Chapter 47: A Confession and Regrets

YG Auditions

Ok, I'm putting up my author's note before the chapter for the reason that I'm positive, some will not enjoy what will be in the following update but I'll assure you ahead of time that whatever is in here is for the development of the story. Like I told you, something juicy is coming up in the following chapters. I'm working on the next chapter actually. I'm just editing it. I hope that you like this update and again, thank you so much for reading. I love reading your comments and I would like to know what you think. I really appreciate the comments that you take time to post on my story. :D thank you and enjoy!

- Rexiefauliks



I yawned as I stepped down the bus, and blinked rapidly to get used to the sunlight that greeted me once I alighted the bus. "Bloody Bom Unnie." I muttered to myself sourly due to the fact that the 2ne1 main vocal informed me (far too late) that I'll have a vocal training session with her today early in the morning. Don't get me wrong, I love training with her and Teddy but when she forces me out of bed to meet her at 5 am to train when I came home from dance rehearsals past 2 am, then it's a different story altogether. I'm not really up to singing this early in the morning especially when I haven't properly slept yet and my body is aching all over due to dancing over and over again (our group belonging in the cluster of trainees that Shaun and Jae Wook - ssi are training, will be filmed to give to YG for evaluation on our progress) just to perfect the choreography given to us. What's worse is I had to commute today! I hate commuting but I couldn't just barge inside Jiyong and Seungri's apartment demanding one of them to drive me to the office that early in the morning. I don't want to be wrestled to the ground by Jiyong because I woke him up from his slumber just when he got enough time to catch up on his sleep.

Oh. I can totally get what Evan tells me. The things I say have so many innuendos that I don't even notice it. Thankfully I didn't say that out loud or else I'm in serious trouble. 

I trudged towards the office building while trying to get a feel of where my phone went inside my bag to text Bom that I was at the YG Building already.


To: Momma Bom

Momma I'm here already.

Just about to get inside, I'll be there in say 6 sneezes.

Shoving my flip phone back in my bag, I scanned my ID before stepping inside the office which was unusually dark. I squinted my eyes at the dimly lit hallway wondering where the people are. Normally even at this hour, there would be people milling around the office working late, may it be artists or staff from YG. What caught my surprise even more was to see that the desk reserved for the receptionist was empty. Since the office is open twenty four hours, the receptionist is always present to accomodate visitors or the staff which is why there are two receptionists who takes turn in their shifts. My eyebrows furrowed and I approached it to see if Ms. Hyesin who was supposed to be working this morning, was just taking a break or something. I was caught off guard however, when music started playing at the lobby out of nowhere. My hand flew to my chest as I tired to slow down my heartbeat and as I turned around from the receptionist's desk, that's when I finally noticed the blank screen hung on the wall at the entrance of the building. "What happened to the videos?" I asked myself as I approached it. Normally, music videos of various YG artists are being played in this screen, however this time around that's not the case.  As I've mentioned the screen was blank but suddenly there were flower petals cascading down the screen as the music being played in the lobby increased in volume. That was when I finally recognized the song being played which caused my eyes to widen in surprise and for my eyebrows to rise in curiosity. Why are we suddenly playing an EXO song in the lobby considering the fact that EXO IS from another agency, SM Ent. to be exact? The instrumental to What Is Love continued playing and I looked around me once more to try and get a clue as to what the hell is happening exactly. As I did this, I nearly stumbled in my feet when I faced Baekhyun holding a white rose in his hand which he offered to me as he started singing. I gaped at him and dumbly accepted the offered rose. He smiled at me in amusement but didn't stop from singing as he offered his arm to me next. Again, I just stared at him dumbly, holding the rosé he gave me loosely in my hand. Thankfully he took the matter to his own hands, literally, by grabbing my other hand and placing it at the crook of his offered arm. He started guiding me to some place, where exactly I wasn't sure about, but that was the least of my concerns when D.O. appeared on my left side singing along with Baekhyun, another white rosé in his hand which he gave to me. He offered his arm as well and the two main singers of EXO K started leading me once more. I opened my mouth to ask them what exactly they are doing but nothing came out when another member, this time of EXO M, appeared with a white rosé in hand. Chen offered it to me with a slight smile which I hesitantly returned as he joined the other two in singing along with the instrumental of their song which is being played not only in the lobby apparently but also in the hallways of the first floor of the YG Building.

Chen was then followed by a grinning Xiumin, then Suho and Kai, followed by Tao and Lay, and finally Chanyeol and Kris (my eyes widened and I couldn't stop my entire face from turning red when Kris offered me the rose in his grasp with a smile, oh boy, what galaxy did I save to deserve this experience????).

They were all accompanying me now to wherever we're headed and yes, they were still singing as if I had a choir walking behind me, a choir of really gorgeous men. Aside from a light scuffle between Baekhyun and Chanyeol, with the two arguing silently using exaggerated facial expressions (with the matter being settled when Baekhyun and D.O. silently letting go of my arm and Kris and Chanyeol stepped beside me to take their turn escorting me, Chanyeol grinning triumphantly at Baekhyun) we arrived at our destination in peace despite the fact that internally I am screaming. Mostly wondering about what exactly is going on and partly because EXO is serenading me inside the YG Building when a few minutes ago I thought I was going to train with Bom and Teddy. Wait. Serenading me? Is this what this is about? My eyes widened at this realization, the same time the dance studio assigned for 2ne1 was opened by a grinning Lu Han.

