
Connections to Relations

Kibum's state of mind is corrupted, otteoke? What happened to the relationship with Ha neul? What about Jinki? What about the rest?



No one’s POV


Ha neul glared at the remorseful Kibum as he watched her leave the room, pale just like the time she saw Taemin. It’s not like she doesn’t like blood… she hates seeing a lot of it in one place. Like a murder scene, in a blood bank, operations. She herself was surprised about how she reacted to seeing Taemin in the bathroom. She entered another room where the nurses had already set up everything. She rolled up the sleeve of Kibum’s hoodie. Looking away from the large amounts of blood being stored into bags next to her she inhaled Kibum’s scent. It calmed her. It made her bear the stinging of the needles and the sound of her scarlet blood dripping. After ten minutes she had a bandage on her arm and was told not to carry anything heavy on her right arm. She carefully pulled her sleeve down and headed back to the ward feeling light headed. Kibum was outside of the ward, once again leaning against the door as if he was guarding it, and glared at the wall in front of him. He turned his head to the noise and saw Ha neul looking somewhat light headed. Kibum quickly went to support her only to be pushed off by the weakened girl.

“Ha neul-ah, stop acting like this”

“I don’t know yo-”

“Shh…” Kibum said making Ha neul look up at him curiously, she was greeted by a tight hug which avoided the arm she was clutching. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. Please don’t be like that. I told you already. I need you, Taemin needs you” He broke from the hug and leaned in slightly making their faces at least three centimetres away, but it felt like miles. Kibum thought that the more he pulled the more he pushed her away. The two gazed at each other, something inside them wanted to keep a hold of the other but something else wanted to push each other away. The doctor opened the door startling Kibum who quickly turned around pushing Ha neul behind him. The back of the man who called her here was so big. So big but when she hugged it from earlier on today he was small. The doctor looked at the two friends of his patient; they looked like a young couple. “Please follow me in” Without a word, they re-entered the ward to find a weak Taemin lying down, body swollen from the painful procedure of the transfusions and their surroundings seemed to smear into one another; from the beige couch, the carpeted flooring and the single chair to the windows with the blinds covering the dim moonlight.

Kibum quickly went to his side and forced himself not to crush the person in his arms. Miserably he held the boys’ hands. Cold. The heart monitor showed his heart beating in a healthy pace, he glanced at Ha neul who merely watched before going to the floor once again, and her head was down, her dishevelled hair covering her beautiful but tear stained and angry face.

“He barely made it. He is a celebrity and he working himself hard was partly the cause of reduction of oxygen and iron in his blood strea-”

“Kibum-ah! Ha neul-ah!” The three people turned their heads to see six people rush into the large but almost empty room. Ha neul saw the men she saw earlier on and turned her head back to face the floor, fluids coming from her eyes and Kibum didn’t want to believe it was tears. Jaejoong dropped the two bags on the floor in the corner and rushed over to cradle the girl who was silently crying. Honestly she didn’t even know why she was crying this hard. Why? Was it because she saw all the blood which came out of one person through one cut? Or was it because she depended on Taemin to make her happy ever since he’d debut in SHINee? What hurt the most was, knowing that he was going through this, she was investigating celebrity behavioural patterns… and she completely Missed this. How could she not have seen that this was going on in the world of the celebrities!? Jonghyun, being the person Kibum knew the longest amongst the group, went over and hugged the boy who burst into uncontrollable crying; not knowing why he was crying this much despite Taemin being the seemingly naïve and the innocent one of the group, Jonghyun reassured his friend. Jinki and The manager went out of the room to get information from the doctors about Taemin’s condition and Donghae and Minho were busy replying back to the worried members of Trax, DBSK, Super Junior, SNSD and F(x).


Kibum’s POV


My fault. It’s all my fault. I have to say sorry. But say sorry to who. Who will I say sorry to? Who will accept my apology? Why do I have to say sorry again?

I should just say sorry. Blood. Blood of Taemin. Bathroom. The blood. His wrist. His hair. Ha neul’s blood. Ha neul. Ha neul’s blood. Crying. She cried. I should say sorry. But I shouted at her and she’s mad. I don’t want her to be mad at me. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I do know you. I do like you. Stay. Don’t leave me and go to Taemin alone. But Taemin needs her. And if Taemin needs her, I can’t have her otherwise Taemin will… B-blood. His blood again.


