YG Auditions

"OMO!" cried Dara approaching our table her hair in waves. "Seungri-ah ate so much! He didn't even give some to Norah - ssi." She gave me a sympathetic look and patted my head as she inspected our table. Seungri looked at her shocked and opened his mouth to defend himself but was beaten to it by TOP who leaned his torso in front of Seungri and placed his right index finger on the younger man's forehead. "You're dead." he grinned evilly. "Hyung went out after scolding us to see if Norah - ssi wanted to ask something about the contracts but you guys suddenly disappeared. He sent us out to look for you and deliver you to him." Se7en followed suit after conversing with the staff about what happened as TOP semi - threatened Seungri who was pouting at his hyung.

"YAH!" he cried out laughing pushing TOP away to sit next to Seungri. "You actually did a performace here just like when you were a trainee?"

"WHAATT'S SO WROONNNGG ABOUT THAT!?!" cried Seungri to his hyung's ear with feelings. Two hands, from separate owners (MY OTP FOR BROMANCE = Se7en + TOP) met the back of his head after that comment. "Aish so disrespectful, Jiyong - ah and Teddy hyung should punish you later."  said Se7en standing up to dust off his pants. "Bom - ah should really be here. Seungri - ah actually behaves then. OH!!!! I forgot she went out as well, maybe she's nearby!" Dara said happily jogging towards the entrance of the cafeteria only to be pulled back by a desperate Seunri on his knees. "Ani, I'll behave! I'll go to Sunbaenim myself! Just not Bom noona! I'll even do that tour for Norah - ssi right now!"

Dara tried her best to get Seungri's grip in her left leg loose but since she was smaller and weaker in comparison to him he had a difficult time and she started threatening him by taking out her phone and dialing Bom's number which made Seungri grip her leg tigher. "LEGGOO!~" she huffed jumping away from him only to have him being half dragged across the floor seeing as he still hasn't let go of her leg.

As this continued on the Choi Team took Seungri's place across from me and greeted me for the first time. "Hello I'm Choi Seunghyun and this is Choi Dong Wook. We were unable to introduce ourselves personally awhile ago." It took me sometime to collect myself because I was distracted by the sight of Dara placing her Christian Laboutin sneakers clad right foot on Seungri's shoulder to rid herself from his grip. "Oh! Sorry, uhm hi." I replied awkwardly. "It's really cool to meet you." I cringed visibly at the lame reply and tried to tame down the urge of hitting myself. The two laughed and thanked me followed by congratulating me on becoming a part of YG (might I add they said all this AT. THE. SAME. TIME. O.o). Se7en noticed the envelope in my hand and asked if I was able to read through it like I asked. "Seungri - ssi," I began hesitantly not knowing how to address them politely in Korean. " - was kind enough to bring me over here to eat and he let me read through it in peace. I was able to read everything or skim through the pages in time as well as sign it thanks to him."

"SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Seungri cried from his place by the floor next to Dara's legs whose by now given up on getting him off but was now focused on slapping Seungri's hands away from the phone in her own. Probably to try and contact Bom to bring order to the cafeteria.The Choi team ignored his scream/ whine and started asking me about what I found out. And so I began relaying to them of what I got from the contracts taking it out from the brown envelope to point out the articles I was mentioning. When I finished, I put it back on its folder and told them, "However I don't think we have similar contracts seeing as you're already talents and I'm still a trainee. And I'm sure TOP - ssi's is different from yours Se7en - ssi." 

They nodded a look of discomfort marring their handsome faces for a moment, "I don't think I can read mine as extensively as you have Norah - ssi. Manager hyung and Sunbaenim knows what's good for me, I trust them." TOP told me. "Also call us Oppa," he added with a warm smile to me. "You're our dongsaeng now and one of our YG babies, treat us like your older brothers, ok?" Se7en nodded in agreement to which I beamed at happily. "Thank you so much! TOP and Se7en - oppas!"

"I want to be an oppa too!" Seungri said finally letting go of Dara's leg, completely forgetting why he was there in the first place judging by the way he started acting. "Norah - ssi call me Seungri oppa from now on!" 

Dara who nearly fell on her bum as soon as Seungri out of nowhere letting her go, quickly hit the speed dial on her phone and said on the other line. "I found Seungri - ah and he's being mean to our YG baby~ he took her to the cafeteria, we're still here." She glanced our way and called back at me with a grin, "Call me unnie too!" To which I nodded too happily feeling welcomed by the four YG talents with me. "Speaking of which Bom is on her way~" added Dara with a smirk dangling her phone in front of her which still displayed her call history with Bom's number registered as the latest contacted person. Seungri stood up straight and tried to look for a place to hide but to no avail because soon we heard the distinct clack clack of a pair of heels striding against the marble floor. The double doors flew open to present to the whole room Bom and her freshly dyed hair. "WHERE IS HE?" she hollered scanning the room with her chest heaving from lack of breath. She quickly spotted him and approaced the young man with determination and annoyance etched to her face.


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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*