
Connections to Relations



No one’s POV


After one week Ha neul continuously checked up on SHINee whilst Taemin rested except for going on a few shows. In the morning she got up extra early, around 5:00 to cook breakfast for Jinki who had schedules around 7:15. Knowing Jinki, he was one of the laziest in the group so she’d spend 20 minutes waking the half- oppa up whilst cooking him meat, rice, vegetables and giving him fruit salad or yoghurt afterwards. After Jinki would get a call from his manager telling him that he’s outside the dorm, he’d stretch and hug Ha neul, thanking her for the breakfast and apologising for making her do such things. Once he left, Ha neul would look at the timetable SHINee had that Kibum would give her every two weeks to see what show SHINee had and what time so she wasn’t worried. Today Kibum and Minho had to go to a variety show called ‘100 points out of 100’. She sighed as she saw the time which they had to arrive by for make-up, and all the basics. Kibum could go a little later as he was due to come on the show at least some two and a half hours after Minho left.

She walked over to Taemin’s and Minho’s room and knocked; she heard shuffling inside and thought they just stirred at the noise. She opened the door and the first person she saw was Taemin, his hair was shorter now, the extensions Ha neul had so loved were gone, the high lights were gone, it was cream-like blonde but it was attractive; very attractive. She walked over to Taemin and rubbed her hands together making sure they weren’t too cold then she placed them on his neck and felt his temperature. Normal. She smiled and pulled his blankets over his exposed shoulders; his tank top was somewhat loose.

Cautiously, she walked around to Minho’s bed and sat on the edge. Smirking, she poked him on his slender side making him jerk but he still didn’t wake up. Poke, Jerk, Poke, Jerk. She poked again for the fun of seeing his body snap suddenly and fall back into place but once she did, a hand grabbed hers and her eyes met with those of a scary, deep and empty pair of eyes. Ha neul smiled as bright as the sun, but the sun still had time to sleep because of the winter timings. “Morning grumpy” Ha neul tickled Minho who in response groaned and pulled the blanket up to cover his entire body except his feet. Again Ha neul smirked and went over to tickle the elders’ feet. Minho jumped and jerked and squirmed before suppressing his laughter for the sake of the maknae.

“Okay!” He whispered loudly, “I’M UP! I’m up…” Ha neul nodded and held out her hand for Minho to hold. He looked at her gingerly and took her hand as she helped the taller one to stand up. She grabbed his towel from the radiator and pushed him into the bathroom, shut the door and left Minho inside waiting for his brain to command his body to walk to the sink to brush his pearly whites.

 Ha neul smiled as she went to Minho’s closet to pick out simple clothes for him to wear to the studio before the coordi changed him. She picked black Jeans, not skinny because Minho would need to wear something for a concert and it’ll give him a rash, a plaid polo shirt which had white collars, a beige blazer and matching beige shoes a fan gave him for his birthday just recently. She set the bed and laid the outfit on the bed, satisfied she crossed her arms and stared at the breathing Taemin who was whimpering.

“Oppa? Oppa are you awake?” Ha neul made her way over to his side quickly, checking his temperature once again, seeing if he was awake and stopping her from glancing at his deep scar on his arm which he covered with a Taesun had bought him –he only covered it when he was out or had schedules. “Oppa, gwenchannayo?” Taemin started panting and gained cold sweat from something Ha neulw as totally worried about. She started to shake him awake hoping his eyes were open but they were screwed shut. She could feel his heart beating faster and he could hear him saying something.

“M-mianhae…nothi… hate…dead…mianhae” Three distinct and coherent words and Ha neul could feel the pain in his voice, but what was causing it?


Taemin’s POV


Darkness. Again? Why again, not again? Since I got back it’s happening, I can hear myself think over these voices, I can hear myself try to wake up but I can’t. Why? Why me? A warm touch on my shoulder starts to shake me, my mouth open but I clench my teeth and force myself not to say anything. Darkness. Darkness can be a beautiful thing, but this one isn’t. Something is telling me I should have died. Something is telling me that Ha neul is in danger because of the blood she gave me but the doctor already told me that Ha neul is fine. She’s fine, her blood is rich in iron. But I keep getting images of places I’ve never even been before, places filled with darkness. Blood. There was blood. Who’s blood? Ha neul’s blood? Why was her blood there? I can hear someone screaming inside my head and I know the voice, the voice was so distinct, it’s Ha neul’s.  But Ha neul’s voice is next to me, she’s asking me what was wrong, but in my head she’s screaming. Why was she screaming? A shadow? How can you have a shadow in darkness? It bent over me, it crouched over me, a shadow has eyes? The eyes looked lustful, full of something it desired but it knew it couldn’t have it. A smirk and a chuckle. Who was laughing? Why was it laughing? I was scared, no I wasn’t. This isn’t me. This isn’t me. Who is this? Something heavy was on my chest suddenly and I couldn’t breathe, my nose was being pressed but my mouth didn’t want to open. Open, what’s wrong!?

“OPPA GET UP!” Her voice was distinct now. I could hear her properly now. Louder, louder than before, but it wasn’t louder than her scream earlier, how could I know what her scream was like when I haven’t heard her scream yet? I sat up all of a sudden only to feel the heavy object on slide down to my hips and hug me.

What just happened?



Kim Junsu! HWAITING! 

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Chapter 14: Just wanna ask you something... Why June 24? But omg!!! My birthday is on June 24 too!
banana_bubbles #2
Chapter 41: Love the story the way it is! :D
Continue it please, everyone is waiting in suspense~ ):
this is sooooooo goooood! UPDATE please!!! xD
NOOOO please continue as it is! *wails* I want to know what happens! :D fighting!
:D tc :)
Awnh! I really LOVED what you were doing with this story already! The plot line's great, and I'd really love to know what happens next! But it really is your choice. ^^<br />
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butpleasepleasepleasecontinuewiththisonecauseIreallywanttoknowwhathappenswithtaeminandhaneulandkeypleasedon'tmakemecry. :P<br />
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oh wow! I'm so sorry! I haven't been keeping up with this story at all. ): ): But omg it's so exciting! omg. hahahaha. <br />
Bianhe! ): Fighting yeah~! (And I don't know if I told you before, but I hardly support stories with OCs! but this is good, so I'm happy! lol)
This is such a good story! The whole Taemin and Ha neul relationship is just soo GAHHH. I can't wait to see how it turns out with key in the picture though. =[<br />
Taemin, you need to open up more! :P<br />
Can't wait for your next chapter! =DDDDDD
key found out..dundundun..!<br />
he should be heartbroken! heartbroken! D:<br />
LOLOL xDD<br />
thank youu for the wonderful update *O*<br />
Minjonglover #10
My eyes was to pop out when I saw the chapters! Jesus christ! -subscribes- Wanna read this!