Almost there

Connections to Relations



Kibum’s POV


This is good. He’s awake, he’s breathing properly, he’s smiling, he… he likes her. That’s great. He found someone to hold. I can hear Ha neul crying, and I can hear Taemin chuckling to himself. I should call the doctor… but maybe in a bit. Cause he deserves to be loved by someone other than us. He deserves to know just how many people love him. He deserves to be happy. Everyone does. I’m glad I came up to check on Ha neul BEcause now I can see her smiling, I can see Taemin smiling. Both of them together… smiling is good. It is good. This is why I asked Ha neul to come, to be friends with our maknae whilst he’s going through a hard time. She’s saving him, even without the two of them knowing, she’s saving Taemin.

I hear some shuffling and some sniffing. “Ah- Kibummie oppa… T-taemin oppa I’ll be back, I’ll go ge-”

“I’m here.” I stepped from behind the door and see them both look at me. Ha neul ran up to me with a hug, I hugged her back. She was so warm… I shuddered as I remembered when she fainted she was cold, pale, isolated. This warmth wasn’t for me; no it wasn’t for me at all. I was for Taemin; from Taemin. She was glowing and I wasn’t the cause of it. She was smiling and I wasn’t the cause of it. Funny, it sounds like I’m complaining that Taemin and Ha neul are happy together, no I’m not… I don’t think.

“Oppa, Taemin oppa is awake! The doctors said he’d be asleep for a while but he’s awake!” Her voice was trembling, I glanced at Taemin who was still looking weaker than usual but nonetheless, I whole lot better. My maknae, how was your sleep? My hands slid from her body to her hand, I pulled and walked towards the now smiling Taeminnie.

“Hyung…” His trailed off. He probably didn’t know what to say; don’t be like that Taemin.

“Taeminnie, I love you” The words left my lips with a smile, I meant it. Of course I love Taemin. He’s a member, he’s one of my best friends… and he’s my family. He’s a member of my non-blood related family. My baby brother… how could you not love him? He was an amazing boy, no, he was an amazing person. He has great virtues, he’s got godly appearances. Talent wasn’t a problem for Taeminnie; I’ve seen him dance millions of times, heard him sing endlessly and I’ve seen him play piano serenely. He was perfect in many people’s eyes but in his eyes, he saw something totally opposite. Repulsive and repugnant is what he would probably say if I told him my view of him. Yet he’s shining brightly on stage, off stage, making girls swoon for him, making guys jealous but love him. SHINee shining wouldn’t be as powerful without our Dubu leader, our Bling bling Jjong, our Flaming Charisma and of course our Maknae. I’m not going to say I’m perfect, I’m not going to say I’m better than anyone, but I think life would be easier without me here t-

“Hyung,” his hoarse voice stopped my train of thought, “I love you too.” His voice was trembling as well. His eyes were shimmering with tears. I made my way over to hug him, his arms weakly clutching onto my polo and the tears were released. “Hyung, mianhae. Mianhae, it’s not your fault. It’s not your fault, it’s not Ha neul’s fault, it’s not your fault… I promise… I promise” He whispered his promises to me, not forgetting to mention Ha neul’s name. I his back as he kept sobbing, lulling him into a semi-conscious I whispered to Ha neul to get the doctors who obliged.

“Taemin-ah, shhh… Stop stressing now. What you did… what happened, was just an accident. Okay? It’s not your fault either, you’re not showing us that you’re blaming yourself for whatever happened to make you start hurting yourself… but it isn’t your fault” His grip on my shirt tightened and he nodded in my chest, I continued patting his back and swayed side to side to calm him down.

“Hyung… P-please don’t ask why I started all this… please. I don’t want to remember… no, I can’t. I won’t either. Not yet… not yet” I nodded knowing he’ll probably feel it or see the action in the corner of his eyes but and I sigh.

