evening." I returned the greeting with a smile trying to ease the tension. She faced the elevator doors once more and shuffled a bit to balance all the bags in her arms. I couldn't help myself as my curiosity grew as to why she was in my apartment building so I asked, "Is sajangnim starting his torture to the trainees already?" grinning at her instant reaction. She quickly glanced at my direction, gaping at my question before letting out a snort of laughter. "Uhm no," she tried containing her laughter. "I live in this building, just moved in actua - !" The bags started slipping from her grasps and she tried her best to clutch them tighter to her chest which only made them fall out from her grasps. I brought out my hand and took hold of most of the things she was carrying. "Let me get that for you." I said with a grunt, underestimating the weight of the groceries. "No it's fine really, you don't have to Jiyong - ssi!" Norah called out trying to get them back from my arms. I raised my arms in the air so she won't be able to reach them and gave her a warning glare. "Let me." I told her with a finality to my voice. She huffed and glared back but stopped her attempts to grab them back from my arms. I smiled triumphantly and resumed our conversation. "You were saying?"

She rolled her eyes at me and continued on with what she was saying, "I said that I just moved in a few days ago. Sajangnim suggested that I live here since my Dad asked him where I could stay where I could have someone look out for me while I'm in Korea on my own." The elevator went to a stop as we got to our floor and she led the way out as the elevator doors slid open for us. "But hyung lives two floors up." I pointed out to her as I followed her out. "How could he watch over you? And is your Dad friends with hyung to give you such treatment?"

She stopped and faced me, ears turning bright red as her plait slid from her left shoulder to her back showing me her ears. "They ran out of vacant apartments at sajangnim's floor and the nearest one is this floor. Besides Mr. Yang told me that there would be other people from the company here. He didn't tell me if they were trainees or not. I'm sorry, I know it's unfair that I'm getting this treatment but my father begged him that I stay in this place, because he thinks that I'd be safer here. He didn't request I be treated differently like a bloody princess but that I'd be safe only. My Dad and I paid for the apartment through our savings combined. I -" she let a frustrated indistinct noise before ruffling her hair. "Do you think I'm being unfair to the other trainees living here?" she finally murmured quietly. I was gazing at her since she started her tirade and replied after some time, "I don't think so in my opinion but other people might see it differently. You see it's not just hyung who lives here. I live here with Seungri - ah as does Kush hyung. Some trainees might see it as if you're trying to get an upper hand from them when it comes to training since you get to see us AND sajangnim more often because you live here." I explained switching my weight from one foot to the other. "I'm not trying to kick you out but think about it carefully. Speaking of which where's your apartment? My arms are killing me right now." She jumped slightly at my request and drew out her keys from her jean's pocket and opened the door beside her, quickly ushering me in. I looked at her questioningly when I saw the bare apartment save for the television set in the middle of what seemed to be the living room. "You can place those there." she pointed to the side of the entrance hall's shoe cabinet where I placed the things I was carrying. "Please come in." she told me quietly before hurrying to the kitchen. "I'm afraid I don't have any furniture set up yet but if you want to sit down, there's a couple of pillows inside the drawer near the television." She called out from the kitchen. Too lazy to look for the said pillows I instead sat cross legged on the tiled floor, my back facing the television. 

The apartment was small but was built with lots of windows like mine to bring in a lot of light to the room. Several boxes were stacked in one side of the room with hastily written words indicating its contents in black, greeted my eyes. I found it amusing to see three boxes solely labeled as books whereas her clothes were only contained in two boxes. Norah came back in with a tray of water and a steaming mug of something. "I didn't have anything else in the fridge." she explained at her choice for our refreshments. "What would you like to have? Water or tea?" I asked for the tea which she slid across the floor to me. I grabbed the handle and took a small sip to taste it and looked up at her across from where I was sitting. "You don't have to move out." I told her again. She looked at me startled at my words. "I was actually wondering if there are some rooms available at Hong Dae, it might be cheaper than this one and then there would be -"



"Stay here, no one will have to know, I'm just worried that this might cause tension among the trainees."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Norah murmured quietly as she stared pensievely at her glass of water.

I took another sip from my cup and sighed dramatically. She looked up.

"You owe me twice already." I said cockily, wagging two fingers at her face."I'll keep this a secret too~" I told her in a sing song voice.

"What are you...." she asked then as recognition dawned on her, her ear which was red already from the start turned even an even brighter shade of red. "Jiyong - ssi!" I grinned wolfishly at her, "It's our secret." I winked at her as I finished off my tea. I suddenly smelled ramyeon out of nowhere and with no warning my stomach grumbled. "Is that ramyeon?" I asked curiously. She nodded and stood up from her seat in the floor and headed once more to the kitchen. She soon came back with a tray filled with a huge metal bowl filled with the delicious smelling ramyeon as well as a pair of chopsticks and one spoon. "It's not much but I didn't know how to repay you for carrying my grocery to my apartment. So I hope you like it and kangsamnida." she bowed slightly to me, stiffly at that, unsure and hesitant at the Korean words she was uttering. I glanced at her and then back to the steaming bowl of noodles. "Naw it's cool. I'm a good sunbaenim that's all. Aren't you going to eat with me?"

She shook her head and smiled shyly at me. I beamed my thanks to her and grabbed the pair of chopsticks to stir the noodles in the bowl. I took my first bite and quickly drank some of the soup. "AH~ Youngbae - ah's instant noodles tastes just like this. Thank you Norah - ssi." I said in between chewing the mouthful of noodles I ate. 

Suddenly a knock was to be heard outside her door and a call of, "Norah - ssi?"

She stood up and opened the door to reveal 21 year old Kibum, the land lord's youngest son. I raised one of my eyebrows as I watched the young boy look down at Norah with him being the same height as me despite his young age. "Noona, do you need help with your boxes?" he asked sheepishly blushing as she smiled her thanks to him, which was quickly turned into a frown as soon as she mentions that she can handle it. "Wae?" He looked up from her and noticed me with the bowl of noodles in my hands. He furrowed his brows and greeted me. "Hi hyung, I didn't know you knew Norah noona."

"She's one of sajangnim's trainees, I was just helping her out with the groceries awhile ago. I didn't know we were neighbors." I replied to him as I put down the nearly empty bowl. I wanted to laugh as Norah tried deciphering what we were talking about, frustration and annoyance clearly etched in her face. "I have to go back to my own apartment Norah - ssi, it's just across from yours if you need any help again." I added not being able to help myself from teasing the obviously smitten teenager with Norah as I stood up. She nodded at me and bowed respectfully as I stepped out of her apartment. "Thank you again Jiyong - ssi." she said with a slight smile. 

Kibum who was growing frustrated at my presence obviously wanted to groan as I replied with my back to them, suavely opening my own door, "Call me Jiyong oppa from now on. And don't forget our secret Norah." giving them a sideways glance with a smirk to the young boy before closing the door behind me. "Noona! You didn't tell me you auditioned for Jiyong hyung!" cried an obviously distressed Kibum then an, "OW!"

"Shut up! Kibum - ah, I auditioned for sajangnim not him. He's my sunbaenim. AISH~ don't you have school?" she replied irritation apparent in her voice.

I grinned despite myself at their interaction. I headed straight to my room and lied down on my bed, closing my eyes as I wondered over the coming months teaching these new trainees and having one of them as my neighbor. "Hyung, what the hell are you thinking?" I asked out loud for sajangnim to hear despite him being clearly absent in my room.

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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*