The yakuza leader


Name: Mikazuki Nami
Alias: Spider Lily, Red Moon
Age: 22
Position: Leader of RLSS and Mikazuki Clan
Spider Lily Insignia(Tattoo): Across her left arm.
Records: ???
LI: Kim Namjoon

Miyurin ⋮ Kim Nam Joon ⋮ 1995 ⋮ Japanese Korean

The Black widow


Name: Kim Rayna
Alias: Kira
Position: Second In Command of RLSS
Records: Fraud,Swindle
Spider Lily Insignia(Tattoo): Back of her left shoulder.
LI: Kim Taehyung

Fanfare ⋮ Kim Tae Hyung ⋮ 1991 ⋮ Korean

The hitgirl


Name: Lim Chaeyeon
Alias: Chae Lim
Position: Spy, Weapon Expert
Records: Gang violence,solicitation,underage drinking and gambling.
Spider Lily Insignia(Tattoo): On her thigh
LI: Kim Seokjin

InMemoryOfJonghyun ⋮ Kim Seok Jin ⋮ 1995 ⋮  Full Korean

the hacker


Name: Ryu Bomi
Alias: Dirty Santa,Ryu
Age: 20
Position: Hacker, Security
Records: Hacking into national Security, Ministry of Defense files and leaking them to the public.
Spider Lily Insignia(Tattoo): Left Ankle
LI: Jeon Jungkook

avidari⋮ Jeon Jungkook ⋮ 1996 ⋮ Half Korean

the shadow


Name: Lee Aeri
Alias: Rin
Position: Forger,Profiler
Records:Swindle, Forgery
Spider Lily Insignia(Tattoo): On her back
LI: Park Jung Hoseok
hwaranni⋮ Jung Ho Seok  ⋮ 1992-1994 ⋮ Half or full Asian

The fallen angel


Name: Chae Il Eul
Alias: Elle, Ellie
Position: Spy, Informant
Records:Accomplice of a Murder and destroying evidences.
Spider Lily Isignia(Tattoo): On her nape
LI: Park Jimin

twiillaa ⋮ Park Jimin ⋮ 1990-1994 ⋮ Korean

the actress


Name: Raven Kobayashi Moretti
Alias: Larrissa
Age: 21
Position: Spy, Investor
Records: None
Spider Lily Isignia(Tattoo): On her back
LI: Min Yoongi

NoEul95 ⋮ Min Yoongi ⋮  1996 ⋮ Half Japanese

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So sorry for the MIA, i just got back from Holiday(Happy Merdeka Day Malaysia!) and i also got sick. Now i'm in my bed recovering and have loads of free time XD


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Chapter 37: Hopefully it's not a time period for Nami!! D: but her being sick got them all worried esp the girls. TvT honestly I'm gonna be sad when this ends but it has been a great ride so far!! Can't wait to finish the journey.
Chapter 37: Oh, I wonder if Nami has type of terminal disease or once her mission is over then she might have to go to jail in place of the other girls, maybe? I don't know. Hopefully it won't be too bad and maybe there will be more couple development with the others before the end of the story.
Chapter 36: fights help out a lot.
the tension and such.
but its good that Nami is also thinking about the guys for sure.
curious as to what will happen now and i'm curious if Yoongi will be able to comfort Raven a little more later on~
really good chapter and worth the wait!
glad you were able to make up with your sisters!! haha
Chapter 36: It is good that girl got some consequences for her actions, but I can understand why the girls were upset. But Nami is right in her explanation that they can't do revenge all the time since there are most people to worry about.
Chapter 35: It is funny how the guys have a shock moment of realization that the girls can actually be girls when it comes to shopping and things like this.
Chapter 35: Oh shiet. Real shiet about to go down once Raven finds out unless Nami gets to it first. XD
Anyways the boys reakizing the girls are girls Inc ethey go shopping. It's kinda cute. XD
Welcome back and hope your other stories are doing fine!!
Chapter 34: oh shiet.
Yeon and Jin, wow. o.o
but i love Yoongi and Raven's interaction, but i'm loving Elle and Jimin the most!
i ship these two to be first!! bwhaha
Chapter 33: i'm curious about Enma!
and glad to see Joon and Nami having a sweet moment. lol
Chapter 33: This was a cute interaction between them. I hope we can see this same interaction between the other couples too.
Chapter 32: i'm glad Raven got found and the girl too!
and yay for the tattoos being a gps of sort!
Jimin and Jin with looking at Chaeyeon's tat... bwhaha
and Elle giving Jimin the cold shoulder in a sense. lol
anyways, hope they find hte person!
and and... Namjoon and Nami and their bike ride, cute and hope they talk at the little special place.