lim chaeyeon

username — YouWillFly

nickname — Ky

activity rate — 9.5


name — Lim Chaeyeon [임채연]

Ninja Cat [닌자 고양이] (moves and prowls like both a ninja and a cat and attacks like both as well, but without the yowling)
Chae Lim [채임]  (an alias she now goes by majority of the time)
Yeon []  (a nickname that was used by her parents before their death, and a nickname she hasn't heard used in a very long time and doesn't let anyone call her this, but may let Seokjin use it if they ever get intimate, lol)
Miran [미란/美蘭]  (an alias given to her when she was with her original mafia gang, that means "beautiful orchid", a refined young thing that represented so much good luck and excellence that counteracts with her gang life and doing criminal deeds, name was discontinued upon joining Nami, but every now and then this name is whispered around her, but she neither confirms it nor denies it)

birthdate — February 11, 1995

birthplace — Seodaemun, Seoul, South Korea

hometown — same as above

ethnicity — Korean

Korean (fluent, native tongue)
Chinese (advanced, attended a Chinese-language school)
English (conversational, self-taught and self-learned so that she would be able to do her job better if there was any English speaking involved and what not)
Japanese (conversational, self-taught and self-learned so she could speak with Nami in her native tongue and if there was any Japanese speaking involved and what not)

Looks can take you places

face claim — An Sukyung

gallery — click!

backup face claim — Park Yonghee

gallery — click!





appearance — Just kind of like the face claim used except for a few things. Chaeyeon stands tall at 169cm and weighs in at 52kg. Chaeyeon has a scar on her left thigh from a knife fight when she was thirteen. She has a total of five tattoos on both of her thighs (age 20 and 21, respectively), below the nape of her neck (age 18), on her left shoulder blade (age 14), and on her left arm shoulder (age 16) . Chaeyeon also has both of her ears pierced, too.




fashion style — Chaeyeon's style usually depends on her mood and what the occasion calls for. So in other words, Chaeyeon's style is either simple, casual, chic, cute, comfy, classy, y, and/or girly.







every person the same at the beginning

plotline — The Hitgirl

POSITIVE: Confident, Self-Determined, Strong-Willed, Intuitive, Athletic
NEGATIVE: Cold, Aggressive, Unpredictable, Arrogant, Ruthless




— In her good traits, Chaeyeon is someone that is trustful and has a great deal of certainty whenever she does something or for her own self and doesn't need someone else to say otherwise. Chaeyeon's also does thing of her own free will and likes her independence without soley relying on someone else to take care of her or to do something for her. Chaeyeon is also the type of person who doesn't yield or wavered so easily and is firm in what she believes, says, trusts, and does unless otherwise proven wrong or in a different perspective and approach. This makes Chaeyeon know things without actually thinking too much about it or really saying anything as she trusts her gut instinct and never seconds guess it. Even so, Chaeyeon physically builds up her physique and capabilities in strength just so she could be mentally, emotionally, and physically strong overall.

— As for her bad traits, Chaeyeon's also aloof and not as friendly or affectionate at first glance or even through several encounters as a majority of women may be as she doesn't show as much enthusiasm. It takes a while for Chaeyeon to warm up as she can be a bit bold and assertive in a hostile like attitude. This can make Chaeyeon be changeable and not behave consistently as she can become quite temperamental. Which Chaeyeon displays in a sense of self-worth or self-importance when she becomes like this so that others can take into consideration that not all bad people are absolutely evil in the way they do things differently for the right reasons. And with that in mind, Chaeyeon will show no mercy or pity to those that take for granted the good in people just to be corrupted in their own selfishness and toss aside the weak for power and wealth.

— All in all Chaeyeon believes herself to fit the phrase 'don't judge a book by its cover'. She knows by her actions and what she does is seen wrong and unlawful by common society's rules and what not, yet it takes toughness and a more physical approach to deal with things that can't be dealt with in a peaceful manner which doesn't always work. Chaeyeon already knows how the real world works in its darker parts compare to those that only sees glimpse of what is actualy reported by the media or by word of mouth, as in gossip. There is so much more going on and Chaeyeon knows that sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands to make your own fate before destiny takes control of it in the end. Life isn't easy, but that doesn't mean you can't take detours on how you wanna live it. Chaeyeon honestly doesn't care for the risks that she takes on with life. It's the 'what ifs' she leaves behind that makes her wonder if she'll ever regret anything if she doesn't just do. Chaeyeon doesn't want to live with any more regrets. Two is already enough.






1995. Lim Chaeyeon was born to parents Lim Chulsoo and Min Narae who were just simple people living in Chinatown of Seodaemun where her parents owned a small, but steady restaurant. It was where she picked up on cooking from both of her parents and the cooks.

