Finding out...

Connections to Relations
Ha neul’s POV

Did… I just hear right? Or am I just still shocked Appa is connected to SME?
“Y-yeobeosayo?” The guy on the phone said. He repeated it again but was loud.
“N-neh… Mianhamnida… who did you say you were?” Please… don’t say I just got rude to Jung Yunho, one of my favourite leaders in the K-pop world, one of the shipped person when it came to him and Jaejoong, one of the most amazing dancer who is going to come to London for Michael Jackson’s 1 year tribute….
“Jung Yunho, stage name U-know Yunho, Leader of the group Dong Bang Shi-” Before he could even finish the sentence I would have loved to hear 2384768 times I screamed into the phone and I heard him gasp. “Y-you? Do you know who I am?” I could tell he was excited about me knowing him… but he should see the look on my face, though I can’t see myself I can feel that my eyes were as wide as golf balls, my mouth was hanging from my jaw and my hand covering it… barely covering it.
OH MY DAYS! IF MIN RA HEARS OR KNOWS WHO I’M TALKING TO SHE’S GOING TO MURDER ME! Yunho laughed at me, or probably my fan girling.
“I’m guessing you know me?” He said sarcastically.
“YES! Ahh! Amazing, honestly I can’t breathe, but then if I can’t breathe I shouldn’t be talking… I talk a lot?!”
“Hahahaha yeah you do~”
“Hungry, don’t know, don’t know, don’t know, excited.”
“Ah~ I can’t believe I’m talking to you!”
“Me either!!” He squealed like a fan girl which made me confused.
“Why are you happy talking to me? I mean, THE Jung Yunho excited about me?”
“I think that’s such an understatement Ha neul-sshi, it’s an absolute honour to meet the daughter of Craze!”
Nobody’s POV

