Chapter 46: Hate You

YG Auditions

"Good morning Ms. Spencer, I hope that you've done your homework for our session for this afternoon." said by my tutor in Korean, Mrs. Riley. She’s been helping me learn Korean ever since I chose it among the offered language classes for YG trainees since we’re required to learn one foreign language while training. Mrs. Riley is just simply amazing. I can’t even begin to describe to you how I love this woman since I met her. Not just when it comes to my lessons but I just love Mrs. Riley in general. She’s quite bad despite her motherly appearance that’s why it didn’t surprise me that she’s worked for YG since Big Bang was just starting out. Actually she used to be their English tutor however due to the fact that the company improved and became more successful through the years, Boss was able to hire more language teachers for the artists and trainees, so now, Mrs. Riley is only handling Youngbae Oppa, Jiyong Oppa, Minzy as well as Evan, Sophie and I due to Jiyong Oppa’s suggestion. The three of us are being taught Korean lessons on the other hand unlike our sunbaes who are brushing up on their English lessons when they meet up with her.

Oh, did I mention she’s British? Oh, yeah. My tutor for Korean is British. As in “bloody hell, I say ahh not ayy” British. I love her to bits and pieces. Of course not just for this fact. But it’s still so freaking awesome. She actually makes me legitimate tea when we meet up for my Korean lessons with proper china and all! She even has the tea strainer thingy like what Sherlock uses. I actually squealed when I first saw it and pointed out this fact to my tutor to her amusement. I know I’m a dork. And I don’t know when to switch off my fangirling when it’s necessary. I’m working on that ok?

The reason why Mrs. Riley ended up in Korea, teaching me the wonders of the Korean language, was because her husband is running a business here and when they moved here she fell for the culture as she told me. Hence, she started learning the Korean culture (and its language) and after awhile she started giving English lessons to Korean High School students who are interested, to occupy her time. She got into YG after one of her students’ parents recommended her to YG when Boss was looking for an English tutor for his trainees. And the rest is history.

Currently, I’m situated at my second bed, Teddy Oppa’s black leather couch in his studio, with my laptop open. Mrs. Riley unfortunately couldn’t come to the YG office this week because she has to stay at home and watch over her sick daughter, so instead of having my Korean lessons face to face, we opted to do it through Skype. The reason as to why I’m here instead of a much more suitable room in the office like the recreation room or the cafeteria is because it’s lunch time and more people are hanging out there instead of the studios. Plus, I’ve already seen Teddy Oppa’s studio as my home away from home so I’m more comfortable having my lessons here. Thankfully, since it is their break, the producers working in his studio gave the room to me and they all went out to eat lunch. So here I am, a pencil and a wad of papers containing my homework scattered on my lap as Mrs. Riley began her lesson regarding sentence strucuture (I know that considering I’ve been a trainee here for months and I’ve been studying Korean nearly the same time I started training, I should be already studying something more advanced than sentence structure but I can’t help it if I can’t read Korean characters as fast as Evan or Sophie.) when the door to the studio banged open to reveal a grinning Seungri who was in high spirits. “NORAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He cried out happily as he spotted my hunched figure in front of my laptop with my pencil dangling from my lips while I stared at him stupidly. “Oppa.. what?” I replied in surprise, still staring at him openly. I didn’t know Seungri Oppa came back from his promotions in Japan already. He grinned at me triumphantly and started yammering about how his stay in Japan went, when I finally shook myself out of the stupor I was in. “Oppa!” I hissed at him after giving my tutor a glance who isn’t looking all that happy at the interruption caused by Big Bang’s maknae who still kept talking much to my horror. “I’m in the middle of my lessons! I can’t talk right now.” By this time, I was desperate for anyone from the producers to come back because it would distract Seungri Oppa from talking with me so I could avoid further trouble that I’m positive I’ll be in, judging by Mrs. Riley’s pursed lips and furrowed eyebrows. Unfortunately, instead of listening to me, Seungri Oppa made it worse by saying, “Mrs. Riley’s not even here. You can do that later, let’s go to Hongdae and have lunch instead, to celebrate my –“