1999. At the age of 4, Chaeyeon was enrolled into primary school in Myeongdong where she learned Chinese, and it was also for her parents to send her away from the business. It was because her parents' restaurant was beginning to fail and her father started borrowing money from the loan sharks that were in association with the mafia even though her mother told him otherwise. Chaeyeon wasn't aware of the situation, but she grew curious whenever she saw mean looking men appearing and her parents would shoo her away to her room.

2004. At the age of 9, Chaeyeon returned home to her parents dead. She didn't know what to think except there was a lot of blood and a gun in her father's hand and a knife in her mother's. Chaeyeon thought they were murdered in their own self-defense against the attackr, but later realized they killed one another in suicide because they couldn't pay back the debt that they owed. The mafia's loan sharks came to collect and saw the scene and in South Korea's law, debt falls onto the next of kin, and they took Chaeyeon to their leader to see what could be done. Of course she fought back, but still what could a nine year old really do to two grown muscular henchmen? Nothing.

2006. At the age of 11, Chaeyeon was sent on her first mission to be officially initiated into the gang, but to also pay the rest of her parents' debt. Although seen physically as a child her mentally wasn't that of one and neither were her skills when she killed the gang's target without hesitation. Although not fully skilled, she knew enough Taekwondo and Krav Maga moves to take out the target. It was a young man that owed the mafia large sums of money with start-up businesses that would run well for a while and then all of a sudden just collapsed within a heartbeat. The guy then would dodged the loan sharks every chance he got when it was time to pay back the money that was invested into his scam of a business. The mafia had enough and he needed to be eliminated. They had Chaeyeon take care of this lowlife and she did take care of it. It was bloody. It was messy. It was crazy, but it was a done deal. It got done. Chaeyeon earned the respect from the mafia leader and the gang, but she earned her freedom and that what mattered to her most. Since then, she learned to lift cars, shoplift, join heists, raids, and other things that could further her skills and do things to be useful and of help.

2011. At the age of 16, Chaeyeon was left behind in an underground gambling casino raid during the rising of criminal activity as a scapegoat. The Blue Dragon, the one she considered family and who that she lived with, killed with, did their biddings with, and committed other types of criminal activity with, basicaly left her for dead in the hands of the police raid as to not be involved with the blame for government's corruption. In the chaos, Chaeyeon wasn't aware at first until she caught up with one of her so-called members, but they just pushed her aside and in the direction of the policemen. Unfortunately, she was caught and was led out to head to the police station where she was question why she was there, dressed provocatively, and being underage.

The policeman was going to charge Chaeyeon with solicitation, underage gambling and drinking, and some other petty crimes in relation to the raid when a young woman stepped in to intervene. All Chaeyeon heard was the name 'Nami' and she was told to wait outside by Nami and that everything will get cleared up. Chaeyeon wasn't exactly sure what went down, but Chaeyeon found herself released of her charges and in care of Nami. A young woman not much older than her, took her in, without questions and not wanting anything in return except loyalty and a chance to live life a bit differently. That day, Chaeyeon learned she owed Nami her life and vow loyalty unlike her previous gang, until the day she died. Because Chaeyeon also learned she earned another type of freedom through Nami.

2017. At the age of 22, Chaeyeon is still with Nami and Red Lily. She's Nami's spy and does her proud. She takes care of things Nami needs and wants done immediately and also joined The Red Lily Secret Society upon Nami's request.




— rain.
— snow.
— fruity drinks.
— sweets.
— books.
— fashion.
— cars.
— music.
— night time.
— stars and moon.

— coffee.
— dark colored soda
— chick flicks.
— shellfish.
— people invading her space.
— disrespectful people.
— ignorant people.

— practicing krav maga.
— practicing taekwondo.
— swimming.
— volleyball.
— going to shooting ranges or making one of her own.
— snacking as she doesn't really eat a full meal.
— reading.
— learning languages.
— star gazing.

— speaks in mixed languages.
— curses in mixed languages.
— smells books before reading them.
— puts on red lipstick when she makes a hit.
— wears grey contacts when she "works".

— is blood type O.
— only eats cheese melted.
— sips yogurt through a straw.
— if she does "favors" for her fellow members of the Red Lily or maybe in the males of the Red Lily Secret Society, they owe her by giving her sweets and baked goods instead of money.
— is ambidextrous.
— knows how to cook, but only for herself as she doesn't really cook for anyone else.
— knows her automobiles inside and out, but doesn't have her driver's license, but that doesn't stop her from actually operating a vehicle.
— specializes in multiple weapons, but uses them when she only needs to or has to.
— gives people nicknames if she can't remember or if she doesn't like them or they show her no respect.
— doesn't like skinship at all and becomes instantly awkward if people suddenly hug her.
— regrets that she never completed high school and only finished her 2nd year of it.
— regrets that the second family she grew trust with turned their backs on her and left her behind like nothing.
— can sleep anywhere.
— can be a bit competitive.
— when she used to go by Miran, Chaeyeon used to lay an orchid onto the dead bodies she took care of or would leave one behind if she robbed someone or stolen anything. She doesn't do it anymore, but she still does enjoy the flower.
— the blue orchid tattoo was in respect to her previous gang, Blue Dragon, as she got a blue orchid instead and was going to get a dragon added, but didn't when she was abandoned by them. Chaeyeon couldn't part with it and kept it as it is a part of her.

