Is she Okay?

Love In The Club

            “So, I’ll see you tonight then…okay…me too.” I hung up the phone and walked back into the kitchen. Few more hours and I get to meet Taecyeon. Can’t wait…

            “Unnie, is that your new boyfriend?” Bora asked. I just nodded.

            “Don’t you wanna to introduce him to us?” Doyeon said.

            “Maybe later…” I felt a sharp pain near my right abdomen. “Awww…” I sat on the stool near the worktable.

            “Unnie, are you ok?” Bora walked up to me.

            “I’m fine…it’s just muscle cramps I guess…” the pain has been going on for couple of days but it come and goes.

            “Are you sure? Your face looked pale…why don’t you just go home early and rest? Doyeon and I could handle this place…besides; we’ll be closed in two hours.”

            “It’s okay…the pain will go away in a minute or two…I just need to sit down for a while…”

            “Unnie…” Hyo An came into the kitchen. “Unnie, are you okay? What’s wrong?”

            “Muscle cramps…”

            “Are you having your period now?” she asked.

            “No…awww….” The sharp pain hit me again. I feel like someone just slices the skin on my stomach.

            “Unnie…you don’t look to good…I think you should go home…I’ll ask someone to drive you back…”

            “It’s okay…I just need to…” I got up from the stool and after that, everything went pitch black.

Author’s POV

The kitchen turned into chaos when suddenly Hee Jin lost her conscious and fall off from the stool.

            “Yaa, Himchan ah!” Hyo An called on top of her lungs. Himchan came running to the kitchen and saw Hee Jin on the floor.

            “What…Hee Jin noona!”

            “Let’s take her to the hospital…Doyeon ah, hand me Hee Jin unnie’s bag…Himchan, carry her…” Hyo An said.

Himchan scooped Hee Jin up bridal style and carried her to the car.

            “I have to call Ah In…” Hyo An took out her phone and called Ah In’s number.

 Meanwhile…at JYPE office…outfit room…

            “Oppa, could you add some rhinestones on the cuff? I want it to sparkle a little…” Suzy said taking off the jacket she was wearing.

            “Sure…so, anyone needs to change their outfit? Add something, snip off anything…” Ah In said as the girls were checking their reflection in the mirror.

            “I’m good…” Fei said smoothing the crease on her skirts.

            “Me too…” Jia and Min high fived each other.

            “Cool…so I just need to alter Suzy’s jacket and we’re done…”

            “Oppa, your phone…someone’s calling…” Suzy hand over Ah In’s phone to him. “Who’s Hyo An?”

            “One of my sister’s employee…excuse me…hello, Hyo An ah…what? How? Where is she now? Ok, ok…I’ll be there…” Ah In hung up the phone and packed up his bag.

            “What’s wrong?” Fei said.

            “My sister fainted and they’re sending her to the hospital now…”

            “Omo…is she okay?” Min said.

            “I don’t know…I gotta go now…where’s my key?”

            “Over there…yaa, be careful Ah In ah…” one of the staff said. Ah In dashed to the door and left.

            “I hope everything is okay with Hee Jin unnie…” Jia and Min hugged each other.

Taecyeon POV

            “Someone’s got a date tonight…” Seulong hyung nudge my arm while we’re hanging out in the practise room.

            “I just wish I have someone to go out with…” Junho said slouching on the couch.

            “Yaa, you have me…” Chansung said sitting next to him.

            “I mean a girlfriend…not you…so hyung, what did you call Hee Jin noona?”

            “Um…noona…” my answer draw stares from the guys. “What?”

            “You call her that?” Junsu said.

            “Yeah…” I nodded. “What’s wrong?”

            “No honey, yeobo…or at least aegi…” Kwon rolled his eyes.

            “I don’t know whether she liked it if I call her that…”

            “Yaa, every girl love being called with that…it’s a girl’s stuff y’know…” Khun said tapping my shoulder.

Then, Miss A girls came into the room.

            “Oppa, get out…it’s our time now…” Min said pulling Seulong hyung’s arm.

            “Yeah, yeah…” Seulong hyung said knuckled Min’s head.

            “Fei noona, is Ah In still at the outfit room? He promised to buy me dinner tonight…”

            “Ah In went out half an hour ago…Hee Jin noona fainted at the shop and her employees rushed her to the hospital…”

            “What?” my heart almost stopped beating when I heard Fei’s words.