Ha neul’s POV


He broke his promise; right under my nose he did what I was meant to stop him from doing. Why did I fall asleep? Why? It’s my fault. Kibum-oppa’s not talking to me because it’s my fault he’s just too kind because it’s my fault. But why is oppa crying? He’s crying.

Taemin oppa, can you hear us? You should right? You’re right in front of us. What would you do if I told you to get up? Jonghyun oppa is hugging Kibum oppa who’s holding Taemin oppa’s hand who’s asleep and calm and happy.

Are you happy being asleep? I do sometimes. When I’m asleep I can dream of things which had never happened and which could happen. But when I wake up you know it’s just a dream. Unless you work hard then it’s just a fantasy.

Oppa, you’ve worked hard enough. You look exhausted. Now look what you’ve done.



No one’s POV


‘Why are they crying? Who’s here? I can hear Ha neul in the distance, I can hear Jinki hyung and Manager hyung outside. Minho hyung sitting next to me with something beeping in his hands, someone next to him too. Someone just spoke to Ha neul and it sounded like Jaejoong hyung and his husky voice. Kibum hyung and Jonghyun hyung are on the couch. Someone speak to me.

Guy’s I’m alive, don’t cry about it.’


Everyone’s head shot up and faced the outside out of shock to see that the wooden door had shattered and through the hole they could see Jinki in his knees clutching his bloody hand. Ha neul ran out the door and threw her arms around the kneeling man who was silently praying. Words repeated in his head;

Stress. Lack of sleep. Nearly malnourished. Depression. Break. Death.

“Oppa, it’s okay. Oppa it’s okay. O-oppa it’s going to be fine. See look he’s breathing. He’s just asleep. He needs sleep. Look at him, he’s smiling in his sleep.” Ha neul swayed from side to side, ignoring the pain she felt from the force of the hug Jinki was hugging the young girl in. Ha neul unwrapped herself from Jinki and examined his hand as his head hung low. The knuckles were turning a blue/purple colour and blood started to involuntarily come out of the cuts from the splinters.

Did Jinki hyung punch something again? It’s been happening a lot recently. I’m surprised he hasn’t broken his wrist yet… wrist… I’m so stupid.’

“I’m sorry… hospital visiting hours have ended however as the patient has just recently arrived we can provide you a temporary room in the next ward as this is a private ward. We apolog-”

“You don’t have to say you’re sorry seongsaenim,” Donghae said bitterly as he stopped and took in what was happening around him; a girl he barely knew holding and caring for his hyung who punched through a thick wooden door, Kibum and Jonghyun still hugging each other, Jonghyun normally being the emotional one put one foot down to comfort his shaking dongsaeng, Minho was getting teary eyed at all the messages being sent to him in regards to Taemin; each message consisting of ‘Please look after him’… something which Minho felt was the factor which lead to this happening.

“Doctor, we’ll take the spare room, please make sure no one knows who is inside the room except for you and one nurse to take care of any of Taemin’s needs.” Jaejoong said as he stood up from sitting on the floor leaning against the wall as he gazed at the sleeping body on the large bed. He glared at the nurses who were called in by the doctor. “Each and every one of you,” he paused making sure all the nurses were looking at him, all had his attention , all looking at the most angelic face give a demonic and maniac-like look with his eyes. “All of you, if it gets out that ‘Taemin is in hospital’ or ‘Unfamiliar girl following SHINee’ or anything to do with SHINee, Dong Bang Shin Ki, Super Junior and Park Ha neul, I will personally make sure you don’t show your face in public to the point you’d be scared to even breathe the same air as the artistes of SM entertainment, Cube entertainment, JYP entertainment, YG entertainment, and all the other entertainment companies in south Korea.” The girls and doctor looked at the intimidating man and held their breath, “Do you understand?” Everyone in the line nodded. Jaejoong nodded and the nurses were dismissed and were told to prepare the room the people were staying in.

“Jaejoong-ah, that’s going to ruin your ima-”

“Mention anything about my image Hyung and I’ll try my best not to punch a hole through you like what Jinki did to the door” Jaejoong spat at SHINee’s manager.

“Oppa,” Ha neul whispered, “Go get your hand sorted out…” Kibum slowly stood up from Jonghyun’s careful and caring grasp and trudged towards his manager.

