it's me, not him

My Prince

Dujun’s P.O.V


The building’s place seems free from the reporters and cameramen. I guess the interview and the agreement things are done? I drive my car slowly to check if the place is surely free from them. I watch at the outside of my car from the windows.


“Yoseob.” I watch the small boy walks out from the building with a fast speed. He almost fell as he hit the door, but he manages to keep his walking. I drive closer to him and shout his name. Unfortunately, he didn’t hear me. He runs when a reporter chases him from the back.

“Yoseob!” but he still didn’t hear me. He runs to the next building and hides at the back. The reporter and the cameraman search for him but failed. Minutes later, they give up and walk passing me and my car.

“Pity him. Junhyung is two-timing at his back. Such a sad wife.”

What? Two-timing? They knew already about that? I turned off my car’s engine and get out from the car. I walk to the building’s back yard and search for Yoseob.

“Are you okay?” I asked him as I found him, squatting next to a bench. “I-I fine. Don’t bother me.” He said without looking to my face. He stands and walks away from me. “Yah, Yoseobie~” I called his name and he stop. “No one had called me like that except..”

He turned back and sees me. I smiles and said “It’s me. Yoon Dujun.”


He walks to me, slowly. His eyes are teary. “You’re here.” I nod.

“Are you okay?” I asked him but he quickly wipes his teary eyes. He looks on my eyes and smiled. “I’m fine! Why the hell you said that I’m sad?” he asked me with his fake smile.”Do you want to go somewhere?” I changed the subject as I know, he will never going to tell me what happened if I keep asking him.


“W-Where?” he asked me. I just smile and grab his tiny wrist.”Just follow me. You’ll love the place.”




The boy keeps silent from beginning and I don’t know what to say to him. Yoseob keeps watching at the outside of the car with his pale face. Sometimes, he sighed.

“You knew it already, right?”


“About me and Junhyung. About what had happened just now.” He said, still looking at the outside. Hesitate, I nod my head. “I overheard from the reporter that chased you. She said, your husband, Junhyung is two-timing you.”

“I see. Pity me, right?” he looks on me and chuckles.” I should know this before I accepted his proposal. He doesn’t love me from beginning. It just me whom..”

“Don’t say like that. It’s not your fault he’s two-timing and cheated you at your back. It his fault. He ‘s such an idiot man because he didn’t realize your cuteness and kindness.” I said and turned my head to him. I could see he is blushing badly due to my words and compliments. He laughs softly and stares me. “I’m glad you know about that!” Yoseob laughs and that make my heart bloom.


I brought him to the place where I would always go or hang out by myself if I got bored or stress. I grabbed his smooth hand and asked him to follow me.

“Where this place is? I don’t know we have such a beautiful park in Korea!” he looks on me and raises his eyebrows. I smile warmly.” This is my private place. No one can enter this park except if they had my permission.”

Yoseob widen his eyes and grabs my shirt. “Chencha? This park is yours and no one can enter here? So, I’m lucky to get in?” he asked me. The way he asked me just like a cute student asked his teacher when he didn’t know of something. “Lol, I don’t believe that you believe me! Haha, such a gullible kid I have here!” I pinch his chubby cheek and he yelps. “Don’t touch nor pinch my fluffy cheek! I don’t like it.” I just giggle.








“Seriously, Dujun-sshi..”

Yoseob said to me while takes a sip on his lemon-ice beverage. He drinks the nitrous water and stares me. “I don’t know and can’t believe that you’re Junhyung’s and Dongwoon’s big brother. I mean, though you’re their stepbrother.” The boy continues to drink his drink. I throw my sight to the blue sky.

“Well, I don’t like to discuss about that actually.” I fizzle. The boy which sits next to me stop from drinks the lime juice and apologized to me. He keeps apologize when he saw me emotionless. “My mom, my real mom dies when I was 5 and two years later my dad married Junhyung’s mother. I don’t approve the marriage so that I went to America and stayed there for a long time with my aunt.