“Yes, Ms. Spencer, do accompany Seunghyun instead of continuing with your lessons. Clearly, the effort made by your boss and Jiyong to help you in your training is not as important as going to Hongdae.” Seungri Oppa’s face paled after he heard the voice of Mrs. Riley (his previous English tutor) speak up and cut him off from completing his invitation to me. Mrs. Riley continued talking, “I’ll just state on my weekly report to Mr. Yang about Ms. Spencer’s progress the same thing.” I looked back at her in horror as I watched her make a delicate shrug with her shoulders but when I opened my mouth to plead with her, Mrs. Riley made a shushing sign with her fingers before giving me a wink. Which is you know, a tad creepy, since she’s uhm ancient. I love her and all but seeing her wink is just plain wrong, on so many levels. Instead, she proceeded to apologize to me about ruining my so – called plans with Seungri Oppa and for being a party – pooper (her words, not mine), her voice echoing throughout the studio to drive her point across to the equally horrified Seungri Oppa who stood frozen in the middle of the room. When Oppa finally found his voice to defend me as well as apologize to Mrs. Riley, my tutor gave a triumphant smirk my way as if the cat got the canary. When he approached me and sat next to me to face Mrs. Riley as he explained that he did not know we were in the middle of my lessons, Mrs. Riley did not waste her time and started berating him in reply. “Clearly, you’re not setting a good example to your dongsaeng who distinctly told you that she’s in the middle of lessons, especially when you did not listen to her warning and instead suggested that she ditch her studying to go to Hongdae. Mr. Lee may I remind you that reviewing for her lessons is just as important as having them with me. How will she be able to improve as a trainee when instead of helping Norah review for her lessons to be able to finish early, you encourage her to procrastinate until the last minute? Is that what I taught you? What your sunbaes taught you? I know that you mean well but there’s a right time to celebrate and as you obviously saw, right now isn’t the time for that.” Seungri Oppa and I winced at the same time as she finished reprimanding him in a tone that I could only describe as something similar to the sound of a whip. He bowed his head before giving a deep bow to Mrs. Riley, apologizing sincerely for what he did. “I know it was wrong Mrs. Riley but can you not include Norah when you tell this to Sajangnim? It isn’t her fault. I was wrong to ignore her warning and up to the point before I distracted her, I’m sure she was being a good student.” My tutor’s expression softened at his sincere apology and said, “Aisht, you silly boy. I can never stay mad at you, you know that. I’m just scolding you. I won’t tell Sajangnim about this, I’m just trying to make you feel guilty and of course scare the pants off you, which if I do say so myself, I accomplished brilliantly. Although… now that I think about it, I will mention this to Jiyong when I update him on your progress.”

Seungri Oppa and I shared a confused look at the mention of Jiyong Oppa. “Hyung?” He mouthed at me in question but I only gave him a shrug in reply. I was as clueless as he was to be honest. Apparently this silent interaction was noticed by Mrs. Riley who explained to us exactly what Jiyong Oppa’s been doing with regards to my training and lessons. “He makes sure that I update him in your progress every week, I think he does the same to your trainers. The same goes for Evan and Sophie. When he thinks that you’re stuck on a certain aspect on your training after I give him my update, he suggests to us on how we can approach your difficulty without pressuring you three on your training. It’s actually sweet of him to do so.” I knew already that Jiyong Oppa inquires our trainers on our progress but I didn’t know he did it so often which like Mrs. Riley said, is very sweet of him to do so.

After a few seconds, Mrs. Riley called my attention after I spaced out at her revelation, “Norah, as much as I want to continue our lesson for today, I don’t think we can.” Seungri Oppa reacted to this and said, “Mrs. Riley, I’m really sorry, I’ll leave already so you can have your lesson in peace.” But my tutor shook her head. “It’s alright Seungri. I think that it would be better if we postpone our lesson for now, even if the way it ended didn't go the way I planned. Norah, we can have it when Molly is already cured from her sickness and when you’re no longer busy. That way, you won’t be easily distracted.” I kept my mouth shut and nodded my head. As much as I want to study right now, Mrs. Riley herself is pre – occupied with taking care of her sick daughter. Seungri Oppa arriving and causing a ruckus mid – lesson was proof enough that we can’t really finish with a proper lesson today.


“Besides, I think that Seungri deserves that lunch he was inviting you too.” I didn’t miss the flush in Oppa’s cheeks at the unmistakable praise given by his previous English tutor. “Anyway, I’ll go on ahead. I think Molly is looking for me in the other room. I’ll text you later Norah when we’ll have our next meeting and have fun with Seungri. Also, Seungri?”

“Yes Mrs. Riley?”