“Taemin, If you can’t say anything yet, no one is going to force you to speak.” I paused as he looked up at me with thankful eyes, I remember seeing these eyes. It was when Jinki hyung got on his knees to our manager to let Taemin visit his family. He balled his eyes out when he walked into the room to find Jinki begging the idiot who overworked us. He cried and cried, Jinki kept ignoring all of us, he kept ignoring Taemin crying which was a hard thing to do for any of us. He ignored other hyungs looking at all the commotion in the SHINee’s training room, he ignored the pain in his back from training hard earlier that day years ago and begged. The tears Taemin shed nearly every night after hearing his family's voice on the phone were far more significant than those which fell when he was pleading Jinki hyung to stop asking the manager for something which was a miracle at the moment. When the manager finally agreed to it, it was already late night and Jinki had been kneeling down for hours, unknowingly the other three of Taemin’s hyungs, Jjong, Minho and me, we begged alongside Jinki, but nowhere near as long. Taemin cried as he helped all of us up and he held Jinki the longest, and he cried with Jinki the longest; That night, he slept in Jinki’s and mine’s arms, and on Minho’s bed hugging Jjong’s stuffed toy which was a gift from a friend a while back. The look in the youngest’s eyes were painful but the pain was outshone by the gratefulness… similar to now.

“ Hyung, thank you. Hyung I love you. I love you, and Jinki hyung, and Minho hyung, and Jonghyun hyung and you and Taesun hyung [A/N: it’s the name of his older brother for those who don’t know ^^], I love Super Junior hyungs, I love Dong Bang Shin Ki hyungs, I lov-”

“Araso, I get it, you love us all” I chuckled, “I know who you forgot thought” He looked panicked and started to mentally count who he missed out. “Ha neul.” At the name he turned a bright shade of pink bringing some colour to his refreshed face just reconfirming my thought from earlier.

“Ah~ hyung! Stop it” he punched my arm playfully, I held onto it pouting.

“Stop hitting your umma!”

“AH! So you agree you’re my umma then?” Winking, he laughed as I pouted again. I was about to get him into a headlock when I heard Ha neul come in with the doctor, she was texting someone whilst the doctor looked through his clipboard somewhat astonished at what he was seeing; Taemin lively and awake.

“Oppas! I texted the other oppas to come, they’re on their way in a bit, lucky it’s almost a free day for them” I nodded and got off of the bed and back hugged Ha neul in a friendly way whilst Taemin was in the middle of being examined by the, still shocked, doctor.

“Lee Taemin-sshi” he didn’t even bother to hide the awe in his voice as he listened through the stethoscope which was placed on Taeminnie’s milky skin, “You, my son, are a living miracle.” Taemin smiled brightly as he heard the words. I couldn’t help but smile too. I whispered in Ha neul’s ears and handed her my phone, she nodded and went off to do what I told her to do with a huge smile on her face.

“Why would you say that Seongsaenim?” Taemin questioned though with a rather proud look on his face.

“With the amount of blood you lost you would have died, I’m not saying ‘could’ cause it’s what may have happened have you not received blood transfusions. But within three days…” Doc. Smiled and sighed, he laid a hand on Taeminnies shoulder and wished him a long life. He turned to me and Ha neul who came back into my hug and bowed wishing us the same. We bowed and looked at Taemin who had been told to get changed out of the hospital gown.

“The doctor say anything about you leaving”

“Tomorrow morning or tonight, depending on how I feel later” Taemin looked at the two of us whilst he held a top and a jogging bottom. “Umm…?” Oh right. I turned Ha neul around to face the other side of the room which our backs were facing just now and she realised.

“I-I can leave the room if you want?”

“Nah, its fine; I’ll be quick.” I looked at Ha neul and shook my head; the crazy girl is still innocent. I walked over to Taemin and helped him change without using his arm which where his… hand hurt. I slipped his hand through the sleeve, and then did the same to the other, he pulled the piece of clothing down his body using his elbows until his head went through then he pulled it down with his good hand. Then I helped him with his pants as he was already wearing boxers, he wasn’t used to getting up and he felt a little dizzy but nonetheless he got dressed and he sat on the edge of the bed.

“Ha neul-ah you can turn around now” I chuckled when I saw her turn around with her hands over eyes.

“Promise?” She said innocently, I gave her an ‘mhmm’ and she looked through her fingers. She smiled and let her hands fall to her side. I heard Taemin laughing at the girl who turned a slightly pink colour.