 I summarized back what had made me went to there and never back to Korea till my age now. 19 years old. I clench my fist, secretly. Well, this is not an easy thing for me to let it go. Before I tell the boy my past, I muster all my mental strength.” I won’t he marry the woman because Junhyung’s mother is not sincere after all with my dad! She just wants his wealth and makes Junhyung as the CEO in all my dad’s companies. Well it’s not my problem now as I told him about this before though he didn’t believe my words.” I said.


“S-So, your mean is.. You’re the one whom should take the place? The companies?” he asks me, shutter. I just keep silent and didn’t answer his question. I rubbed my face, hard.

“I-I’m sorry Dujun-sshi. I don’t know that you’re the one whom should get the position. Sorry for making you tell me this secrets.” He held my right hand and smiles. “But, I’ll always support you and will try my best to make you happy.”




Yoseob’s P.o.v


Dujun-shhi told me about his past and Junhyung’s. I can’t believe these all! The truth are soo much pains for me to heard although it’s not me whom facing all of those. I stare on Dujun’s deepest eyes and I could see his pains and his broken heart. I held his hand from the beginning and kept hear the truth till the end of his story.

“W-Why did you told me now? I mean, you had been living with me, with the family for two months already and now you are telling the truth about yourself. Don’t you scare that I might tell this to Junhyung and the family? I can make them chase you out from the house. Furthermore, I’m Junhyung’s wife. Not yours.” As soon as I finished my words, the man smiles warmly.

“You’re not that kind of friend. You’ll never tell about what I said to you just now to them. I do believe on you because I know you very well.” Dujun gets up from lying on the grassy ground. He faces me and caressed my cheek.” I know you since we’re young.” He added and stares my inner eyes.

My heart beat increased sharply when he stared me into my eyes. It felt like someone is giving me the highest electric current into my whole body. I could not move my eyes from staring into his deepen eyes. Plus, with his hand touched my cheek…

Omo! What was I thinking just now? No! no! you can cheat your husband, Yoseob! You can’t! I monologue in myself by shaking my head. The man in front of me looks on me surprisingly.

“Ah, ahahaha.. Nothing! I just shaking my head because I get dizzy!” I lied to him. Well, now I am blushing because he must be thinks that I was a crazy guy.

“Ah, btw, what do you mean by knowing me since we’re young? Honestly, I don’t remember you. There’s a boy that always and loved to play with me at the orphan house. He is too kind and always taking good care of me and Kikwang. He’ll come every day as his parents are working. And that boy is Junhyung.” I summarized back. I stared the sky to get remember all the details.


“What’s your age at that time?” Dujun-sshi asks me. “Erm, 4? I guess?”

“The boy’s age?” he asks me again. I just nod my head as I don’t remember it.

“But I think, 5? Well, he born in 89 and mine is 90. But because of that my birthday is in January and he’s in December, we’re considering that we are in same age in Korea.” I told Dujun. Out of sudden, the boy smiles to me.


“Oh, okay.” He said briefly. I just nod my head though I don’t get what he’s trying to tell or ask me. “Btw, you have gastric, don’t you? Just now, you were drinking the acidic juice and you hadn’t eat since this morning. Don’t you scare if your gastric attack your belly?”

As fast as light, I drop the empty can and stared him as I heard ‘gastric’ word. I widened my puppy eyes and face palming.

“H-How did you know I didn’t eat since this morning? Yah! Are you stalking me in the house?” I said with a high pitch. He laughs loudly and wiped his teary eyes. “Yes, I do!”

I was speechless but quickly hit his chest. He giggles and grips my hands from doing so. He stares me with those eyes, again. I gulped. Hell, what’s wrong with me today? Am I falling for another guy meanwhile I got myself a husband? Er, not a lovely husband that loyal to me as he is also cheating me but still I have a husband! And I should be sad now because my marriage with Junhyung will be end soon or later.


“Do you want hear another truth about me?” he said, still gripping my hands. I just nod and run my sight from meeting his gaze.

“But, before that. Can I ask you something?” again, I nod. “Why did you accept Junhyung’s proposal if you do know that he doesn’t love you?” he raised an eyebrows.

“Er, b-because I had a crush on him since we’re young and he was my first. I loved him since back then and want to be at his side.”

