what do i do with you?

Connections to Relations




No one’s POV


Taemin was shaking, he was trembling, his entire system was slow but his heart beat was reacting so fast to the nightmare his mind couldn’t register how fast he was breathing; it was like he was suffocating when he was panting. The eyes, the reflection in the eyes had a girl, a girl who looked like Ha neul, against the wall –chained up. “Oppa!” Ha neul wrapped her legs around his waist hugging Taemin tightly, she could feel the older boy trembling underneath her but he calmed down almost miraculously and placed a weak hand her back and rubbed it telling her it was okay.

“D-don’t tell anyone about this, only you should know about it. Don’t tell anyone, promise?” He felt her nod and he nuzzled his head in the crook of her neck.

“I promise…” She whispered in his ear, the voice coming from her heart. She didn’t know what had just happened but she knew one thing. The way Taemin said what he said…what he was trying to say –was exactly when she was kidnapped and almost when she was younger. It’s impossible to gain memories from blood, it’s highly impossible… was it just God playing around with the two’s fate?

The two heard a click and Ha neul threw herself off of Taemin’s needy embrace and she forced him down and told him to pretend to sleep, Taemin closed his eyes, lashes fluttering, and Minho walked in with a towel wrapped around his waist and another on his head. “Ha neul-ah,” he said looking at the girl who was frantically searching for something to do, “are you okay?” Ha neul stiffly turned around and blushed slightly at the sight in front of her. Minho smirked and sighed. “Yah,” he said softly as he put the towel on his head around his torso, “You know you have to get used to that.” Ha neul nodded bitterly as she made her way out of the room to prepare his breakfast leaving Minho chuckling at his dongsaeng’s cute actions.

As he heard the cluttering of the kitchen utensils and the steamy aroma of a dish he was yet to eat, Minho got ready. He was surprised at the outfit Ha neul had laid out for him, it was of great standard. The colours matched, the shirt fit his style and the shoes were yet to be worn. Minho already had a brother back home but couldn’t really see him, just like Taemin with Taesun. Having Ha neul around made him and Jonghyun feel more at home – I’d always wanted a sister and having Taemin beside me made of for my brother but lately he was being isolated with himself. Not that Minho himself could say anything; he didn’t want to make any trouble. For years he’s been adjusted from the troublesome sportsman to the y and mysterious. He didn’t want that but Kibum would definitely not be like this and knowing Jonghyun and Jinki he’d have no choice because the maknae was always the cutesy clumsy one. It’s not like he minded that he had this quiet image, it’s just that he got too used to it that he’s not as loud and rowdy as he was before. But that was because of something else. He didn’t know what I was exactly but his life at the dorm got louder ever since Ha neul came. Yeah sure he did mess around and he did like to joke with his hyungs and dongsaeng but you could say that it was a dry joke. He would laugh till tears come out but it wasn’t to his heart’s full content. He heard a knock on the door and was bought back to his reality from the bitter reminiscing and opened the door to see Ha neul worried. He smiled and patted Ha neul’s head gently.

“No worries, I’m out,” he walked out of the room following Ha neul after shutting the door. He happily walked over to the table which was full of delicious food he would have never had gotten the time to eat before going schedule. “This looks amazing…” Minho said in awe as his eyes glazed over the steaming, freshly cooked, soup and rice; he sat down quickly and thanked God for the food.

Watching Minho eat well she glanced at the clock and realised that it was Jonghyun’s time to get up for a radio show for SM ballad. She excused herself after giving her oppa a glass of water and skipped off to Jonghyun’s and Kibum’s room. She knocked like before and opened the door to find Jonghyun’s quilt off of the bed, his body sprawled over the bed, his mouth open with some drool on the side and his eyes a little open that you could see it move back and forth. Sighing she walked over taking a quick glance at the peaceful Kibum who was snoring lightly. Like what she did with Minho, she sat on the edge of Jonghyun’s bed and poked his side to get no reaction.

‘Oh yeah, this doesn’t work on Jjong oppa’ Ha neul remembered. She cleared and tried out her voice for a few minutes. After, she went closer to Jonghyun who was snoring and whispered in his ears with a very similar voice to Sekyung.

“Jjongie~ Ireona… You’ve got schedules… okay? I’ll see if I can see you again like usual –araso? Get up before I get mad” Ha neul drew her hand closer to tickle the inside of Jonghyun’s arms next to his armpit. Jonghyun shuffled and tossed and turned before opening his eyes.

“Kyungie-ah?” He said weakly before closing his eyes but sitting up.

“Neh~ Ireona, I’ve got to go… Ha neul-ah prepared breakfast for you, it’s your favourite okay? So hurry babe” Ha neul cringed after she said the last word to someone she looked up to as a brother but nonetheless the regular plan worked.