“You’ve already seen me topless, why are you covering your face?”

“Bwoh!?”was all that came out of my mouth. WHEN HAD SHE SEEN TAEMIN TOPLESS!?

“OPPA! It was an accident!” Ha neul pouted, “IT’S YOUR FAULT FOR NOT LOCKING THE DOOR!” I let out a forceful laugh and realised it may have been a mistake; Taemin has a habit of leaving the door unlocked thinking he locked it.

“SORT OUT THAT HABIT OF YOURS FOR THE NEXT THREE WEEKS LEE TAEMIN! Ha neul’s a girl, she might accidentally see you nake-”

“Yah!” The girl screeched as she stomped her feet cutely, “Stop teasing me” Taemin and I high fived each other whilst laughing. We heard someone knock on the door of the room and Ha neul went to open it, from her smile, I think the guys are here.

“Ha neul-ah you’re awake too!?” Minho shouted with a huge smile, Ha neul nodded, he gave her a small kiss on the cheek and a small hug. Minho turned to look in mine and Taemin’s direction, when he saw the guy next to me smiling; he ran up to Taemin and hugged him like a child would a teddy bear. “Taemin-ah! Missed you!” His voice wavered, obvious he had missed his dongsaeng;  he slung an arm around Taemin’s shoulders.

“HA NEUL-AH! EURI DONGSAENG!!”I heard Jjong’s excited tone in Ha neul’s direction, he dropped the picnic bag he was holding and left it on the side and went to welcome Ha neul with a tight hug. “You okay?” Ha neul nodded smiling along with the dino-puppy hybrid.

“Excuse me but I think I was the person who nearly died” Taemin said sarcastically as he leaned against Minho, feigning weakness; not that he was stronger, he was just pretending he couldn’t stand up. Jjong let go of Ha neul and gave her a kiss the crown of her head before he skipped towards Taemin with a huge hug. “I missed you too hyung~”

“Yeah you better had”

“…Why are you skipping when you’re injured…?” A familiar voice echoed through the room, I could tell by the smile on Jonghyuns face he wasn’t planning on answering the question asked by his girlfriend. Noona stopped in front of Ha neul who bowed.

“Annyeonghasseyo, I’m Park Ha neul, I’m a friend of Kibum-oppa and he invited me over to visit korea and stay at the dorm for a while.” She stood up straight and looked at Noona intensely in the eyes, “Sekyung-sshi… you wouldn’t mind me living under the same roof as your boyfriend would you?” Noona smiled and stuck her hand out for Ha neul’s hand to meet.

“Not at all. I’m Shin SeKyung and I hope we can be good friend. I heard how you gave the almighty Kibum a lecture on how concerned you were about my comfort with you living with Jjong oppa and I find that really sweet” Noona took a quick glance at me and then faced Ha neul who gave a humble smile.

“No it’s just… Yeah… I don’t know” everyone laughed at Ha neul’s shyness.

“Aniyo, don’t worry. I trust both you and Jjong oppa, he told me you remind him a lot of his little sister and he would love to spoil you.”

“Yah, Kyungie-ah stop telling her things which can ruin my image!” Of cours jonghyun would say that. I’m really happy Ha neul and Noona are closer than what I thought their relationship would be… I should worry about SNSD girls… some of them are a little… well.

“Shut up oppa! Haha, anyways, I’m glad you’re staying over, Jinki oppa told me how you’re going to be cleaning up and cooking for the boys so I’m glad, by the way call me unnie!” Noona gave her famous smile and held Ha neul’s hand. Crap!

“Noona, where’s Jinki?”

“ ‘Jinki hyung’ you mean, oppa?” I glared at Ha neul who smirked at me with her comment hanging in the air for the rest to see, way to kill my mood you donkey!

“Jinki oppa is coming real soon” Confused I looked at Jonghyun who winked at me, then Minho who smirked at me too. Oh, oh I get it!

“Jonghyun oppa what’s that?” Ha neul let go of Noona’s hand and over to the abandoned picnic bag, Noona came over and hugged Taemin.

