Chapter Fourteen


chapter fourteen


Instead of going to Ginza hotel, Nami took a turn to the opposite way from it. Not knowing their own plans, Namjoon felt uneasy; but he swallowed his fear and opened his mouth. "Where are we going?" Nami glance at her partner and notices that he was fidgeting despite the serious face, she couldn't help but laughs lightly.  Without answering, she stopped the car when the traffic lights turn red, with one arm on the wheel; she pulled out a paperbag of an expensive brand store from the backseat and drop it on his lap. "What's this?" Namjoon asks as he pulls out a burgundy velvet blazer and he looks at Nami. " You look too normal, no one would even believe if i tell people that you were once a troubled delinquent"Nami's comment confuses him further and at that same time she pulls in front of a luxurious apartment building. "Hurry up and put it on" Namjoon did what he was told and when he was about to open the door, Nami pulled him closer and started unbottoning his shirt; he panics when he realizes what she was doing. "y-yah.. what are you thinki-""shut up, i'm not doing whatever your erted mind is thinking..." Nami said as she finishes with fixing his shirt collar, she took a step back and inspect him from bottom to top; he had to look away since her gaze was too intense and he cleared his throat out of embarrassement. "Once we go in, don't say anything and most importantly don't look at him unless he is talking to you.." Nami said warning him intently and she let out a sigh when she sees how uneasy he was. "Don't worry...just follow my lead" Nami reassure him, Namjoon walks close to her as he could and tries his best to keep his composure. "Who are we meeting anyway?" Namjoon asks as they took the elevator to the top floor. "Kunishiro's uncle" Nami answer was short and when he's about to ask why, the door opens to reveal scary looking gangsters guarding the whole floor and there was only one huge white door just a few feet away from the elevator. "Is he here?" Nami asks one of the biggest and scariest guard there, he had a huge scar across his right cheek.

As soon as they walk into the door, the whole place was like inside a castle despite being a penthouse. The foyer was decorated with expensive vase,paintings and elegant furnitures. The sound of Classical music echoes through the place and the the sound of Nami's heels hitting the marble floors. "Nami-chan~! my cute little niece" a man in a flashy embroided suit greeted Nami with a hug, it took both of them by sureprise; especially Namjoon who was expecting a scary old looking yakuza, instead he meets a very flashy almost like feminine looking man hugging Nami who despise physical contact. "Hello uncle, long time no see" "Yes it is, Kuni-chan told me that you are working hard in Korea..."her uncle pulled Nami to take a seat at the sofa of his office, Nami signalled Namjoon to stay where he is. "Yes, but...sorry but uncle we don't much tim-" "I know why you came....everyone was talking about your visit, ofcourse we paid them not to say a word to our clueless intruders" Namjoon was surprised to hear both of them speaking in English and Namjoon knew Nami spoke in English on purpose so she won't have to explain to him later. Namjoon remembered her warning and stood up straight and try to look like he isn't listening nor understanding a word they were saying. "Yeah i know, but I'm surprised that they still call me the Red Moon" "oh yes ofcourse!" Her uncle laugh loudly when he saw her worried face and suddenly he speaks in a hush tone that Namjoon couldn't hear nor understand since he mixed it up with another language that he couldn't exaclty identify due to his unusual accent. "Don't worry, most of people don't even know what it really meant. After that, Nami discussed about the Blue Dragons to her uncle and all the new gangs trying to steal her territy, minus her working with police part of course.

