Chapter Thirteen


chapter thirteen


"This place never change, the only thing that change is the position of Nami's portrait being in the middle" Rayna comment as soon as she enters the house, Kumaii and the other two guys scratches their heads bashfully as if Rayna complimented them. "Where's everyone?" Rin whispered in Rayna's ear as she tries to avoid the scary looking guys. "They went gathering information around the neighborhood" Rayna answered as she looks around in amazement and nostalgia. "That's right, Nami went to greet the other teams since she haven't been back for a long time." The bald guy said enthusiastically. "And when they heard Kumicho is back, the whole neighborhood had been saying that they feel relief!" The other guy, he was tall and had a lot of visible scars on his arms. "You two look sure look happier to see Kira than your own family" The two panics when they heard the familiar voice approaching and they did not dare to turn and look where Nami stood with her arm crossed with her lips as if she had spit mouthfull of blood and knuckles bleeding; Elle was hurt but only a scratch on her cheeks and her lips was bleeding slight, but Bomi and Raven was unscathed. Rayna and Kumaii panic at the sight of their leader being hurt, they ran to her and start bombarding her with questions. "And where in the world is Raven and Bomi when this happened?!" Rayna asked, literally yelling as she pulled Nami and Elle to treat their wounds. "Bomi was there but you know she can't fight" Elle said as she flinched when Rayna cleans her cuts. "Raven, you better have a damn good reason!" Raven whimpered a little by Rayna's loud scolding."aish....i didn't want to get hurt, those kids are vicious. No one likes an actress with a scar on her face...." Nami was amused when she saw Rayna's disbelief look when Raven said that. "Right.....Namba, i've noticed that there's a lot of clueless delinquents loitering the neighborhood. Haven't any of you been keeping a close eye on our territory?!" The first few sentences Nami spoke was cold and calm until the end, her anger was visible that it made the two gang members whimper and keep their heads to the floor. "W-we did! but they are a very stubborn kids!" The bald guy stammered, the two was shaking after Nami kicked them from the side. Kumaii pour them ice tea as if it was a normal thing and for the new recruit like Rin and Elle, they were surprised by how much harsher Nami can be; Nami never once hit the girls even when they've seen her much more pissed off than this. "So their kids you think it's alright for them to scare the people we promised to protect?" Nami asked, the none Japanese speaker shivers at her cold tone despite not knowing what she's saying, but the action and her told was enough to make the girls shiver in fear. "We're sorry! I promise we won't let them do whatever they want" the other guy said, his voice was shaking and while his head still touch the floor he peeks at his leader to see if she's still going to hit them. Nami let out a sigh and drank the tea in one shot before standing up. "You better. Now that we're in my territory, we can use whatever methods to catch this "Nami smirk deviously. But then, her phone rang; it was a different ringtone that she usually use for the girls, everyone looks at eachother anxiously. "Yes father?"

After the call, Nami and the girls hurried to a hotel in the city. Nami walks to the concierge with light and yet fast steps. "where's the key to the royal suite?" "Sorry miss i ca-" the receptionist was shocked at the sight of Nami and the other two receptionist caungt on and all three bowed. "My apologies Mikazuki-sama! i didn't recognize you" The girl hastily gave Nami the keys, the girls followed Nami; "What the hell! Isn't that the rumored Red Moon?" they heard the receptionist whisper out loud to eachother. Elle and Bomi sneaks behind Raven and Rin to ask. "Is it me or Nami is bigger than i thought?" Bomi asked, Raven and Rin exchange looks and smirks. "Larissa ah should we tell them the legend?" Rin asks Raven, carefully using her alias. "should we?" Raven and Rin continues to tease their members as they got in the elevator. "Stop it, this isn't the time to talk about that" Nami reminded them calmly but her hands was shaking, only Rayna and Ravem knows that it's not from fear, but anger. Once they reached to their floor, there was two men standing in suits and earpiece, waiting for them. "Miss Kim Nami?" It was awkward to hear them say Nami's Korean surname but Nami answered calmly. "Where's my father?" they lead them to end of the hallway to the royal suite, it was a big suite; on the left there was even a meeting room where Nami's father is and when they got closer, they see familiar faces. "What is going on?!" Nami said as she barges in through the glass door. Everyone was there, everyone as in the whole team was there; Namjoon kept his composure in his seat but avoids eye contact. "I should've known..." Nami utter under her breath as she glares at Namjoon. "You should be thanking him. Knowing you, i'm sure you're going to face them alone" SP Kim says as he scold his daughter lightly, Nami was evidently displeased; she crosses her arms and look at her brother who just came in. "We got an anonymous tip that someone had seen him in Ginza and probably staying at the Ginza Grand Hotel, but it's still not confirmed" Jin says as he look at his father and back at his sister. "Elle and Jimin can go and check it out" Nami said still keeping her displeased stare at her brother who was trying hard to ignore. "Good, make sure he wont catch on. Nami i need Raven to stay there under a cover as Larissa, Yoongi will be undercover as her bodyguard ofcourse" SP Kim added, Elle and Jimin stood to go to Ginza as told and Raven with Yoongi. "Bomi can you get into the district's security cameras? and Rin will help Bomi to keep an eye on the cameras while Chaeyeon, please keep an eye out for them" They all went after Nami's command. "Jungkook and Hoseok can do that...i'll go keep an eye out outside the hotel with Chaeyeon" Jin volunteered, Nami wanted to say something but her father was there and she didn't dare to threaten Jin again.  "Me and Rayna will go and find out what he's actually up to" Nami says as she stretches her arms up and her father notices the cut and scars on her face, he couldn't help but frown. "Nami ah....what happened?" her father hold her face with a worried look. "Its nothing, i just got back from handling some of business regarding the gang" she said with a smile to reassure her father, he let go of her and sigh. "I understand, but be more careful next time" her father reminded her before leaving the room, but Namjoon wasn't pleased by Nami's answer. "That's it? you could've gotten more injured" Namjoon said trying his best to keep his voice down. "Her business with the gang has nothing to do with us" Jin said and Namjoon wanted to argue but Chaeyeon put a hand on his shoulders and shook her head. "Let's go, we can't waste anymore time" Nami said, Namjoon reluctantly put on his coat and follow her out.