“Congratulations on your successful promotions in Japan. Bye Seungri, I’ll see you soon Norah!” I gave a lame wave goodbye to my tutor and a forced smile before the Skype call ended. “She said my promotions was a success.” Seungri Oppa told me with a eating grin while giving me a nudge. I narrowed my eyes at him and retorted at him in frustration, “YAH! SEUNGRI OPPA! WHAT ARE YOU SMILING ABOUT?” I gave out a frustrated sigh and slumped against the leather couch while pouting. “This is all your fault. I’m far behind the others enough as it is, now my lessons are postponed because of you.” The helpless look he threw at me made me crack from the guilt trip I was giving him but I’m not going to give in to his puppy dog eyes. I won’t. Well, not yet at least. “Norah, Oppa is sorry. What can he do to make it up to you?” He winced as he recalled another time when he owed me for telling Tabi Oppa the password to my apartment’s lock. “Do you want me to treat you to Vatos again?” I tried to bite back a laugh when he eyed my phone lying innocently on the opposite side next to me on the sofa, suspiciously. I shook my head at him and relented from the guilt trip I was giving him finally. “It’s fine Oppa. It’s just that I really need to work on my Korean. I want to be able to talk to you and the others fluently, not to mention understand half the things you guys talk about when you forget about the fact that I’m in the conversation too and I don’t understand what you guys say most of the time. And I won’t be able to do that if I don’t get to catch up on my lessons.” He leaned back on his seat too after this, still guilty for having interrupted my lessons. A thought popped into my head after awhile, and I shot up from my seat to face him properly. “Oppa, I know how you can make it up to me.” The grin on my face made Seungri Oppa eye me warily before he encouraged me to go on. “Since you made me miss my lessons today, you’ll review my previous lessons with me.” He gave out a groan and further slid down the couch which made me glare at him. “Stop groaning. The least you could do after what happened is help me review.”

“I’d rather treat the entire people inside this building lunch than do this.” He muttered under his breath but before I can make my retort he straightened up from his seat and gave in to my request. “Alright, I’ll do it. What are you studying right now?” I gave him a grin and a side hug before telling him where Mrs. Riley and I last ended our lessons. “I promise, later we’ll celebrate your successful promotions in Japan Oppa.” I told him as he reviewed the notes I made from my previous lessons with Mrs. Riley. “Mhmm,” He replied to me, his focus set on the sheets of paper he’s currently reading. “Damn, your handwriting’s way worse than Seunghyun Hyung’s I can’t read a thing.” Seungri Oppa muttered under his breath with a slight shake of his head. I glared at him and snatched the paper away from him in annoyance. “Oh come on. Do you honestly think your handwriting’s all that good? Seriously?” He replied to me in a challenging tone that made me relent and admit to my illegible way of writing. “I was in a hurry ok?” I said defensively, as I gave up my notes to him again. “Sure you are.” He muttered as he started reading once more and after awhile he let out a big sigh and face me with a serious expression on his face. “We should start reviewing already, looking at the notes you made, I think you really need to brush up on your Korean lessons.” I growled at him accompanied by a shove to his shoulder, “YAH! OPPA!!” after I heard his comment on my notes which he just waved off. AISHT. I’m beginning to think this is a really bad idea.

And that was how Teddy Oppa and Jiyong Oppa saw us as they walked inside the studio after finishing their interview with Complex magazine during lunch. With Seungri Oppa standing over me as I furiously wrote on a pad paper, while I glared at Big Bang’s maknae every now and then. They looked at Seungri Oppa then me, as Teddy Oppa asked us what exactly we’re doing. “He’s trying to teach me ‘Korean’ while I’m secretly writing his fake suicide note that I’ll use after I murder him slowly and painfully to make it look like a suicide instead of homicide.” I replied automatically, smirking at Seungri Oppa who only rolled his eyes at me. “Yeah, yeah. I already learned from Ely Hyung that your bark is worse than your bite. Finish memorizing the Korean alphabet first before you make that suicide note because I’m sure that I’ll be writing mine in KOREAN if ever I’ll make a suicide note.” I glowered at him and continued writing the Korean alphabet while muttering under my breath in frustration. Who knew Seungri Oppa would drive me nuts by being a terror teacher as he helped me review? He’s way worse than my Geometry professor back in High School now that I think about it.