“Neh, araso, saranghaeyo”

“Saranghae oppa~” Jonghyun got up blindly with a smile on his face and made his way to the door where he found his towel hanging on the hook and opened the door with his eyes closed; good thing the bathroom was directly opposite their bedroom. Ha neul snickered as she saw the sight of the sleepwalking Jonghyun and went to fix his bed after she heard someone chuckling.

“Who’d have thought you could easily imitate someone to wake another up?” Ha neul fluffed the pillow and put it in place before fixing the quilt.

“Well, I’m a girl full of surprises…”


Kibum’s POV


Something was off. She wasn’t smiling properly, she was answering in a non-cocky way, she wasn’t telling me to go to sleep and there was a shirt on the floor but she ignored it. Normally she’d check to see if I was warm or if I had my cover on properly, then she’d check Jjong, then she’d wake either of us up. Ha neul… today, she was being really clumsy and forgetful. Just what exactly happened.

“Oppa? Why are you looking at me like that?” Oh… I hadn’t noticed I was staring at her. She smiled softly and sat on the edge of my bed and looked at me. She reached out and pulled my fringe out of my face only for it to flop down.

“Are you okay…?”  She looked at me confused but I could easily read through that crap she was putting up.

“Yeah…? Why…?” She said slowly. I sighed and shook my head, I was about to give her a monologue about how I’m her friend and I’m here for her whenever she needs but we heard a loud clatter coming from the kitchen. The both of us jumped and turned to the door, Ha neul quickly made her way to the kitchen whilst I struggled to get up but in the end I saw Jonghyun apologising to Ha neul. Then I spotted the mess on the floor.


“Oh …” Jjong said when he saw me; hahaha, I still have the umma power regardless of Ha neul being here.

“What happened there?” I glanced at the mess on the floor and waited for an answer.

“I-I, urm…”

“Hyung was getting water after he was out of the shower and he tripped on his own foot, the glass broke but lucky the water was finished…” Minho explained to us as Ha neul cut herself, I glared at Jonghyun until we heard Ha neul gasp and clench her teeth. We all looked at her but she was holding her hand and staring at Minho.

“Oppa, you should get going if you’re done,” She quickly got tissue and held it in her left hand before ushering Minho out with his backpack, “I’ve already put stuff inside the bag like the usual”

“Which is what?”

“Extra shirt, boxers, socks, two bottles of water, one bottle of barley tea, one bottle of energy drink, a container with four sandwiches in and your head phones and charger in case you stay late and run out of battery. Oh I got your beanie and sunglasses if you don’t want to show your face to your fans without make up… though I don’t really notice any difference…?” Ha neul tilted her head to the side before she quickly pushed Minho out of the dorm panicking, Minho merely laughed and got his phone out to call, manager hyung. “Oh! And I put some mints in the pocket of your bag in case you eat something… like, you know. Yeah…”

“Araso, Thanks Ha neul, Saranghae~” Ha neul rolled her eyes and waved Minho goodbye. She shut the door and glared at the mess.

“Kibummie oppa you can rest for a while if you tire- no, can you…go see if Taemin oppa is okay?” Confused, I nodded and left her to sort out the mess and cook some more food for Jjong and the rest of us whilst Jjong went to get changed; Ha neul didn’t pick Jonghyun’s clothes knowing he gets a bit… grumpy. Anyways, when I walked in I saw Taemin leaning against the headboard on the bed, clutching onto a pillow and staring into blank space.

“Taemin-ah?” I shut the door and made my way over to the dazed looking Taemin. “Taeminnie?” Still no answer; gosh he of all people knows how I hate it when people ignore me. I snapped my fingers in front of his face, only to get a few blinks in response. “Lee Taemin?” He sat there, his eyes on the verge of shutting, it was like he was prying them to stay open, those blood shot eyes. “Yah!” I tapped the side of his face, maybe a little too hard cause he flinched.

“Oh, hyung…? When did you get here?” …what’s wrong with this person?

“I got here just now but I’ve been calling you like 3 times already” He looked at me confused, then he sighed and sank into the bed until his shoulders were covered with the blue duvet. “What’s wrong with you this morning? Gosh… wait did something happen between you and Ha neul?” He looked at me panicked and suddenly a whole lot desperate.

“W-why? Did she say anything?” Stuttering… ooh yeah something totally went down… but just what did?

“No,” he let out the breath he was holding and smiled to himself a bit, “but you my friend are still going to tell me what happened between you two” I smirked as he groaned knowing how stubborn I am.

“I had a… nightmare.” A nightmare?

“Since how long…?”

“Since the blood transfusion” Bwoh? That’s a week ago? Since then? No wonder… Minho’s been telling me that he’s been hearing someone in the room whimpering and crying he got so scared he started to sleep with his iPod on, must have been Minnie…

“Rea- Taemin-ah… do you know what’s it about?”

“No… I think? I don’t know… my head hurts” I sighed, I shouldn’t let him think about it in case it gets worse. Plus he has a few schedules in the evening so he needs as much rest as he needs because we’ll be practising from night till dawn for Music Core tomorrow. I patted his head and pulled his cheeks lightly, I hadn’t done that in months. They were less pudgy now but still soft, he smiled at me.