Lu Han opened the door slightly, then promptly shutting it, and finished the song as he gave me a white rosé as well. The glare I directed his way was ignored and he simply smirked as he offered HIS arm for me to take after I accepted the rose he gave me. I narrowed my eyes at him before politely thanking the rest of the EXO members for their sweet gesture and went past Lu Han, opening the door to the dance studio much to Lu Han's annoyance. "Norah!" He called out to me in frustration, with him and the rest of EXO following behind me. "What? What did I do? I swear Lulu this better not be..." My voice died down when I finally turned away from Lu Han's exasperated face, only to be met by an image of Sehun holding a bouquet of red long - stem roses in one hand and a single white rosé in the other with several musical instruments behind him. "Sehun?" I questioned him as I turned to look at the others to see if what I'm looking at is true. Lu Han just rolled his eyes and grabbed my wrist to drag me to where Sehun was in the middle of the dance studio, when he figured out that I was too surprised to move. "What is going on?" I finally asked when I managed to shake off the stupor I was in. Sehun cleared his throat and offered me the flowers he was holding (the white rosé first, then the bouquet) and was about to speak, his eyes looking past me when a sudden crash erupted behind us. The entire EXO members and I quickly turned around to spot five bodies lying on the floor. The distinct hair of my manager, can be seen among the intertwined limbs lying on the floor. When the other four raised their heads to groan out loud at the pain they were feeling after impact, the identities of the other four were revealed to be the girls from 2ne1. I approached them and asked in bewilderment, "What on earth are you guys doing?" Bom, Minzy, CL, Dara and even Jiyong raised their heads to gaze at me and the 2ne1 members promptly scrambled to their feet as well as drag Jiyong on his own while talking simultaneously what exactly they were doing.

"We were just taking a jog! Ssabu - nim told us to do so as part of our new exercise regimen." Minzy exclaimed the same time Dara and Bom said, "We were playing tag! Jiyong was IT!" While CL was only looking at Jiyong curiously while he in turn was staring at me and the rest of the people watching on from inside the dance studio with an unreadable expression on his face. I simply raised my eyebrow at their clashing excuses but before I can say anything else, Bom started herding the rest of 2ne1 and Jiyong out the door. "It seems that we're intruding on something important. We'll just go on ahead."

"Momma Bom! Wait!" I called out to her in vain since she already shut the door behind her after pushing the other members of 2ne1 and Jiyong out single handedly. I pursed my lips and turned back to the EXO boys once more. I swear, something fishy is going on, and I have a feeling it has got to do with the 12 men standing behind me.

"Someone better explain to me what is happening because I swear it is not funny anymore. If this is a prank Lu Han, Sehun then let me tell you, I'm not laughing." I told them with a purse of my lips and a cross of my arms. Sehun and Lu Han looked at each other in apprehension after seeing my expression. Finally, Sehun turned to face me and approached me with a determined expression on his face. As he stopped a few feet away from me, the next words he said to me also stopped me from saying anything as well as the fact that my mind went blank after hearing him say, "Norah noona, this isn't a prank. I'm not making fun of you. I'm sorry if you feel that way but... Norah I'm here to confess to you how I feel and to ask if you would want to go out on a date with me."


A/N: This is now in third person POV, just to give you a heads up. :)

"... if you would want to go out on a date with me." As soon as these words were spoken by Sehun, the people crowded inside Teddy Park's studio watching through the Mac desktop, created a ruckus due to their varied reactions.

Teddy and Tablo were seated side by side near the mixers, occupying themselves with toying around recently remixed songs made by Choice 37 on a whim. Among the people inside the booth, they were the second most quiet and calm, only bothering to glance at the screen before resuming their talk on the remixed songs. Bom and Dara on the other hand were the complete opposite by talking to each other a mile a minute excitedly, their voices increasing in volume as they progressed on their conversation on what possibly may happen next. Minzy was just happily commenting on how romantic it was to the two people who was the very definition of not calm, Top and Seungri. The two Big Bang members were flailing at the seat where they were bound in and tried to speak through the gag covering their mouths. Minzy smiled apologetically at the two and said, "Sorry Tabi Oppa and Seungri Oppa, Bom Unnie said that I can't untie you two until Norah gave her answer to Sehun." Their facial expressions were enough to show that they were not pleased at the fact that they'll still be bound for awhile.

However for CL, the reaction that mattered the most was the reaction of the man seated next to her. Jiyong's eyes were riveted to the screen, his entire body tense despite the slouch of his back and his hands were clenched on top of his lap. His silence spoke volumes to the girl sitting next to him. CL turned away from him and caught the knowing look Teddy was sporting as he glanced at the silent pair. She bit her lip and threw Jiyong an apologetic look but the older man was still riveted to the Mac desktop, his eyes never wavering from Norah as she talked with Sehun and the other members of EXO. Her thoughts were consumed with regret at the fact that she missed something as crucial as this knowledge that as Teddy mentioned to her awhile ago, "CL you missed something. I don't blame you for not noticing it but you definitely missed something. It's subtle but I'm sure in a couple of minutes you'll figure out just how important that is."

The image of Norah standing close to Sehun and Jiyong's reaction as the younger man confessed his feelings to Norah, made CL regret meddling with her friends love lives completely. Now all she can do is apologize in her mind to Jiyong and hope that Norah will turn down Sehun and realize that her feelings for Jiyong are far deeper than what she thinks. And that Jiyong actually may feel the same way if not more.

"Jiyong Oppa, I'm sorry. I didn't know." She thought to herself with a frown.

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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*