Tiring... worrying....

Connections to Relations
Hope you like this chappy
I decided to give you guys some mini JongKey moments ^^

Key’s POV
I finished fixing Taemin’s bed up, finished making some light snack for the three coming, finished drying Minho’s hair after he took a shower and finished cleaning up around Jjong’s and Jinki’s room. You know, even though I’m the third eldest, I’m probably the older one mentally. Jinki has tons of chicken bones in his bin, his room smells like chips and gravy, his hair looks like the batter for fried chicken and his boxers have got chicken on it… not to mention tofu. [A/N mianhae dubu-oppa, I don’t mean it all but I’m pretty sure you’d have dubu and chicken shorts XD]
Just as I was sitting down next to Minho who was half asleep watching the news with a glass of water by his side on the couch, I heard someone put in the code for the door and come in. Looking to the side I saw how the three of them smiled tiredly. I couldn’t help but wonder if this blog I read about celebrities was right… ‘Their smiles gradually die’. They took of their shoes and struggled to get themselves into the living room where set up a futon for the guys to rest. Pitying them I quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed two energy drinks and one bottle of water, Jjong being the dumb retard he is, doesn’t want to risk his voice cracking again so he just drinks water.
I threw the bottles to each of them who smiled weakly and collapsed on top of each other on the futon. Being an idol is THIS hard, yet we still love doing it for the fans. We’re living our dreams but a part of me… a part of us, can’t help but feel unsatisfied for reasons depending on that person. Sometimes its love, sometimes it’s to settle down. At the moment I have nothing to worry much about…
But Taemin must have something going on. From before debut he’s the type to be able to pull pranks, apologise cutely, be forgiven, and pull pranks again. I should let them rest first. They’re already asleep.
Jonghyun was hugging Taemin who was hugging him back; Jinki has his leg on Taemin whilst his body twisted the other way. I chuckled knowing how I’m loving these guys every minute of every day. I glanced over to Minho who fell asleep and I sighed again. I stood up switched off the television and spread the blanket on my husband, my son and my brother, then over to my son-in-law… all according to fanfiction. It’s amusing how they couple me with Jjong, but we do the couple stuff on purpose because the fans finds it awesome. Tsk they should thank me.
I picked up the glass off of the floor and just as I was about to stand up, something caught my eye. I placed the glass on the table and knelt over Jonghyun trying to make sure my shirt wasn’t touching his face. With Taemin in the middle, it was much harder. I reached for Taemin’s sleeve and pulled it down slightly, once again I can feel my heart beating… pounding against my chest. I was afraid it would wake Taemin up. I looked at Jjong underneath me and Jinki on the other side, both asleep. I pulled it more because I couldn’t see, the light wasn’t on. I heard someone move and I froze, I looked down onto Taemin and he was fast asleep, sweating slightly but asleep. I looked to Jinki, who was asleep also, Minho wouldn’t have moved because he’s sleeping like a baby. Jonghyun moved underneath me and was moving my shirt out of his face, his eyes opened and I quickly let go of Taemin’s sleeve. He sat up, grabbed the sides of my stomach and pulled me down on top of him and he squished me like a pillow.
Damn, bad move for going over Jjong, if it was Jinki it would be fine; that guy wouldn’t wake up even if his life depended on it. I looked at Jonghyun and smiled.
I wonder what he would say if he knew what Taemin was doing. He’s the type of guy who looks kind, crazy and fun to be with… all of that’s true, but none of the fans have seen the angry side of him. I let myself be hugged by the guy who was trying to squish me… This person, even when he’s asleep he can comfort me.
I glanced at the clock and sighed. It’s such a long day.
I took a last glance over to Taemin who was now hugging Jinki before I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of breathing until I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Ha neul’s POV
I walked out of the classroom with Min ra next to me, she was eating her cereal bar and holding her skull patterned bag. Bored, we sat on the benches which were by the canteen. Park Min ra is the only other Korean in this school, we’re practically sisters. Though we are complete opposites we are probably the only people who understand each other in the world. I’ve lived in London for as long as I can remember, but I’ve been many other countries before like Philippines, China, Japan, Malaysia and of course, Korea. I’ve learnt quite a few languages as well. Min ra came when I was 8, we were in the same primary school and now the same high school. She’s not your average girl. Into rock, is comfortable talking about with the guys, though she was still a , she’s fun to be around and even if some people really hate on her, she wouldn’t care one bit.
When I was 9 I was being bullied by a few people in my class because I was Korean, they kept talking about how I eat insects and how I should open my eyes because they looked like I was asleep. I didn’t take notice of it for a while until someone cornered me and almost stabbed me. Min ra saw what was going on and for a brave 9 year old girl she kicked the guy in the groin and took my hand and ran away with me. I didn’t know what was happening and before I knew it we were at her home where her mum took care of my scratches. I was still in shock until the first words she said to me were
‘It’s okay, it’s not easy being different. Just be proud’.
That’s when I cried hard, her mum came in and hugged me and asked me where I lived so she could drop me off. I wondered whether I’d see Min ra again, and to my surprise she was the new transfer student everyone was talking about. When we saw each other we smiled and since then we were best friends.
“Yah! Ha neul-ah!” Her voice echoed through the hall way, people looked towards our direction and realised it was only Min ra being a twit.
“What!? What now?” She looked at me and curled her black hair behind her ear.
“Buy me lunch please~!” She said in an aegyo tone, I sighed.
“First of all, how many times have I told you that aegyo-ness doesn’t suit you?”
“how many times today? This week? Or this month?” I rolled my eyes, she smiled knowing how I can’t resist her.
“Secondly, why would I buy you lunch?”
“Because you love me that much?”
“How much do you love me?”
“… when you were ill and on your period I helped you do your maths homework right…?” I glanced at her, then I realised where she was getting at.
“And you know that when it comes to numbers I’m practically dyslexic!” I laughed. BOTH of us were practically stupid when it came to maths, but I was slightly better than her.
“No one asked you to do it for me~”
“I know, I did it because I wanted to”
“Yeah and because of your involuntary decision I got 47%”
“Yeah yeah better than getting 0%” We both laughed as we headed to the canteen. She bought her usual, pizza, chips, beans and a bottle of diet coke. I bought my usual, chicken, rice, apple juice and a cupcake… I can’t live without rice ^^ But I’m glad I’m not as fat as other girls who eat rice a lot. We find a place to sit and start eating.
“So how’s that blog doing?” She asked me as she took a HUGE bite out of her pizza.
“Hmm? Fine. I think it’s getting more popular, I’m proud of myself” I said confidently knowing she’s roll her eyes and give me a lecture of some sort.
…and to my happiness, I was right -.-
“Ha neul, you know you sing like an angel? You dance like me and your personality is way better than some of those other celebrities out there. You’re wasting your time ‘observing’ idols when you can just audition and become one yourself.” I looked at her and smiled. Sometimes a person’s personality can change 180 degrees. Min ra can be a complete and utter donkey for one minute then all fatherly, …not motherly, the next.
“Min ra-oppa,” I teased, she pouted and took a sip of her coke, “I’d love to become what I wanted to become since I was barely able to speak. You know how hard it is for me to sing in front of other people, dancing isn’t much of a problem if I wear a mask or a hood but singing in front of an audience can kill me. I posted it in my blog last night, I need to see what the idols are feeling before I can actually know whether or not I want this.”
“So if you don’t want it you’re going to continue to be a lawyer or a psychiatrist?”
“Pretty much yeah… but I know I’ll perform some piano pieces or something. I’ll definitely dance some more and practise singing”
“Just die” She glared at me. This girl knows how I feel about music and knows how much it’s important to me to the point if my iPod was lost or stolen I’d cry so much.
“WHY!?” …I said that knowing I didn’t really need an explanation.
“If you’re not going to pursue your dreams then just DIE! You’re living but you need to live, if you get me!”
“Stop giving me sermons woman!”
“I’m saying this because I love you”
“Yeah… you still owe me money from last week.”
“Stop changing the subject,” she paused, “and consider this conversation last week’s payment!”
“Yeah yeah~”
“Just wait and see… Your observation will pay off one way or another… one day someone will call you up and say ‘IS THIS PARK HA NEUL?! I NEED YOU FOR SOMETHING! SIGN A CONTRACT WITH ME!’ and blah!”
“I doubt the ‘SIGN A CONTRACT’ bit would happen but maybe the others”
“Yeah yeah just eat, you take too long!”
“Ha neul-ah… this is ME you’re on about…”
“Ah yeah~ you’re right. Crazy Bastard.”
“Hahaha, Love you too~” We laughed and started talking about how hot and cute SHINee is. JYJ was going doing well in Korea and other countries and Super Junior was still spazzing about their week in Italy.
Yaaaaaay first comment x

