Chapter 5: Guess the Hum with Little Seunghyun

YG Auditions

I stopped reading the contracts in my hands for a bit as soon as I discovered that Seungri walked quite fast as he maneuvered across the hallways towards the cafeteria in the basement. I tried my best to keep up with his fast pace seeing as I'm the only one having some trouble with it, the other three staff members accompanying us finding nothing unusual with it as they kept their pace with him. Fortunately he slowed down a bit as he noticed my lack of presence by his side and walked side by side with me after offering me a sheepish smile.

"I'm not really used to walking at this pace." he admitted to me with a sideways glance. I nodded mutely not knowing how to reply at all. And in a few seconds we continued our trek downstairs in silence, our foot steps the only sounds echoing across the empty hallways of the building. 

With a flourish, Seungri pushed open the double doors and showed me around the cafeteria. Well more like, headed straight to the counter filled with an array of Korean food and grabbed a tray for himself and another which he offered to me. "Let's eat!" he cried slightly jumping at the balls of his feet, his eyes squinting at the choices of food in front oh him. By the time he was through choosing, his tray was filled nearly to the brim as did mine - mainly because whatever he chose for himself he ordered for me as well. When we were through ordering and paying for our meal and drinks, Seungri directed us to a table and set his tray down before sitting down graciously and eagerly sifting through his choices of food. I followed suit but instead of sating my hunger, I took out the contracts safely tucked in my arm as we ordered. I opened it to the last page I was in and resumed my reading. 

"Aren't you going to eat?" he suddenly asked me out of nowhere after swallowing a mouthful of rice and side dishes. I looked up and said, "I will after this. And thank you for the meal." I smiled shyly at him which he waved off with a grin. "It's fine! As your sunbaenim I have to take care of you." he explained matter of fact as if it was that simple. "Actually I was supposed to show you around but I got hungry."

"Oh! It's alright really! The food totally made up for it." I laughed out loud but soon my attention was caught by the tiny print in front of me. Seungri continued eating after a scoff and a chuckle as I finished reading through the contracts and signing them humming a tune under my breath. I was signing my initials and name on the latter part of the contract when I noticed that I wasn't only me who was humming the same tune. I glanced once more at Seungri and was amused to find him with his food tray clean from its contents and his eyebrows furrowed staring intently at thin air humming along. His head was bobbing slightly to the non - existent beat while he leaned his head on his propped up hand. I tapped him on the shoulder once to catch his attention since calling out his name was futile. "What's that song you were humming just now?" he asked.

For some idiotic reason I suddenly blurted out, "I won't tell you." like an insolent child. But instead of getting angry he caught onto my teasing and puffed up his cheeks with air in frustration. "YA! What is it? I won't be able to last the day not knowing." he grumbled and whined pouting at me. I bit my lip and hummed again to some more.

"Baby Don't Cry?"


A snort.

"HUH fine, game face on."

........... slam!

"Sara Bareilles?!"



"Jason Mraz?"

A shake of the head then a sigh. More humming.

"Love like Oxygen?"

.............. blank stare

"Grrrr..... hang on."

More humming.


Out of nowhere he suddenly jumped from his seat and started dancing to his song, "What Can I Do" while singing it. I nodded emphatically and began giving him a beat by creating a make shift drums out of the bowls. He continued on dancing, with feelings and all that came with his usual performance on stage. His impromptu performance finally ended with our other three companions giving him a polite applause from where they were huddled in the table next to ours. He gave them a bow then pointed an accusing finger at me. "You're tone deaf aren't you? You at humming." he pointed out smugly. "MHMM, you're just in denial you weren't able to figure out it was your song. Sara Bareilles, really?" I retorted even if my ears - damn them - are turning red due to being caught out. He stuck out his tongue at me and looked at me thoughtfully, "Don't worry, that won't stay for too long knowing hyu-"

But before he could finish his sentence a woman's voice called out from the entrance of the cafeteria, "I bet he's already managed to scare the poor thing to quitting."

"I'll beat him if he does, I need a female version of myself." complained another voice.


"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!! I EVEN FED HER!!!!" he called back to the faceless voices.

One by one three people came inside the cafeteria, revealing themselves to be TOP, Sandara and Se7en.



Sorry for the late and lame update :( swamped with College work 3 I'll make it up to you guys I swear.


- Rexiefauliks

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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*