Ha neul felt angry and betrayed by her father, yes it’s true she didn’t call him in a while and yes it’s also true that she didn’t want to talk to him. But it was never him who called, always Kyong su who called him first. Her train of thought diminished when she heard Yunho chuckled again.
“Yeah it’s true, the SM boys, how fans like to call it, are sponsoring and endorsing Craze and the CEO seongsaenim based the design on the style of his daughter the last time he saw her. He wanted to make everything a surprise knowing how big of a K-pop fan you were and now you found out the surprise, he wants you to come here sooner or later to help him out with the designing.”
“Whoa…” She tried thinking of something to say but nothing… worthy of that could come out. “I… uh?”
“I know, I was like that when I first heard his story. It’s amazing how he took you and placed you as an inspiration.” There was a pause, Yunho checked to see if he was still connected to Ha neul and he was. He was about to ask if she was there before she spoke.
“Yunho-opp-” Ha neul stopped herself from calling the older person ‘Oppa’ out of respect, “Yunho-sshi?”
“Was there ever a time when you felt like you were being trapped and compressed so much it was as if your heart was about to stop but your brain made it feel like it wasn’t?” The question, Yunho could relate to easily in regards to the lawsuit and his ‘family’ which consisted of him and his other four band members. He knew Ha neul was on about something completely different; slightly different.
“It depends if you feel like you can endure what’s happening around you at the same time…”
“What if you can’t?”
“Then you give in to the one which hurts the most”
“What if you end up hurting more because of it?”
“Then you work your way back up”
“Why am I asking you such deep questions?”
“Because you have no one else to talk to…” Silence hung between the two until Ha neul heard someone on the other line calling Yunho then asking him a few inaudible questions. She heard Yunho sigh and then he spoke.
“Ha neul-ah, you want to speak to… your dad?” Ha neul heard the last two words of his sentence and it was like her whole body froze into a place. Yunho called Ha neul’s name again making her snap out of her childish fear-like trance.
“N-neh, okay…”
“Okay… And remember what I said follow which one hurts most-”
“Then if it hurts more, follow up from there.” She could feel a warm small even through the phone.
“Annyeong Ha neul-ah, see you when you come to korea~” Yunho said with a slight tone of aegyo in his voice making Ha neul laugh, her laugh faded, she waited. It was probably the longest wait she’d ever had to wait for, that’s what it felt like when it was only around half a minute. She was about to shut the phone out of nervousness until she heard someone breathe into the speaker.
“N-neh… Who is this?”
“Park Youngmin, who is this?”
“…Appa?” Silence on the phone once again. A million words escaped out of Ha neul’s head making her speechless, she cursed herself under her breath.
“…Ha neul-ah?” She didn’t know why but the warmth of her father’s voice was something she thought she’d never miss. She felt hot tears trickle down her pale cheeks as she heard her father speak again.
“Ha neul-ah! OH MY GOSH!? How long has it been baby girl? I miss you soo much! I arranged a flight for you to come and move here with your umma! My business is doing greatly so we can all be together now!” The word ‘Move’ stuck Ha neul in the head causing her to nearly fall off of the bed.
“Yeah! Like I said, we can all be together.” Ha neul smiled until she realised who and WHAT she was leaving behind.
“…My friends?”
“Oh you mean Min ra-ah?” Youngmin had enough vacations back when he wasn’t all that busy to meet Ha neul and Kyong su. Ha neul barely spoke to him during that time but Min ra was the one who forced her and encouraged her to do so. Though it was a short period of time he considered Min ra as a part of the family until he found out Min ra’s parents were one of his associates and high school friend when they were back in Korea.
“Yes… Min ra has been with me for a LONG time and I can’t… no I won’t leave her just like that” She heard her father sigh deeply.
“Would I make you feel any better that I spoke about Min ra having a long vacation with us with her parents?”
“Yes it would but I’d doubt she’d be allowed, her parent’s-”
“Have already agreed that she would take a long holiday after all the paper work and stuff is sorted which should be around… next year?”
“Next year is in just over two months!”
“Exactly! And you’re moving in three weeks’ time”
“Yeah, and Ha neul-ah!”
“I want you to know how sorry I am for leaving you and umma behind. I hope by doing this you’ll be proud of appa and forgive me for everything I’ve done. I don’t want you to answer that question now, well to reply to that statement more like, I want you to think about it.”
“Oh, and one more thing.” Ha neul seemed breathless as she answered her apologetic father in a tired yet excited tone.
“ When you come to Korea, first you’ll be working your way up to be an actress appearing in music videos and that, then becoming a model, then if you want, your life long wish to be an idol, and then… you’ll help me with designs for Craze…” Before Ha neul could even register what was just said her father interrupted her. “Ha neul-ah! I’ve got to go~ I’ll see you in a few weeks, FINALLY! I’ll call umma later on, tell her that for me. Bye baby, Saranghaeyo!” With that, the line was disconnected, but Ha neul swore she heard someone who sounded like Leeteuk’s laugh in the background.
Ha neu laid the phone down on the bed, she got up in a daze, unlocked the door and made her way down the oak stairs towards the kitchen where Min ra was eating and Kyong su was reading a newspaper whilst drinking coffee. Kyong su looked up from the tabloid and her gaze turned from confused to worried, Min ra looked at what Kyong su was looking at and she saw her friend about to fall to her knees.
“Ha neul-ah!”
“U-umma… I’ve spoken to… J-jung Yunho”
“BWOH!?” Min ra screamed making Kyong su nearly spill her coffee.
“I s-spoke to him, then he gave it to appa… then appa said I’d be moving to Korea, going to become an actress, a model, an idol, and a fashion designer.” She glanced at Min ra. “And Min ra is going to stay with us for a while when we settle down.” Kyong su’s face broke into a smile and Min ra was just completely confused, until Ha neul fainted and hit her head against the floor.
Taemin’s POV
Ugh! The camera lights from the press are just so damn irritating! MY HEAD ACHES ALREADY.
“Ah… Hyung otteoke?” I looked down at what I was wearing, it was actually far more comfortable than what it looked like.
“About what?” Kibum hyung said. I pointed to my splitting head and he sneered at me.
“I told you to take a LONG rest on the way here, the time you had at the dorm isn’t enough!” I rolled my eyes and he pinched my cheeks. He took a bottle of water out from his bag and handed it to me to hold whilst we were in the waiting tent thingy. He took out a packet of tablets, I glared at the stupid red and yellow tablet. “Take one, it’ll ease the pain.” I looked from Hyung to the pills and back to Hyung again.
“Ew. No thanks. I will NOT take that unless I’m unconscious!” Kibum hyung rolled his eyes and he pointed somewhere random with big wide eyes. Reluctantly I looked to where he was pointing and quickly turned back only to be caught by his hand; he squished my cheeks painfully and stuffed the tablet in. He quickly, skilfully, took the cap off of the water bottle I was holding, snatched it from me and pushed the top of the bottle to my lips and tilting it making me nearly drown in myself. I swallowed the tablet and Hyung looked at me smiling at me with victory. I gagged as I felt the tablet go down my throat. Hyung massaged my back and Jonghyun hyung came out of nowhere and wiped the water off of my face and chest.
“Aigoo~ Taeminnie mianhae for hurting you” I gave him the best possible glare I could give which I knew wouldn’t work because he just gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and grinned like a Cheshire cat in the Alice and wonderland movie I watch a few months ago; damn scary cat!
Jinki hyung came and saw the sight, Minho hyung followed. “I do not want to know why Taemin is soaked with either water or sweat, nor do I want to know why Jjong is wiping his trousers and Kibum is giving him kisses and looking at him weirdly” I shot up from my seat and glared at Jinki hyung who was laughing and high fiving the other three older hyungs. Minho smiled and ruffled my hair as I puffed.
“Ah hyung” pouting I grabbed the water bottle and headed to the restroom leaving the amused hyungs behind. It’s not like I’m angry, I just hate medicine so much. I guess it’s like a weird unknown dislike. JUST AS MUCH AS I HATE INSECTS.
I headed for the private toilets for idols and walked in, no one was there.
I went to the sink and washed my hands for no reason; maybe out of boredom. I glanced up at the mirror and saw my hair, my eyes, my nose, my lips…
How disgusting. My skin; so weird. What human has skin so white it makes them look so dead? What person has eyes which look fake, small, and lewd? So disgusting.
Why was I casted? Why am I in this group called SHINee? I should just die.
Death seems peaceful, calm, free. To be reborn again is something I don’t want; I just don’t want any being to look like me again. To be me. To feel like they’re absolutely useless in this world. To feel as if I am feeling each and every emotion a human can possibly have, yet feel empty like there’s nothing significant in me.
I look down at my wrist and rub off some of the make up to reveal a scar. I smiled and kissed it. I heard someone come in so I quickly tried to make it look like I was fixing my hair in the mirror.
“Taeminnie?” I looked through the mirror to see Kibum hyung looking worried and apologetic.
“Neh?” Still fixing my hair.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you or make up upset.” Hyung said looking down. Don’t look like that; I don’t deserve someone to worry about me like that.
“It’s okay hyung, I know you’re just making sure I’m okay.” I said turning around, he looked up and smiled, he slung his arm over my shoulder and laughed a bit.
“Don’t walk out on us like tha-” I heard hyung stop talking and he was looking at my wrist. I quickly shrugged his arm off of my shoulder and held my wrist. AH! Why did I do that!? It’s just going to make him more suspicious, how I could forget he’s one of the sharpest ones in SHINee!?
Kibum POV
I could feel, sense, he was panicking inside when he smiled as he put his left hand in his pocket in a failed attempt to hide it. I couldn’t help myself, so I cornered him and glared down at him.
“H-hyung what are you doing?”
“Show me your wrist.”
“Huh?” He looked at me feigning innocence. Before I could get angry I simply grabbed his left arm prying it out of his pocket until he gave up and showed me a scar with smudged foundation on it. I expected it. Of course, I expected it I’m the one who found the hole in his bed, the makeup, the wipe, and here I am, completely speechless, completely breathless.
“It’s not you hyung. It’s not you, Jonghyun hyung, Jinki hyung, Minho hyung, or you. So don’t ask.” He snatched his wrist from my hand, gave me a look I wish I had never seen. A look which showed me years of enduring, years of pain, he was about to give up but when he walked out and got scared by Jinki he smiled so realistically it was impossible to believe him if he’d say he’s been slashing his wrist.
I put my hand to my side and stared blankly at the wall. “I need… help…”