“Wuaah~ Euri makdoongie neomu gyeopta~” [T/N: Wuaaaah~ Our maknae is so cute~] He pouted like the normal Taemin and a poked his nose whilst he tried to bite it. “Aww my poor baby, you should rest okay? Jjong appa is going soon, and I’ll be leaving in a few hours. Baby, do you want to eat now or try to sleep with Umma?” Taeminnie looked at me weirdly. “What?”

“Didn’t you say you were going to ask Krystal unnie if she could feature in your solo at SHINee World?” O.o… I totally forgot. “Hyung, F(x) noonas are leaving for Japan around 10, they should be just about getting ready to leave to avoid all the traffic and the fans and what not” Ahhhh!!!! How could I forget!? If I don’t ask now, by the time it’s January they’ll have schedule! I face-palmed myself and hugged Taemin quickly before I rushed out to take a quick shower.

“Oppa what’s wrong? Is everything okay?” I nodded as I took down Ha neul’s cup of lukewarm mocha.

“Yeah it’s just that I have to go somewhere which I forgot about if Taeminnie hadn’t told me” Ha neul rolled her eyes as she placed a plate in front of me. “I’m no-”

“Eat.” She glared at me, I smiled and sat down and ate as quickly as I could before Ha neul slammed her hand on the table making Jonghyun jump. “Eat slowly, take 15 minutes to eat this or you’re not getting any food at all from now on.” I rolled my eyes and nodded then glared at the snickering Jonghyun.

“Yah! Go text Sekyung Noona” He smiled and showed me a cheesy grin.

“I am. Go kiss and hug Krystal noona for me~” Ha neul turned around from preparing her own breakfast and looked at me confused.

“Oppa you never told me you liked Krystal unnie.” I don’t you genius, I like you. “I hope I can meet fx unnie’s and snsd unnies soon” She was gleaming. “But I’m still mad at you for not telling me so you’re not getting any cookies today” NO! NOOOO!

“NOO! HE WAS LYING!” I pointed to Jonghyun who disappeared within seconds. “WHERE DID HE GO!?” In a second I saw him next to Ha neul, he kissed the back of her head and smirked at me, he grabbed the bag I saw Ha neul pack last night and ran off before I could even stop him.

“Oppa, you should go give this to him” She held up his cell phone, “do it before Sekyung unnie gets mad.” She smiled and handed me the phone and my favourite pink and green knapsack. “Go now, and tell unnie you like her~ haha” She said, I was hoping she said it out of bitterly. I sighed, grabbed my keys and put on my kickers then headed out the door, but not before receiving a warm hug from this little girl. She gave me a kiss on my cheek before teasing me about how she won’t be able to do that once Krystal is my girlfriend. Again I tried to tell her I don’t have a thing for Krystal but she just pushed me out the door with my knapsack and a lunchbox.

“Fine! Just take care of Taeminnie!” I said out of frustration. Stupid babo. 


Thanks for the comments guys~ please gimme more ^^


And if there are any cassies out there, i hope you don't get upset that Sungmin and Shindong backed HoMin up, and i hope you're not mad that Junsu tweeted those things. I wish that none of us cassies will be one of the main causes of HoMin and JYJ's permanent break up -cause right now, we still don't know the court's decision.


Always Keep The Faith + Ever Lasting Friend + SHINee World




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Chapter 14: Just wanna ask you something... Why June 24? But omg!!! My birthday is on June 24 too!
banana_bubbles #2
Chapter 41: Love the story the way it is! :D
Continue it please, everyone is waiting in suspense~ ):
this is sooooooo goooood! UPDATE please!!! xD
NOOOO please continue as it is! *wails* I want to know what happens! :D fighting!
:D tc :)
Awnh! I really LOVED what you were doing with this story already! The plot line's great, and I'd really love to know what happens next! But it really is your choice. ^^<br />
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butpleasepleasepleasecontinuewiththisonecauseIreallywanttoknowwhathappenswithtaeminandhaneulandkeypleasedon'tmakemecry. :P<br />
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oh wow! I'm so sorry! I haven't been keeping up with this story at all. ): ): But omg it's so exciting! omg. hahahaha. <br />
Bianhe! ): Fighting yeah~! (And I don't know if I told you before, but I hardly support stories with OCs! but this is good, so I'm happy! lol)
This is such a good story! The whole Taemin and Ha neul relationship is just soo GAHHH. I can't wait to see how it turns out with key in the picture though. =[<br />
Taemin, you need to open up more! :P<br />
Can't wait for your next chapter! =DDDDDD
key found out..dundundun..!<br />
he should be heartbroken! heartbroken! D:<br />
LOLOL xDD<br />
thank youu for the wonderful update *O*<br />
Minjonglover #10
My eyes was to pop out when I saw the chapters! Jesus christ! -subscribes- Wanna read this!