— the red spider lily tattoo is also in respect to her current gang, Red Lily, as now she owes Nami and Red Lily her complete loyal and love as they are now her family and a part of her.
— the moon phases is how she views her life with the good, the bad, and the in-between as moment is written beneath because moments are what to enjoy then anything else in life.
— the 'but without the dark, we'd never see the stars' tattoo makes for her love of the night and the stars as she believes you don't notice and appreciate things until something happens that makes you realize it otherwise.
— the 'not all those who wander are lost' tattoo is where it represents her current life as the path she has chosen and the choices she made, were made for a reason and it isn't some phase or a misguided path.

where starting line begins

family — 

— Mikazuki Nami | Boss | Chaeyeon trusts Nami a lot and is loyal to the woman who took her in when her life could have gone to nowhere. Respects her and would never do anything to betray the woman, but will do anything for her if she asks her to.

where the loyalty lies

friends — 

— Red Lily | Varies | Her relationship with the gang varies, but she trusts them a lot more than she does anyone else because Nami's the one that recruited them. If Nami trusts them, then she could too.

— Males of the Red Lily Secret Society | Varies | She really couldn't care less about them as they're just people she has to work with. But if they show her any sort of trust or something, then sh would give her respect towards them.

love is a powerful thing, it'll will strengthen or weaken you

love interest — Kim Seokjin

backup love interest — none?


personality — Seokjin is cool and controlled with his facial expressions, his body language, the tone of his voice, and just about anything and everything about him as Seokjin is the son of the Superintendent with great respect as he relies on his own hard earned merits and not the fact that he's the Superindentent's son. Seokjin's rational yet highly intelligent and his strong sense of justice is always a long-term thinking of surpassing his father one day to becoming commissioner in the future to better aid the citizens. Of course Seokjin can be a bit critical in analyzing the way he goes about his life, his duties, his friends, and his fellow co-workers as he wants to make sure there are no inconsistencies or loopholes that can mess with his way of thinking. Nothing can be out of place in a sense. There are times when Seokjin's aloof as he cares about things and people that really matters the most to him and doesn't like to be involved with something that just doesn't fit with his way of life. It's why he can be a bit, or a lot, unforgiving when something doesn't  go his way or it just doesn't fit the pattern with how things are supposed to go and what not. Seokjin has a rare occassion where he'll have like a split personality depending on the person or his situation that makes him behave one way or another. He can be a sociable and an adaptable man, but push his buttons often enough he'll become indecisive and two-faced if he needs to be unless otherwise work related and he'll have to bite his tongue, but that doesn't mean he'll have to agree and completey go along with all of it.

relationship — Chaeyeon and Seokjin dislike one another at first glance as Chaeyeon could feel the vibe that Seokjin emitted about his true feelings and thoughts about her and the others of Red Lily. Also with his body language that she could read easily. The look on his face already gave her the vibe to not even bother with the guy and to just do her own thing. When the two spend more time and actually get to know one another past all their first impressions they tolerate one another in a friendly aspect. But sometimes it irks Chaeyeon whenever Seokjin would make snide remarks about criminals being alike and are filthy things without thinking and she constantly calls him out on his bullshiet and such. Anyways, the two don't always get along and they do bicker every now and then, but somehow they always seem to figure things out together despite how they think one way or another way as her half assumptions and thinking would somehow fit with his half assumptions and thinking to actually create a whole image and what not.

[you can choose how they end up and progress throughout the story. a good ending is prefer, but it doesn't have to be a happy ending if you want. lol, if she's chosen that is.]

]end of the line




— hello there! hope you like chaeyeon. if any revision, please do let me know! major good luck in writing the story and choosing the characters that fit into the role you have planned for them!

scene requests
— Chaeyeon and Seokjin being stuck in an elevator or an area with no one around and it's just the two of them and Seokjin makes a rude/nasty offhand comment about either Chaeyeon or Red Lily and Chaeyeon tells him to "be careful with what he says or does about who he's working with" while dropping his handgun on the floor with its pieces dismantled.
— Um, because Chaeyeon was taken on the day of her parents' suicide, the Seodaemun police assumed she was kidnapped by the Blue Dragon or just went missing since upon the discovery of her parents' death out of being scared. Maybe Seokjin comes across this information while writing the police report about the Blue Dragon case or something and does a bit of digging himself to figure out a little more of Chaeyeon or something.

password — there isn't one...? ^^'

turn in — back to the story


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Thank you for applying! and i notice that i need to get rid of the password question lol