I felt the couch dip as Jiyong Oppa sat beside me, his proximity as he looked at my notes making my hand shake as I wrote. Stupid fangirl crush. I don’t know why everything is making me feel annoyed and have the desire to bite everyone’s head off, but for some reason it does. Hmm, maybe it’s that time of the month. Oh, Lordy. “When Mrs. Riley told me that you were having a hard time with vowels, I thought she was kidding.” He told me in amusement. I puffed my cheeks and shoved him away from me but he just grinned at me and leaned back on the couch, throwing an arm behind me, settling it on the couch’s backrest behind me. I was shaken from my surprise at his actions when Seungri called my attention for slacking off by tapping on the table incessantly with the ruler he was holding. Where the hell did he get that from anyway? As I returned to writing the Korean alphabet over and over again, Seungri Oppa finally stopped pestering me by tapping the ruler at the table incessantly, long enough to ask the two how the interview went. “It was alright. The writer from the magazine was pretty dope. It was more like we hung out than actually being in an interview.” Teddy Oppa replied after mulling over the question, his focus on the computer in front of him, probably checking the progress the other producers have made in his absence for that interview. “Yeah, he was pretty chill as far as interviewers go. I wouldn’t mind if all my interviews went that way instead of people pestering me about things I’ve pretty much answered on previous interviews. Speaking of which, I hope you didn’t do anything stupid on those interviews your manager set up for you while you were promoting in Japan.” Jiyong Oppa told Seungri Oppa in warning tone. I looked up to catch him give Big Bang’s leader a, “Who me?” look and try to pass it off as innocent but Teddy Oppa, Jiyong Oppa and I didn’t buy it for one second. “If I find out that you said something that you shouldn’t I will fry your maknae.” Jiyong Oppa said coolly which caused Seungri Oppa to bite his lower lip in apprehension. “I swear Hyung, I didn’t say anything stupid.” He promised the older man earnestly to which Jiyong Oppa merely replied with a, “We’ll see.” Teddy Oppa who was through his perusal of the lined up tracks undergoing more editing faced the rest of us and asked Seungri Oppa, “Oh, I forgot. Hyung said that we’ll have lunch over the weekend to celebrate your successful promotions in Japan. He’s not sure yet where exactly but he said that he’s allowing you to go to NB for one night only as a prize.” Jiyong Oppa and I looked at Teddy Oppa and shook our heads furiously at him. The thought of Seungri Oppa being permitted by Boss to party is something that we’re positive everyone will regret the morning after. Seungri Oppa in turn glared at the two of us and engaged Teddy Oppa in a conversation that obviously excluded the two of us, regarding the upcoming celebrations. I shook my head and resumed reviewing and rewriting my notes while Jiyong Oppa relaxed in his seat and browsed through his phone as Seungri and Teddy continued talking.

I was so consumed by what I was doing that I barely noticed his hand idly toying with the tips of my hair. This went for awhile and I only noticed him doing this when Teddy Oppa called Jiyong Oppa’s attention which caused his fingers to stop twirling my hair but letting it stay intertwined within my locks as he answered to the older man’s question. “Oh, right. The track that I was talking about.” Jiyong Oppa said with a slight cough before removing his arm across my shoulders to stand up with a slap of his thighs as he approached Teddy Oppa. I remained hunched over the paper I was writing on, as if his fingers weren’t wrapped around my ing hair but internally I’m screaming like a banshee. He approached Teddy Oppa as he rubbed the back of his neck, “Hyung do you think we could record that track? Since no one’s using the studio anyway.” He threw a sideways glance at Seungri and I before facing Teddy Oppa again whil he stuffed his hands in his pants’ front pocket. “Sure just as long as Seungri’s no longer holding detention here.” Teddy Oppa replied with a smirk directed to Seungri Oppa who pointedly ignored him and continued to harass me instead for having ty hand writing. “You would’ve thought after writing for two hours your writing might become better but no, I think it actually got worse.” I tore the paper away from his hands and stuffed it in my bag pretending to not hear him. “Teddy Oppa, Jiyong Oppa…” I called out to the other two who were now immersed in their composition. The younger of the two looked up as I called their attention and asked, “Oh are you going?” Seungri was about to reply that I wasn’t through with my review yet but I beat him to it saying, “Yeah, I am. I think I’m done reviewing for the day and I’ve disturbed Teddy Oppa in his studio far too much already. Sorry Oppa. I’ll head on out, yeah?” Teddy Oppa waved my apology off and swiveled around his chair as I gave him a hug good bye. When I stepped away from him, the knowing look he was sporting instantly changed into a grin before he bid me good bye once more so he can continue with what he was working on. “Where are you off to now?” Jiyong Oppa asked me when it was his turn to say good bye to me, as if we won’t see each other later when he gets back from work. He and Seungri Oppa are bound to ask more food from me since the grocery I bought them ran out already and Jiyong Oppa as expected still refuses to buy it for himself because it was Seungri Oppa’s responsibility. “I got a text awhile ago from Seungho – ssi. He said he wants to ask assistance from me about a photoshoot 2NE1 will have soon. I’m not sure yet but I’ll be meeting up with him later about it, for now I’ll treat Seungri Oppa lunch for all his hard work.” For the entire time that I’ve been saying good bye to Jiyong Oppa and Teddy Oppa, Seungri Oppa continued on talking as if we were still listening to him, he went on and on about how I wasn’t thankful to all the hardwork he put in reviewing me and how difficult it was for him to teach me because of my piss poor writing but when I let it slip that I was treating him to lunch he quickly shut his mouth. Jiyong Oppa however pursed his lips and nodded at the response I gave him. After awhile I noticed that he was looking at me blankly instead of properly saying good bye to me, and I had to raise my hand and wave it in front of his place to catch his attention. “Ji? Ji? Jiyong Oppa?” He merely looked at me and I was about to shake him in the shoulders when he told me with another stilted nod. “Ok then. I’ll see you later I guess. And don’t stay out too late. You have a training tomorrow morning with Jae Wook Hyung and Youngbae – ah.”