Meanwhile in back at Mikazuki's house, Bomi was typing on her laptop furiously as she tries to hack into Ginza's security cameras undetected with Jungkook beside her with is back agains't the wall fighting his sleepiness. While Rin was monitoring the hotel's security camera on the other side of the room with Hoseok; he let out a huge yawn and lay down on the floor. "i woke up early today so i'm gonna take a nap" he said and Rin nodded without looking away from the computer. The whole room were quiet except for the sound of Bomi's typing on her keyboard. Then Bomi glance at Jungkook who had also fallen asleep, she smirks when she thought of something and she peeks at Rin. "Pssst. Unni" Bomi called out to her in hushed tone so she wont wake the boys. Rin recognizes her mischievous grin and couldn't help but shake her head, but she gave her a thumbs up anyway and they started typing on the boy's laptop and Bomi gave Rin an okay sign; Bomi nods and yell loudly. "Someone hacked into our system!!!" Both Hoseok and Jungkook woke up abruptly. "What?! here too!" Rin joined in as she pretend to be frantically trying to shut the laptop off. Jungkook and Hoseok starts to panic when they saw writings appear on their black screen, it look like it was from a movie Matrix effects and at the end was a message that left both confused-Hacked by DS-. "What happened?! How can a hacker get hacked?!" Jungkook was panicking when he said that and Bomi had to hold her laughter. "What is DS?! I thought Bomi is the best in the country?!" Hoseok yelled and he clicked a few of the keys and there was a loud shrieking and a female ghost appeared on the screen at the same time on both laptops and Hoseok almost threw the laptop as he falls backwards with Yoongi also falls backwards as he loses his balance. The two girls burst into a fit of laughter with the boys staring at their partners in confusion and shock. After a few seconds of laughing, Rin pulled herself together as she wipes her watery eyes. "Still sleepy?" "I bet that woke you up" Bomi added snickering along with Rin, at that time Yoongi remembered what DS meant and he felt so angry that he was pranked. He smacked the table loudly as he stood up; Bomi knew he was angry and she smirks. "ohhh the maknae is pissed" she and Yoongi just walk out off the room cursing at her.  "I think....we did too much." Rin said feeling a little guilty but she just shrug it off. "yah isn't that...Nami?" Hoseok who was intensely observing the hotel camera and in the camera 10; a couple stood by the concierge was oddly familiar, the guy was too flashy to be Namjoon and the girl was dressed provocatively with a tight red dress and her hair was in a chic black bob cut, plus her personality don't match Nami. The girl was clinging to her boyfriend too much and when they decided it was just a look alike, the girl turn and look directly at the camera. Hoseok shivers at the familiar gaze. "I'm 100% sure that is Nami" Hoseok said, but the girls were too taken aback by the leader's flashy disguise; usually she would be disguise as a staff member or a college student and never as a flashy and flirty character, that was Raven and Rayna's speciality. 

author's note


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, possit bonorum scribentur id sit, ea ius zril iisque accumsan. Per no dolor ocurreret signiferumque. Quo cu vide complectitur. Duo modus hendrerit ut, et eripuit albucius duo, propriae suavitate qualisque an vix. Evertitur temporibus sea cu, et nam melius expetenda constituto, minim impedit ut qui. An accusata eleifend pri, id vix scripserit liberavisse philosophia, impedit eleifend eos in. Utinam accumsan intellegat ea eum, id agam scaevola, ex tamquam maiorum denique vis. 

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So sorry for the MIA, i just got back from Holiday(Happy Merdeka Day Malaysia!) and i also got sick. Now i'm in my bed recovering and have loads of free time XD


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Chapter 37: Hopefully it's not a time period for Nami!! D: but her being sick got them all worried esp the girls. TvT honestly I'm gonna be sad when this ends but it has been a great ride so far!! Can't wait to finish the journey.
Chapter 37: Oh, I wonder if Nami has type of terminal disease or once her mission is over then she might have to go to jail in place of the other girls, maybe? I don't know. Hopefully it won't be too bad and maybe there will be more couple development with the others before the end of the story.
Chapter 36: fights help out a lot.
the tension and such.
but its good that Nami is also thinking about the guys for sure.
curious as to what will happen now and i'm curious if Yoongi will be able to comfort Raven a little more later on~
really good chapter and worth the wait!
glad you were able to make up with your sisters!! haha
Chapter 36: It is good that girl got some consequences for her actions, but I can understand why the girls were upset. But Nami is right in her explanation that they can't do revenge all the time since there are most people to worry about.
Chapter 35: It is funny how the guys have a shock moment of realization that the girls can actually be girls when it comes to shopping and things like this.
Chapter 35: Oh shiet. Real shiet about to go down once Raven finds out unless Nami gets to it first. XD
Anyways the boys reakizing the girls are girls Inc ethey go shopping. It's kinda cute. XD
Welcome back and hope your other stories are doing fine!!
Chapter 34: oh shiet.
Yeon and Jin, wow. o.o
but i love Yoongi and Raven's interaction, but i'm loving Elle and Jimin the most!
i ship these two to be first!! bwhaha
Chapter 33: i'm curious about Enma!
and glad to see Joon and Nami having a sweet moment. lol
Chapter 33: This was a cute interaction between them. I hope we can see this same interaction between the other couples too.
Chapter 32: i'm glad Raven got found and the girl too!
and yay for the tattoos being a gps of sort!
Jimin and Jin with looking at Chaeyeon's tat... bwhaha
and Elle giving Jimin the cold shoulder in a sense. lol
anyways, hope they find hte person!
and and... Namjoon and Nami and their bike ride, cute and hope they talk at the little special place.