Next chapter ^^ I hope you people like this...
Please comment more my story is rather...
how you say it.. Lonely? ><

It wants more comments to continue LOOOOOOOOOOL about my poster i found it on google!
This is what happens when you read a JongKey fic and then become so addicted to -ness
2Min + JongKey = -Nose blees- ~

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Chapter 14: Just wanna ask you something... Why June 24? But omg!!! My birthday is on June 24 too!
banana_bubbles #2
Chapter 41: Love the story the way it is! :D
Continue it please, everyone is waiting in suspense~ ):
this is sooooooo goooood! UPDATE please!!! xD
NOOOO please continue as it is! *wails* I want to know what happens! :D fighting!
:D tc :)
Awnh! I really LOVED what you were doing with this story already! The plot line's great, and I'd really love to know what happens next! But it really is your choice. ^^<br />
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butpleasepleasepleasecontinuewiththisonecauseIreallywanttoknowwhathappenswithtaeminandhaneulandkeypleasedon'tmakemecry. :P<br />
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oh wow! I'm so sorry! I haven't been keeping up with this story at all. ): ): But omg it's so exciting! omg. hahahaha. <br />
Bianhe! ): Fighting yeah~! (And I don't know if I told you before, but I hardly support stories with OCs! but this is good, so I'm happy! lol)
This is such a good story! The whole Taemin and Ha neul relationship is just soo GAHHH. I can't wait to see how it turns out with key in the picture though. =[<br />
Taemin, you need to open up more! :P<br />
Can't wait for your next chapter! =DDDDDD
key found out..dundundun..!<br />
he should be heartbroken! heartbroken! D:<br />
LOLOL xDD<br />
thank youu for the wonderful update *O*<br />
Minjonglover #10
My eyes was to pop out when I saw the chapters! Jesus christ! -subscribes- Wanna read this!