“O……..k, see you Oppa.” I raised my hand awkwardly before I beckoned Seungri Oppa to follow me as I leave the studio. I wonder what that was all about, Teddy Oppa and Jiyong Oppa was suddenly acting all weird. Seungri Oppa clapped the other two on the back as he followed me out and I wondered out loud to him what’s wrong with Jiyong Oppa. “I’m not sure but he sometimes spaces out when he’s composing another song so I wouldn’t really think much on it.” Seungri Oppa rubbed his hands in excitement and asked me right after, “So where are we off to? I’m craving for some Korean food right now to be honest.” I nodded and made non – committal sounds to the restaurants he started mentioning to me as I sent a text to my manager just to make sure that he’s alright.




To: Kwon Jiyong
Oppa ~ I promise I won't go home late. I'll even drop by your place as soon as I get back from my meeting with Seungho. Let's have kimbap for dinner, I'll make Seumgri oppa make it for us, yeah? And are you alright? You seem out of it today, dunno just a feeling? NVM.

Ignore this text, I’m just rambling (?)


To: Tank Girl (Norah)
Kimbap only for dinner? Are you trying to starve me?? Tell Maknae to prepare jajangmyun, bibimbap and ramyeon instead. And you better stick to your word or else I'll kidnap all your books kekekekeke I’m fine. Just worrying over nothing. Go home early!



"You done Kwon Playah?" said Teddy through the intercom. I looked at him through the windows separating the booth from the studio and flipped him off which caused him to laugh. "I was just asking. Aish you're worst than a woman in menopause." Hyung told me with a smirk on his face. Really, I don't get what's so fascinating about menopause but I've noticed a lot of people from YG using it as a metaphorical expression all the ing time namely my own trainee, Norah. Crap Hyung's giving me a look. I really need to focus more. I put on the headset and spread the music sheets in front of me reading the lyrics I wrote a few days ago (with some corrections as we discussed the track awhile ago) and trying to recall the flow of the rap and how I imagined it would sound. I gave Teddy a signal and I soon heard the beat I was intent on remixing over and over again until it was perfect in my ears and in a matter of seconds I started rapping and singing.

When the song finished, I stepped out of the booth to sit next to Hyung to listen to the result of my recording. I was busy taking notes on the corrections I'm making on the music sheet that I didn't notice my sunbae watching me closely. "What's up with you and Norah?" He suddenly asked me which startled me out of my concentration. "What are you talking about?" I replied to him my attention still focused on the music sheets in front of me. He lowered the volume on the mixer so we could converse easily and fixed the cap on top of his head, his attention on me. Unfortunately. "Dude you were cuddling to her awhile ago while checking her work. You were twirling a lock of her hair while checking your phone. It looked to me as if you’re making the moves on Spencer." He fired back with a questioning look. Damn. I didn’t intentionally plan to do those ing things. Sort of. I don’t know. ARGH. “Nothing’s up with us Hyung. You’re thinking too much on things. Norah and I are just close.” I told him, trying to pass it off as nothing but he only replied "Mhmmm." To me dubiously which I knew would be his reaction. "Just as long as you don't push it. But as soon as I find out that you crossed the line with her -" he left the sentence hanging with a knowing look which I quickly got and nodded to. The idea of Teddy, TOP, Seungri, Tablo and Ely ganging up on me if they find out I became more than chummy with their pseudo baby sister/ actual sister caused goosebumps to rise on my arms. Not that anything has happened yet. I mean, I’m not planning anything to happen I’m just… it. UGH.