“If that guy is not Junhyung and he was another man, will you love him too?” dujun tighten his grips on my wrist. I ache for pain and he freed my hand. “Sorry.” He said. “It’s okay.”

“I think I will. Furthermore, I fall for Junhyung because of that. I can’t and will never forget the boy’s kindness and his concern about me. I wished the boy could make me his and it did happened. But..”

“But what?”

I tongue-tied. Minutes later, my tears drop to my cheeks. I tried to say it and smile.

“He’s no longer for me now. His heart is not belongs to me anymore. It’s Hyunseung.” I said, sadly. Geez,  I did loved Junhyung but I should realize and accept the fate that he’s no longer mine. At least, I know how his feeling towards me and this is too much painful. Loving someone whom doesn’t love you back is a painful thing to do.


“Are you sure? The boy is Junhyung? Not someone else?” Dujun-sshi keeps asking me. He cupped my face when I didn’t answer his question. He looks on my teary eyes. “I’m sorry for making you cried but you need to know about this. I don’t want my childhood love gone and that brat gets you from me.”

“Childhood love??”

“Yong Junhyung came to my life when I was seven. That time, we’re not in Korea. Your friend moved when he was 5, right?”

I nod. Somehow, my heart can’t stop from beating faster.

“The boy is me, not Junhyung. It was me, not him. The boy you loved is not Yong Junhyung, But me, Yoon Dujun.”

“Oh my..” my jaw drop and I can’t believe this. I gulp and stared the boy which still cupping my face. “You should be mine. My family had decided that you’ll marry me when my age turn 19 so that I can take over my dad’s position but my dream to get you buried as my mom passed away and he married another woman.”


“You were should marrying me, Yang Yoseob. Not Yong Junhyung.”

I tongue-tied and can’t say any single of words! This truth, isn’t real, right? Tell me that you’re joking, Yoon Dujun!” I grab his shirt and beg for him to tell me that he’s joking. This fact is not true. But he didn’t. Instead, he shook his head and caressed my cheek with his hand.

“ You’re mine and I’ll make you mine.”

Without asking, the tears are rolling down as fast as they can from my eyes. My puppy eyes changed to red due to my cry.


“You’re mine, Yang Yoseob. I’ll make you love me, not Junhyung.”

He pulled me into his embrace and hugs me. I’m still sobbing and even louder when I think about this for twice. Am I marrying a wrong guy now? I ask that question in my mind till I cant focus and realize that Dujun is kissing me now on my lips. He holds at my back head and shoved his tongue into my mouth.





Woot woot~~~ update!!


Hehehe, first and foremost,,


Hahaha, I’m wonder what Hyunseung wish for you! And ah, also Yoseob, Dujun, kiki and dongwoon! Hehehe.. saenggil chukka hamnida!

And, I got my new niece today! Hahaa, perfect! Her birthday same with Junhyung! I’m gonna teach her how to love our  JOKER!!! mwahaha

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catsKatty #1
Chapter 40: Damn this story have a lots of happiness, sadness, and of course... Fluffynes. This story just so touching... I almost cry to myself. But I love it!! Love it so much!! Thank you for making this!! And great job author-nim~~
iecha_chacha #2
Chapter 40: This story is really really sad...T-T
junseob97 #3
Chapter 33: hello, i'm nieyna and i'm a newbie here.. this story is so cute~!! i love junseob the best! this is one of my fav story by the way... hope you will write more about junseob~ lol :D
TiffanyBelly #4
Hai i'm tiffany belly i a new girl at asianfanfics..(^_^).
I hope u all can be my friend...Anyway ur story so great...
nice story^^ ... cant imagine both dujun n junhyung fight to get yoseob love... ahhahaha... XD
cheriehime #6
I want sequel.
More dooseob.
Their next life.
So, add bit supranatural(?).
great ending~ as long dooseob be together im okay with that XD
abes dah? woah my eyes went wide bcoz of this, so they both left their only treasure with junhyung, and now i'm fully awake, how can i get my sleep for now? the ending is so epic, so yeah maybe for the next life dooseob meant to be tgether..
urrfggghh why'd he always mentioned die die die and die