As soon as they entered the lobby, Nami took out her phone to call someone while Namjoon walks beside her and call Kumaii who was supposed to send them a car, but then he saw a black Porsche pulling in the valet and it was one of Nami's boys. "Tsuchiya, report to Kunihiro that we won't be back in a few days and someone will come to get our luggage tonight" Nami said to the member, he was tall and look almost like a normal guy if it wasn't for the visible tattooed arms. Nami took the keys from him and got into the driver seat. She calls the whole team and put it on speaker, all of them answered on the second ring;Nami was pleased by how the boys got used to the rules faster than she expected. "Listen, where we're about to go is someone else's territory....make sure that no one knows finds out." "Understood" all of them answered before hanging up.

author's note


It's time for mission again! X3 Nami is back in her natural 'behavior' as a true gang leader.

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So sorry for the MIA, i just got back from Holiday(Happy Merdeka Day Malaysia!) and i also got sick. Now i'm in my bed recovering and have loads of free time XD


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Chapter 37: Hopefully it's not a time period for Nami!! D: but her being sick got them all worried esp the girls. TvT honestly I'm gonna be sad when this ends but it has been a great ride so far!! Can't wait to finish the journey.
Chapter 37: Oh, I wonder if Nami has type of terminal disease or once her mission is over then she might have to go to jail in place of the other girls, maybe? I don't know. Hopefully it won't be too bad and maybe there will be more couple development with the others before the end of the story.
Chapter 36: fights help out a lot.
the tension and such.
but its good that Nami is also thinking about the guys for sure.
curious as to what will happen now and i'm curious if Yoongi will be able to comfort Raven a little more later on~
really good chapter and worth the wait!
glad you were able to make up with your sisters!! haha
Chapter 36: It is good that girl got some consequences for her actions, but I can understand why the girls were upset. But Nami is right in her explanation that they can't do revenge all the time since there are most people to worry about.
Chapter 35: It is funny how the guys have a shock moment of realization that the girls can actually be girls when it comes to shopping and things like this.
Chapter 35: Oh shiet. Real shiet about to go down once Raven finds out unless Nami gets to it first. XD
Anyways the boys reakizing the girls are girls Inc ethey go shopping. It's kinda cute. XD
Welcome back and hope your other stories are doing fine!!
Chapter 34: oh shiet.
Yeon and Jin, wow. o.o
but i love Yoongi and Raven's interaction, but i'm loving Elle and Jimin the most!
i ship these two to be first!! bwhaha
Chapter 33: i'm curious about Enma!
and glad to see Joon and Nami having a sweet moment. lol
Chapter 33: This was a cute interaction between them. I hope we can see this same interaction between the other couples too.
Chapter 32: i'm glad Raven got found and the girl too!
and yay for the tattoos being a gps of sort!
Jimin and Jin with looking at Chaeyeon's tat... bwhaha
and Elle giving Jimin the cold shoulder in a sense. lol
anyways, hope they find hte person!
and and... Namjoon and Nami and their bike ride, cute and hope they talk at the little special place.