I visibly shivered at the mental picture I came up with which caused Hyung to chuckle. "I'm not against the idea of you two dating. I'd rather she date YOU than someone else. BUT she's still your trainee and what do you think it would look like if others found out about it? They'd think she's trying to get ahead of them through dating you and how do you think she'll feel then? That's why I don't want you to push your relationship any farther than it is now. But when time comes that you can't hide your feelings for her anymore then you better pass through TOP, Se7en, Seungri, Sajangnim, Kush, Bom, Tablo and her own family first before pursuing her."
As he finished his sermon about Norah, I found myself burying my face on my arms atop the table and groaning. What the hell, I wasn’t planning on anything. It wasn’t all intentional and I’m not planning on asking her out. What the hell gave Teddy Hyung this idea?? “Jiyong, I know you. You haven’t had a girlfriend in ages but usually you’d date a couple of girls. The fact that, you’re still single and you’re not dating anyone right now means you already have a girl in mind that you want to become your girl and I think I know who she is.” Hyung told me in answer to my silent question as he faced the computer in front of him, ending our uncomfortable and sudden conversation about Norah.

Why did it come to this?! To me dating her. I mean I had that incident when I woke up next to her and the incident with those boys from Exo but that’s nothing. Nothing. It’s just a friend worrying over another friend and I was hung over during that day. I wasn’t entirely myself. We’re just platonic friends. Right. Right?

I glared at Teddy Hyung who was whistling as he fixed the track I just recorded and I grumbled, "Bastard." as I sat upright to which he smirked at as he continued working. "Nothing's up, my ." He retorted back mimicking me reply, without any hesitation with a smirk to his face. I groaned once more and ruffled my hair. Ignore him Jiyong, he’s just messing with your head cause he’s an old miserable man without a love life of his own to mess with. “You like her, you self – denying prick.” Teddy Oppa told me smugly without stopping what he was doing. “Just remember what I told you and you’ll be fine.” I stood up quickly and ignored the amused look he threw my way when I urged him that we start recording once more so we could finish the track, pointedly ignoring the advice he gave me. Unnecessary and unwanted advice mind you. As I stepped inside the recording booth, I decided that Teddy Hyung is a miserable old man and that none of what he said mattered but he made me rethink this as he told me through the intercom, “Oh, by the way, if you are planning on asking her out. I’d grow the balls quickly for it cause I think there are other people lining up to do that as well.” I opened my mouth to make a retort but decided against it. I’ll only encourage him even more if I did ask who are those people lining up to ask Norah out exactly. No, it's not the right time to dwell on this. Right now I've got to record and go about my schedule like nothing's bothering me. Which in complete honesty, is a lie because now I’m wondering who those people are although I have an idea on who is one of the guys lining up to ask Norah out. Teddy Hyung, I hate you.

Hello, here's another update for you :) I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for being so patiend and reading my work. I really appreciate it. You guys are golden. :D Feel free to let me know what you think, I'd really love to hear what you think. 

PS. Seungri no one can hate that adorable face. You git. You're far too cute for your own good. 

- Rexiefauliks

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DoRayMe #1
Chapter 64: Yay I was so happy to see this update!!!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 64: I'm really enjoying this story :)
DoRayMe #3
Chapter 63: Please update soon. I just read the whole thing and loved it!!!!
KPoPfAn4EVA #4
Chapter 62: Yay, you updated. So happy!! Going to read it from the start again. :)
MsAverage #5
Chapter 60: So happy that you are back. This was a really fun chapter to read. Thankyou for this chapter and super excited to read the next chapter.
I check this fic for an update everytime I get a chance to go on AFF. Like, I just literally type in "YG AUDITIONS" the moment I log in. Still patiently waiting for an update Author-nim. Figthting. NORAH FTW! SARANGHAE.! *\(^o^)/*