“Oh that? That’s just stuff for you, Kibum and Taemin to eat” I smiled.

“Thanks hyung” I heard a few gasps and wondered what happened.

“THE almighty key just said ‘Hyung’ to me!?” Jjong said with a smirk, everyone around me snickered, “What has the world come to?”

“Is this the reality you wanted?” Ha neul said, all of including me cracked up at her dorkiness. Who would’ve thought something from a eleven months ago would have been brought up here?

“Yah! THAT’S MY LINE!” Jonghyun pouted

“Now it’s hers, leave her alone dino boy!” Minho poked Jonghyun in the side and did the same to Taemin who writhed with laughter.

“Shut up alien man!” I stood up and helped Ha neul to set the dishes on the table whist Noona set the drinks. We heard a knock on the door and a tired but happy person walk in.

“Annyeong Ha neul-ah, how are you doing?” Jinki hyung walked over to Ha neul who smiled, he felt her forehead and compared it to his, he smiled once he figured out she didn’t have a fever.

“Oppa I’m fine, how are you?” She hugged Jinki who smiled and hugged her back.

“I’m great” He curled a strand of hair behind her ear… gosh I never seen Jinki so affectionate towards a girl before… other than Jung Juri noona… but that’s something else.

“Gosh, I wonder if everyone’s here just to meet Ha neul” Taemin pouted, Jinki smiled and laughed as he made his way over to Taemin. I saw tears in his eyes as he reached for the youngest in the group. He muffled tears and wiped them away and squished Taeminnie hard. It’s not that hyung favoured Taeminnie out of the four of us, it was that Taemin was the youngest and his mind was still pure. None of us, Minho, Jjong, Jinki and I, none of us want to hurt Taemin a lot; in the entertainment business… we will get hurt. But I plan to keep Taemin’s pain to a minimum. “I missed you guys!”

“Never do it again, if you do I’ll personally take away all your comics, games, hats and bracelets and give it to Jonghyun, Kibum and Minho…”

“Gotcha…” Taemin smiled as hyung let go, I heard a few footsteps from the doors direction and saw my surprise to Taemin approaching all of us.

“Taemin oppa…” Ha neul said, gentleness in her voice was the same as silk, “look, we’ve got you a present”



DUDES mianhae -bows- Sorry, my previous chapter must have been that bad i only got ONE comment, but nah, i'm thankful for that comment! Hope you enjoy your vacations! MINE HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED...YESTERDAY xD

I went out yesterday so yeah~ LOL


ANYWAYS PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE more comments! I've got my idea for my next SHINee story! 

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Chapter 14: Just wanna ask you something... Why June 24? But omg!!! My birthday is on June 24 too!
banana_bubbles #2
Chapter 41: Love the story the way it is! :D
Continue it please, everyone is waiting in suspense~ ):
this is sooooooo goooood! UPDATE please!!! xD
NOOOO please continue as it is! *wails* I want to know what happens! :D fighting!
:D tc :)
Awnh! I really LOVED what you were doing with this story already! The plot line's great, and I'd really love to know what happens next! But it really is your choice. ^^<br />
<br />
butpleasepleasepleasecontinuewiththisonecauseIreallywanttoknowwhathappenswithtaeminandhaneulandkeypleasedon'tmakemecry. :P<br />
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oh wow! I'm so sorry! I haven't been keeping up with this story at all. ): ): But omg it's so exciting! omg. hahahaha. <br />
Bianhe! ): Fighting yeah~! (And I don't know if I told you before, but I hardly support stories with OCs! but this is good, so I'm happy! lol)
This is such a good story! The whole Taemin and Ha neul relationship is just soo GAHHH. I can't wait to see how it turns out with key in the picture though. =[<br />
Taemin, you need to open up more! :P<br />
Can't wait for your next chapter! =DDDDDD
key found out..dundundun..!<br />
he should be heartbroken! heartbroken! D:<br />
LOLOL xDD<br />
thank youu for the wonderful update *O*<br />
Minjonglover #10
My eyes was to pop out when I saw the chapters! Jesus christ! -subscribes- Wanna read this!