@MICKEY: I have a feeling you like Yoochun-oppa? LOL You'll have to wait and see why Taemin-oppa is slashing his wrist <-- i hope it's NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE!! IT WILL NEVER!!! NEVER EVER!
and Key... his personality is a bit dodgy in this fanfic, it'll get back to normal once Ha neul meets SHINee I love my poster too~ I'm going to change the poster everytime i update x

Please comment more ^^ i mean please more comments =P

Listening to: I want to cry - Jay Park & Brave Brothers
Eating: Nothing <-- surprisingly
Drinking: Nothing either O_o
Watching: Myself type ^^

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Chapter 14: Just wanna ask you something... Why June 24? But omg!!! My birthday is on June 24 too!
banana_bubbles #2
Chapter 41: Love the story the way it is! :D
Continue it please, everyone is waiting in suspense~ ):
this is sooooooo goooood! UPDATE please!!! xD
NOOOO please continue as it is! *wails* I want to know what happens! :D fighting!
:D tc :)
Awnh! I really LOVED what you were doing with this story already! The plot line's great, and I'd really love to know what happens next! But it really is your choice. ^^<br />
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butpleasepleasepleasecontinuewiththisonecauseIreallywanttoknowwhathappenswithtaeminandhaneulandkeypleasedon'tmakemecry. :P<br />
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oh wow! I'm so sorry! I haven't been keeping up with this story at all. ): ): But omg it's so exciting! omg. hahahaha. <br />
Bianhe! ): Fighting yeah~! (And I don't know if I told you before, but I hardly support stories with OCs! but this is good, so I'm happy! lol)
This is such a good story! The whole Taemin and Ha neul relationship is just soo GAHHH. I can't wait to see how it turns out with key in the picture though. =[<br />
Taemin, you need to open up more! :P<br />
Can't wait for your next chapter! =DDDDDD
key found out..dundundun..!<br />
he should be heartbroken! heartbroken! D:<br />
LOLOL xDD<br />
thank youu for the wonderful update *O*<br />
Minjonglover #10
My eyes was to pop out when I saw the chapters! Jesus christ! -subscribes- Wanna read this!