Not over

Connections to Relations



No one’s POV


Ha neul cringed at Taemin’s unexpected cheesiness and hit him lightly on his chest. “Too cheesy. I hate pizza so no cheese!” Taemin smiled as he reluctantly let go of his lover.

“One week ago and now we’re kissing?” Taemin asked jokingly as he grabbed his towel.;his subconscious mind calming down from the nightmares... from the events of the past years just because of one kiss.

“Totally awesome, right?” Ha neul smirked as she re-made the messy bed feeling Taemin’s eyes following her made her heart beat faster. “Oppa, go take a shower... morning breath!” She pinched her nose and crinkled her nose making Taemin pout as he laid a hand on his hip.

“Well excuse me, I’m not the only person who looks a right mess in the morning!” He stuck his tongue out and headed towards the bathroom. He trusted himself now, knowing that he wasn’t alone. But something at the back of his mind kept on bugging him. Something was about to happen.

Ha neul fixed the bedroom, sprayed air-freshener and set out Taemin’s clothes unsure whether he would be going out or not. She headed out of the room to prepare breakfast for her oppa but was interrupted by her ringtone.



“Uhh... hello to you too?” Ha neul smiled after giving her best friend a cocky reply knowing she can never be mad at Ha neul.

“Psht. Ha neul-ah, You haven’t spoken to me in four days, what is UP!”

“Nothing much babe,” Min ra sighed at her friends’ stupidity, “I just really missed you. Can’t wait till you come...” Ah, but when i move out... i can’t see the boys again...

“I know that tone Ha neul. You’ll be explaining a lot when i get there; so much that your mouth could fall off”

“I’d prefer my mouth to be attached to my face”

“Be quiet before i stuff a sausage in that mouth of yours”

“Yeah yeah!”

“Ha neul-ah?” Ha neul turned around to see Taemin in jeans, topless and his chest wet. His hair creating droplets which fell to the panelled flooring “who are you talking to?”

“I...uh... –Min ra-ah, I’ you back”


“SHUT UP!” She quickly hung up and turned around, trying to keep a straight face, and smiled nervously. “Just my friend... Oppa, you should put a shirt on and dry your hair; you’ll get a cold. You need to practise later and you’ve got schedule tonight and tomorrow” Taemin sighed.

“Neh umma, so now you go take a shower and get ready while i go get fully dressed, ‘kay?” Ha neul stared at Taemin, trying to avoid the porcelain chest with forming abs.

“And where are we going?”

“Out” Taemin quickly pushed Ha neul into his room that she was using and headed to his own room to set a disguise for himself. He should be relaxing but in all honestly, being with Ha neul was more relaxing than lying in bed all day.

Ha neul sighed as she grabbed her clothes, towel and headed straight to the bathroom opposite Taemin’s room leaving the beautiful scent of Taemin behind. She washed her hair, her body and made sure she was fresh before she dried herself off, put oil on her skin to keep it smooth and put her clothes on. When she stepped out with damp hair the two met each others’ eyes and wondered if they had telepathically matched their clothes to be the same kind. Taemin smiled and held out his hand, Ha neul held his hand, grabbed her bag and headed out the door after leaving a note on the table in case a schedule was cancelled and someone came home early.

“...Wait... you don’t have a licence yet, how are we going to go out?” Taemin smirked and led Ha neul out of the building. He avoided any eye contact and wore his scarf up to cover half his face whilst his hood was covering a quarter.

“What, you don’t trust me?”

“No it’s not that...”

“Then shush!”

“Babo” Ha neul pouted. The turned a corner into a slightly dark alley way only to see a black tinted Lexus. The two made their way towards it and when they reached it, the windows rolled down revealing a familiar face to the both of them; but then again, Ha neul was a fangirl. “O-oppa... is t-that?”

“Yes it is.” Taemin smiled as he opened the door to the back seats and forced the dazed Ha neul inside, he followed in after.

“Hi guys, Driver Heechul for today, where we headed?” Ha neul gaped at the amazingly beautiful man in front of her making Taemin chuckle. “Listen young lady, I’m doing you and Taeminnie a huge favour so tell me now so i can get it over and done with” Taemin glared at his hyung.

“Hyung, she hasn’t been in the country until recently, she doesn’t know what mall to go to. You pick, you’re going to meet Hankyung hyung anyways right?”

“HANKYUNG-SSHI!? OMG! OHMHAYGOD I MISS H- i mean... uh...” Ha neul tried ignoring the bursts of laughter by focusing on a fibre which was on her slouches.

“Neh, neh, I’m going to meet him because I haven’t seen him in a while, i was going to go out anyways until my supposed ‘grandson’ here asked me for a favour” Heechul smirked at Taemin who was thanking him with his eyes. “Anyways, I’m dragging you to COEX mall cause that’s where us two are hanging out, you two can...go on your date.”

“Anio Heechul-sshi, we’re not da-”

“I can totally see that”  Heechul said sarcastically before driving off and letting the younger ones listen to their iPod whilst quietly observing Taemin... he still had to put bandages on his wrist.. that fact was fine, what concerned him was the fresh crimson liquid seeping through those layers of fabric.



too tired to do double post =.= 



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Chapter 14: Just wanna ask you something... Why June 24? But omg!!! My birthday is on June 24 too!
banana_bubbles #2
Chapter 41: Love the story the way it is! :D
Continue it please, everyone is waiting in suspense~ ):
this is sooooooo goooood! UPDATE please!!! xD
NOOOO please continue as it is! *wails* I want to know what happens! :D fighting!
:D tc :)
Awnh! I really LOVED what you were doing with this story already! The plot line's great, and I'd really love to know what happens next! But it really is your choice. ^^<br />
<br />
butpleasepleasepleasecontinuewiththisonecauseIreallywanttoknowwhathappenswithtaeminandhaneulandkeypleasedon'tmakemecry. :P<br />
<br />
oh wow! I'm so sorry! I haven't been keeping up with this story at all. ): ): But omg it's so exciting! omg. hahahaha. <br />
Bianhe! ): Fighting yeah~! (And I don't know if I told you before, but I hardly support stories with OCs! but this is good, so I'm happy! lol)
This is such a good story! The whole Taemin and Ha neul relationship is just soo GAHHH. I can't wait to see how it turns out with key in the picture though. =[<br />
Taemin, you need to open up more! :P<br />
Can't wait for your next chapter! =DDDDDD
key found out..dundundun..!<br />
he should be heartbroken! heartbroken! D:<br />
LOLOL xDD<br />
thank youu for the wonderful update *O*<br />
Minjonglover #10
My eyes was to pop out when I saw the chapters! Jesus christ! -subscribes- Wanna read this!