Chapter 26

The Sisters Grimm
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The Last Night

“No...Who did this to you.” Dahyun who was at the moment holding back her tears while seeing what was in front of her, went foward to examine more closely. 

“Momo...Who did this to you.”

There she was, hung by her wrist against the wall, her clothes all tattered and torn as cuts and bruises swarmed her body. They didn’t bother to treat her wounds ever since she was caught by them. Sowon walked up to the body and took a closer look at the wounds on her.

“These wounds are quite recent like a day or two. She has been out cold for around the same period of time too, her blood is flowing at a slower rate than usual. I think they found her like this.” Sowon ended her observations and took a step back.

“Let’s get her out of here now.” Sana said as she used her blade to break the bonds that were holding her back. 

“Yuju do your thing.” Sowon said as Yuju stepped foward and raised her palm. Her eyes glowed purple as the broken chains which once held Momo slowly rose up and attached themselves to an identical clone of Momo to make things less suspicious.

“There. That should trick them for a while.” Yuju said.

“Ok let’s leave. I’ll hold onto Momo.” Dahyun held Momo in her arms while Sana placed her palm onto Dahyun’s back. Once everyone was together, Sana teleported them out.

“I’ll go and get Nayeon, Sowon get the medics.” Sana commanded.

“Right on it!” Sowon said as she ran off to call for the paramedic.

A few moments later everyone was gathered inside the paramedic’s tent with Momo laying down on the bed without moving. The medics tended to her while Nayeon stood silently at the entrance.

“I will never forgive you.” Nayeon gritted her teeth while fist clenched in anger.

“Will she be okay?” Dahyun asked one of the medics attending to her.

“She had a rough fight, body showed a lot of signs of struggle and she sustained minor head injuries. Its a good thing you brought her in when you did. We are able to stabilise her and she should be up in a while.” The medic replied

“Thank you...” Dahyun bowed and walked to Nayeon’s side whose eyes never left Momo for a single second.

“We’ll end it once and for all.” Dahyun said as she placed a hand onto Nayeon’s shoulder. 

Nayeon took in a deep breath, eyes still burning with anger. Her clenched fist loosened up but her thirst for revenge grew even more. Seeing her friend beaten and unconscious was the last straw for Nayeon. 

“Sana, meet me in my tent with the scout team in five...” Nayeon said as she turned around and left the room.

“Oh this is about to get serious.” Sana said as she watches Nayeon storm out of the tent. “She has never been this an

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Sequel coming out real soon ;)


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Chapter 1: Another interesting plot. ☺️
Chapter 38: Finally I'm done reading this! this is a very nice story! Going to the sequel part now :)
I finally had the time to read this whole story and it’s one of the best adventure story I’ve read! I loved everything about it, there was action it was adventurous there was romance although it was more focused on the plot the little romance scene was so very cutee. Although I really thought Doyeon and Yoojung would get together at the end for some reason. One of my favorite part of this whole thing was when Sowon told everyone who she was and no one was afraid of her because they knew she had a pure heart. Of course I loved all of the powers all of them had, they are one of my favorite type of stories! One of the most heartbreaking part of this story is probably when Eunha lost one of her powers because of her injury but I’m thankful she got it back. Also Sowon using her beauty to get away with things was so funny to me for some reason. I really loved how when they were traveling they tried and make the people’s life better and not just focus on their mission because it showed how good and pure all of their hearts are despite killing a lot of people which is to be expected. Also one of the most heartwarming thing I think was when the Eunbi’s returned to their normal selves and not being controlled anymore. Overall the whole plot of the whole story is one of the most interesting I’ve read! Great Work!
Reading this story again becuase it’s just so amazing. I just want you to know I seriously love ur writing. It really inspires me.
Keep up the bloody good work man!
YeochinxBuddy #5
Chapter 6: I hope you can publish this on wattpad because the story is really good
uwu I'm going to reread this now hihi
Mew_21 #7
Chapter 8: i love this story but one question ... isn't it the fondetion weapon from Huntik even the word fondetion .... Wow my childhood memories coming back . All those references are either funny or give me nostalgia. continue your work . Hwaiting!!!
JocelynS_7 #8
Chapter 38: Can't wait :D
I really love this kind of story! ><
And I love how you describe each of them differently ><
May I know your references for this story? '-')/
omelattecheese #10
Chapter 37: Woahh can't wait