“Hyung… I’m going home… to sleep. I’ve got schedule”

“Jinki’s doing your’s and Taemin’s schedule. So stay and look after Taemin.” The manager glanced at the boy he called baby brother for a long time. Was it his fault that Taemin was over exhausted to a point he attempted to commit suicide?

“Let Ha neul stay” Minho spoke with his deep voice, he knew something was up with Ha neul, Kibum and Taemin; this may have been it.




“yah,” Jonghyun said quietly. He wondered what kind of cold man was assigned to be their manager. Tthe situation is complicated as it is and blaming a girl who obviously helped Taemin isn't the best thing

“Don’t disrespect me for a ‘best friend’ who’s obviously wasting herself on you to get popular!”

“Hyung! You don’t know what you’re saying” Kibum said, voice trembling, eyes burning.

“Shut up Kibum I know exactly what you’re saying and I’m not letting that bitc-” Before he could finish the sentence he felt a punch on the right side of his face, he landed on the floor and looked up clutching his bleeding nose. Kibum was over towering him the manager was scared. He was scared of the person he was meant to be guiding. What was so special about this girl?

“IT’S HER FAULT THAT TAEMIN DONE THIS TO HIMSELF!” He glared at Ha neul who froze at the words. Was it really her fault? Those words felt like arrows had just shot right through her, missing her heart and brain so she could feel the pain around her body. “HAD TAEMIN DONE SOMETHING THIS SEVERE BEFORE SHE CAME!? No right? DON’T DOUBT ME! Tell her to go home. She has a photo of you guys before she came right? SHE’LL PUT IT ON THE NET!”

One broken promise to SHINee

“She came and befriended you guys! Kibum! LOOK AT TAEMIN! LOOK WHAT SHE MADE HIM DO!”

Another promise to SHINee broken

“Hyung you better shut the fuc-”

“NO! She’s affected SUPER JUNIOR, Dong Bang Shin Ki, JYJ who aren’t even active in Korea yet and SNSD, Trax and F(x)! WHAT MORE ATTENTION DOES SHE WAN-”

Last promise to SHINee broken. Kibum kicked the man in the stomach, not caring at all the effect of the relationship will be, and he just wanted him to shut up! He turned around to see Ha neul looking nauseous. Was it the loss of blood?

“H-hyung, SHUT UP! W-who the hell do you think you are to talk to a friend like that?” The hoarse voice caused everyone to turn to where it came from.



Honestly i think this is one of my worst chapters, along with chapter one and a few others -.-



Thanks for the good lucks for my exam tomorrow -.-'


And (!) I feel really ill, it's really early, like 8:50pm here  and i'm feeling so tired so i'm gnna go sleep otherwise i would have done a double post -


Yeah. So...yeah =/






Again.. Happy Birthday Jinki oppa~

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Chapter 14: Just wanna ask you something... Why June 24? But omg!!! My birthday is on June 24 too!
banana_bubbles #2
Chapter 41: Love the story the way it is! :D
Continue it please, everyone is waiting in suspense~ ):
this is sooooooo goooood! UPDATE please!!! xD
NOOOO please continue as it is! *wails* I want to know what happens! :D fighting!
:D tc :)
Awnh! I really LOVED what you were doing with this story already! The plot line's great, and I'd really love to know what happens next! But it really is your choice. ^^<br />
<br />
butpleasepleasepleasecontinuewiththisonecauseIreallywanttoknowwhathappenswithtaeminandhaneulandkeypleasedon'tmakemecry. :P<br />
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oh wow! I'm so sorry! I haven't been keeping up with this story at all. ): ): But omg it's so exciting! omg. hahahaha. <br />
Bianhe! ): Fighting yeah~! (And I don't know if I told you before, but I hardly support stories with OCs! but this is good, so I'm happy! lol)
This is such a good story! The whole Taemin and Ha neul relationship is just soo GAHHH. I can't wait to see how it turns out with key in the picture though. =[<br />
Taemin, you need to open up more! :P<br />
Can't wait for your next chapter! =DDDDDD
key found out..dundundun..!<br />
he should be heartbroken! heartbroken! D:<br />
LOLOL xDD<br />
thank youu for the wonderful update *O*<br />
Minjonglover #10
My eyes was to pop out when I saw the chapters! Jesus christ! -subscribes- Wanna read this!