            “Omo…is she ok?” Junho asked.

            “I don’t know…Ah In haven’t call yet…”

I grabbed my things and stormed to the exit. I was walking up the stairs when Khun grabbed my arm.

            “Where are you going?” he said.

            “See her of course…I need to know how she’s doing…”

            “You can’t go right now…there’s too many people at the hospital and somebody might see you…”

            “But I can’t just sit here doing nothing…she’s my girlfriend for god’s sake…”

            “I know that but let’s just wait for Ah In to call and we’ll figure out what to do next ok?”

I really wanted to see her but I have to think about everyone around me. I just wish that I could be a nobody for once.

End of POV

Himchan POV

At the hospital…

Hee Jin noona has been in the emergency room for over an hour now.

            “What exactly happened back in the shop?” Ah In asked.

            “Well, I went to the kitchen and she said she was having muscle cramps…I told her to go home…next thing I know she’s on the floor unconscious…” Hyo An said.

I just hope everything is going okay. A doctor came out. All of us dashed towards him.

            “How’s my sister doctor?” Ah In said.

            “She’s doing great…she had a burst appendix and we’ve removed it…you have nothing to worry about…” the doctor’s words make me feel at ease.

            “Can we see her now?” I asked.

            “Sure but she’s still under the anaesthetic…she’ll wake up in few hours…now, excuse me…” the doctor said and walked away.

            “That was a relief…” Hyo An said. “I should tell the others…”

I’m glad she’s fine. I don’t know what am I going to do if something bad happened to her.

End of POV

Author’s POV

Ah In, Hyo An and Himchan watched as Hee Jin being brought out from the emergency room to the ward.

            “It will be better if only one of you is here watching her…” the nurse said and left.

            “I’ll stay with her…” Ah In said. “Thanks for bringing her here…”

            “No big deal…I’m just glad she’s ok.” Hyo An patted Ah In’s back.

            “Dude, call me if anything came up…let’s go, I’ll take you home Hyo An ah…” Himchan said shaking hands with Ah In.

 Taecyeon POV

It’s almost 11pm and there’s still no news from Ah In. I wonder what happened to Hee Jin noona. Is she alright? I was walking back and forth in the living room worried sick thinking about her.

            “Hyung, could you stop? You’re making me dizzy!” Wooyoung said shaking his head.

            “What if something bad happened to her?” I said looking at the members.

            “Everything is gonna be okay…she’s a strong woman…don’t worry…” Junsu tried to calm me down but it’s not working.

I saw Chansung walking down the stairs talking on the phone.

            Really? That’s a relief…you’re with her?…so, where is she now? okay…okay…I’ll let the rest know…later.” He hung up the phone. “Good news guys…”

            “Is that Ah In?” Junho asked.

            “Yeah…Hee Jin noona is doing great…the doctor said it’s just a burst appendix…nothing serious…she’ll be in the hospital for couple of days…”

I felt like a huge rock has been lifted off my shoulder when I heard that. I grabbed my keys and head out. I have to see her now.

            “Hyung, where are you going?” Chansung said.

            “To see Hee Jin noona…”

            “Can I come? I wanna see her too…’

            “Yaa, let him go alone…we’ll visit her tomorrow…Taec, wear this…” Khun threw a cap to me. “And don’t forget your dorky glasses.”

            “I know…”


Another update! Enjoy!


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aigooo~~~~~writers' block again!!!!!


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Chapter 35: okay. I love Himchan, he's my B.A.P bias, and Taecyeon I love even more...he's my ultimate bias...BUT OMG WHAT THE HELL WHY IS HIMCHAN SUCH A LITTLE WHINER IN THIS FIC?! HE NEEDS TO STEP OFF BECAUSE NOONA BELONGS TO TAEC AND TAEC IS BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT AND HE IS PRETTY BUT HE'S NO OK TAECYEON. okay I'm done. *goes back to reading*
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Chapter 6: okay so I'm finally getting around to reading this after subscribing MONTHS ago and O. M. G. its amazing. I usually dont do (you) fics and like..hardly ever non- but OMG WOMAN YOU HAVE WRITTEN SOME AMAZING STUFF. this chick, she's exactly my style of character. OMG I'm in love with this story already~
Whoa~ great ending :D Really like this story ^-^
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taekyeon #7
wow, i realy liked this story... good job... ^_^
So sad that its over! I enjoyed reading this so much!!!
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