Chapter Twenty Seven


chapter twenty seven


Nami parks the bike in front near the park and when they got off the bike, Joon was confused. Nami glance at him as she walks closer to the edge of the railing, where a breathtaking view of the city below. From where they came, it look like a normal park with a playground in the neighborhood that was a few yards away from them.

"Don't go running your mouth about this or i'll rip that mouth of yours"

Nami warned him when he stands next to her. Joon was shocked and covers his mouth in instant, until she hears her chuckle and realize that she didn't really mean it. But for his own safety, he took a few steps further from her. Nami's focus was in front of her and she closes her eyes as she breathes in the cold air. The faint sound of bustling street was somehow comforting. Joon couldn't help but admire her from the corner of his eyes; then he notices that she was clencing her hands so hard on the metal railing and her breath was shaking. Somehow it occured to him that she was afraid. When Nami opens her eyes, the person who he taught was laughing and then scared, was no longer there. The Nami he knew was back, but the Nami that she had faked. Before Joon could say something, a familiar voice called out to her.

"Ojou-sama, i got what you asked"

It was Kaze, he was wearing a suit and handing Nami a brown envelope, big enough to fit a file.

"Enma is really here?"

Joon stood at the side watching the two, not understanding the situation and who is the person that Nami just mentioned.

"Yes, but she's going back to Kyoto tomorrow"

After Nami nods, Kaze turns to acknowledge Joon a small bow before leaving. Joon glance at Nami who was furrowing her eyebrows as she looks down at the city below, the sun was setting and the sky was painted in a beautiful hues of orange. Joon clears his throat to catch her attention and moves closer, but Nami was still in deep thoughts. Hesitantly he place his hand on her shoulder and give it a slight squeeze.

"Are you okay?"

He asked, but she just stood there holding the envelope in one hand and the other gripping the railing so hard that her knuckles were turning white.

"Hey...Nami, are you listening?"

That somehow worked as her grip loosen and her face soften slightly, she nods. She was still avoiding to look at Joon and he knows that she has a lot on her mind and decided to do something that might get him in trouble with Jin.

"Look at me"

Nami was surprised by how bold he was that she finally look at him properly. Trying his best to swallow his fear, he fished out something from his coat and grab her hand to place it onto her palm, It was a seashell keychain. Nami puzzled by the gift but Joon smiled.

"It's the seashell from the beach you brought us to in-"

"Thank you...."

Namjoon was shocked to hear her thanked him, and what shocked him more was the expression she was wearing. Althought it wasn't really much of a difference, but he can tell that her eyes soften and slightly watering as she stare at the shell in her palm.

" was nothing, i just thought that you must've missed it since you wouldn't be able to visit there as often"

Namjoon was getting slightly embarrassed by it and didn't expect that reaction from her.

"I was planning to give it to you on your birthday next month...but i figured that you might need it now"

He explains, laughing awkwardly as he rub the back of his neck. Nami look at him and tried her best to smile, it was weak but it did something to Joon and he couldn't explain what.

"So....who's Enma?"

Joon asks, but only regrets it when he realized that it was out of line.

"I'm sorry, that was no-"

"Remember the transfer student from Hokkaido?"

Namjoon was surprised that Nami brought up their high school days, and of course, he never forgets it after Nami transferred there and the student she mention was as popular as her. But it was a surprise that she even knows her, no one ever talks to her, not even Nami.

"Yeah...she was that popular straight As student from your class right?"

Nami nods and laughed.

"Ironic isn't it?"

Nami looks ahead, thinking deeply and Joon let her take a moment before continuing.

"You know....she worked so hard to become successful. In the end, she got arrested as soon as she step out into the society as an adult"

Joon was shocked to hear what he was told and couldn't imagine it.

"for what?"

He asked, almost regret it that he did.

"She was charged with fraud and third degree murder"

The way Nami said it was sad and her grip on the railing tightens. Joon was shocked, but even that word was understatement. He didn't know what to say, he run his hands through his hair and an anxious laugh escapes his lips.

"Wow....thats..that's really. Unexpected."

Nami watches him with a blank face, but mixture of feelings inside of her she tries to keep it locked.

"That's really shocking and scary since i've met the person"

Nami felt the sudden unsettling lump in when Joon said that, she swallowed the guilt and clears .

"What if someone you know was guilty of first degree murder?"

Namjoon laughs louder and raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"What? of course not! i did then, they should've been jailed."

Nami let out a sighs and releases the railling as she walks back to the bike, with Namjoon following her.

"You're acting weird today, you know that?"

"I guess i must've been the rice i ate earlier"

Nami says as she put on her helmet.

"Hey, i made that and it was fine!"

"Uh huh It's a miracle that you didn't burn the rice cooker"

Nami teased, he protested. But he had a feeling she was trying to lighten up the conversation, for whatever reason.

author's note


A little interactions between Nami and Namjoon. Hope you like it. Oh yeah i created a new applyfic, but i won't abandon this! it just helps me with the writer's block ^^

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So sorry for the MIA, i just got back from Holiday(Happy Merdeka Day Malaysia!) and i also got sick. Now i'm in my bed recovering and have loads of free time XD


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Chapter 37: Hopefully it's not a time period for Nami!! D: but her being sick got them all worried esp the girls. TvT honestly I'm gonna be sad when this ends but it has been a great ride so far!! Can't wait to finish the journey.
Chapter 37: Oh, I wonder if Nami has type of terminal disease or once her mission is over then she might have to go to jail in place of the other girls, maybe? I don't know. Hopefully it won't be too bad and maybe there will be more couple development with the others before the end of the story.
Chapter 36: fights help out a lot.
the tension and such.
but its good that Nami is also thinking about the guys for sure.
curious as to what will happen now and i'm curious if Yoongi will be able to comfort Raven a little more later on~
really good chapter and worth the wait!
glad you were able to make up with your sisters!! haha
Chapter 36: It is good that girl got some consequences for her actions, but I can understand why the girls were upset. But Nami is right in her explanation that they can't do revenge all the time since there are most people to worry about.
Chapter 35: It is funny how the guys have a shock moment of realization that the girls can actually be girls when it comes to shopping and things like this.
Chapter 35: Oh shiet. Real shiet about to go down once Raven finds out unless Nami gets to it first. XD
Anyways the boys reakizing the girls are girls Inc ethey go shopping. It's kinda cute. XD
Welcome back and hope your other stories are doing fine!!
Chapter 34: oh shiet.
Yeon and Jin, wow. o.o
but i love Yoongi and Raven's interaction, but i'm loving Elle and Jimin the most!
i ship these two to be first!! bwhaha
Chapter 33: i'm curious about Enma!
and glad to see Joon and Nami having a sweet moment. lol
Chapter 33: This was a cute interaction between them. I hope we can see this same interaction between the other couples too.
Chapter 32: i'm glad Raven got found and the girl too!
and yay for the tattoos being a gps of sort!
Jimin and Jin with looking at Chaeyeon's tat... bwhaha
and Elle giving Jimin the cold shoulder in a sense. lol
anyways, hope they find hte person!
and and... Namjoon and Nami and their bike ride, cute and hope they talk at the little special place.